Woof it is my first Giveaway

Good morning, Friends,

This is Nili here barking orders at Mom while my sister watches from above and I am sure she is laughing as she used to do the same BOL.

I have been busy here, keeping Mom on her toes, making her walk a lot and had a fun day last Friday. Mom took me to Uncle Paul’s Garden where I ran around like a lunatic burning off energy and was so tired when I got home. It was so much fun. On Saturday Mom took me to the vet for a checkup. I am very healthy, have beautiful teeth and eyes and in a nutshell, she thought I was cute. Mom chuckled. The only thing she was worried about was being overweight so Mom has had to change things around.


My training is no more touch/treat but walking only with voice commands and the clicker. I am slowly getting used to it but here and there I forget and go crazy barking and lunging at dogs, bicycles, skateboards and runners. I need to improve so that Mom can take me to the dog park.

But Mom has been researching for healthy treats for me which I get when I get home from a walk instead if I have been good and she found these delicious biscuits which we have decided to share with you and do a giveaway, I positively approve them, they are hard, crunchy so good for my teeth.

I approve these biscuits, Nili

What I got are:

Carrot/Peanut Butter: All natural ingredients: Wheat Flour, Corn Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Honey, Dried Carrots and Peanut Butter.

Blueberry/Banana: All natural ingredients: Wheat Flour, Corn Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Honey, Dried Blueberries and Dried Bananas

Pumpkin/Green Pea: All natural ingredients: Wheat Flour, Corn Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Honey, Dried Pumpkin and Dried Green Peas.

So, while Nili is crunching on one, we decided to share with our furry friends by doing the giveaway so that others can enjoy also especially as this is Nili’s first giveaway.

crunch crunch crunch


To check out their treats and other flavors here is the link:


Below is the Rafflecopter link for the entry form :


We were sponsored by the company to do this giveaway, and it is open for the USA only. People over 18 may enter.

So, while I go take a nap with a fully tummy, we want to wish all our friends’ good luck, have a wonderful weekend and please be safe,

Napping with my toy, life is good, Nili

Woof and hugs from










National Disaster Preparedness Month

Woof hello Everyone,


This is Nili here telling Mom what to write as I am carrying on my sisters Laylas Legacy.


September is National Disaster Preparedness Month; it is very important as we must be prepared for any type of Disaster especially with climate change happening all over the world and not knowing what can happen.


Because we live in San Francisco where earthquakes happen, we have a bag ready for emergencies with everything Mom can think of so that we do not have that worry if we must run out of the house. Since I have come to live with Mom, and having been a stray in my past life, Mom has added to the list a carrier for me so she can put me in it and not have to worry about me trying to run away or hurt myself walking on the debris in the streets. The plus with this carrier is that expands so that I will have room to stretch out plus Mom can put a water bowl or food in it. She would keep it closed for carrying but once in a safe place she would expand the sides and front. It also has a strap in it so she can strap me in, and I cannot run. It would give her peace of mind.

The expandable bag which is amazing

Thank you Mr Peanuts for this amazing carrier, you can see their fantastic products on their website :



This is what is in our bag which Mom has and it on wheels so it is easier for her to pull as it is heavy: Boxes of Water, Food for both of us, Treats, Flashlights with batteries, sleeping bag for Mom, toys for me of course, Leash and harness with ID tags on,  and BOL some coffee for Mom, and most important a first aid kit for both of us. We also have a wallet with cash in just in case ATMs are not working so I feel Mom has covered everything.  If you think she has forgotten something, please tell Mom so she can add it to our bag.  I also keep my phone charged so that it will be charged if I must grab it and go out.


Now for something different, Mom surprised me last Friday and took me to meet a friend of hers who has a beautiful garden and two dogs, Dash and Storm and I had so much fun. They did not want to play with me, but it is ok as I ran around the garden playing with a ball and as Mom said burnt off lots of energy, it was so much fun to be able to run around and she told me that because I was so good she is taking me today also. WOW life is getting to be fun although as she says I must behave myself when walking there and listen to her BOL. I am trying though and slowly doing what she wants.

WOW sniffing with no leash

Nili and Storm

Guess what I am running

Yes am smiling but tired it has been so much fun, Nili

So that is what is happening here, Mom is trying to get me out more plus meet other dogs, the more I behave the more I will have adventures. Have a wonderful weekend everyone, with lots of hugs and woofs, Nili






September Pet Holidays and Awareness Month


September has arrived and that means a new list of holidays and awareness for us pets.


  • Animal Pain Awareness Month
  • Happy Cat Month
  • National Service Dog Month
  • National Pet Insurance Month
  • Responsible Dog Ownership Month
  • Pet Sitter Education Month
  • Pet Memorial Month
  • National Disaster Preparedness Month
  • National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
  • National Food Safety Education Month


  • September 8–14 | Suicide Prevention Week
  • September 15–21 | National Farm Health and Safety Week
  • September 16–22 | Adopt-a-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week (third week in September)
  • September 22–28 | National Deaf Pet Awareness Week (last full week in September)
  • September 22–28 | National Dog Week (last full week in September)


  • September 1 | Ginger Cat Appreciation Day
  • September 2 | National Wildlife Day
  • September 5 | National White Cat Day
  • September 8 | National Dog Walker Appreciation Day
  • September 8 | National Iguana Awareness Day
  • September 8 | National Hug Your Hound Day (second Saturday in September)
  • September 8 | National Pet Memorial Day (second Sunday in September)
  • September 10 | World Suicide Prevention Day
  • September 13 | Pet Birth Defect Awareness Day
  • September 15 | National Pet Carbon Monoxide Safety Day
  • September 17 | National Pet Bird Day
  • September 19 | National Meow Like a Pirate Day
  • September 21 | Puppy Mill Awareness Day (third Saturday in September)
  • September 21 | Responsible Dog Ownership Day (third Saturday in September)
  • September 21 | National Cat and Dog Gut Health Awareness Day
  • September 23 | Dogs in Politics Day
  • September 23 | Adopted Dog Day
  • September 26 | Remember Me Thursday® (an international social media awareness day that brings attention to the millions of adoptable pets waiting in shelters and remembers those pets who never got a second chance. Share your rescue pet using #RememberMeThursday)
  • September 28 | World Rabies Day
  • September 28 | International Rabbit Day
  • September 30 | National Puppy Mill Survivor Day

Have a wonderful safe September Everyone,

With a woof and hug from Nili