Nili’s Journey Home

Good Morning friends,

While I type this Nili is on her way home and should be arriving in about 3 hours. I decided to write the blog before she arrives so I can focus on her only and no social media till tomorrow.

I have been very blessed by my friends for stepping in and fostering her the last two weeks, it is hard on them as I think they have fallen in love with her plus Winnie their rescue had to say goodbye to her playmate this morning. I feel bad for Winnie at this moment because she has no one to play with and Nili will have the same problem although I am fixing play dates in my house for her.

As you all know Nili, was rescued from the L.A. Animal control where they put all her details down and I have subsequently learned they are not correct. A friend of mine who does animal rescue explained to me they cannot always do it as they do not have the funding for DNA tests. Avi, my friend took her to the vet for a check up and told me that she was not afraid at all WOW, and the vet told him the following:

She was sure Nili is about 2-2.5 years at most based upon her teeth and the brightness in her eyes. She has been through one or two heat cycles but does not think she has given birth. She is very healthy. No Upper respiratory infection at all and she can be spayed when I want. she heard no wheezing or crackling in her lungs. She weighs 16.4 lbs. She has a cutaneous histiocytoma on her head. but it appears to be healing on its own and is nothing to worry about. The scab came off in the doctors hand. She said is it doesn’t heal up completely in a month get it checked out. but she did not think it was anything to worry about.  She said Nili is a very healthy, alert pup, and a great rescue.

One of my favorite photos of Nili

I have already made an appointment for her to be spayed, first one I could get was 24th August but will phone and keep checking to see if there is any cancellations so park days will not start till she is fixed but will take her for walks, other adventures where there are no dogs. I also have to train her with recall although she knows the words Treats and Sit which is a good beginning. I am getting her a 14ft leash for the park when we do start so she can wander around and not get away.

This morning I drove myself nuts and child proofed the house, have everything ready for her and now sitting and waiting which is not easy LOL. Matt who is bringing her to me is every couple of hours texting Avi and then Avi texts me, it is a long ride from Palm Springs to San Francisco, about 8 hours and he will be stopping so she can potty along the way  but she is sleeping peacefully in her expandable pet carrier that the company Mr Peanuts gave her. They are such a fantastic small family business and so quick to help where possible. They sent for her a large expandable carrier, medium sized one and a pink regular carrier so Nili was spoiled. The medium sized I left with Avi to give to whoever he would like to as sharing is caring and that is so important.

Being bribed this morning to get in the carrier


Here is their link and I strongly suggest you look at all their amazing reasonable products.

Nili has a lot to learn so her schooling is beginning here and the sooner I start the better as her life will be so much easier. I have to stop her naughtiness of barking at bicycles, noise, running out of the door when it opens and so much more but she is a smart little girl and will learn. (Her Mom is an ex teacher LOL)

Treat time, Quasi, Nili and Winnie


So plans this weekend are to let her sleep, get into a routine, play with snuffle toys which I have got treats for, chew on bully sticks which I bought her and just relax together spending lots of cuddle time.

Before I log off to get ready to meet her I want to say from the bottom of my heart thank you thank you thank you to Jonathan, Avi, Will, Shai, Boaz, Quasi, Winnie and Matt for helping me with everything, keeping Nili safe and amused and most of all getting her home to me, I am so blessed to have you all in my life.

Have a wonderful weekend, we hope you have loads of fun and relax also,

With a woof and love


Nili and Mom

Today is Two Months

Today was two months since Layla crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. It was a hard day for me as I sat in my house thinking of her, wanting to hear her bark at me, wag her tail or just sleep relaxed in her bed. Every time I heard the fireworks, I worried about her automatically which did not ease my misery in many ways.

This is what I miss most evenings

I realize there are going to be days when I will miss her more and today was that day, so I went, in the heat, for a long walk and then started doing which she would have wanted me to do, speak out against the fireworks, advise people to keep their pets safe and to not drink and drive while your pets are at home. We need to be responsible parents and to think of everything to keep them safe, like we do for kids.

The fireworks here have been going since 5 this afternoon, each time one goes off I jump in my chair, I have the jazz station on to keep myself calm and feel so sorry for all the animals who are freaking out. I have been seeing on social media posts of lost dogs, ACC calling out with lost dogs, and I am sure by tomorrow the shelters will be overflowing with lost pets, it is just heartbreaking, and I pray all the pets find their families.

As you all know, Layla used to wear these amazing harnesses, custom made by Dachshund Delights, see the link below:

Her favorite harness

Now the reason I am sharing them is April, the owner of the business, surprised me two weeks ago with a small white box which arrived in the mail, with chocolates, rainbow paw stickers AND a mini-Layla, a small, customized toy which looks like Layla. I was totally in awe, cried when I saw her, and I am in love with her. She is hanging on the wall in front of my laptop so I can see her all the time. Plus, the reason I have hung her there is that when I dog sit none of the dogs can get to her and try play with her. I have been doing dog sitting to get my doggy doses which is helping me a lot, as it puts me in a routine with walking the dogs plus gets me out of the house more.

Thank you April for this wonderful gift


I am sure you are wondering if I am going to adopt/rescue a new fur kid and I am putting it here, I have started, watching lots of FB pages and praying I will soon find a new fur kid to share my life with.


So on this note, have a wonderful weekend everyone, please be safe

Hugs from Layla’s Mom

Carrying on her legacy

Woof hello friends,

Two weeks ago, I took Layla for her last adventure to spread her ashes in a place that she loved to go to in her younger years, where she wandered around, sniffing all the smells and barking at the ducks in the lake.

I went with Alice, one of my closest friends who we used to do adventures with, visiting the different lakes in the Bay Area, so this was the last adventure for the three of us, we sat at the lake with a picnic and then I went towards the lake and spread her ashes. It was hard, sad but I knew in my heart it was the best thing to do as she is now back in nature, barking at the ducks and turtles and at peace, not as I felt stuck in a box on my shelf. Pine Lake in Stern Grove for me is like heaven, just beautiful, natural and quiet which is what I wanted for her. However hard it was for me, I am now finally at peace, moving forward with a more positive attitude and finally taking care of me.

Pine Lake

The Duck welcoming Layla

I have been going out more, lunch with friends, a jazz concert in a park, and much more but I must admit I find it hard without pushing her in the stroller which is something I am slowly getting used to. Her strollers I have donated to Muttville Senior Dog Rescue and her other things I am going through slowly at my own pace.

As I vowed, I would do is carry on her legacy and this week I am going to talk about fireworks, as the 4th of July is around the corner. I personally hate fireworks and feel the money could be given to nonprofit organizations who are struggling, rescue organizations and so much more instead of burning the money.

The fireworks scare the wild animals that many flee in fear and get injured or killed by cars, our pets who sit in our houses shivering from fear, the Vets that suffer from PTSD and so many more.

I think it is unfair to all those that are afraid and disrespectful especially when you live in a city and people  just stand in the streets shooting them off and our apartments are shaking from all the noise. I used to have my TV on the Jazz Station loud during the night to disguise the bangs as much as possible, I would make Layla a bed in the shower with her water, toys and food and put her in there where she felt safe and secure, cover her with a blanket and let her stay there all night with me checking on her every 30 minutes.  What I did give her was the Relax Calming Chews from Real Mushrooms which helped a lot and actually once calm she would fall asleep and sleep through it all, these chews were a blessing in disguise as they kept her calm and relaxed especially as she got older.

So to help other pet parents we are doing a give away for a bottle of  chews to help your pet. They are for both cats and dogs so everyone can enter to ease the stress and anxiety from the fireworks.

What are they :

I have been sponsored by Real Mushrooms for this giveaway.

You can read more about them on their website where you have a 10% discount with coupon LaylasWoof.

To enter go to the link below and fill in all that is asked from you.


This Giveaway is for the USA only and you must be over 18 years old to enter.


Good luck to everyone, you enter you will have a calm pet in the house.


With a woof and love

From Layla’s Mom





Preparing for goodbye

Good morning friends,

It has been 13 days since Layla crossed the Rainbow Bridge, the house is empty and cold without her, she was so part of my life. I keep looking at her bed to see if she is sleeping peacefully.

I miss seeing this daily when she was asleep under her blankie

I am going to today share with you how I was preparing for that awful day as I thought I was prepared but am realizing now you are never prepared although I am at peace that she is not suffering anymore.

About two plus years ago I realized that Layla, with going blind was aging quickly and I so wanted to make it as easy as possible for her, a stress-free life especially when she started with Dementia. She became more withdrawn, sleeping more but although blind I was determined to have fun, keep her nose going instead of her eyes and keep the routine we had been in for all these years.  While preparing mentally for the awful day I started researching, finding ideas, and praying each time I found something it would keep her happy. It is a catch 22 as such but I did not give up. I started giving her new supplements, got her a stroller to ease her walking, especially on adventures and then got her the stroller that she was in towards the end. You can see on the below link the supplements I gave her plus the treats I used for her snuffle toys which she loved and kept her busy. I am listing the link to the list of what she got. th

The stroller was and is in my eyes the best invention ever and I highly recommend senior dog parents to get one, your life is so much easier and your pet can enjoy being outdoors sniffing the air and all the new smells. I got it from a company called Mr. Peanuts it was light weight, roomy for her to sleep in, a big basket underneath for shopping plus I kept a water bowl there all the time for water and would put a bottle there every time we went out. Another thing I loved about it was it has two straps to clip them in on either side so that she was safe, and I had no worries. That was the stroller I rocked her in on her last night, walked her to calm her down covered in a blanket and although it did not help much it eased it a bit for her while she was fighting her last breath.

Sleeping in her stroller comfortably

This is the link from where I got it :

Another thing I did was got in contact with an animal communicator as I wanted to know what was going through her mind so that I could work with that, I know it sounds crazy, but I was reaching out for every answer as it mattered to me as a Dog Mom.

I am sharing the session I had with Cherokee Billie so you can hear how helpful it was as I want others to know that it eases your life also in many ways.

I am also going to share with you how bossy she was in the good old days, and she knew how to work me for treats, and this is something I really miss in the house now, I keep imagining I am hearing her bark ☹

On Saturday the 4th of May the awful day arrived, it was a day etched in my memory like it was yesterday but I am at peace as she is not suffering anymore and I know in my heart that I did everything I could to make her life as happy as possible but when the quality of life is not there it best to release them to cross over to the Rainbow Bridge. It is traumatic to hold them when they pass, a nightmare in some ways BUT it is important to be with them and show them your unconditional love the way they have given you all their life. I was blessed to do it at home, but it was my choice to keep her as relaxed and comfortable as possible with all the familiar smells she knew.

I cannot and will not accept people that dump their seniors at shelters to die in a cold cage because they do not want to deal with their senior passing or at a vet telling the vet to euthanize their pet and leaving. That is cold disrespectful and unimaginable what the pet must be feeling as they pass. A pet has a soul, has feeling and emotions and to put them through that is unforgivable. Your pet is scared, frightened and if they were part of your family, they should be honored by you being with them when they pass. I often feel people that do this would do it to other family members also. They should not be allowed to have pets again.

I was surprised last week as I received an email from a friend who had had a tree planted in her name in Israel through the JNF Memorial fund This is an non profit organization that plants trees in Israel in a human or pets memory which I was so thankful for as being Israeli she is now part of me in my country plus a tree is a symbol of life and what could be a better memory than a tree growing with your name on, her name/legacy will carry on forever.

Her Memorial in Israel


Please hug your fur kids as much as possible, life is precious, we are blessed to have fur kids in our lives and we must treasure that daily, make memories that will make you laugh and cry but those memories are in your heart forever

With love from

Layla’s Mom





Layla’s Journey

Hi Friends,

As some of you know Layla crossed the Rainbow Bridge last Saturday 4 May at 12.00 noon. I decided today to share our journey of life together from the day she arrived from the shelter to the day she crossed over. It has been a long journey, and I am very blessed to have had her for about 14 years.

In January 2011 I was looking to rescue a fur kid after Baby passed away in November 2010. I went to the rescues in my area and did not find what I wanted so started searching on Petfinder and PetHarbor. A friend of mine was going to LA, and he said to me if I found one online that I wanted he had a friend who was a rescuer and she would get her for me. So, for about 4 days I sat online every moment I had till I saw Layla sitting in a cage at the Carson Shelter and knew in my heart she was the one. Cindy went on Saturday to the shelter to pull her, called me from there and said to me she had a smelly matted mess on her lap licking her and that sealed the deal. Layla arrived in San Francisco the following night, and I fell in love with her and never ever regretted it.

I gave her the name Layla which means Night in Hebrew as she was black and had arrived at night and I was a Hebrew Teacher.

From that day on our life began together. I was teaching during the week but came weekends I made sure we had fun and was out and about. From visiting different dog parks to meeting up with friends and more.

Layla was a quirky girl, in her younger days she was full of life, her tail with its white tip like a feather wagging a mile a minute, a happy girl and ready to go all the time. I got her a backpack which was safer for public transport, and she loved riding the buses and trams. If she had her own way, we could do it all day.

Like everything in life, she started aging slowly, I home cooked for her from day one, got new supplements when necessary and the adventures carried on. We went to lakes in the Oakland hills, different seaside towns, did the AIDS walk one year, went on a ferry to Angel Island, to fundraising galas at night and the list can go on and on she was a social butterfly. I love dog events and fairs so we would go to those also and wherever I went excluding teaching, she came with me.

Fund raiser gala for PAWS

When Covid started with the lockdown is when our lives came to a standstill, I would still walk her and take her to the dog park not far from our house but that was all we did as nothing was happening. It was at that time that I noticed she was slowing down, starting to struggle to sit in her backpack and ailments started. She was losing her sight from cataracts and the vet and I agreed no surgery because of her age but losing her sight she started becoming withdrawn also, so I looked for solutions to keep her busy like snuffle toys filled with treats which kept her happy and busy, but she was sleeping more, not wagging her tail that much and I realized that she was aging and every day was to become a memory and blessing. We were now using the stroller more as she was slowing down with walking although when she wanted to potty, she would stand in the stroller to let me know.

I knew her life was coming to an end when about 3 weeks ago I took her to the vet who found she had a colon infection and from that moment she deteriorated, and I felt she was losing her quality in life. We did DogFest which was the last time she ate, mainly treats but was happy she was eating, she was drinking and vomiting a lot of it, I tried Entyce which did not help, spoke to the vet who said she might be nauseous and offered me medication for that but in my heart, I knew it would not help. I cooked her favorite meals; bought everything I thought might interest her, but she wanted nothing. The last real meal of gizzards she ate was on the Tuesday before she passed away.  I once again on Thursday called her vet and she told me that the time had come to set Layla free. She had lost a lot of weight, was falling when walking and in the park would just stand and stare into space. She had lost all interest in her snuffle toys, did not bark anymore but just lay in her bed sleeping.


Last day in the park with Dash and Storm

Layla and I cuddling in the park on Friday 3 May

I called PAWS (Pets are Wonderful Support) an organization I am a client of, spoke to one of the people in charge and from that moment got the ball rolling to get a vet to come to my house to help her pass, I did not want in a clinic. On Friday morning Ariel called me and told me that the first appointment would be on Saturday at noon and I said yes without hesitation. On Friday morning I took her to her to the park to spend time with one of her favorite Uncles and his dogs, she did not even know he or Dash and Storm where there, which broke my heart and I wanted to cry. We came home and I put her in bed, and she went to sleep. That afternoon I had a Skype meeting the animal communicator (see my link page for more information) and Billie worked with her, and she suddenly started howling. I freaked out and immediately gave her something to calm her down, but she brought it up and that is when my nightmare started. Why I am calling it my nightmare is she howled all Friday night, I held her in my arms on my bed and she did not relax, I gave her everything I could think of to calm her down but nothing stayed in her and I found the only thing that was helping was rolling around in her stroller so every half hour I took her out for a roll plus kept her in it in the house rocking it every time she cried. I was also dog sitting Gidget my friend’s dog and poor Gidget did not know what to do, it was heartbreaking. In the morning, I called Act of Love (their link is on my links page) to see if the vet could come earlier but unfortunately she could not so I tried once again to give her something to relax her and she finally fell asleep. Layla was exhausted, ready to go and had no more energy. I decided to take her for one last roll in her stroller and as I picked her, she had a massive seizure and collapsed in my arms, so I immediately put her in her bed and counted the minutes for the vet to arrive. Dr Christine Metzger arrived at 12 noon, I explained to her everything and I bent down to pick Layla out of her bed, I feel she was already nearly gone and did not make a sound or move. I laid her on my knees, sang to her, while Dr Metzger gave her a relaxing shot, and then the final shot and within seconds she had stopped breathing. I sat hugging her, kissing her and then Dr. Metzger helped me make a paw print, I had already cut the fur I wanted, so she picked Layla up and laid her in the basket she had brought with her. I stood there numb, crying as she picked the basket up and started walking to the door, she stopped, I bent down and kissed Layla goodbye and as Dr Metzger said she is at peace and crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Before she left, she told that she would bring me personally her ashes as they do not trust the US mail, phew.

Singing to Layla as she passed over to the Rainbow Bridge


Layla in the basket the vet brought with her to take Layla away

Today is Thursday, 5 days since Layla crossed the Rainbow Bridge, my house is quiet and empty, I keep thinking I am hearing her moan to go outside, my life is lonely without her. Our life together was so perfect in so many ways, I learnt so much from her, unconditional love is the first on the list. This is the card I got from Dr Metzger in the mail today

The card I got from Dr Metzger today

I was blessed to have had her in my life for 14 years, never a dull moment with her quirkiness and now it is time for me to take care of me, something I have to relearn as the past 3 years I have been looking after her as she aged. Hindy from Grey Paws and All Blog wrote an amazing blog about self-care which I am now going to study and learn to do.

I want to say a special thank you to Real Mushrooms for their Mushroom Supplements, Myos for the joint and muscle supplements, The treat companies that helped keeping her snuffle toys full, Mr Peanuts for his stroller which I am donating to Muttville Senior Dog Rescue, Vetericyn for their senior dog supplement and everyone else that supported me through our journey of life. All links are on my link page.

Others I owe a big thanks are Act of Love for their kindness and understanding and Ann for helping me with my graphics this week.

This is my link page :

Since I announced that Layla has crossed the Rainbow Bridge, my phone has not stopped ringing, the emails are coming in, the notifications on social media are overwhelming and many are asking what I plan to do. My plan is to carry on with Layla’s Legacy speaking out for the voiceless, against abuse, Domestic Violence and so much more and as a friend of mine emailed me which says it all, thank you Hagar :

In Judaism it is customary to not say kaddish(prayer for the dead)  for an animal as we are told they do not have souls. Layla is an exception. Her soul shined so bright and beautiful because of the amazing care and love you gave her. You survived past traumas because of, and for Layla. Her heartbeat was in sync with yours and her job was to remind you of your incredible self-worth and importance in this world. She was a deep soul.

In the darkness of the night, there is a star shining bright, following me named Layla.

Run Free my love without pain and suffering, eat lots of chicken jerky, say hi to Lucy, Yogi, Zachari, Zelda, the Five Sibes and all your friends

Mommy loves and misses you xxxx






Hoppy Happy Easter

When Spring arrives, Easter arrives, and everyone is hopping for chocolates plus some parents are busy buying bunnies for their kids. This is a sore subject for me as so many bunnies, like other pets, are bought for a holiday and then dumped in a shelter or as some do which is so stupid is let them loose in the fields where they cannot survive.  So if you want a bunny for your child get them a toy, one that does not need care and will not be thrown out as such when your child is bored with it. Bunnies, like so many pets are family, and you do not want to be dumped by a family member then please do not do the same to your bunny.

Layla at a pet event a couple of years ago


Easter can also be hazardous to your pets; I am listing below the hazards to keep your pets safe especially when it comes to chocolate or candies with Xylitol.


Happy Easter to everyone, we hope you have a wonderful fun weekend with your family, please be safe


With a woof and love from




March is here and we have had some sun

Woof to all my friends,

March has arrived and we have had some sun, phew. A break from the rain which is driving Mom crazy BOL. She wants to sit outside and get fresh air plus I want time to wander around and smell all the new smells.

We have had a slow week this week because of the rain, but Mom took me to the park near our home and it was pawsome to see my friends and of course get lots of treats from everyone, that is the best part BOL.

Today, Thursday, Mom cancelled all appointments to be with me and we went to the park. The sun was shining, it was a bit chilly but everyone was there and it was great just to hang out, wander around, beg for treats BOL and of course after all that I took a nap on the cool damp grass which was muddy. It was the best medicine for both of us as Mom was off all electronics, just chilling and drinking her favorite drink, coffee of course. We came home relaxed, which was really great as being outdoors does so much for us.

The lawn feels so so good on my paws

Wandering around

With age, I am becoming a very picky eater, and it does not matter what Mom makes me I always want something else and it is worrying Mom big time, that is the Jewish side of her. Like today I did not want to eat my dinner so she boiled up some chicken for me which I ate part of and snacked on some freeze dried kibbles which as Mom says it is not real food but at least I got something in my tummy. She warned me if I do it again no treats in the park as I need to eat properly. I think that is unfair but sometimes I let her be the Boss BOL.

Our weekend plans are going to depend on the weather plus Mom’s Dentist appointment in the morning so we are going with the flow as she says. I will just have to do the same although she does take me out to potty so I should not complain, and I bark when I want to go and she jumps to attention.

Today is a very important day, Happy International Women’s Day to all the fantastic women out there that speak out against abuse, violence, equal rights and so much more, you are all amazing and please carry on the good work you are doing.

Have a wonderful weekend, be safe with a woof and love from Layla


The Birthday Party is over, and I cannot wait to tell all.

TGIF!! Friday has arrived and as Mom says she needs a break from all to relax and recharge her batteries.

I went last week to the vet for a checkup, day before my birthday party so the party was extra special as we celebrated my health, although the vet found a mass on my side which we going to monitor and I have started kidney disease at my old age so am dehydrated all the time, so drinking lots and making Mom take me out more times to potty including in the middle of the night. Mom says she would rather do that than clean the carpet all the time. BOL. The vet put me on some stuff to drink for the dehydration and it upset my tummy so oy vey Mom had a big mess to clean up, but all is good now.

NOW my birthday party which I have promised everyone I would talk about; it was the BEST ever. We left the house to go to a friend’s house where we were having the party as it was too cold and rainy to do in the park, plus our apartment is much too small for parties. On the way there we stopped at Rescue Row (see photo below) which is a street named for all the Rescue Organizations in the city. There is an amazing Rescue Organization that we stopped at to say hi which is called Muttville Senior Dog Rescue, it is a great very well-organized Rescue Organization and Sherri plus the volunteers are so great.  Mom explained to me that whatever is left of my party we would be dropping off at Muttville for the volunteers and dogs so everyone can have a party. Mom told me that when she was a child her mother used to make their birthday cakes in the shapes of houses, cars, planes, dolls and so much more and at their party they could eat everything but the cake as She would then take us and the cake to the Childrens Ward at one of the hospitals for the children to enjoy. I think that is a wonderful idea as that way everyone celebrates with a yum cake.

Walking to my party


At my birthday party was my favorite people and of course my dog friends, Dash, Storm, and Musik. We all wandered around looking for food and treats of course as that is what a birthday is all about. Carly from Paw Patch Pastries made me this delicious pink bacon flavored cake, it was so so good I am still licking my lips thinking of it although it is finished, grr. We each got a bag of treats to take home with us which were so delicious.

Me and my cake yum

Dash Storm and Me and of course I am sniffing the cake


Layla and Musik

My one Uncle also surprised Mom with the human cupcakes that Mom says were delicious and had happy birthday to me on them, they looked so cute.

The human cupcakes

The human table of goodies with our treat bags, my cake and of course BOL coffee cos Mom needed some

You can see on her website all the yummy cakes and treats, and did you know she ships treats all over the country? And most importantly she bakes for cats also, so they are not left out.

They are so so good yum, I pawsitively approve them, Layla

I was very spoiled and got a new bed from Uncle Ron and a new snuffle caterpillar from Uncle Troy, but as Mom says the funniest part of the birthday party was when I tried digging out the treats from Uncle Troy’s pocket of his jacket which was hanging at the back of the chair and instead BOL started pulling out the roll of poop bags and unraveled most of them, everyone laughed at me but it shows them I am 18 and still can get into mischief.

Pulling poop bags is fun


My new bed and snuffle caterpillar

I needed a nap in the middle of the party it was too much for me, Layla

I wish all of you could have been here to share in the fun, you were all missed but who knows maybe during the year we will have a get together.

I am now off to have my afternoon nap as dictating to Mom is exhausting.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, be safe and warm

Lots of love from Layla








It is my Birthday so am doing a give away

TGIF!!!! Woof my birthday party day has arrived, I am so excited, but Mom will not tell me what my cake is or anything else, she wants me to have lots of surprises so I will have to have a lazy morning and wait to go to my party. It is not going to be in a park as it is raining nonstop here but somewhere else. I will share more with you next week with all the photos.

Mom wanted to share something with you, I am turning 18 years old, 18 in Hebrew If you look at the alphabet the letters are Chet Yood, which spells LIFE so the number of 18 = LIFE. Isn’t that neat?

As some of you know one of my first presents was a new stroller. It is pawsome, very comfy and the best is I can lie down and sleep in it. Mom loves it also as it has high handle, so she is not bending down to push, it is light weight, two straps to clip me in so I cannot jump out, the bed has sides so if I sit in it and lose my balance I cannot fall, has a basket at the bottom which holds lots of goodies so for her shopping is easy now. Mom got it from the Mr. Peanuts company which has fantastic carry bags for us, backpacks, strollers for two big dogs, and so much more. It is a small family-owned company, they have great customer service and, in a nutshell, if you want to travel check their products out. It also came well packaged so nothing was broken in the box and BOL even Mom could assemble it; it was that easy.

We used it last week when we went to the Shi Tzu meet up at one of Moms favorite parks. It was so easy to maneuver over the lawns it was a life changer and everyone wowed how fantastic it is.


You can read about all their products on this link :

Now  today because it is my birthday, I am doing a give away for the hooman and us dawgs. As you know we are mushroom freaks here BOL as Mom believes they keep us healthy, and as we are both seniors, we need to stay that way. Plus, with cold weather now what could be better than a hot mug of chocolate with mushrooms to keep you healthy, plus a great coffee creamer for your morning coffee and I must not forget the Daily Dawg Mushroom supplement that is in a powder so easy to mix in with your food. It will keep your immune system very healthy and as we say a Healthy Dog is a happy Mom. Please check with your vet of course before trying it.

Mushroom Hot Chocolate with 5 Defenders : Organic Cacao, Organic Coconut Sugar, Organic Cacao Butter, Organic 5 Defenders Extract which consists of RealReishi,

RealMaitake, RealShitake, RealChaga, Himalayan Salt and Organic Vanilla. Yum it is so good and I add it to my coffee.

Functional Dairy Creamer : which has the 5 Defenders Mix in it also.

AND the Daily Dawg: This supplement is an all-in-one natural support for pet longevity and vitality. See the list of ingredients below.

You can read about all their products on this link :

To enter the giveaway please click on the widget below, you must be over 18 years old to enter. This giveaway is for the USA only, good luck.


I was sponsored by receiving the stroller from Mr. Peanuts and the Hot Chocolate, Coffee Creamer and Daily Dawg from Real Mushrooms to do the reviews and giveaway and my review is mine and Layla the official tester on the dog products and I am giving you an honest input on all.

I am now going off to get some beauty sleep so I can look really pretty tomorrow when I see all my friends,

Have a wonderful weekend, please stay warm and safe,

Love Layla





February 2024 Pet Holidays and Observances

February Pets Holidays and Observances


Rolling in my new stroller I got for my birthday



  • Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month
  • National Pet Dental Month
  • Responsible Pet Owners Month
  • Dog Training Education Month
  • National Cat Health Month
  • Spay/Neuter Awareness Month
  • Humpback Whale Awareness Month
  • International Hoof Care Month
  • National Bird Feeding Month
  • National Wild Bird-Feeding Month
  • Responsible Animal Guardian Month
  • Responsible Pet Owner Month


February 7-14: Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week

February 11-17: Home for Birds Week

February 18-24: National Justice for Animals Week

February 18 – 24: Bird Health Awareness Week




February 2: Layla’s 18th birthday party

February 2: National Hedgehog Day; Groundhog Day

February 3: Doggy Date Night

February 3: Feed the Birds Day

February 5: Western Monarch Day

February 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day

February14:  Valentine’s Day

February 17: World Pangolin Day

February 17: World Whale Day

February 20: Love Your Pet Day

February 22: Walking the Dog Day

February 22: National Wildlife Day

February 23: National Dog Biscuit Day

February 27: World Spay Day


Wishing everyone a Happy Valentines Day with woof and love from Layla