Today was National Love Your Pet Day

Woof to all my friends,

Did you know that Valentines might be over but today, Thursday  February 20th is National Love Your Pet Day?

This is a very special day as it makes us humans realize how much we love our pets and how fortunate we are to have them in our lives. Something I would not change ever. I am aware that we spoil our pets daily, but I love the idea of one day a year is dedicated to them.

Did you know that most households in the United States have at least one pet? There are more cats than dogs in the U.S., most households have dogs not cats, but the difference is not that much. Pets are not only canine and feline, there are quite a few who prefer birds, reptiles, fish, or rats.

Whatever pet it is they all deserve to be extra spoiled on this day.

Below are some ideas of what we can do, and we cannot wait to hear from you what you did. I spoiled Nili by taking her to the park for some fun, baked her some yum treats and gave her more attention than she normally gets, she was one happy girl.

Angel Layla sharing her ideas

Nili playing with Monkey in the park, she had so much fun

So, all my fur friends I hope you had a Happy National Love Your Pet Day with lots of treats, fun with your humans and please make lots of memories.

With a woof and love from Nili and my sister in heaven, Angel Layla


February 2025 Pet Holidays and Observances 

February 2025 Pet Holidays and Observances 

February is Black Dog Awareness Month, Nili, that is why Mom adopted my sister Layla and then me


  • Beat the Heat Month.
  • Black Dog and Cat Syndrome Awareness Month.
  • Dog Training Education Month
  • Feline Fix by Five Month.
  • National Cat Health Month.
  • National Prevent a Litter Month.
  • Spay/Neuter Awareness Month.(Humane Society of the United States)
  • Pet Dental Month
  • Responsible Pet Owners Month.



  • 7-14: Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week.
  • 16-22: National Justice for Animals Week



  • 2: Sled Dog Day
  • 2: National Brown Dog Day.
  • 3: Doggy Date Night
  • 5: World Animal Reiki Day
  • 12: Safety Pup Day.
  • 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day.
  • 14. Valentine’s Day
  • 20:National Love your Pet Day (which is every day)
  • 22: Marie Day. Designated by Walt Disney Japan, this day celebrates Marie of TheAristoCats!
  • 22: Walking the Dog Day.
  • 23: International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day and National Dog Biscuit Day.
  • 25: World Spay Day.  Very Important Day


Have a pawsome February friends,

With love and woofs from Nili




Are you prepared?

TGIF!! Good Morning Everyone, we are a little late with our blog this week as the chaos in California has taken over our lives, the worry for our friends and family in Los Angeles who are thank goodness safe, the sharing all the information on social media non stop has kept me really busy although I have taken Nili to the park daily to get off electronics and give her a break.

Are you prepared for a Natural Disaster? That is my question for the week.

Climate change is really happening, I know there are people that do not believe it but it is happening. I am looking around the world as to what is happening and it worries me and we should be doing everything in our power to save the planet for future generations.

I look at California, in the past month we have had tornado warnings, tsunami warnings, the horrific fires in Los Angeles and this morning we were woken to an earth tremor here in San Francisco. I think it is the third or fourth in the past month.

So, we should all be preparing especially as our pets depend on us and make sure we have an emergency bag to go with everything needed. This is what I have in mine and am always worried I do not have enough for Nili. I have started vertigo so my balance is off especially when stressed so have put all in a light weight suitcase so I can push or pull it which will help my balance plus Nilis’ carrier fits on the handles as I do not want her to walk on the debri an hurt herself.

The plus with this carrier is that it expands so that I will have room to stretch out plus Mom can put a water bowl or food in it. She would keep it closed for carrying but once in a safe place she would expand the sides and front. It also has a strap in it so she can strap me in, and I cannot run. It would give her peace of mind.  You can see it on this website plus all their other products :

I personally think this is the best as they are comfortable and not cramped

In our bag we have Boxes of Water, Poop Bags,  Food for both of us, Treats, Flashlights with batteries, sleeping bag for Mom, toys for me of course, Leash and harness with ID tags on, and BOL some coffee for Mom, and most important a first aid kit for both of us. Passport or some form of ID, Medications, my supplements including my Relax from Real Mushrooms; you can find them on this link and are fantastic, you have a 10% discount with coupon LaylasWoof.   

Nili gets both and the relax is in the bag also

The food Mom has for me is air dried kibbles with all the nutrients from YumWoof, you have a 5% discount with coupon YUMNILI   

mine mine mine, you cannot have, Nili

We also have a wallet with cash in just in case ATMs are not working so I feel Mom has covered everything.  If you think she has forgotten something, please tell Mom so she can add it to our bag.  I also keep my phone charged so that it will be charged if I must grab it and go out.

We are praying for all our friends in Los Angeles, praying for the safety of all the wild animals and strays, please join us in these prayers as everyone needs them at this moment,

Take care and be safe

With a woof and love from



Disclaimer : We have not been sponsored for this blog post, all coupons will not increase the prices on the website and we do get a percentage from sales which helps us keep the blog going and Nili healthy.


National Holistic Pet Day

TGIF! Good morning, friends, can you believe August is nearly over and we have 4 months till the end of the year. That is crazy as the year has gone so fast and so much has happened in the Layla Neighborhood. This is Nili speaking as I am sure you know my sister is running and playing over the Rainbow Bridge and I have stepped in to speak for her and all our friends all over the world.

Today is National Holistic Pet Day, which is very important as we need to raise awareness of holistic pet wellness and health, and we depend on human parents to keep us healthy. What that means is that we humans must consider holistic health by considering their diet, environment and lifestyle. Are you doing that? I do not have any chemicals in the house, I clean everything with Apple Cider Vinegar so the house is chemical free.

I have lost my Kong so keep my brain active it is snuffle toy time with carrots

Since adopting Nili I have done some changes and of course added supplements as I am trying to figure out what is the best diet for her, yes, I home cooked for Layla but am looking more into the raw diet for her, trying different foods out till I find the one that I think is best for her. She is still a young dog, full of energy and was a stray so building up her immune system is one of my first priorities. Layla was on an amazing senior supplement from Vetericyn called All In 1 for seniors and they have for all ages, so I have put Nili on the adult one, and as she loves eating LOL, she gobbles it down each morning. The one plus with it is it has a calming ingredient in it which makes it easier for training also as she is not so hyperactive and more focused.

Another reason I swear by their products is they have fantastic skin products for dogs which helped Layla a lot so knowing that I have them for Nili now also and I know she is getting the best.

You can read more about them on their website  :

Nili has pearly white beautiful teeth, no plaque no nothing so I am focused on keeping her teeth that way by using the Tropiclean Dental Products, I am cleaning her teeth with their Water Additive which has no taste so she does not know she is drinking it, their Brushing Gel which I am using a finger brush to clean her teeth with, this is still a work in progress but she will slowly get used to it, and I also have minty Dental Wipes to use on her teeth if I cannot brush them as she is resisting.

You can read more about them on their website :

I also each night as a last treat gets a dental chew, so she goes to sleep with clean teeth and good smelling breath.

And then of course there are the mushrooms which I swear by and Nili every night gets the Real Mushrooms Relax to calm her down and settle for the night which has made a big difference as her last night walk is calmer, and once home she settles down and goes to sleep till about 6 in the morning.

Their website is:

relaxing sleepy after my last walk

Her training is on top of the list also, and a friend of mine has given me a clicker which seems to be slowly working. Nili is very treat motivated so am giving her carrots as treats as they are not fattening and she loves them. I have been giving them to her in her Kong also, but we have now lost the Kong as I cannot find it, so I am stuffing carrots into a snuffle toy which keeps her busy.  Unfortunately, till her training is not perfect as possible I cannot take her to the park to run as I cannot take the chance, and she needs to learn first. Thank goodness I have friends with gardens and they being great letting me take her to them to run wild and let off some energy.

where are my treats


So today being National Holistic Pet Day we need to remember that it is not only what they eat, but their lifestyle and environment is just as important to keep them healthy and whatever steps we can take is for everyone’s benefit in the end.


I am now going to squeak some toys as my job is done for the day,

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,

With love and woofs from Nili





Hoppy Happy Easter

When Spring arrives, Easter arrives, and everyone is hopping for chocolates plus some parents are busy buying bunnies for their kids. This is a sore subject for me as so many bunnies, like other pets, are bought for a holiday and then dumped in a shelter or as some do which is so stupid is let them loose in the fields where they cannot survive.  So if you want a bunny for your child get them a toy, one that does not need care and will not be thrown out as such when your child is bored with it. Bunnies, like so many pets are family, and you do not want to be dumped by a family member then please do not do the same to your bunny.

Layla at a pet event a couple of years ago


Easter can also be hazardous to your pets; I am listing below the hazards to keep your pets safe especially when it comes to chocolate or candies with Xylitol.


Happy Easter to everyone, we hope you have a wonderful fun weekend with your family, please be safe


With a woof and love from




November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month

TGIF!!!   Woof, hello my friends and how are you?

November has arrived, which is an important month for me as a senior as it is Adopt A Senior Pet Month and there are so many that have been dumped in shelters by selfish humans and are suffering now. Let us open our hearts and homes to a senior so that they can live happily and loved for the rest of their lives. It means so much to me and I cry when I read the stories. Watch the rescuers trying to save them all, find fosters and work relentlessly to make sure all shelter pets have homes especially the seniors.

The excuses that the humans give for dumping is all lies and as I woofed to Mom those humans should not be allowed pets in the future, there is no excuse to do what they are doing and I often woof to Mom may Karma get them.

This is my video I woofed on asking everyone to adopt a senior pet.

Now another topic we must not forget is on November 1 was Cook for your pet day, yup we need to stay healthy and home cooked food is the best and healthier than the kibbles and cans as your Mom knows exactly what you are eating and there are no preservatives. So I asked Mom to share with you my favorite home cooked food so you can all make it at home, cos sharing is caring.

My bowl of home cooked breakfast



Pieces of Chicken and if you allergic to chicken you can use beef.

Filet of Tilapia as fish is very good for the brain.

Chicken Gizzards as they are yum and crunchy.

Veggies: Carrots and pumpkin for fiber which is important for me as I am a senior, if Mom has other veggies like zucchini, cauliflower, peas or green beans she adds them also.

She puts it all in the Instapot, adds apple cider vinegar: Why Apple Cider Vinegar, here are the benefits :

It is a  digestive aid to regulate digestion and relieve digestive upset.

Works as a natural supplement for the urinary tract system to prevent urinary tract infections, bladder, and kidney stones.

Mom steams it all till ready, then she lets it cool down. Blend the veggies into a smoothie with the chicken broth. Mix all together and my food is ready.  When cool she puts in plastic containers and freezes.

When Mom puts in my plate, she adds the following supplements: Lions Mane and 5 Defenders from this company You have 10% off with LaylasWoof coupon. Oops did I forget to tell you I get their calming supplement also and it so yummy plus Mom drinks their Hot Chocolate with Mushrooms which she says is the best.


Muscle Formula from this company  and finally the All In Senior Supplement from this company

So, in a nutshell I am eating a very balanced healthy diet and not overweight either.

Another thing Mom does to prevent UTIS or any other infections she wipes my Tush each time I potty with Tushy Wipes from this company so am clean all the time. They have great grooming products and all healthy and safe.  You have a coupon for 10% off with LaylasWoof15.

The most important thing of all is of course my candy in my snuffle ball, oops did I say candy, I meant treats and they are so good and crunchy from this company and I am telling you it is a must have. and you have a 10% discount with this coupon YumTreats0311.

It is now my bedtime and I need my beauty sleep as I am a senior and sleep is very important to me,

My new favorite place to sleep cos I am guarding the door

Have a safe weekend everyone with lots of fun,

Love Layla












October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Good Morning,

October has arrived and with it the Month of Domestic Violence Awareness. This is very close to my heart as I am a proud survivor.

I am one of the lucky ones that managed to get away with my little dog, hid at a friend and then moved to a new city where we were both helped.  If I had left my dog I know my ex would have carried on abusing her so the minute I could run, we ran.

She since has passed away, but she was my inspiration, my hero, my trooper and my lifeline through those dark days, and when she passed it was when I was finally in my own home so she knew I was safe, and could then open my heart to a new pup, and Layla arrived to live with me.  Layla wears a tag that says: Shelter Survivor which speaks for both of us.

Today I am not going to talk about me, but “The Power and Control Wheel” of Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence. This gives us a better understanding as to what happens behind closed doors, and why so many victims stay in the relationships.

  1. Threats – The abuser will threaten to kill or abuse the pet during the relationship or if left behind. (I stayed in mine to protect Baby.)
  2. Isolation – Refusing vet care for the pet. Isolating the victim that the pet also suffers as it is not socialized with other dogs. It is as if you are living in a cage.
  3. Emotional Abuse – Giving away or killing the pet to take away her source of unconditional love.
  4. Economical Abuse – Refusing to permit her to buy pet food or vet care
  5. Legal Abuse – Custody battles over pets. This is heart breaking as they file charges against the victim claiming theft if she leaves with the pet.
  6. Intimidation – Harming or killing the pet and then saying to the victim “Next time it will be you…..” They do this to family and friends who assist with the victim and pets getting away.
  7. Denying and blaming – Blaming the victim or the pet when something happens.

An abuser will want to control everything, and if he or she does not have that, we, the humans, kids or pets become the victims of his or her anger, although he/she will never admit it.

So when people reach out and talk about wanting to leave a Domestic Violence relationship but cannot leave their pets, these are some of the reasons and I from experience would have rather carried on suffering the abuse to make sure Baby was safe, than left her in a house where she would suffer.

Today things have changed and there are Domestic Violence shelters that are allowing pets or they will know where your pet can go and be safe.

Pets do not understand abuse the way we do and they should not have to suffer at the hands of an abuser of any kind as they give us the unconditional love and loyalty that unfortunately humans do not do.

Be safe, have a wonderful week, with a woof of love from



National Domestic Violence Hotline Phone number : 800-799-7233

Red Rover – they help Domestic Violence Victims and their pets


September is National Disaster Preparedness Month

Woof Hello all my friends.

Did you know September is National Disaster Preparedness Month. Are you prepared?

We are family so we all must be prepared, humans and we pets so if something happens we can just leave the house safely. With climate change and weather conditions changing all over the world we must be prepared just in case we are caught off guard. It is a worry and I worry especially since Layla has aged and become blind what would happen if I am not home so I have come to an agreement with my neighbors that when I go out for a couple of hours they are warned just in case and I leave a pet carrier out with her harness inside so that they can grab her safely and leave the building.  It might sound crazy but for me I feel more relaxed knowing she is safe plus I have a sticker on my door saying blind dog inside with instructions that the pet carrier is there for her to go out in as she cannot walk fast.

Being prepared with a disaster bag is so important also. I have one prepared with items for Layla and me, including food and water. Living in San Francisco where earthquakes can happen without a warning, I would rather be safe than sorry.

So who is prepared and what do you have to grab to get out safely ?

Last weekend being a long weekend and the weather being perfect I decided to take Layla down to the Embarcadero or Promenade, it is easy to get there on train ride each way and they have a wonderful lawn there where I sat back and relaxed while Layla ran around tail wagging and happy. Umm did I say sit back and relax LOL I was chasing after her to make sure she did not leave the lawn and land up on the promenade which was full of people, dogs, bikers plus so much more. She had so much fun and actually at one point lay down and fell asleep. It was a great couple of hours, relaxing and there is nothing like smelling the sea air of the bay, watching the yachts sailing by, the seagulls flying around and the calm blue waters was so calming.

Lots of new smells

Smelling the flowers

Am thirsty

You can see on the video below how happy she was running like there were no problems in the world, a happy Layla is a happy Me.

This weekend I have not thought what to do am going with the flow but am sure we will do something fun together, make memories and be outdoors enjoying the weather while it lasts.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Stay safe,

With a woof and love from Layla






What happens to Pets on 4th of July weekend.

Good morning Everyone,

With the beginning of July comes 4th of July which might be a holiday for fun BUT for us pets is it a scary time also. So today we going to discuss this matter and would love input.

I have been reading different articles about many things that are connected with 4th of July and the one that stands out is the amount of animals that get lost, shelters are already overflowing and will be really full after this weekend.

It is so sad that before the weekend even starts, people are dumping pets at Shelters with a million and one reason why they cannot keep them but the bottom line is it is the 4th of July weekend and they are going away. These people do not even think of the damage they are doing, some lucky pets will be fortunate to get out of there alive, others won’t. I cannot understand why and how people can do that, they are inconsiderate, not compassionate and should not be allowed to have pets again.  This weekend is one of the hardest for Rescue Organizations as they will be over flowing with wonderful warm fuzzy pets looking for new home because of the selfishness of their past owners.

Having a pet is in my eyes having a kid, and many people would not dump their kids at a shelter just because the holiday is more tempting, actually I wonder how they are with their kids? If they act this way. Yes, I will judge them, as people that have no respect for other species, and only themselves are people I do not want in my life or surroundings.

So let us pray that those unfortunate pets find new happy homes to live out the rest of their lives, like Layla.

I also hate fireworks, they are a waste of money that can be used for so much more, rescue organizations are desperate for money and so are many other charities. I also hate them because of the fear they cause to all pets plus the wild animals outside, why should they be traumatized.


How to keep us safe on 4th of July :

Be prepared in the event that your pet does escape – make sure your pet is wearing a collar with an updated tag, microchip is updated and BEST of all just keep your pet inside in a safe place where it cannot escape.



How I keep Layla safe – I take her in her stroller in the evening for a long walk and then we settle in for the night. I keep the Jazz music on the TV, she sleeps wherever she is comfortable,  I put a t-shirt on her which keeps her snuggly and helps her relax Since she has started Sundowners Syndrome she gets her Relax Supplement from Real Mushrooms which works wonders and normally asleep by 8 pm.  If she needs to go out late at night and she tells me, I will take her out, I do not force her. Her safety and wellbeing is my top priority.

One of the most important things we also need to remind everyone is :


Have a wonderful weekend, be safe, enjoy your two legged and four legged family and please remember to keep us safe.

With a Woof



Gotcha Day is over, but I did a Reiki and Animal Communicator Session

TGIF!!!! I need to relax LOL.

Layla and I went shopping last Saturday for her Gotcha Day on Tuesday, if she had her own way, she would have bought everything in the store LOL but I stuck to two bags of her favorite treats, minnows and shrimp and she cannot get enough of them in her snuffle toys.

My favorite pet store

I do not want the hat but want treats only

Mom did not buy this for me as she said it was too big for my tummy

On Wednesday the sun was shining so I took her to the park which she loved and just slept in the sun plus of course wandered around smelling all the pmail, she had to catch up on all the gossip which she has missed out on so she was one happy girl when we came home, and went to sleep, such a hard life.


In my last blog I had said there would be a surprise this week and this is the surprise, I have wanted for months to know if Layla is happy as she does not smile anymore, and have always been fascinated with people who do Reiki and communicate with animals so I have been following this woman on FB and when she contacted me to thank me for following her and sharing her posts she offered to do a session with Layla which I of course jumped on the idea.

Her name is Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor

YouTube :

Website :

So last Sunday we did one on Zoom which unfortunately got cut off before it ended because of connections, but I got so many answers to my queries I was really pleased with the results as they have relaxed me. I am also understanding Layla more as she ages so our lives will be less stressful, anxious and we can age peacefully together.

When we started the session Layla was sitting on my lap in front of the camera and was very antsy, could not figure out where the voice was coming from so Billie suggested I put her on the floor, she went to drink water and then went to her normal sleeping place and totally calmed down.

I will share our video session on our blog next week as my laptop keeps freezing but cannot wait to share.

What I learned:

Since going blind Layla is afraid to go out, that is why she will only walk a little and then stares into space with her tail between her legs but is comfortable sitting in her stroller, so we are going to have to slow down on adventures in some ways so she is not afraid.

She cannot understand why her body is changing as she ages although she feels like a puppy inside and is very healthy TG.

Because of all the above she is not smiling anymore which has upset me as I miss her smiles, but I understand also and I am sure I would be the same if it happened to me.

She does love me very much.

Another thing I learned is that because of the above her anxiety has gone through the roof, so am checking into new calming solutions for her and keeping a t-shirt on all the time that does keep her calm. Billie also suggested music by Mozart or the Beatles to calm her so am going to do some research this weekend on YouTube to see what I can find although I have the Jazz on all the time I do not think it’s working for her.

So as a dog Mom to a senior dog I strongly suggest others do a session with Billie as it is an eye opener and will make everyone’s lives calmer and happier.

Everyone please have a safe happy weekend, make memories and enjoy your moments with your pets, they are precious and deserve the best.


Lots of love from
