Wednesday woof hello to all my friends,
We cannot believe that February is nearly over and March is around the corner.
It has been a really dry winter for San Francisco, we have not had rain in nearly a month which is worrying as that means the drought is going to get worse, Layla is happy though as she is enjoying the warm weather and not getting wet.
Last weekend was the fluffy meet up, that is what I call it LOL, it is actually the monthly Shi Tzhu Meet Up which I love going to as it is in one of my favorite parks and for Layla it is an adventure. She loves riding on the buses, sitting in her back pack of course and everyone on the bus always wants to pet her. So Madam is in seventh heaven and happy.

We had a great time there, meeting some new dogs, wandering around the park and in a nutshell it was good to be out in the fresh air and relax.
Sunday we just relaxed together as with dog sitting and having dogs in the house at the moment, it is a new concept for Layla but she is dealing with it fantastically and just ignores the dogs LOL.
Below watch the happy chaos the house when Gidget and Georgie get together, they can play like this for hours.
I am really enjoying it as it means I am home a lot more and not running around like a lunatic every day. The plus also is I prefer working with dogs than humans which makes life less stressful. I am also walking each dog alone so am getting lots of exercise which helps with my diet.
So the Layla neighborhood has changed in some ways, but in good ways I can tell you that Layla, for her age, and used to being alone with me in the house, is doing amazingly well, and I am really proud of her.
So that is what is what is happening here, we have no plans for this weekend but to chill out and have Mom/Layla time which is so important plus recharge our batteries.
We must not forget that till the end of the month is Justice for Animals Week, an annual event dedicated to raising public awareness about animal abuse, what to do if you see abuse, where to report it, and work with our communities to enforce stronger and tougher laws. We must be their voice as they do not have one.
Stay safe all, have a wonderful weekend,
With a woof and love from Layla