National Holistic Pet Day

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TGIF! Good morning, friends, can you believe August is nearly over and we have 4 months till the end of the year. That is crazy as the year has gone so fast and so much has happened in the Layla Neighborhood. This is Nili speaking as I am sure you know my sister is running and playing over the Rainbow Bridge and I have stepped in to speak for her and all our friends all over the world.

Today is National Holistic Pet Day, which is very important as we need to raise awareness of holistic pet wellness and health, and we depend on human parents to keep us healthy. What that means is that we humans must consider holistic health by considering their diet, environment and lifestyle. Are you doing that? I do not have any chemicals in the house, I clean everything with Apple Cider Vinegar so the house is chemical free.

I have lost my Kong so keep my brain active it is snuffle toy time with carrots

Since adopting Nili I have done some changes and of course added supplements as I am trying to figure out what is the best diet for her, yes, I home cooked for Layla but am looking more into the raw diet for her, trying different foods out till I find the one that I think is best for her. She is still a young dog, full of energy and was a stray so building up her immune system is one of my first priorities. Layla was on an amazing senior supplement from Vetericyn called All In 1 for seniors and they have for all ages, so I have put Nili on the adult one, and as she loves eating LOL, she gobbles it down each morning. The one plus with it is it has a calming ingredient in it which makes it easier for training also as she is not so hyperactive and more focused.

Another reason I swear by their products is they have fantastic skin products for dogs which helped Layla a lot so knowing that I have them for Nili now also and I know she is getting the best.

You can read more about them on their website  :

Nili has pearly white beautiful teeth, no plaque no nothing so I am focused on keeping her teeth that way by using the Tropiclean Dental Products, I am cleaning her teeth with their Water Additive which has no taste so she does not know she is drinking it, their Brushing Gel which I am using a finger brush to clean her teeth with, this is still a work in progress but she will slowly get used to it, and I also have minty Dental Wipes to use on her teeth if I cannot brush them as she is resisting.

You can read more about them on their website :

I also each night as a last treat gets a dental chew, so she goes to sleep with clean teeth and good smelling breath.

And then of course there are the mushrooms which I swear by and Nili every night gets the Real Mushrooms Relax to calm her down and settle for the night which has made a big difference as her last night walk is calmer, and once home she settles down and goes to sleep till about 6 in the morning.

Their website is:

relaxing sleepy after my last walk

Her training is on top of the list also, and a friend of mine has given me a clicker which seems to be slowly working. Nili is very treat motivated so am giving her carrots as treats as they are not fattening and she loves them. I have been giving them to her in her Kong also, but we have now lost the Kong as I cannot find it, so I am stuffing carrots into a snuffle toy which keeps her busy.  Unfortunately, till her training is not perfect as possible I cannot take her to the park to run as I cannot take the chance, and she needs to learn first. Thank goodness I have friends with gardens and they being great letting me take her to them to run wild and let off some energy.

where are my treats


So today being National Holistic Pet Day we need to remember that it is not only what they eat, but their lifestyle and environment is just as important to keep them healthy and whatever steps we can take is for everyone’s benefit in the end.


I am now going to squeak some toys as my job is done for the day,

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,

With love and woofs from Nili





10 Replies to “National Holistic Pet Day”

  1. You are such a cute girl and your mom takes such good care of you, Nili! I snag mushrooms in the yard now and again and mom gets mad. I will check out the site and maybe she’ll let me eat all of them that I find!

    • Hi Duke, thank you for your compliment and Mom tries BOL. I am sure your Mom gets mad as some mushrooms can be poisonous and we don’t want you to get sick. The mushroom supplements are pawsome and very healthy, even Mom takes the human ones BOL. Have a wonderful weekend, Nili

  2. You sure are a happy girl sweet Nili and I’m sure your training will do great with the clicker to help. You’re a smart one too. I hope you and your Mom have a fabulous weekend. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    • Terry thank you so much and I am blessed with her in my life and the training will come along slowly but surely. Thank you also for your Thankful Thursday Blog Hop it keeps me on my toes checking what your cats are up to. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Happy National Holistic Pet Day to you and Nili! She is so lucky to have such a wonderful hu-mom. Henry loves carrots as well. The funny thing with him is that he has a threshold for food in general and will just stop eating even if it’s his favorite food. I wish I could do that LOL. I love apple cider vinegar as well for cleaning. It does a great job and it’s so much safer. We have an overabundance of chemicals in our world. So, I don’t want to add to that if I can avoid it. Thank you so much for pointing me to the mushroom relax supplements. They are a true game changer for Henry. I bet Nili loves them as much as Henry. I hope you and Nili get a chance to enjoy a friend’s yard this holiday weekend. I know she’ll be trained in no time and this period will be a faint memory. Hugs and pets to you and Nili from Henry and me.

    • Thanks Terri and I am so blessed to have her in my life and not a picky eater for once LOL. I wish I was like Henry also not wanting to eat something sometimes, he is so smart and should teach all of us LOL. So relaxing chews are wonders and helping me with Nilis training now also phew, it is making it easier for me. Hugs and have a wonderful weekend with Henry.

  4. The joys of learning to live with a new furry family member! It sounds like you are making progress with Nili. Lots of great supplements and daily habits started here

    • Tiffany it is a learning process but we are doing it. She thank goodness eats everything so I have no problems there but it is the training that is going slow but we getting there hopefully soon. I would not change it for anything.

  5. I’m such a fan of holistic treatments and therapies for our dogs! I did a combination of those and traditional with my FiveSibes, and really believed it was so helpful. I love that you said it’s not just what they eat, but their lifestyle and environment is also so very important. Nili is in great hands! Great post!

    • Dorothy I so agree with you Holistic is the best way to go as the less chemicals going into a body the healthier you are and you were an amazing Mom to the Five Sibes, they could not have wanted a better Mom than you.
      Thank you for your compliment and I am doing the best I can as I say if you do it right less vet bills in the long run.

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