TGIF !!1
Good Morning all, WOW we cannot believe it is like 5 more days till the new decade starts and all we can pray is that it will bring peace, love and hopefully stop abuse of all kinds all over the world.

We have been very busy in the Layla Neighborhood as I have been looking after my neighbors year old puppy, Gidget. It has been quite an eye opener for me as I have never had a puppy so am learning a lot LOL. It is one thing reading all about it and another actually spending time with one.
I am loving it but Layla is not that impressed, as Gidget is a bundle of bouncing energy whereas Layla is the mellow quiet dog who just wants to walk, eat and sleep.

So to share with you more about Gidget, she wrote an email to her Mom this morning and am sharing it here as it explains exactly what is happening here.
Hi Mom,
This is Gidget woofing here, how are you ? I am being a very good girl although Auntie got angry with me last night cos I decided to get into the recycle and pulled everything out all over the floor and made a mess. It was fun especially watching Auntie clean up afterwards. She is horrible cos she then sprayed the bag with stinky apple cider vinegar so I did not go close to it again. she is mean LOL.
I also make her chase me to get the harness on cos I do not like it but she will not let me go out without it, not fair.
BUT I am having lots of fun with all the toys, have killed two already LOL, Layla hides from me in her box for peace and quiet but this is the best holiday ever.
I am now resting after a long long walk this morning, lots of new smells and it was exciting but Auntie would not let me eat anything off the sidewalk and the leash she has on me keeps me really away from it all plus cos it is rope it is yucky to chew, Gidget has chewed to leashes, one since with me.

Love from your energizer bunny (Auntie calls me that)
So as you can all see she is keeping me on my toes and since the recycle incident she tried climbing into the fridge when I opened it, has pushed Layla off the bed and in a nutshell I am laughing a lot over it all. I think Layla is going to need a holiday after this.
Gidget is going to be with us for another 5 days and then Layla will have her peaceful house back to herself. She is being amazing though and I cannot complain.
Other than that I am once again preparing slowly for the FireWorks night which I hate and wish they would ban, it is not fair to the animals plus a waste of money which could be used on much better causes.
It also concerns me as so many shelters are at this moment over flowing thanks to the lousy humans who dump their pets before a holiday, and then are stuck with an extra load of pets that have fled from fear of the fireworks.
So please please keep your pets safe and make sure their microchip is updated, that they are indoors and most important that they are away from any open door or window so that they cannot escape.

Our next blog will be in 2020, Happy New Year Everyone, May the New Year bring you lots of health, happiness and whatever else you wish for.
With a woof and love From Layla