Goood Morning Fur Friends,
The weekend is arriving and I am so excited.
Weather has warmed up in San Francisco, summer is around the corner and already all the fun weekend events are starting.
Last weekend the weather was fantastic so on Sunday I took Layla to the 40th anniversary Easter in the Park Event. This event is organized every year at Easter by a non profit organization called The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. They are a non profit organization who have devoted themselves to community service, promoting human rights which includes respect for Diversity. You can read more about them on their website : http://

It was a fun event, lots of music, laughter costumes of course and people and dogs. We sat back on the lawn listening and watching till Madam started to get antsy so after an hour or so we walked home and Madam fell asleep LOL.
So with that event last weekend and DogFest coming up this weekend the weekend outdoors life with events and parks is starting. I am so looking forward to it and I am sure Layla will be too when she see what she gains LOL.
With all this happening I decided to do a review of some new freeze dried treats as they are easy to carry and light and good for the munchies for Madam while we are out and about. The treats that I have reviewed are from my favorite company Raw Paws Pet Food and the major plus is that they are for CATS also – yup, time to include the cats too. Of course, when we do reviews we do a give away and Layla has given her stamp of approval that these are the best of the best.

She tasted:
The Free Run Chicken Recipe – I should make her run for these too, The Free Run Turkey Recipe, The Free Run Duck Recipe, Grass Fed Beef Recipe
All of them are : Grain Free and Gluten Free with no preservatives, additives or fillers. AND are made in the USA with no hormones or antibiotics.
To read more about their fantastic products here is the link :
Plus don’t forget with the LAYLA15 coupon you get 15% off your order.
Raw Paws Pet Food also offered to donate the above treats to one of our favorite Rescue Organizations and we chose Muttville Senior Rescue.
Who is Muttville :
Muttville’s mission is to change the way the world thinks about and treats older dogs and to create better lives for them through rescue, foster, adoption, hospice, education, and advocacy. The tragic truth is that every day, dogs in good health with wonderful personalities are euthanized. Why? They’re older. And because they’re older, they’re not considered adoptable. Muttville saves senior and special needs rescue dogs; finds suitable homes for those dogs that are adoptable and offers end of life care for those that are not. These are not just shelter dogs; every day, dogs are moved from loving homes to concrete cages because their guardians have died or moved or simply can’t care for them anymore. If we had our way, no dog would spend its last days in a cold, dark shelter. There is so much love and joy in these dogs! Bringing these special dogs into a home is not only good for the dogs, but such loving, mellow dogs transform the quality of life for the people who adopt or foster them.
You can read more about them on the link : :
WOOOF let the give away begin and good luck everyone.
This give away is open for the USA only and persons over 18 years old. All you have to do is click on the rafflecopter link below and it will take you to entry form.
We were sponsored to do this give away and are so happy to be doing it as Layla woofs these treats are worthy of sharing.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone
With a big Woof, Love and Licks from Layla
Rafflecopter Widget Link to enter :