Happy Holidays Everyone, this is my first holiday without Layla, she is sorely missed but I know she is at peace today. Nili is part of my life today but I think of her daily especially with the Holidays here.
Next week we celebrate Hanukkah and this year it falls on the same day as Christmas. For Nili it will be her first with me and I plan to make it very special. She already got her Christmas presents and her Hanukkah present she will get on Hanukkah. We celebrate Hanukkah for eight days so I am going to do the way I did with Layla, give her something new or extra yum every day. For those of you that do not know Hanukkah is the festival of lights and we light a candle each night till our Hanukiah has all 8 candles lit. The story about Hanukkah in short is that the Maccabees found oil for one day, but it lasted for eight days and that is why we light the eight candles.

The lit Hanukkiot at the party last week

Hanukkah Sameach Everyone with love from Nili
Nili killed her Hanukkiah BOL
Another tradition is to eat oily food, so we eat Sufganiyot (Hebrew for Jelly Donuts) and latkes (potato pancakes) so I am going to share with you the latke recipe I used to make for Layla but I have adapted it this year using oat flour instead of regular flour. See the recipe below, they are very healthy and I bake them as it so much healthier thank frying for the dog.

One of my favorite memories of Layla, eating a latke from a Dreidel (spinning top) plate, we play them at Hanukkah

I have switched to Oat Flour instead of regular flour
I have another Hanukkah party today which I am looking forward to, am going to get fat LOL the rate this is going as I over ate at the one I went to last Sunday and am sure am going to do it again today, oy vey I need to go back on diet.
We must not forget Christmas

Why peanuts ? Pets can choke on shelled peanuts
With all the happiness going on we must not forget the pets in shelters as they deserve the love and warm home our lucky pets. January is one of the worst months in shelters as they will be overflowing with pets that have been dumped for a new puppy or have got lost. I am once again saying those that dump their pets should be blacklisted so they cannot have another pet.
On this note I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays, please be safe and remember not to drink and drive as your fur kids are waiting at home for you.

One of my special memories of Layla
With love, licks and woofs
From Nili xxx