The weekend has arrived

Good morning Friends,

This is Nili barking orders at Mom as usual as I am her Boss like my sister Layla was.

The weekend has arrived, and I hope I will have some quality time with Mom as she has been crazy busy this week and today she has an eye appointment, oy vey that means she might be able to see all the mischief I am getting into lately.

I am innocent and now what Mom says, Nili

I am really trying to be good, but the temptation is there all the time to do something naughty and then Mom gets angry with me. I have this week lost two balls so Mom is going to have to buy me more, she cannot find them and it was funny to see her on her hands and knees searching BOL. I have also chewed some of the pompoms off the blanket on the bed although there is no hole in the blanket phew as Mom told me if she finds a hole she is not getting me any treats for a week oy vey that is not fair.

My training is going slow, I am stubborn and my favorite is to play tug of war with the leash which makes Mom mad as she is scared she will fall so she has now put two leashes on my harness and if I start she drops it and walks with the other, and when I start with that one she picks up the other one, that is how I walks go and as Mom says her shoulders are sore from all the pulling.  Mom has ordered me a no pull harness which she is hoping will ease it for us also as I love trying to chase the birds, skateboards, bicycles and whatever else moves plus of course all the food on the sidewalks which is yum but Mom says gross BOL.

Mom did take me last week to Uncle Paul to run and have fun which I had and am going again tomorrow and really excited, I run like crazy all around the garden, up and down the stairs and am loving it, even trying to catch the birds in the trees. I wish I could do it more often but as Mom says till I don’t listen to her and behave there will be no park time.

I am of course eating like a piggy oink oink although I am on diet, I love the biscuits which I got for the giveaway and wish I could reach the bag, but my favorite is to squeak the toys which keeps me busy and I have learnt I can keep busy by myself. You can see how I killed this toy as I did not like the song BOL. It is a Hanukkah song, but Hanukkah is not till December so maybe will get a new one. The best is to take all the toys out of the basket and leave them everywhere, did up the bed and hide a squeaky there so when Mom gets into bed it squeaks BOL, that is so much fun.

Playing with my Kong full of carrots cos am on diet

Mom has her coffee mug and I have a squeaky coffee mug

I am sure my sister is laughing, watching Mom struggle with my mischief ways and that makes it extra special for me as we are sharing the fun together.

Have a wonderful weekend, take lots of photos for memories and be safe

With woof and love from Nili



National Disaster Preparedness Month

Woof hello Everyone,


This is Nili here telling Mom what to write as I am carrying on my sisters Laylas Legacy.


September is National Disaster Preparedness Month; it is very important as we must be prepared for any type of Disaster especially with climate change happening all over the world and not knowing what can happen.


Because we live in San Francisco where earthquakes happen, we have a bag ready for emergencies with everything Mom can think of so that we do not have that worry if we must run out of the house. Since I have come to live with Mom, and having been a stray in my past life, Mom has added to the list a carrier for me so she can put me in it and not have to worry about me trying to run away or hurt myself walking on the debris in the streets. The plus with this carrier is that expands so that I will have room to stretch out plus Mom can put a water bowl or food in it. She would keep it closed for carrying but once in a safe place she would expand the sides and front. It also has a strap in it so she can strap me in, and I cannot run. It would give her peace of mind.

The expandable bag which is amazing

Thank you Mr Peanuts for this amazing carrier, you can see their fantastic products on their website :


This is what is in our bag which Mom has and it on wheels so it is easier for her to pull as it is heavy: Boxes of Water, Food for both of us, Treats, Flashlights with batteries, sleeping bag for Mom, toys for me of course, Leash and harness with ID tags on,  and BOL some coffee for Mom, and most important a first aid kit for both of us. We also have a wallet with cash in just in case ATMs are not working so I feel Mom has covered everything.  If you think she has forgotten something, please tell Mom so she can add it to our bag.  I also keep my phone charged so that it will be charged if I must grab it and go out.


Now for something different, Mom surprised me last Friday and took me to meet a friend of hers who has a beautiful garden and two dogs, Dash and Storm and I had so much fun. They did not want to play with me, but it is ok as I ran around the garden playing with a ball and as Mom said burnt off lots of energy, it was so much fun to be able to run around and she told me that because I was so good she is taking me today also. WOW life is getting to be fun although as she says I must behave myself when walking there and listen to her BOL. I am trying though and slowly doing what she wants.

WOW sniffing with no leash

Nili and Storm

Guess what I am running

Yes am smiling but tired it has been so much fun, Nili

So that is what is happening here, Mom is trying to get me out more plus meet other dogs, the more I behave the more I will have adventures. Have a wonderful weekend everyone, with lots of hugs and woofs, Nili






National Holistic Pet Day

TGIF! Good morning, friends, can you believe August is nearly over and we have 4 months till the end of the year. That is crazy as the year has gone so fast and so much has happened in the Layla Neighborhood. This is Nili speaking as I am sure you know my sister is running and playing over the Rainbow Bridge and I have stepped in to speak for her and all our friends all over the world.

Today is National Holistic Pet Day, which is very important as we need to raise awareness of holistic pet wellness and health, and we depend on human parents to keep us healthy. What that means is that we humans must consider holistic health by considering their diet, environment and lifestyle. Are you doing that? I do not have any chemicals in the house, I clean everything with Apple Cider Vinegar so the house is chemical free.

I have lost my Kong so keep my brain active it is snuffle toy time with carrots

Since adopting Nili I have done some changes and of course added supplements as I am trying to figure out what is the best diet for her, yes, I home cooked for Layla but am looking more into the raw diet for her, trying different foods out till I find the one that I think is best for her. She is still a young dog, full of energy and was a stray so building up her immune system is one of my first priorities. Layla was on an amazing senior supplement from Vetericyn called All In 1 for seniors and they have for all ages, so I have put Nili on the adult one, and as she loves eating LOL, she gobbles it down each morning. The one plus with it is it has a calming ingredient in it which makes it easier for training also as she is not so hyperactive and more focused.

Another reason I swear by their products is they have fantastic skin products for dogs which helped Layla a lot so knowing that I have them for Nili now also and I know she is getting the best.

You can read more about them on their website  :

Nili has pearly white beautiful teeth, no plaque no nothing so I am focused on keeping her teeth that way by using the Tropiclean Dental Products, I am cleaning her teeth with their Water Additive which has no taste so she does not know she is drinking it, their Brushing Gel which I am using a finger brush to clean her teeth with, this is still a work in progress but she will slowly get used to it, and I also have minty Dental Wipes to use on her teeth if I cannot brush them as she is resisting.

You can read more about them on their website :

I also each night as a last treat gets a dental chew, so she goes to sleep with clean teeth and good smelling breath.

And then of course there are the mushrooms which I swear by and Nili every night gets the Real Mushrooms Relax to calm her down and settle for the night which has made a big difference as her last night walk is calmer, and once home she settles down and goes to sleep till about 6 in the morning.

Their website is:

relaxing sleepy after my last walk

Her training is on top of the list also, and a friend of mine has given me a clicker which seems to be slowly working. Nili is very treat motivated so am giving her carrots as treats as they are not fattening and she loves them. I have been giving them to her in her Kong also, but we have now lost the Kong as I cannot find it, so I am stuffing carrots into a snuffle toy which keeps her busy.  Unfortunately, till her training is not perfect as possible I cannot take her to the park to run as I cannot take the chance, and she needs to learn first. Thank goodness I have friends with gardens and they being great letting me take her to them to run wild and let off some energy.

where are my treats


So today being National Holistic Pet Day we need to remember that it is not only what they eat, but their lifestyle and environment is just as important to keep them healthy and whatever steps we can take is for everyone’s benefit in the end.


I am now going to squeak some toys as my job is done for the day,

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,

With love and woofs from Nili





First week with Nili

Good morning, friends, we hope you have had a wonderful week and like us looking forward to the weekend.

Yesterday was National Mutt Day

As you all know I arrived home last week, wow a week at home already and I have become the official spokesperson for Layla speaking out and keeping Layla’s legacy going. It is very important as we must not be silent.

Today, the first of August was Dogust Day, it is the Universal Birthdays for Shelter Dogs as many do not know when their actual birthday is, so we celebrate ii on the first of August so that they know they are loved plus of course we want to fulfil their dreams of having a home for themselves with love, a comfy bed and so much more. A place they can live with happiness and a family, so I, Nili who is one of the lucky ones, prays that their dreams come true also.

My first week home with Mom has been exciting, fun, lots of food and toys to play with, lots of cuddles from Mom which I love but Mom has also come to the conclusion that I have lot to learn.

  1. Pulling on my leash – Mom is training me at this moment as best as she can before she says she falls and hurts herself, oy vey.
  2. Eating off the sidewalks – yumm although Mom is not impressed and she is taking things out of my mouth all the time, I need to stop that, but it is so yumm I do not want to, BOL.
  3. Trying to jump on the kitchen counter, it is too high but I try although Mom keeps everything on top of the fridge.
  4. Barking, I love barking and if I could stop but am starting to listen to Mom and slowly giving up on that although I told her I am guarding the house she is not impressed.

I am trying to be a good girl, listening to Mom but she says the sooner I learn the happier our walks will be, so I think I need to try more but it is not easy when the temptation is there although I should remember that Mom has food and treats at home for me always.

My favorite past time is looking out the window of our home and barking at all the people going by but even Mom is proud of me as I am not barking at them that much and the best of all is squeaking my toys and playing with them. Mom bought me my first own toy this week as I have not had one accident in the house phew and I got a lamb chop squeaky which I love.

The video shows how busy she is and the constant toy mess on my bed, she was looking for one of her toys in the video below LOL.

So, friends, I am a young pup, maybe 3 years old that got lost in a big city as I was not microchipped which I am now, and I need to learn to live in a home with lots of love, cuddles, Moms bed which I hog and so much more I am very blessed. But being young I need to learn also and am going to try harder now as I am safe. Please make sure your pups are microchipped and the information is up to date so it will not happen to your pets the way it happened to me.

Mom took me for a bath today, I do not like them ewwww but she says I smell clean and fruity now so she is happy. She was not impressed with me though cos as we left the pet store after my bath, I grabbed a packet of treats and tried walking out with them, Mom took them from my mouth and gave to the cashier apologizing but everyone in the store thought it was hilarious BOL.

This weekend, if I am good, I am going on my first adventure. Because I do not get spayed till the 9th I cannot go to dog parks yet to play so Mom is going to take me to Layla’s Uncle David so we can sit in his garden and I can wander around. I am really excited as it will mean me going on a train also in the backpack which I will have to be strapped into so I do not try and run.

Have a happy weekend everyone, take care and hug your pets

With love and woof


Happy Pride and 4th of July

Good morning, everyone,

For those celebrating Happy Pride, we hope you have a wonderful safe weekend with lots of fun.

I am slowly getting used to not having Layla by my side to celebrate as she always came to all the events with me, it is not easy, and I am shedding tears here and there, but I know she would want me to go out and enjoy myself. San Francisco is all colorful with the Rainbow Flags everywhere, people are already dressed up in rainbows plus so much more and the atmosphere is wonderful. We are putting it all aside and enjoying this weekend with so much happening.

The Pink Triangle is up in its usual place, and for those that do not know, during the Holocaust the Gays had to wear a pink triangle to show they were gay and many were sent to the gas chambers so this triangle symbolizes the hatred and reminds us that WE MUST NOT FORGET, NEVER AGAIN.


Last week I went to a Pride Party and cried as Layla was with me last year, I called her my mini dyke LOL, and today I am doing a double decker bus tour of the LGBT history of San Francisco which I am really excited to do. It is organized by the Perpetual Sisters of Indulgence which is an amazing non-profit organization that helps LGBT youth and others who are homeless get on their feet, which I think is fantastic.  They are all drag queens.

The Sign announcing the Bus Tour

Sister Roma

I am taking a rest for the rest of the weekend, it is too much for an old lady like me LOL.

Layla sitting on a bike at the Dyke March a couple of years ago

Waiting for the Dyke March to start, another memory of her


With all the events going on we must not forget what is happening next week, as that is so important. The 4th of July is around the corner and that means the nightmare starts for our fur kids. The fireworks grrr. I hate them. Please make sure your fur kids are safe in the house, tags are up to date, microchip is up to date and most of all they are safe inside. Shelters unfortunately will be filling up with strays who have fled from fear and if your pet does not have the correct information on them, they will never be able to get home. I am listing below what I used to do with Layla plus the 4th of July hazards to keep them safe and healthy when you are celebrating.


Please keep them safe

Happy Pride to those that celebrate, and we are blessed we can celebrate in this country and are not persecuted like in some other countries PLUS have a happy safe 4th of July to all and enjoy your long weekend.

One of my favorite memories of Layla


With love from angel Layla and Me







Hoppy Happy Easter

When Spring arrives, Easter arrives, and everyone is hopping for chocolates plus some parents are busy buying bunnies for their kids. This is a sore subject for me as so many bunnies, like other pets, are bought for a holiday and then dumped in a shelter or as some do which is so stupid is let them loose in the fields where they cannot survive.  So if you want a bunny for your child get them a toy, one that does not need care and will not be thrown out as such when your child is bored with it. Bunnies, like so many pets are family, and you do not want to be dumped by a family member then please do not do the same to your bunny.

Layla at a pet event a couple of years ago


Easter can also be hazardous to your pets; I am listing below the hazards to keep your pets safe especially when it comes to chocolate or candies with Xylitol.


Happy Easter to everyone, we hope you have a wonderful fun weekend with your family, please be safe


With a woof and love from




Spring has arrived

TGiF! Woof hello friends, we hope you are all excited that Spring has arrived as I am. This week has been sunny and warm here so Mom has been trying to get me out to the park for a few hours each day. I am loving it, the sun on my fur makes me feel really cosy and sleepy BOL.

Enjoying the sun on my face

So each day when Mom is finished her important stuff she packs me up and off we go, so this week am going to share the photos Mom has been snapping of me of course and one or two of wall art oh the way home. We decided to do a photo blog this week with happy photos as that is what Spring is doing for us.

I still remember to go under the chains from the lawn to the pathway

Wandering around enjoying the sun

The mural on the petstore not far from our house

A garage door on the way home, all bright and cheery

And then as Mom says this was the highlight of her week, me snoring and sleeping in the dark so you cannot see me but BOL you can hear me – I was so tired from the sunshine and the park.

What are your plans this weekend, the first weekend of Spring, here grr they expecting rain so am not sure what we gonna do but Mom has promised me some fun phew.


Have a wonderful weekend,

With a woof and love from Layla



It is my birthday next week.

TGIF!!! Friday has arrived and I hope it does not rain so I can go somewhere as I am tired of being stuck in the house and Mom feels the same. I know I should not complain as so many of my friends are stuck with snow but enough is enough.

When it rains you snuffle for treats BOL



So weather permitting Mom is taking me to the Shi Tzu Meet Up tomorrow morning, it is a fantastic park and I am really excited. I cannot wait to wander around, bark of course BOL and embarrass Mom like I like doing, eat lots of treats and have some fresh air plus spend time with other fluffies like me. I am really excited and it better not rain.


On the 31st of January 2011 I was rescued from the Carson Shelter in Los Angeles. The story of how it was an online affair I love sharing to prove to people it can happen and it does work out. Mommy saw me sitting in a cage, emailed a friend of a friend who is a rescuer, Cindy went to the shelter and pulled me out, then Uncle Michael drove to me San Francisco.


Because they do not know my exact birth date, and have worked out I am 18 years old, Mom is working hard organizing a birthday party for me for next Friday afternoon, not sure who is going to be there, dogs and humans, but she says she will have a lot of surprises for me, my one gift arrived today but she would not me smell it and hid it in the closet immediately. She promised she would let me sniff it tomorrow when it assembled. I am so excited and cannot wait.

So I am getting really excited for next week, it is going to be so much fun I cannot wait. I might be old but you are never too old to have fun.

I am off to bed now as I am exhausted from dictating to Mom,


Have a safe warm weekend everyone, I wish you all could come to celebrate with me,

Lots of love as always with a woof

Layla xxx






We did a walkabout in our Neighborhood

TGIF, Good Morning all my furfriends, phew it is Friday and I am tired.


Mom has been very busy this week so we did not go to the park although Mom explained to me the grass is really wet and she does not want me to get a cold although I think she is thinking of herself BOL.

On Tuesday Mom’s best friend and my favorite Auntie surprised us with a visit and we went to our favorite place for lunch, I call it the chicken place but it is actually Syrian food, a Mom and Pop place and everything is delicious. Mom’s favorite is their garlic sauce which is called Toum (Lebanese) and Mom says it is so yum she could eat it all day BOL. Of course I got some chicken from Mom so I had a full tummy when we left there, if you ever in San Francisco you must go eat there, it is called Palmyra and it is in the lower Haight, down the road from where the Hippy Movement started on Haight Ashbury. And most of all they are pet friendly so you can take your dog inside with you, Woof.

Checking the store window

So after lunch Mom and I decided to walk home and look at some of the street murals and those are the photos we going to share today on my blog. Is our walkabout window shopping and enjoying the cold sunny day. I was exhausted when I got home but it was lots of fun.

Outside a Barber Shop

Smelling the air with the beautiful mural behind me, Layla

Exhausted after my day out which was fun

I am going to sleep now as I am tired but cannot wait to see what Mom has planned for us this weekend,

Have a wonderful weekend everyone

With a woof and love from





Our New Year is starting

Good morning Everyone,

Friday has arrived and with it today we celebrate the Jewish New Year. Our New Year is based on the Hebrew Calendar, and we are celebrating the year 5784. It starts at sunset this evening and ends on Sunday evening as in the Jewish Religion our day starts at sunset and ends at sunset.

We wish everyone a Sweet New Year and  we celebrate with the following :

Apples and Honey for a Sweet New Year

Pomegranate seeds which symbolize plentiful for the New Year

A round Challah (special bread) which symbolizes a reflection of the continuing cycle of years and seasons

Another symbol is the blowing of the Rams Horn, Shofar which symbolizes continuity and a hopeful future. The Shofar is blown in Temple during the service.

Below is a video of what we say to everyone !

To start the New Year I decided to take Layla for her senior check up at the vet today. I am blessed to have a wonderful vet who understands all my quirks as a Jewish Dog Mom. We discussed her health over all which she is happy with but wants to do a Senior Panel of blood tests to check her liver and kidneys which costs a fortune so am waiting to hear from my insurance if they will cover it. I am just relieved that for her age, nearly 17 she is healthy, not over weight, heart is good and she is walking great for her age. So will be praying I get the okay for the tests so that I can get them done and relax totally. We also discussed her grooming as she needs a haircut but because of her age and anxiety I am scared to take her as it normally a 3 hour ordeal for her and my vet said to step back from that at the moment.

Smiling in the park this week

Napping in the park this week

On behalf of Layla and Me we are wishing everyone a safe happy healthy New Year and may it be prosperous,

With a woof and love from
