July Pet Holidays and Observances


July 2024 Pet Holidays and Observances


WOW June has gone, and July has arrived. That means a new list of pet holidays and observances, Layla’s legacy will carry on speaking out and celebrating every month.

Please remember this is firework month also so make sure your pets are safe, microchipped and tags are all up to date.



  • Dog House Repair Month.
  • National Lost Pet Prevention Month™. You can see how to keep your pet safe on our blog.
  • National Pet Hydration Awareness Month. Please make sure they have enough water all the time.


  • 3rd Week in July: National Feed a Rescue Pet Week:Instead of buying fireworks buy food for the Shelters.



  • July 1: ID Your Pet Day. – very important
  • July 4:Independence Day.  I call this the nightmare day for all animals as the fireworks terrify them.
  • July 10: National Kitten Day. To avoid over population please spay or neuter your cats.
  • July 11: All-American Pet Photo Day.
  • July 14: Dog on a Lead Day. Please keep your pets on a leash when walking them.
  • July 15: National Pet Fire Safety Day. Be prepared with an emergency plan and bag in case of a fire.
  • July 15: Feline Leukemia Day.
  • July 21: National Craft for Your Local Shelters Day.If you are crafty this is a great way to make toys for your shelter pets so that they can have fun while stuck in cages.
  • July 21: No Pet Store Puppies Day. This day is important as it is a day to boycott all stores that sell puppies from Puppy Mills.
  • July 31: National Mutt Day. This day is also celebrated in December but we can never speak out enough for Mutts.


Have a safe July everyone, make memories, enjoy your moments with your pets plus most important please keep them safe.


With a woof and love

From Layla’s Mom




Happy Pride and 4th of July

Good morning, everyone,

For those celebrating Happy Pride, we hope you have a wonderful safe weekend with lots of fun.

I am slowly getting used to not having Layla by my side to celebrate as she always came to all the events with me, it is not easy, and I am shedding tears here and there, but I know she would want me to go out and enjoy myself. San Francisco is all colorful with the Rainbow Flags everywhere, people are already dressed up in rainbows plus so much more and the atmosphere is wonderful. We are putting it all aside and enjoying this weekend with so much happening.

The Pink Triangle is up in its usual place, and for those that do not know, during the Holocaust the Gays had to wear a pink triangle to show they were gay and many were sent to the gas chambers so this triangle symbolizes the hatred and reminds us that WE MUST NOT FORGET, NEVER AGAIN.


Last week I went to a Pride Party and cried as Layla was with me last year, I called her my mini dyke LOL, and today I am doing a double decker bus tour of the LGBT history of San Francisco which I am really excited to do. It is organized by the Perpetual Sisters of Indulgence which is an amazing non-profit organization that helps LGBT youth and others who are homeless get on their feet, which I think is fantastic.  They are all drag queens.

The Sign announcing the Bus Tour

Sister Roma

I am taking a rest for the rest of the weekend, it is too much for an old lady like me LOL.

Layla sitting on a bike at the Dyke March a couple of years ago

Waiting for the Dyke March to start, another memory of her


With all the events going on we must not forget what is happening next week, as that is so important. The 4th of July is around the corner and that means the nightmare starts for our fur kids. The fireworks grrr. I hate them. Please make sure your fur kids are safe in the house, tags are up to date, microchip is up to date and most of all they are safe inside. Shelters unfortunately will be filling up with strays who have fled from fear and if your pet does not have the correct information on them, they will never be able to get home. I am listing below what I used to do with Layla plus the 4th of July hazards to keep them safe and healthy when you are celebrating.


Please keep them safe

Happy Pride to those that celebrate, and we are blessed we can celebrate in this country and are not persecuted like in some other countries PLUS have a happy safe 4th of July to all and enjoy your long weekend.

One of my favorite memories of Layla


With love from angel Layla and Me







Carrying on her legacy

Woof hello friends,

Two weeks ago, I took Layla for her last adventure to spread her ashes in a place that she loved to go to in her younger years, where she wandered around, sniffing all the smells and barking at the ducks in the lake.

I went with Alice, one of my closest friends who we used to do adventures with, visiting the different lakes in the Bay Area, so this was the last adventure for the three of us, we sat at the lake with a picnic and then I went towards the lake and spread her ashes. It was hard, sad but I knew in my heart it was the best thing to do as she is now back in nature, barking at the ducks and turtles and at peace, not as I felt stuck in a box on my shelf. Pine Lake in Stern Grove for me is like heaven, just beautiful, natural and quiet which is what I wanted for her. However hard it was for me, I am now finally at peace, moving forward with a more positive attitude and finally taking care of me.

Pine Lake

The Duck welcoming Layla

I have been going out more, lunch with friends, a jazz concert in a park, and much more but I must admit I find it hard without pushing her in the stroller which is something I am slowly getting used to. Her strollers I have donated to Muttville Senior Dog Rescue and her other things I am going through slowly at my own pace.

As I vowed, I would do is carry on her legacy and this week I am going to talk about fireworks, as the 4th of July is around the corner. I personally hate fireworks and feel the money could be given to nonprofit organizations who are struggling, rescue organizations and so much more instead of burning the money.

The fireworks scare the wild animals that many flee in fear and get injured or killed by cars, our pets who sit in our houses shivering from fear, the Vets that suffer from PTSD and so many more.

I think it is unfair to all those that are afraid and disrespectful especially when you live in a city and people  just stand in the streets shooting them off and our apartments are shaking from all the noise. I used to have my TV on the Jazz Station loud during the night to disguise the bangs as much as possible, I would make Layla a bed in the shower with her water, toys and food and put her in there where she felt safe and secure, cover her with a blanket and let her stay there all night with me checking on her every 30 minutes.  What I did give her was the Relax Calming Chews from Real Mushrooms which helped a lot and actually once calm she would fall asleep and sleep through it all, these chews were a blessing in disguise as they kept her calm and relaxed especially as she got older.

So to help other pet parents we are doing a give away for a bottle of  chews to help your pet. They are for both cats and dogs so everyone can enter to ease the stress and anxiety from the fireworks.

What are they :

I have been sponsored by Real Mushrooms for this giveaway.

You can read more about them on their website where you have a 10% discount with coupon LaylasWoof.


To enter go to the link below and fill in all that is asked from you.



This Giveaway is for the USA only and you must be over 18 years old to enter.


Good luck to everyone, you enter you will have a calm pet in the house.


With a woof and love

From Layla’s Mom





People make me sick

Hi everyone and today’s blog we are going to discuss what is making me sick inside.

This week was Pet Appreciation week where we all show our appreciation to our pets by spoiling them more, loving them and showering them with everything they deserve plus more. It is a week when I used to spoil Layla with extra treats although she was never short of anything LOL. It is the guilty Jewish Mom side of me.

I am going to let you into a secret, I have been looking at shelters to see if I see a new baby but nothing yet and that is what is making me so angry. While perusing the Facebook pages seeing the words OWNER SURRENDER next to the poor dog in a cage and there are also seniors in that position. How can people dump their loyal dog in a shelter and leave with it petrified, shaking and miserable while they sit closed up, and the humans walk away like it is ok and hey they can now go on holiday and forget about the poor dog, with shelters over crowded at this moment, unless it is a no kill shelter, they have sent their dog to die unless a rescue steps in. Most I have seen are beautiful big dogs of all breeds that have been dumped like garbage. I really think there should be an online national registry preventing them from ever getting a dog again, and it should be for the entire family, what do you think?

What really worries me is 4th of July is around the corner and that means more dogs will be dumped and the shelters will explode from overcrowding, and the rescuers/angels will be running around trying to save them, find fosters and then homes for them, it is a frightening thought but a reality also.

June is also Microchip Month, it is very important as with 4th of July around the corner please make sure your microchip information is up to date, tags are all up to date and your pets will be safe inside.

I have now vented how I feel now and am sure Layla would agree with me especially as she came from a scary shelter,

Please keep your fur kids safe, give them a big hug as always,

With love

Layla’s Mom




June Pet Holidays and Observance


  • Adopt-a-Cat Month®. From the American Humane Society
  • Adopt-a-Shelter-Cat Month.From all shelters
  • National Foster a Pet Month. Fostering saves lives and less pets would be euthanized
  • National Pet Preparedness Month.
  • National Microchipping Month. Be prepared for the 4th of July and make sure all information is correct
  • Social PETworking Month. Sharing on social media saves lives


  • June 2-8: Pet Appreciation Week. First week in June.
  • June 2-8: National Dog Bite Awareness Week.First week in June.
  • 3rd Week in June: Animal Rights Awareness Week.
  • June 17-21: Take Your Pet to Work Week


  • June 8: Best Friends Day.
  • June 8: Missing Mutts Awareness Day (always the second Saturday in June)
  • June 11: World Pet Memorial Day. Second Tuesday in June.
  • June 12: Peruvian Hairless Dog Day.The nation of Peru celebrates the “perro peruano sin pelo” with their own special day.
  • June 15: National Dog Dad Day. Held the Saturday before Father’s Day, this day celebrates all the dog dads and their special bond with their dogs.
  • June 17: Take Your Cat to Work Day®.
  • June 18: National Internet Cat Day.
  • June 18: Veterinary Appreciation Day
  • June 19: National Garfield the Cat Day.
  • June 19: National Pets in Film Day.
  • June 20: Ugliest Dog Day.Although every dog is a beauty in the eyes of their special person, The World’s Ugliest Dog Contest in Petaluma, California is a longstanding competition. Always held on June 20.
  • June 21: NationalDog Party Day.
  • June 21: Take Your Dog to Work Day®.
  • June 22: National Pet Choking Prevention Day.
  • June 24: Cat World Domination Day.
  • June 29: World Day Against Pet Abandonment.Founded in 2019 by two French rescue groups, this day coincides with the start of summer holidays, a time many pets are abandoned. Always the last Saturday in June.

Have a wonderful June everyone, stay safe and for those celebrating HAPPY PRIDE

Layla’s Mom and Layla in Heaven