Woof hello everyone,
How are you all doing and we hope you are all staying safe and healthy.
San Francisco as you know is on lock down although thank goodness we are able to go for walks and get some fresh air so last Sunday I decided I need to see the ocean. I dressed safely, put Layla in her backpack and off we went on a tram down to the beach for a couple of hours. It was the best medicine for both of us, fresh sea air just recharged my batteries. Layla of course was in seventh heaven, fresh new smells, able to walk off leash and it was great for her.

I am going to try do something different this weekend also as I feel lately she does not want to go out too much and is bored with our area, not wanting to walk like she did in the past. I know she is not sick as she is eating like a pig LOL.
Yesterday a friend of mine called to tell me he has some lamb bones for her, best thing to happen as she chewed away yesterday and wagged her tail. I have enough for her for a couple of days which is great.
So we are dealing with the lock down, I have pulled away quite a bit from social media as I am trying to stay as calm as possible.
My only concern and I do worry about is the Domestic Violence Victims who are on lock down with their abusers, as someone said, this is when abuse is going to get really bad and unfortunately due to lock downs the resources are not out there as it normally would be as most non profits are closed. So let us all pray for them and keep them in your thoughts. I am one of the lucky ones but so many are not.
And now Layla is moaning LOL as she wants some cuddles so am off here to spoil her which makes me feel great.
Please be safe all, take care and share with us what you are doing with your pets.
Woof with love Layla