Dear Friends,
Friday has arrived plus it is a week before Thanksgiving and as Mom explained to me it is a time to thank people for many things, so my blog today is a letter thanking you all for everything.
01. My followers, thank you for sharing and reading my blog, listening to me complain, chat, laugh and hopefully keep you amused also with all my antics and adventures.
02. Tropiclean – for helping Mom punish me when bathing me with your fruity smelling shampoos, your dental products which keep my teeth white and breath smelling good, the ear wash which keeps my ears clean, I have to admit that although punishment I am a happy Tropiclean girl.
03. Raw Paws Pet Food – your treats are the best, the supplements give me lots of energy and keep me healthy, Mom says she is so happy giving them to me knowing that they are good for me.
The best of all is that your treats and other products are healthy for cats and dogs. So cat owners please check them out.
We are reminding everyone that you have a 15% discount when shopping there with the coupon Layla15.
04. Restorative Botanicals – Mom says thanks for the delicious coffee laced with Hemp which keeps her calm but a special thanks for the amazing Hemp Oil which keeps me relaxed, the Balm that helps me with my itchiness which without these two products I would be driving Mom more nuts than she is.
05. A very special thanks to PAWS who give me a free bathing every month, help me in so many ways, you are one of the greatest organizations and without you I am not sure what Mom would do. http://www.shanti.org/programs-services/pets-are-wonderful-support/
06. A very very special thanks to Shalom Bayit for helping Mom get away from her toxic relationship and save my sister RIP Baby. https://www.shalom-bayit.org/
07. A very special thank you to all those that rescue or foster the homeless pets, speak up for them and help wherever possible, you are all heroes and without you our lives would be hell.
Last but not least, I want to woof thank you to Ali, Matthew, Alice, Robyn, Joanna, Amanda, Barbara, plus others who keep Mom sane, relaxed and that helps a lot as because of you she is not going crazy although she is a crazy dog mom.
And to Mom, you are a crazy worrying Jewish Mom who cooks my food, but I am so blessed to have been rescued by you, through thick and thin we have stuck together and you have made me who I am today, a happy healthy girl.
May everyone have a safe, happy Thanksgiving with your families, four or two legged and please do not forget that some foods are bad for us although I am sure they are yummy.

With love and licks Layla