People make me sick

Hi everyone and today’s blog we are going to discuss what is making me sick inside.

This week was Pet Appreciation week where we all show our appreciation to our pets by spoiling them more, loving them and showering them with everything they deserve plus more. It is a week when I used to spoil Layla with extra treats although she was never short of anything LOL. It is the guilty Jewish Mom side of me.

I am going to let you into a secret, I have been looking at shelters to see if I see a new baby but nothing yet and that is what is making me so angry. While perusing the Facebook pages seeing the words OWNER SURRENDER next to the poor dog in a cage and there are also seniors in that position. How can people dump their loyal dog in a shelter and leave with it petrified, shaking and miserable while they sit closed up, and the humans walk away like it is ok and hey they can now go on holiday and forget about the poor dog, with shelters over crowded at this moment, unless it is a no kill shelter, they have sent their dog to die unless a rescue steps in. Most I have seen are beautiful big dogs of all breeds that have been dumped like garbage. I really think there should be an online national registry preventing them from ever getting a dog again, and it should be for the entire family, what do you think?

What really worries me is 4th of July is around the corner and that means more dogs will be dumped and the shelters will explode from overcrowding, and the rescuers/angels will be running around trying to save them, find fosters and then homes for them, it is a frightening thought but a reality also.

June is also Microchip Month, it is very important as with 4th of July around the corner please make sure your microchip information is up to date, tags are all up to date and your pets will be safe inside.

I have now vented how I feel now and am sure Layla would agree with me especially as she came from a scary shelter,

Please keep your fur kids safe, give them a big hug as always,

With love

Layla’s Mom




What happens to Pets on 4th of July weekend.

Good morning Everyone,

With the beginning of July comes 4th of July which might be a holiday for fun BUT for us pets is it a scary time also. So today we going to discuss this matter and would love input.

I have been reading different articles about many things that are connected with 4th of July and the one that stands out is the amount of animals that get lost, shelters are already overflowing and will be really full after this weekend.

It is so sad that before the weekend even starts, people are dumping pets at Shelters with a million and one reason why they cannot keep them but the bottom line is it is the 4th of July weekend and they are going away. These people do not even think of the damage they are doing, some lucky pets will be fortunate to get out of there alive, others won’t. I cannot understand why and how people can do that, they are inconsiderate, not compassionate and should not be allowed to have pets again.  This weekend is one of the hardest for Rescue Organizations as they will be over flowing with wonderful warm fuzzy pets looking for new home because of the selfishness of their past owners.

Having a pet is in my eyes having a kid, and many people would not dump their kids at a shelter just because the holiday is more tempting, actually I wonder how they are with their kids? If they act this way. Yes, I will judge them, as people that have no respect for other species, and only themselves are people I do not want in my life or surroundings.

So let us pray that those unfortunate pets find new happy homes to live out the rest of their lives, like Layla.

I also hate fireworks, they are a waste of money that can be used for so much more, rescue organizations are desperate for money and so are many other charities. I also hate them because of the fear they cause to all pets plus the wild animals outside, why should they be traumatized.


How to keep us safe on 4th of July :

Be prepared in the event that your pet does escape – make sure your pet is wearing a collar with an updated tag, microchip is updated and BEST of all just keep your pet inside in a safe place where it cannot escape.



How I keep Layla safe – I take her in her stroller in the evening for a long walk and then we settle in for the night. I keep the Jazz music on the TV, she sleeps wherever she is comfortable,  I put a t-shirt on her which keeps her snuggly and helps her relax Since she has started Sundowners Syndrome she gets her Relax Supplement from Real Mushrooms which works wonders and normally asleep by 8 pm.  If she needs to go out late at night and she tells me, I will take her out, I do not force her. Her safety and wellbeing is my top priority.

One of the most important things we also need to remind everyone is :


Have a wonderful weekend, be safe, enjoy your two legged and four legged family and please remember to keep us safe.

With a Woof



July has arrived

Happy Friday everyone, it is 3 days before 4th of July, a happy holiday but unhappy for pets and wild animals.

I am one of those people that are against fireworks of any kind as it breaks my heart to see how the animals suffer or people who have PTSD, it is so disrespectful, waste of money that can be donated to so many organizations that are struggling.

In Israel this year, some cities cancelled their Fireworks Displays in respect for those that suffer PTSD and I think that is amazing and wish it would happen all over the world.

How can we keep our pets safe during the celebrations, see below and please make sure they are all inside and cannot get out? There are so many hazards for pets that we need to be on alert for.

Update on Layla, she is aging and with it I must face new challenges that are hard but will not change anything in this world. She has halo which has made life so much easier for her and for me, walks are less stressful, and her tail is wagging again which makes me smile. Another thing I am doing is instead of her noon walk I carry her to the park and let her wander around and sleep in the sun while I eat lunch and then we walk home, she is loving it and I sit away from all the other dogs so she is really safe.

She thank goodness is eating like a pig, the mushrooms have made such a difference in her health wise and in a nutshell I am one happy Dog Mom, or as I say we are two seniors enjoying life together.

So on this note we are going to wish everyone a Happy Safe 4th of July, enjoy your family time and whatever else you have planned.

With a woof and love from Layla





The fireworks are coming keep us safe please


Dressed up ready to party

Its Friday, the beginning of a long weekend and that means the fireworks are coming. Actually people have been letting them off for weeks now and I personally am sick of it all.

In a nutshell a waste of money which could be used on better things like donations to non profits, helping the homeless, helping shelters and so much more. I actually do not even want to go into this subject too much as my blood pressure goes through the roof.

So many pets get lost on 4th of July thanks to stupid owners who do not care for their pets by keeping them safe.

How to keep pet safe on 4th of July :

Never leave alcoholic drinks unattended where pets can reach them – these can be poison and make us very sick, death can also be possible

Do not apply any sunscreen or insect repellent product to your pet that is not labeled specifically for use on animals, this can also poison us.

Always keep matches and lighter fluid out of your pets’ reach – these can also make us sick

Keep your pets on their normal diet.  This is important as a change of diet with all the stress from fireworks etc can cause indigestion and diarrhea

Never use fireworks around pets – these can cause severe burns, trauma to the face plus they contain toxic materials.

Loud, crowded fireworks displays are no fun for pets – leave your pets at home in a safe quiet spot, why traumatize them in this situation which is just being selfish and uncaring.

Be prepared in the event that your pet does escape – make sure your pet is wearing a collar with an updated tag, microchip is updated and BEST of all just keep your pet inside in a safe place where it cannot escape.

Safe in my box where I love to hide

Now for some fun stuff – we had a very busy weekend last week, on Friday we went to the Trans March and Mom and I met the Mayor of San Francisco. She was nice enough to let us get a  photo of her.

Mayor London Breed chatting with me and Layla (Sorry my face is covered but I have to because of my ex

On Saturday we went to the Shi Tzhu meet up which was awesome as I saw all my friends that I have not seen in over a year, it was a fun fluffy morning.  From there we went to another park for Storm and Dash’s Birthday Party. It was windy and freezing cold but so much fun to see so many people again and of course the dogs.

Lots of fluffies all my size

We had the pools out as we were hoping to swim but because of the cold we decided not to, Mom says I would have turned into a popsicle.

Protecting the pool from blowing away

The pool we had was amazing though and cannot wait to try it out on a hot day. It is from a company called Pecute and they sell on Amazon. The pool is safe and made with a non toxic PVC material, durable with a nonslip bottom, it has quick drainage which is fantastic, an additional adaptor which will help you recycle the water and most of all it can be conveniently stored. For all those that have yards this is a must as it is big enough for us humans also.

Birthday cake time

Dash and Storm and their yummy birthday cakes, Happy Birthday both of you with love from Layla

Uncle Troy handing out the treats

We have the size XL which is large and comfy.

The company is giving a $10.00 coupon for all those that buy it by the 3rd of July which is a great money saver of course. Coupon on the link below.

Coupon for Amazon

We were given the pool to try out

So last weekend was busy but on Sunday Mom put her feet up and relaxed and I slept all day BOL as I was tired also plus I need my energy for this weekend adventures, not sure what they are.


On this note we want to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July, please keep us safe and have a wonderful family fun weekend,

With a woof and love from Layla




Boss vs Slave

Good Morning friends,

Layla is slowly on the mend and oy vey is she a little bossy one, it is either her way or no way so I now know she is on the mend.
This past week I have battled with the vet clinic to transfer prescriptions over to a pharmacy near my house so that I do not have to take public transport to pick them up, the pharmacy is across from my house which makes life so much easier. The major plus is the prices of the medications are a third of what I have been paying, what a difference. I picked up one today that cost me like 5 dollars and I paid at the vet about 30 dollars, it all adds up in the end.

She has become very smart and knows what time she gets her meds so she now hides in her box at those hours so I cannot get to her. It is funny and frustrating as she is a real little Madam and her slave, that is me, is exhausted with the fighting over it LOL. So I found a solution especially for the evenings,  one of my neighbors in the building knocks on the door, she runs to the door and I catch her, meds she gets then HA, I thought I had outsmarted her with that till she realized the game and last night did not move. I am not sure whether to laugh or cry when she does that as I am trying so hard to stick to the medication schedule. The good thing is my vet told me another week and I can stop them and keep an eye on her and if she starts in pain again then start again. I also have the Hemp oil for emergencies thank goodness and feel that works better for her plus the muscle relaxer she is taking. She is becoming Miss Piss and Vinegar again, ordering me around and expecting me to do what she wants only, which is a good sign but tiring.

I have also taken her to the park each day this week which has been great for both of us, I sit far away from everyone social distancing as best as possible plus using her carrier for her to lie in and I feel I need to stop with that as she is getting used to it and now not wanting to walk at all.  Drastic changes and a bit of tough love is needed here for her.

This weekend is 4th of July and the damn fireworks, I hate them so much and people have been setting them off for the past 3 weeks after 11 at night so I am not getting much sleep. I have got to the point and this sounds awful but I do not care if those that do it get hurt as they are upsetting all the pets in the area plus the Oakland Zoo spoke on the news the other day saying the animals there are freaking out.

I am putting below how I keep Layla safe during the fireworks plus all the information how to keep our pets safe.

Remember : 5th of July is one of the busiest days in the shelters as so many poor pets have escaped from the fireworks so please please keep your pets safe.

Have a wonderful 4th of July everyone, I know it won’t be like in the past because of the lock downs but lets make it as pleasurable as possible and don’t forget to wear masks.

Are you doing anything special this weekend ?
Woof with love from Layla 

Hide the Fireworks are Coming plus Give Away

Good Morning All,
Me the social butterfly has been really busy as always but it is keeping Mom and I young which is what i keep telling her.

I went to the vet last week as my eyes were really red and Mom was concerned, I hate that place. Anyway my favorite vet was there and she checked them and told Mom I have really bad allergies and dry eyes, so she gave Mom some ointment to put in my eyes and I think it is working cos I am less itchy. 

On Saturday we went to the Shih Tzu Meetup which is one of my favorite events as there are lots of dogs my size and they are all fluffy. It was loads of fun, the weather was fantastic and also being in a different park always makes things more interesting.

In the evening we met up with one of my favorite Aunts who was here in the city for 2 days. She is a very special lady as she runs a Fospice for pets by rescuing the seniors that have been dumped in shelters so that they can live the rest of their lives with love. You can read about her Sanctuary on her Facebook page.

This is the link to her Facebook Page :

Sunday we just relaxed, Mom says she had no energy for anything so I took control and made sure we did lots of long walks. I am not interested in her being tired as I do not have a computer and need to check my pmail.

NOW as you all know 4th of July is around the corner, the nightmare for many pets because of the fireworks. It is so important that we, the parents keep our pets safe in the house and this is what I have found works for Layla.

I put a bed in the shower, water and some toys, making it comfortable for her if she needs it. I also keep music on, give her last walk at about 7 before the chaos starts and most important of all is I give her Hemp Oil. I am a firm believer of the Hemp Oil as it keeps her calm, relaxed and less worrying for me. 

The Hemp oil I use is from a company called Restorative Botanicals and swear by it. What I love also is that they have products for us also which makes a difference and when I am stressed out I drink their delicious coffee which keeps me calm. A must for us coffee drinkers.

This weekend we are going to Pride in San Francisco which is exciting although I hate the noise of the motor bikes so Mom will be giving me the Hemp Oil to stay calm, actually with age I am getting scared of many noises so this product is really easing my life in a big way.  

You can read all about them on their website :


So we decided to leave the BEST NEWS for last and that is Mom surprised me this week with some wonderful new treats, chicken jerky yummm and raw turkey necks to chew on especially on 4th of July which will keep me busy as I am inside more than normal plus what could be better than chewing away on something good.

What is the give away ??????? 

Freeze Dried Wild Caught Minnows. They are a single ingredient treat for both cats and dogs. This single source treat is perfect for pets on a limited ingredient diet, who have food allergies or stomach sensitivities. Minnows are easily digestible containing no grain, gluten, artificial flavors, additives, or preservatives. Sourced and packaged in the USA. 
I, Layla personally puts my paw of approval on them, they are delicious and I strongly suggest you enter to win as they are a must for the treat jar. I am also excited as once again I am sharing for both cats and dogs so everyone can enjoy.

You can find them on the link below and remember if you do shop there you have a discount of 15% with the coupon Layla15.

We have been sponsored for this give away by the company. It is not open to Canadian residents only the USA.

All you have to do is enter on the link below :

Before I log off here for the week we must NOT forget that 5th of July is the busiest day in shelters as they are saving and keeping all animals that have run away from the fireworks safe, so to all my fur friends everywhere, both domestic and wild, please be safe, try to stay calm and remember the stupid humans are to blame for us being scared on 4th of July.

Happy Pride to those that are celebrating this week and Happy Safe 4th of July Everyone.

With a woof and love from Layla 

4th of July is next week

Good Morning Furfriends,

June is nearly over and July is nearly here. This year is going too fast for us and we cannot keep up anymore BOL.

Last weekend was a busy weekend for us, it was the annual Pride and Dyke March in San Francisco. The weather was great and a wonderful way to be out and about.

On Friday evening Mom and I went for a long walk to visit a Rocket Dog Rescue event not far from our house, I got spoiled with a yummy treat from the pet store there and Mom got a t-shirt saying “Be Kind to Animals or I will kill you” Rocket Dog Rescue. This is one of my favorite organizations in the city and they do amazing work. Pali the founder is just incredible.

You can read all about her here on her website :

Rocket Dog Rescue

On Saturday I became Mini Dyke and Mom took me to the Dyke March. The weather was hot so we went early to find a spot on the street where they march and there was shade for me. Of course we went early as Mom always says the earlier the better. It was fun to be out in my backpack of course, where we sat in the shade and just watched the world go by.

I do not like the noise of the Bikes but have decided as Mom likes it, I will suffer for that and give her something she likes, so you see I can be nice sometimes.
The Bikes roared up the road, Mom filmed while I sat in the backpack and the bikers all loved me, petted me and I was spoiled although I do not think I would want to ride on one. Then came all the people walking, lots of them plus dogs all dressed up in rainbows like I was. We walked with them, although me the Mini Dyke sat in the backpack and Mom did the carrying, so I became mini Dyke in backpack. What could be better thank that.

You can see the film of the Dykes on Bikes on our Instagram account :

Dykes on Bikes movie

We must have got home at about 7 in the evening and Mom was tired, and I was hungry and exhausted also, so we ate dinner and just went to bed.

On Sunday was the big parade, we had been invited to join in on a trolley and ride with SHANTI/PAWS but Mom decided it would be too much for me so we stayed at home. Now she is regretting it ha ha ha.

Our weekend was awesome, this week is going to be busy but with 4th of July looming we must discuss that.

4th of July – Mine and many of my fur friends nightmare – those damn fireworks.

This is a day to celebrate with families but we must not forget :

Although this is a day for partying, having fun, picnics and BBQ’s it is also one of the days when we should be also extra cautious with our pets, making sure they are safe at all times, they are wearing their collars, and especially when the fireworks go off they are inside the house, in a calm place with their blankets and whatever else makes them feel safe and secure. We must also remember not to raise our voice to them but treat them extra gentle to help with the stress.

4th of july

When the fireworks go off : “They will do anything to escape. Dig, climb and sometimes injure themselves to get away as they do not know what is happening.

I, for example, from the morning give Layla CBD oil to start off the calming effect, walk her not later than 6 in the evening as their are always those early birds with fireworks and most of all I make up a bed in the shower for her, which has no windows, keep the lights off there but the door is open so she can hear me, and I keep the Jazz station on the TV. There is also of course her water bowl and food.
I have found this works wonders with her, and she sleeps through all the chaos. I will not take her out later than 6 in the evening unless she comes and tells me she needs to go out, which she is smart enough to do.

July 5th is the nightmare for all shelters. That is the day when all those irresponsible owners find their pet is missing and the shelters are over flowing with pets. It is the busiest day in the US for Shelters and unfortunately we must not forget those also that have got injured when fleeing the noise.

So a reminder, when you go off to enjoy yourselves, make sure your pet is safe in the house, TV on with music, and all windows are closed so that they cannot escape. That way you can sit back and enjoy yourself and not have to worry. I personally, do not go out and am more relaxed being home in the evening with Layla.

So on this note, we are wishing everyone a Happy 4th of July, be safe, have fun and protect your fur kids,

Layla is now doing what she does best, sleeping

Mom and Layla