Good morning Everyone,
Friday has arrived and with it today we celebrate the Jewish New Year. Our New Year is based on the Hebrew Calendar, and we are celebrating the year 5784. It starts at sunset this evening and ends on Sunday evening as in the Jewish Religion our day starts at sunset and ends at sunset.
We wish everyone a Sweet New Year and we celebrate with the following :
Apples and Honey for a Sweet New Year
Pomegranate seeds which symbolize plentiful for the New Year
A round Challah (special bread) which symbolizes a reflection of the continuing cycle of years and seasons
Another symbol is the blowing of the Rams Horn, Shofar which symbolizes continuity and a hopeful future. The Shofar is blown in Temple during the service.
Below is a video of what we say to everyone !
To start the New Year I decided to take Layla for her senior check up at the vet today. I am blessed to have a wonderful vet who understands all my quirks as a Jewish Dog Mom. We discussed her health over all which she is happy with but wants to do a Senior Panel of blood tests to check her liver and kidneys which costs a fortune so am waiting to hear from my insurance if they will cover it. I am just relieved that for her age, nearly 17 she is healthy, not over weight, heart is good and she is walking great for her age. So will be praying I get the okay for the tests so that I can get them done and relax totally. We also discussed her grooming as she needs a haircut but because of her age and anxiety I am scared to take her as it normally a 3 hour ordeal for her and my vet said to step back from that at the moment.

Smiling in the park this week

Napping in the park this week
On behalf of Layla and Me we are wishing everyone a safe happy healthy New Year and may it be prosperous,
With a woof and love from