TGIF !!!!!!!!!!
I cannot believe November is around the corner, this year is going too fast but hopefully it is a good sign and our lives will go back to normal soon. This hibernating is getting too much.
With October ending it is the ending of Domestic Violence Awareness Month although we must keep speaking out, using our voice for those that are being abused, whether humans or pets as they need our voices.

The end of October means Halloween which is not being celebrated this year the way it normally is, my heart does go out to the kids that are missing out but am sure parents are relieved there will be no sugar rushes and fighting over candies.

Halloween can be dangerous for our pets so please look after them, make sure they are safe and do not get into anything toxic.
Plus please keep your black cats safe from the lunatics.

Happy Halloween Everyone, Take care and be safe,
Layla and Me