Coconut Oil Part Two – Approved by Bossy Barker, Nili

Hello friends,

This is Nili here, the new official reviewer for the blog which was started by my sister who went over the Rainbow Bridge, and I am really working hard to be as good as she was although I have a long way to go.

Last week we discussed all the benefits of Coconut Oil which is yum, you can read all about it on our blog link :

As Mom was checking out the Coco-Therapy Website she came across these products which looked good and decided to get for me also as I want her to eat well treat wise also.

Raw food and these looked great for treats as they are healthy and I am sure you could feed them as food also.

Coco-Carnivore Meatballs – 100% Raw Freeze-Dried Beef, Oranges and Coconut

Open the bag I am the official taster

Coco-Carnivore Meatballs – 100% Raw Freeze-Dried Turkey, Spinach and Coconut

These smell so so good hmmmm

Organ Bites – 100% Freeze-Dried Turkey Organ Meats plus Pumpkin and Coconut

Stop teasing me with the goodies Mom

Organ Bites – 100% Freeze-Dried Chicken Organ Meats with Beets and Coconut

And we cannot forget the chicken hmmmmm

What I love about the above is that they have very few ingredients, all organic and filling so I can fill the Kong with them which keeps her busy but when she gets them she gets less food at meals.  Nili of course approves of them.

Since Nili has been on the coconut diet she has lost weight, her fur is shining, and her skin seems to have improved itchiness wise plus she just in general seems healthier so I am hoping we can carry on this way. I would rather start at a younger age, so her immune system is ready for aging.

Website :

A very special thank you to Coco-Therapy for sponsoring this post.

Nili also got her first groom last week, yes she had her hair cut and this really concerned me as she has become a nipper and you should see my hands, covered in band aids I am so ready for Halloween LOL. The groomers said she was really good, sat and let them do what was needed plus for safety sake they put her in a crate when finished so she could run away which is one of her traits which I am working on. She got as a gift from the groomers a new squeaky toy so she was one happy little girl and I think she looks adorable.

I do not like baths, Nili


walking home from the groomers all pretty

On this note we are going for a walk to burn off energy, and then it will be play time for Madam.

Have a safe weekend and don’t forget to make memories,

With a woof and love from





Coconut Oil for Dogs with Nili approval

Good Morning Friends, this is Nili here as I am learning to review for Mom like my sister Layla the expert did, I hope she approves.

I recently took Nili for a checkup at the vet as she has been scratching badly and the vet suggested I give her coconut oil. This intrigued me as my one vet had told me negative things about coconut oil and this vet is saying the opposite. So, I decided to do some research and as to why one vet said one thing and another the opposite and came up with some interesting facts which made me realize how important coconut oil can be for pets. Before trying  please ask your vet as rather be safe than sorry as some supplements might have the opposite affect on your dog.

I want to thank Charisa from CocoTherapy for helping me with all the information that I am sharing plus the products that I am trying with Nili.

The benefits:

  1. In small quantities it is good for the pet as it is good fat which is important to remember when we worry about cholesterol in our pets. Coconut oil is considered a low cholesterol fat and does not increase cholesterol levels.
  2. You can read more about it on this link : A Beginner’s Guide to Cholesterol
  3. Coconut oil has lauric acid which has antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.  which is good for the fur and skin. When applied to the skin it can help soothe the inflamed area.
  4. Coconut oil is lower in calories than many other cooking oils, and it’s actually an effective weight loss aid. The MCTs in coconut oil are metabolized quickly and used for energy, rather than being stored as fat. This helps boost metabolism and aids in weight management. What’s more, coconut oil can help suppress appetite. All fats slow down the emptying of the stomach, helping you feel full for longer, but studies have shown that MCTs have a greater satiating effect than LCTs. This means that coconut oil can help your pet feel fuller for longer and prevent them from overeating.
  5. It helps fight bad breath, mouth and gum health.
  6. It also helps digestions but like any supplement ask your vet first.
  7. Here is some more information: Coconut Oil Myths and Facts

I am doing this coconut oil blog in two episodes as I am reviewing different products from them but what I have tried with Nili at this moment I have seen a big difference in her, she is scratching less so her skin issues seem to be clearing up, she is eating less which is great as she needs to lose 2 lbs plus I love their treat gems which are kibble size so she is getting one each time she is good and gobbles them up plus they fit in here kong which she is addicted to. She also got a coconut squeaky toy which she loves squeaking nonstop BOL.

It is always fun to get a coconut squeaky toy squeak squeak squeak

The products Nili has tried and approved are :

Coconut Chips – Dehydrated Organic Coconut – No added preservatives, dyes, bleaches sugar or salt. Rich in Fibre, Supports Digestive System (I am sprinkling it on her food, and she loves it)

These are yummy sprinkled on my food

Coco-Gems – Peppermint, Parsley and Coconut – Supports Fresh Breath and Oral Health – Nili approves

My breath smells good when I eat these

Coco-Gems – Cranberry and Coconut – Supports Urinary Tract Health – Nili approves

I will keep pawing the package till I get more

Coco Charms – Blueberry Cobbler – Nili approves

These are so so yummm

Gems and Charms are all Gluten Free and Grain Free, made with 100% USDA certified organic, human-grade ingredients too.

You can read more about their products on this link :

So now that Nili is getting coconut, she wants to go to Hawaii BOL. Thank you Coco Therapy for sponsoring this review and sharing your products as I am so happy with them I am smiling.

To all our friends in Florida, we hope you are safe as we are thinking of you

Have a safe weekend, with love and woof from Nili



Break the Silence of Domestic Violence and Animal Abuse

Good Morning,

October has arrived and with it the Month of Domestic Violence Awareness. This is a topic that is very close to my heart as I am a proud survivor.


I am one of the lucky ones that managed to get away with my little dog, hid at a friend and then moved to a new city where we were both helped.  If I had left her I know my ex would have carried on abusing her so the minute I could run, we ran.

Baby since has passed away, but she was my inspiration, my hero, my trooper and my lifeline through those dark days, and when she passed it was when I was finally in my own home so she knew I was safe, and could then open my doors to a new pup, and Layla arrived to live with me.  Layla and now Nili wears a tag that says : Shelter Survivor

Baby R.I.P. She died of IMHA at the age of 6 and missed daily as she was my hero

Today I am not going to talk about me, but “The Power and Control Wheel” of Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence. This gives us a better understanding as to what happens behind closed doors, and why so many victims stay in the relationships.

An abuser will want to control everything, and if he or she does not have that, we, the humans, kids or pets become the victims of his or her anger, although he/she  will never admit it.

So when people reach out and talk about wanting to leave a Domestic Violence relationship but cannot leave their pets, these are some of the reasons and I from experience would have rather carried on suffering the abuse to make sure Baby was safe, than left her in a house where she would suffer.

Pets do not understand abuse the way we do and they should not have to suffer at the hands of an abuser of any kind as they give us the unconditional love and loyalty that unfortunately humans do not do.

The Domestic Violence Hotline number is : 1 800 799 SAFE (7233)

Website :

October is also the National Month of Adopt a Shelter Dog Month so reach out to a Shelter and give a dog a new home, I am blessed to have been the Mom to Baby, Layla and now Nili.

Nili’s daily routine – never a dull moment LOL

Be safe, have a wonderful week, with a woof of love from





October 2024 Pet Holidays and Observances

October has arrived and winter is around the corner. Below is the list of Holidays and Observances for our Pets.

Month-Long Observances

  • Adopt A Dog Month
  • Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
  • Black Cat Awareness Month.
  • National Animal Safety and Protection Month.
  • National Pet CBD Month.
  • National Pet Obesity Awareness Month.
  • National Pet Wellness Month.
  • National Pit Bull Awareness Month.
  • Small Dog Awareness Month.
  • World Animal Month.
  • National Domestic Violence Month – pets are victims too

Week-Long Observances

  • 6-12: National Walk Your Dog Week.First full week of October.
  • 6-12: Animal Welfare Week. (AVMA). First full week of October.
  • 13-19: National Veterinary Technician Week.

One-Day Pet Holidays 

  • 1: National Fire Pup Day.
  • 1: National Black Dog Day.
  • 2: Canine Companion Day.
  • 4: World Animal Day.
  • 4: Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
  • 4: Kindness to Animals Day.
  • 9: CATober9th®. Universal birthday of shelter cats whose birthdays remain a mystery.
  • 10: World Animal Road Accident Awareness Day.This day to draw awareness to drivers if they hit a dog or other animal on the road.
  • 11: National Pet Obesity Awareness Day.
  • 11: Vet Nurse Day. Known as Veterinary Nurse Day
  • 16: Global Cat Day. To draw our attention to all the homeless cats and find them homes
  • 19: National Fetch Day.
  • 21: National Pets for Veterans Day.
  • 22: National Make a Dog’s Day.
  • 26: National Livestock Guardian Dog Appreciation and Awareness Day.
  • 28: Plush Animal Lovers Day.  A day for all dogs to unstuff their plush squeaky toys
  • 26: Muddy Dog Day.(UK) Last Saturday in October.
  • 26: National Pit Bull Awareness Day.
  • 29: National Cat Day.
  • 30: National Treat Your Pet Day. A day to treat our pets with snacks, extra love and attention.

Have a safe October and a Happy New Year to our Jewish followers who celebrate the New Year on the eve of October 2nd

With a woof and love from Nili






Nili speaking out

Hello to all my friends,

Today, Friday is a special day for Mom, it is her birthday as I am speaking for my sister Layla also wishing Mom a very happy Birthday, I am so blessed to have been adopted by her and spending her special day with her as my sister is over the Rainbow Bridge makes it even more special.

I have always rescued a pet and that is why this day, Remember Me Thursday is so dear to me.

What is this day?


Remember Me Thursday is on the last Thursday of September every year when we speak out for the orphan pets in shelters wanting homes, they are innocent and in many ways, we are to blame.

This is me in the shelter that Mom saw and quickly adopted me, Nili


This is a day when we all get together campaigning for them as no innocent orphaned pet should have to die in a Shelter because someone dumped them there.


As Mike Arms, President and CEO of Helen Woodward Animal Center says : We all come from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds, but together, we can raise our voices and share one life-saving message and literally save millions of pets on this one day.”


You can read more about it on their website :

How can we shine a light on:

  1. Attend a Remember Me Thursday event near you. –
  2. You can find the events near you on Google or on the website above.Hold a pet food plus other pet related items fundraiser for your local shelter.
  3. Check to see if one of your shelters in your area are having an adoption event.
  4. Speak out, encourage friends and family to adopt and open their homes to an orphan pet.
  5. There are so many ways we can all help, so let’s take one step forward today to do it.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our friends a Happy, Sweet, Healthy New Year as our New Year 5785 starts in the evening of the 2nd of October and our prayers are that the New Year will bring homes to all the orphaned pets. I will share with you next week all the yummy food Mom has told me about, I cannot wait.

With love and woofs from Nili


The weekend has arrived

Good morning Friends,

This is Nili barking orders at Mom as usual as I am her Boss like my sister Layla was.

The weekend has arrived, and I hope I will have some quality time with Mom as she has been crazy busy this week and today she has an eye appointment, oy vey that means she might be able to see all the mischief I am getting into lately.

I am innocent and now what Mom says, Nili

I am really trying to be good, but the temptation is there all the time to do something naughty and then Mom gets angry with me. I have this week lost two balls so Mom is going to have to buy me more, she cannot find them and it was funny to see her on her hands and knees searching BOL. I have also chewed some of the pompoms off the blanket on the bed although there is no hole in the blanket phew as Mom told me if she finds a hole she is not getting me any treats for a week oy vey that is not fair.

My training is going slow, I am stubborn and my favorite is to play tug of war with the leash which makes Mom mad as she is scared she will fall so she has now put two leashes on my harness and if I start she drops it and walks with the other, and when I start with that one she picks up the other one, that is how I walks go and as Mom says her shoulders are sore from all the pulling.  Mom has ordered me a no pull harness which she is hoping will ease it for us also as I love trying to chase the birds, skateboards, bicycles and whatever else moves plus of course all the food on the sidewalks which is yum but Mom says gross BOL.

Mom did take me last week to Uncle Paul to run and have fun which I had and am going again tomorrow and really excited, I run like crazy all around the garden, up and down the stairs and am loving it, even trying to catch the birds in the trees. I wish I could do it more often but as Mom says till I don’t listen to her and behave there will be no park time.

I am of course eating like a piggy oink oink although I am on diet, I love the biscuits which I got for the giveaway and wish I could reach the bag, but my favorite is to squeak the toys which keeps me busy and I have learnt I can keep busy by myself. You can see how I killed this toy as I did not like the song BOL. It is a Hanukkah song, but Hanukkah is not till December so maybe will get a new one. The best is to take all the toys out of the basket and leave them everywhere, did up the bed and hide a squeaky there so when Mom gets into bed it squeaks BOL, that is so much fun.

Playing with my Kong full of carrots cos am on diet

Mom has her coffee mug and I have a squeaky coffee mug

I am sure my sister is laughing, watching Mom struggle with my mischief ways and that makes it extra special for me as we are sharing the fun together.

Have a wonderful weekend, take lots of photos for memories and be safe

With woof and love from Nili



Woof it is my first Giveaway

Good morning, Friends,

This is Nili here barking orders at Mom while my sister watches from above and I am sure she is laughing as she used to do the same BOL.

I have been busy here, keeping Mom on her toes, making her walk a lot and had a fun day last Friday. Mom took me to Uncle Paul’s Garden where I ran around like a lunatic burning off energy and was so tired when I got home. It was so much fun. On Saturday Mom took me to the vet for a checkup. I am very healthy, have beautiful teeth and eyes and in a nutshell, she thought I was cute. Mom chuckled. The only thing she was worried about was being overweight so Mom has had to change things around.

My training is no more touch/treat but walking only with voice commands and the clicker. I am slowly getting used to it but here and there I forget and go crazy barking and lunging at dogs, bicycles, skateboards and runners. I need to improve so that Mom can take me to the dog park.

But Mom has been researching for healthy treats for me which I get when I get home from a walk instead if I have been good and she found these delicious biscuits which we have decided to share with you and do a giveaway, I positively approve them, they are hard, crunchy so good for my teeth.

I approve these biscuits, Nili

What I got are:

Carrot/Peanut Butter: All natural ingredients: Wheat Flour, Corn Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Honey, Dried Carrots and Peanut Butter.

Blueberry/Banana: All natural ingredients: Wheat Flour, Corn Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Honey, Dried Blueberries and Dried Bananas

Pumpkin/Green Pea: All natural ingredients: Wheat Flour, Corn Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Honey, Dried Pumpkin and Dried Green Peas.

So, while Nili is crunching on one, we decided to share with our furry friends by doing the giveaway so that others can enjoy also especially as this is Nili’s first giveaway.

crunch crunch crunch


To check out their treats and other flavors here is the link:

Below is the Rafflecopter link for the entry form :

We were sponsored by the company to do this giveaway, and it is open for the USA only. People over 18 may enter.

So, while I go take a nap with a fully tummy, we want to wish all our friends’ good luck, have a wonderful weekend and please be safe,

Napping with my toy, life is good, Nili

Woof and hugs from










National Disaster Preparedness Month

Woof hello Everyone,


This is Nili here telling Mom what to write as I am carrying on my sisters Laylas Legacy.


September is National Disaster Preparedness Month; it is very important as we must be prepared for any type of Disaster especially with climate change happening all over the world and not knowing what can happen.


Because we live in San Francisco where earthquakes happen, we have a bag ready for emergencies with everything Mom can think of so that we do not have that worry if we must run out of the house. Since I have come to live with Mom, and having been a stray in my past life, Mom has added to the list a carrier for me so she can put me in it and not have to worry about me trying to run away or hurt myself walking on the debris in the streets. The plus with this carrier is that expands so that I will have room to stretch out plus Mom can put a water bowl or food in it. She would keep it closed for carrying but once in a safe place she would expand the sides and front. It also has a strap in it so she can strap me in, and I cannot run. It would give her peace of mind.

The expandable bag which is amazing

Thank you Mr Peanuts for this amazing carrier, you can see their fantastic products on their website :


This is what is in our bag which Mom has and it on wheels so it is easier for her to pull as it is heavy: Boxes of Water, Food for both of us, Treats, Flashlights with batteries, sleeping bag for Mom, toys for me of course, Leash and harness with ID tags on,  and BOL some coffee for Mom, and most important a first aid kit for both of us. We also have a wallet with cash in just in case ATMs are not working so I feel Mom has covered everything.  If you think she has forgotten something, please tell Mom so she can add it to our bag.  I also keep my phone charged so that it will be charged if I must grab it and go out.


Now for something different, Mom surprised me last Friday and took me to meet a friend of hers who has a beautiful garden and two dogs, Dash and Storm and I had so much fun. They did not want to play with me, but it is ok as I ran around the garden playing with a ball and as Mom said burnt off lots of energy, it was so much fun to be able to run around and she told me that because I was so good she is taking me today also. WOW life is getting to be fun although as she says I must behave myself when walking there and listen to her BOL. I am trying though and slowly doing what she wants.

WOW sniffing with no leash

Nili and Storm

Guess what I am running

Yes am smiling but tired it has been so much fun, Nili

So that is what is happening here, Mom is trying to get me out more plus meet other dogs, the more I behave the more I will have adventures. Have a wonderful weekend everyone, with lots of hugs and woofs, Nili






September Pet Holidays and Awareness Month


September has arrived and that means a new list of holidays and awareness for us pets.


  • Animal Pain Awareness Month
  • Happy Cat Month
  • National Service Dog Month
  • National Pet Insurance Month
  • Responsible Dog Ownership Month
  • Pet Sitter Education Month
  • Pet Memorial Month
  • National Disaster Preparedness Month
  • National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
  • National Food Safety Education Month


  • September 8–14 | Suicide Prevention Week
  • September 15–21 | National Farm Health and Safety Week
  • September 16–22 | Adopt-a-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week (third week in September)
  • September 22–28 | National Deaf Pet Awareness Week (last full week in September)
  • September 22–28 | National Dog Week (last full week in September)


  • September 1 | Ginger Cat Appreciation Day
  • September 2 | National Wildlife Day
  • September 5 | National White Cat Day
  • September 8 | National Dog Walker Appreciation Day
  • September 8 | National Iguana Awareness Day
  • September 8 | National Hug Your Hound Day (second Saturday in September)
  • September 8 | National Pet Memorial Day (second Sunday in September)
  • September 10 | World Suicide Prevention Day
  • September 13 | Pet Birth Defect Awareness Day
  • September 15 | National Pet Carbon Monoxide Safety Day
  • September 17 | National Pet Bird Day
  • September 19 | National Meow Like a Pirate Day
  • September 21 | Puppy Mill Awareness Day (third Saturday in September)
  • September 21 | Responsible Dog Ownership Day (third Saturday in September)
  • September 21 | National Cat and Dog Gut Health Awareness Day
  • September 23 | Dogs in Politics Day
  • September 23 | Adopted Dog Day
  • September 26 | Remember Me Thursday® (an international social media awareness day that brings attention to the millions of adoptable pets waiting in shelters and remembers those pets who never got a second chance. Share your rescue pet using #RememberMeThursday)
  • September 28 | World Rabies Day
  • September 28 | International Rabbit Day
  • September 30 | National Puppy Mill Survivor Day

Have a wonderful safe September Everyone,

With a woof and hug from Nili


National Holistic Pet Day

TGIF! Good morning, friends, can you believe August is nearly over and we have 4 months till the end of the year. That is crazy as the year has gone so fast and so much has happened in the Layla Neighborhood. This is Nili speaking as I am sure you know my sister is running and playing over the Rainbow Bridge and I have stepped in to speak for her and all our friends all over the world.

Today is National Holistic Pet Day, which is very important as we need to raise awareness of holistic pet wellness and health, and we depend on human parents to keep us healthy. What that means is that we humans must consider holistic health by considering their diet, environment and lifestyle. Are you doing that? I do not have any chemicals in the house, I clean everything with Apple Cider Vinegar so the house is chemical free.

I have lost my Kong so keep my brain active it is snuffle toy time with carrots

Since adopting Nili I have done some changes and of course added supplements as I am trying to figure out what is the best diet for her, yes, I home cooked for Layla but am looking more into the raw diet for her, trying different foods out till I find the one that I think is best for her. She is still a young dog, full of energy and was a stray so building up her immune system is one of my first priorities. Layla was on an amazing senior supplement from Vetericyn called All In 1 for seniors and they have for all ages, so I have put Nili on the adult one, and as she loves eating LOL, she gobbles it down each morning. The one plus with it is it has a calming ingredient in it which makes it easier for training also as she is not so hyperactive and more focused.

Another reason I swear by their products is they have fantastic skin products for dogs which helped Layla a lot so knowing that I have them for Nili now also and I know she is getting the best.

You can read more about them on their website  :

Nili has pearly white beautiful teeth, no plaque no nothing so I am focused on keeping her teeth that way by using the Tropiclean Dental Products, I am cleaning her teeth with their Water Additive which has no taste so she does not know she is drinking it, their Brushing Gel which I am using a finger brush to clean her teeth with, this is still a work in progress but she will slowly get used to it, and I also have minty Dental Wipes to use on her teeth if I cannot brush them as she is resisting.

You can read more about them on their website :

I also each night as a last treat gets a dental chew, so she goes to sleep with clean teeth and good smelling breath.

And then of course there are the mushrooms which I swear by and Nili every night gets the Real Mushrooms Relax to calm her down and settle for the night which has made a big difference as her last night walk is calmer, and once home she settles down and goes to sleep till about 6 in the morning.

Their website is:

relaxing sleepy after my last walk

Her training is on top of the list also, and a friend of mine has given me a clicker which seems to be slowly working. Nili is very treat motivated so am giving her carrots as treats as they are not fattening and she loves them. I have been giving them to her in her Kong also, but we have now lost the Kong as I cannot find it, so I am stuffing carrots into a snuffle toy which keeps her busy.  Unfortunately, till her training is not perfect as possible I cannot take her to the park to run as I cannot take the chance, and she needs to learn first. Thank goodness I have friends with gardens and they being great letting me take her to them to run wild and let off some energy.

where are my treats


So today being National Holistic Pet Day we need to remember that it is not only what they eat, but their lifestyle and environment is just as important to keep them healthy and whatever steps we can take is for everyone’s benefit in the end.


I am now going to squeak some toys as my job is done for the day,

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,

With love and woofs from Nili