Let’s roll and get stinky
Good Morning Friends,
It is the last Wednesday of April WOW and Spring has arrived. As they say out with the old in with the new, so with Spring arriving we have finally updated our blog.
With Spring comes the famous nightmare that I am sure a lot of us are complaining about, allergies. Eyes are watering, itching all over, sneezing and the list can go on. So what are we going to do about them this year.
Most of you know I do not believe in medications especially as Layla is allergic to Benadryl so am always looking for new solutions, something that will keep her calm and relaxed.
So was sniffing around the internet doing my nosework and found this fantastic product which I am really in love with. Having tried it on Layla a couple of days especially after her rolling in the grass, I have found it relaxes her, she is hardly scratching and best of all it has no chemicals and smells wonderful.
What is it : Allergy Relief Soothing Balm for Dogs made by A Passion fur Paws. It has only 4 ingredients which is awesome and they are : Coconut Oil, Organic Essential Oils of lavender, lemon and peppermint. It is easy to rub on and I have found that even with Layla’s fur which sometimes gets matted from Balms this one is working wonders. I am rubbing it on her paws, the tips of her ears and her back when I see her scratch.

Plus when I spread it on her it softens my hands at the same time LOL.
While reading through the website I decided to look at the treats as no dog has enough treats LOL and found Chicken Jerky wrapped with bacon. OMD Layla is in seventh heaven and loves them. A must in the house is what I can say. Made in the USA so perfectly safe.
Another thing that I really loved about this company is that they have amazing details about their products, the ingredients and precautions so you do not have to go searching on the internet with questions, it is all under one roof.You can find more information about them on their website :
We did get the Balm and Treats to try for the review and Layla has now put the treats on her wish list to get some more.
Layla is pawing me to go out, sun is shining so lets go walking so we are going to wander off here for a walk and then maybe to the park,
Have a wonderful day all, thanks for reading our updated platform,
With a woof and love from Layla