Carrying on her legacy

Woof hello friends,

Two weeks ago, I took Layla for her last adventure to spread her ashes in a place that she loved to go to in her younger years, where she wandered around, sniffing all the smells and barking at the ducks in the lake.

I went with Alice, one of my closest friends who we used to do adventures with, visiting the different lakes in the Bay Area, so this was the last adventure for the three of us, we sat at the lake with a picnic and then I went towards the lake and spread her ashes. It was hard, sad but I knew in my heart it was the best thing to do as she is now back in nature, barking at the ducks and turtles and at peace, not as I felt stuck in a box on my shelf. Pine Lake in Stern Grove for me is like heaven, just beautiful, natural and quiet which is what I wanted for her. However hard it was for me, I am now finally at peace, moving forward with a more positive attitude and finally taking care of me.

Pine Lake

The Duck welcoming Layla

I have been going out more, lunch with friends, a jazz concert in a park, and much more but I must admit I find it hard without pushing her in the stroller which is something I am slowly getting used to. Her strollers I have donated to Muttville Senior Dog Rescue and her other things I am going through slowly at my own pace.

As I vowed, I would do is carry on her legacy and this week I am going to talk about fireworks, as the 4th of July is around the corner. I personally hate fireworks and feel the money could be given to nonprofit organizations who are struggling, rescue organizations and so much more instead of burning the money.

The fireworks scare the wild animals that many flee in fear and get injured or killed by cars, our pets who sit in our houses shivering from fear, the Vets that suffer from PTSD and so many more.

I think it is unfair to all those that are afraid and disrespectful especially when you live in a city and people  just stand in the streets shooting them off and our apartments are shaking from all the noise. I used to have my TV on the Jazz Station loud during the night to disguise the bangs as much as possible, I would make Layla a bed in the shower with her water, toys and food and put her in there where she felt safe and secure, cover her with a blanket and let her stay there all night with me checking on her every 30 minutes.  What I did give her was the Relax Calming Chews from Real Mushrooms which helped a lot and actually once calm she would fall asleep and sleep through it all, these chews were a blessing in disguise as they kept her calm and relaxed especially as she got older.

So to help other pet parents we are doing a give away for a bottle of  chews to help your pet. They are for both cats and dogs so everyone can enter to ease the stress and anxiety from the fireworks.

What are they :

I have been sponsored by Real Mushrooms for this giveaway.

You can read more about them on their website where you have a 10% discount with coupon LaylasWoof.

To enter go to the link below and fill in all that is asked from you.


This Giveaway is for the USA only and you must be over 18 years old to enter.


Good luck to everyone, you enter you will have a calm pet in the house.


With a woof and love

From Layla’s Mom





May brings a Give Away for Cats and Dogs

Woof my friends, we took a break from blogging cos Mom decided she needed a break and umm I loved the idea as it means Mom and Me time together in the park and having fun, so today am going to share with you what we have been up to and of course our Give Away this week.


On the 22nd of April we went to DogFest, an annual fund raiser for one of the Elementary Schools in our area, it was lots of fun with of course lots of treats to taste at the different booths, I filled up my tummy big time while Mom worked hard pushing my stroller BOL. It was noisy, lots of fun but we came home exhausted from it all and Mom complained her back was sore, poor Mom. We hope they made a lot of money from the event. I am sharing a photo of me with the sisters of Perpetual Indulgence who do amazing charity work and always volunteering at events.


Last weekend we spent most of our time in the park as the weather was perfect, warm and sunny and of course I kept Mom on her toes when I was wandering around the park as she did not want me to go far but I have so much fun making her run after me on purpose, although she is trying to relax an enjoy time with her friend and her coffee, BOL.

Enjoying the sun on my face


Woof Woof Woof, guess what with May we are doing a give away for yummy freeze dried raw food and treats. I personally am endorsing them as they are sooooo good and the best is when they are in my snuffle ball but most important is they are for both dogs and cats.

I need to get them all out from my snuffle ball

This smells good


The flavors in the give away are Turkey, Chicken, Beef and Duck Feet which one lucky dog will win and enjoy and the best of all they are for cats and dogs excluding the duck feet.

The Turkey Ingredients:

Ground Turkey with Bone, Turkey Heart, Turkey Liver, Herring Oil, Mixed Tocopherols (preservative), Vitamin E supplement, Zinc amino acid complex, Iron amino acid complex, Copper amino acid complex, Manganese amino acid complex.


The Beef Ingredients:

Beef, Beef Bone, Beef Lung, Beef Liver, Beef Tripe, Beef Heart, Beef Fat, Beef Kidney, Beef Blood, Herring Oil, Mixed Tocopherols (preservative), D-Alpha Tocopherol.


The Chicken Ingredients:


Ground Chicken with Bone, Chicken Heart, Chicken Liver, Herring Oil, Mixed Tocopherols (preservative), D-Alpha Tocopherol.


The freeze-dried Duck Feet:


For us dogs only sowwy.


To enter please go to the link below, Good luck

You can read all about Raw Paws Pet Food, a family owned business on the below link :


You have a coupon to shop on their website: Laylaswoof15 for a 15% Discount


We were sponsored for this give away and please note it is open for 18 + years old, USA only excluding Hawaii and Alaska and sorry but Canada also.


Oh !!!! Before I forget I have opened a store selling pawsome products, you can find the page of our store on our blog so happy shopping.


Have a wonderful week everyone,


With a woof and love from

Keeping Layla Healthy

TGIF !  Good morning all my friends, the weekend has arrived, and Mom is relieved as she says she is exhaustipated. That is her new favorite word and I think it is silly, but if it makes Mom happy, I suppose I should allow it although it is my blog.

Today is a very important day, it is National Rescue Dog Day which brings with it a promise of love, friendship, and kindness. Each year, millions of animals, specifically dogs, are abandoned by their owners and end up on the streets. They are family and should not be dumped like I was but am blessed to have a loving home with Mom.


So, with aging and being a rescue Mom is doing everything to keep me healthy and she is now working on my teeth again, although they are good she wants them double good so she is making my life miserable with cleaning them more often. Mom used to do it at nights only but now she does it in the mornings also, grrrrrrrrrrrr I hate the teeth stuff but if it makes my breath smell good so I can give her lots of licks I suppose I should allow it.

We are using Tropiclean, which Mom has been using for years including their shampoo which smells fruity but if Mom swears their products are good how can I argue with her. She is such a Jewish Mom, or should I say a Yiddishe Mama.

The products Mom is using on my teeth is the Wellness Collection Water Additive and Teeth Gel. Mom got the kit with the toothbrushes but I fought her so she is putting the gel directly into my mouth and I must admit its nice having a clean smelling breath.


There are four different water additives, one with Digestive Support, one which is Dental Health Only, One with Hip and Joint Support and one with Skin Health.

The Water Additive Ingredients per ½ capful (5ml): Cetylpyridinium Chloride (4mg), Green Tea Extract (0.6mg), Zinc Gluconate (0.5mg) Inactive Ingredients: Citric Acid, Glycerin, Sodium Benzoate, Water.

The kit comes with a triplex brush for deeper clean plus the gel. The ingredients are Water, Naturally Derived Alcohol, Glycerin, Mild Cleanser, Carbomer, Sodium Hexametaphosphate (Natural Mineral), Spearmint, Green Tea Leaf Extract, Zinc Chloride (.01g/10ml). They have kits for both small/medium or large dogs.

Since using them I have noticed a difference in Layla’s breath and her teeth seem whiter also, the little bit of plaque on them is slowly disappearing.

So, we decided that because the products are awesome and working, we should share with our friends also and do a giveaway so that one lucky winner can get to use them also.

We were sponsored by Tropiclean and they are offering the giveaway of the Dental Kit and Water Additive Dental Health to the USA and Canada but you must be over 18 years old.

Their link is :   

Below is the Giveaway Link  for you to enter :

Good Luck Everyone

My work is done for the week I am going to do what I am the best at doing, napping.


Have a wonderful weekend, with love from Layla

Gotcha Give Away

Friday has arrived, first week in February and Mom has been celebrating my Gotcha Day the whole week. Some of my friends know my story and how Mom found me but am going to share again.

When my fur sister passed away, Mom was with no fur kid and hated coming home to an empty house so after three months she decided to start looking again for a new rescue fur kid. My Uncle was in Los Angeles on business and his friend who lives there is a rescuer offered to help me, she is now my Aunt Cindy. Mom saw me on PetHarbor, emailed Aunt Cindy who went to the Carson Shelter, met me, called Mom and the rest is history. It was an online love affair.

Every year we celebrate my Gotcha Day with lots of treats and my favorite Costco Chicken, yummm, it is the one day in the year Mom does not watch my weight.

It has been 11 years since Mom rescued me, I am now about 14+ years old and Mom has become really strict with my diet, making sure I eat healthy and as she cooks for me my diet has to be very well balanced.

I have been eating Dr. Harvey’s Holistic Dehydrated food for some time but when Mom read about the Paradigm, a green superfood mix she knew she had to get it for me as it is made with 6 dehydrated vegetables, plus herbs and multi vitamins. It has not starchy vegetables or grains so it helps me keep my weight. It is easy to prepare, you mix the food with hot water, add fish oil, let it stand for about 8 minutes and then add the protein you want to add.

Mom also decided to get me some of Dr Harvey’s treats which I love and will never say no to, she got for me a bag of the dehydrated Wild Alaskan Salmon Bites and because Valentines Day is around the corner what could be better than a bag of dehydrated Chicken Hearts. A great way to show your love for each other.

Layla chomping on her new treats can be seen on this video :   

Dr. Harvey’s link to read more :

There is a coupon for 10% : LaylasWoof10

So, to celebrate my Gotcha Day and Valentines Day we decided to share these goodies with my friends and are having a Giveaway.

The Giveaway is for US residents only, you must be over 18 years old to enter. 

We were given these products to review by Dr. Harvey’s.

Below is the link to enter and we wish everyone good luck.

Now am going to finish my dinner and everyone please be safe and stay warm.

Woof with love from Layla

Spring has Sprung, Fleas have arrived, Giveaway

TGIF !!!!!!!!! Good morning Fur friends.

We are having a heat wave here in San Francisco and that means those teenie tiny buggers are out and hungry, am sure you know what we mean – the fleas and ticks.

Itchy time has arrived and it is time to keep us safe from them, not only on our body but in our house also and for those that have yards or gardens with grass which are the breeding grounds.

So with the buggers arriving we decided to share with you and do a giveaway of the products from Tropiclean that I have been using on the brat, Madam Layla. They have now come out with a new one which I am really excited about, A flea and tick bite relief spray. All Tropiclean products are natural with no chemicals which is so important as I feel that the less chemicals Layla gets the better.

Tropiclean link :

Below is what we are giving away, some are for cats also or you can get for cats.

Spot on Treatment is made with natural active ingredients, cedarwood and peppermint oils, and is safe when used as directed to protect and defend against those irritating fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. Our water resistant spot-on treatment is a full body repellent for dogs up to 75 pounds that effectively protects your furry friend. Contains 4 applicators. They have for cats too.   INGREDIENTS : Cedarwood oil 5%, Peppermint oil 4%. almond oil 91%,

Flea & Tick Bite Relief Spray is a medicated solution formulated to quickly stop itching and irritation from flea and tick bites. This relief spray is specially formulated to penetrate the lowermost levels of the pet’s skin, cleaning out their pores and promoting healthy cell exfoliation and replenishment. It effectively moisturizes and nourishes the skin for immediate relief from bites, redness and irritation. Safe when used as directed on dogs and cats 12 weeks or older.  INGREDIENTS : Clove oil, lemongrass oil, cedarwood oil, cinnamon oil, sodium lauryl sulfate (natural), water, isopropyl alcohol, glycerin.

Flea & Tick Home Spray is guaranteed to kill fleas and ticks by contact. This natural essential blend contains some of nature’s most powerful pest-fighting ingredients, maximized with lemongrass and sesame oil, for long-lasting effects.  Home Spray is safe enough to use around dogs and cats.  INGREDIENTS : Clove oil, lemongrass oil, cedarwood oil, cinnamon oil, sodium lauryl sulfate (natural), water, isopropyl alcohol, glycerin.    They also have one for the yard.

To enter click on the link below for the Rafflecopter widget:   

Tropiclean has sponsored me for this giveaway an it is only open to the USA.

All participants must be 18 years or older.

So we want to wish everyone a Hoppy Happy Easter, do not OD on chocolates LOL, remeber to keep us safe and have lots of fun,


Good luck, with a woof and love from



National Disaster Preparedness Month plus Give Away

TGIF !!!!!!!

Good morning all my friends and how are you all doing ? 

Over here in the Layla neighborhood we are still indoors most of the time because of the smoke in the air and I told Mom it is getting boring BOL.

September is National Disaster Preparedness Month for everyone and although it is in June for pets I personally think doing it twice a year reminds us to make sure we are prepared.

This is such an important month as with what is happening all over the world we need to be prepared especially for our fur babies as they depend on us in every way to keep them safe.

We always remind everyone to check their emergency bags, make sure they are up to date and nothing has expired, check our pets microchips, documentation and that the bag is ready to be picked up and we can go.

While I was checking our bag I started thinking about things I felt were missing for Layla so we decided to do a review on some new products by Tropiclean to add to our bag.

I am always looking for natural products, no chemicals where possible and these are really amazing and happy to share with you all. I am going to confess that Layla is a Tropiclean dog LOL as I use most of their products on her as they are safe, and with her allergies work really well.

01. Flea and Tick Spot on Treatment, Layla is a roller in the park, nothing like rolling on the lawn and I always worry about fleas and hate all the chemical flea products on the market so I tried their flea and tick spot treatment which is made from Cedarwood oil, Peppermint oil and Almond Oil. Since I put it on her I have not seen any fleas and she is not scratching, phew. 

Madam Roller :

I also want to add that they have flea and tick prevention products for your house and yard.

02. Oxymed Soothing Pet Wipes, love these as they are easy to put in my purse or have in my emergency bag and they help with itching and hot spots. They are made with purified water, glycerol, mild coconut cleanser, oatmeal extract and fragrance.

03. Waterless Dog Shampoo, it is deep cleansing and no rinse formula. It smells of Berry and Coconut so Madam smells very fruity.  The ingredients are purified water, mild cleanser, hydrolyzed plant protein, organic blend of while plum extract, cucumber extract, avena sativa oatmeal.  It also does not affect spot on flea and tick treatment either. This is a great product to have in my emergency bag as it does not need water and for those that go camping I feel it is a must also.

04. Tangle Remover, this is important to have for those dogs that get matted. It is a no rinse formula and for Madam who hates water this is just perfect.  Like the waterless dog shampoo it does not affect spot on flea or tick treatment.The ingredients are Purified water, hydrolyzed plant protein, organic blend of chamomile extract, kiwi extract, mallow extract, awapuhi extract, proprietary cationic emulsion, fragrance and vitamin E. Another one I will be putting in my emergency bag.

What I love about the Tropiclean products are they all made in the USA and are cruelty free. Plus for all cat parents they have fantastic cat products too.

Their link is :

I have been sponsored by Tropiclean and this Give Away is open for participants over the age of 18 and in the USA only.

Enter on the widget below :


Layla woofs good luck to everyone entering as she has put her paw stamp of approval on all these products and now she is going back to bed.

Have a wonderful long weekend everyone Be safe with a woof and love from Layla 

Its Pride Weekend plus a Give Away

Happy Friday Everyone.

We have cabin fever do you ? 

Update on Layla. After three visits which are hard as you cannot go inside with your dog they have come to the conclusion that she has degenerative arthritis in her spine so is now on a third medication. My goal is to keep her comfortable and not in pain so we are working on it and she is sleeping most of the time.
They wanted to put her also on an opioid patch but I said no as it would mean more medication plus it would mean me taking her every second day to get a new one and they are costly – 64 dollars each.  So during the day or at night if I see she is uncomfortable I am giving her Hemp Oil.

The oil I am giving her is from a company called Blossom and is fantastic, she is alert and like her normal self when she gets it which relaxes me a lot. It is grown in Colorado but made in California and what could be better than supporting a local company. 
What is good about their oil is it is instrumental in building and repairing tissues plus it has the two primary essential fatty acids — Omega 3 and Omega 6. 

Blossom Info: They craft all of their full-spectrum hemp oil using proprietary strains of hemp, thoughtfully grown on our Colorado farms. Each batch is lab-tested on-site to ensure the highest consistency and quality in every bottle.

Pets come in all shapes and sizes, that’s why blossom does too. Their simple and easy to read serving guide takes the stress and guesswork out of administering hemp oil to your furry family member.

Presidio Natural Pet: We love making treats, but its solving problems through better ingredients and recipes is what gets us out of bed in the morning.

Below you can find the links for the Hemp Oil and Treats which is our Give Away this week :

So the gift box will have the following :
Cat sushi (if you have a cat) Tincture of Blossom, Pill Buddy Natural treats, Off Leash Mini Trainers, Off Leash soft Bake treats

I have been sponsored with this giveaway and the age limit to enter is 18 years old. It is for the USA only

To enter click on the link below :

This weekend is Pride weekend, 50th anniversary, but because of the lock downs San Francisco cancelled the entire event which I am sad about as I enjoy it every year so decided to share some old photos of Layla at the Dyke March that we have done. plus one of the Bikes on Dykes videos so we can all enjoy and hopefully next year we will be doing it again. Layla has been doing them with me every year since I got her, my mini dyke I call her LOL so we are going to just have to watch different events on TV this year and enjoy Pride that way.

And last but not least one of my favorite photos of Layla from one of the Dyke Marches we did.

The Dykes on Bikes

So to all our friends out there that celebrate Pride – Happy Pride, have some fun and of course wear a Rainbow which always brings a smile to my face.

Have a wonderful weekend

Layla and Me 

Lock Down means Give Away

Woof hello friends,

How are you all doing ? Are you going crazy with the lock down the way I am ? I would love to know.

While we all complain about it at the back of my mind I always think of the poor animals in zoos that are on lock down 24/7 and therefore feel I should shut up and focus on how lucky we are.

This week has gone fast and funnily enough with the lock down we actually have been quite busy.

On Sunday I finally managed to get Layla in for her annual check up, I cannot believe she is nearly 13 years old.  All is good with her but unfortunately she is starting a cataract on her right eye now, so her sight is slowly going.  The vet told me to watch it and if it starts bulging we will discuss what to do.  So I am taking each day as it comes. When we went, a technician came out to fetch her, bring the forms to fill in and then he took her in. The vet called me afterwards to tell me everything plus she left a phone message so I could listen again at home. It was traumatic for Layla not being with me for those 30 minutes but I knew she was in good hands so relaxed. I think vets all over the country are doing amazing work under the circumstances today and a big thanks to them.

The weather warmed up for a couple of days so I took advantage of being able to sit in the park under a tree on an island as I call it, my blanket and relax out doors which has made a difference in Layla also. We are all really good in the park keeping safe distances. Layla was also excited as she got to see her friend Lucy, one of the only dogs she kind of plays with LOL, so it was good for her and me. I feel recharged as such which is a great feeling.

Now for the important, with everyone inside and looking for different treats, toys and other goodies for our pampered pooches we, Raw Paws Pet Food and Layla decided to do a give away this month for 5 lbs of raw frozen chicken neck bones. Layla loves them, they keep her busy, she walks around the house with them, has buried one under my pillow, LOL ewwww.  They are healthy and keeps her happy. I am a big fan of Raw Paws Pet Food and I give Layla their supplements also and swear by them.  If you want to keep your pets happy I suggest you check their products, being a Jewish Mom if I suggest something you know it is good.

Its a big big bag which means lots of chewing fun worth $ 33.99 and now on sale 
for $ 23.99

And don’t forget when you shop there if you use the coupon Layla15 you get 15% off your shopping, and with todays’ economy every penny counts.

Link :  h

Raw Paws Pet Food also decided to donate some of their food to a rescue organization of my choice also, so I chose Dreams. I love companies that keep rescue organizations in mind, they are the better companies.

Who is Dreams :

DREAMS has been dedicated to saving seniors out of central valley shelters since 1998. SO far DREAMS has been keeping things small due to limited income. With so many seniors in need after 15 years of being a private sanctuary we have started working on non profit status in California. Where when money permits we can rescue many senior or disabled animals in need. We are striving to be a hospice sanctuary for critical seniors in their last months. We have around 40 acres in the foothills of central California where our home sanctuary is located. We are a no cage, roam free home for senior animals in need.  

I personally know Danielle, and knowing her if she had the financial means she would be rescuing more on a daily basis. Danielle has a heart of gold, between her Sanctuary and homeless people in the town where she lives, she helps wherever possible, amazes me on a daily basis and never stops. 

Below is the Give Away App to enter :

Link :

We have been sponsored by Raw Paws Pet Food for this give away and it is for the USA only. Please note you have to be over 18 to enter.

Layla and I are at this moment listening to the daily afternoon Melissa Etheridge concert which is awesome as what can be better than rocking out while blogging, and on that rocking note, good luck to all those that enter, and please be safe 

With a Woof and Love Layla 

Hide the Fireworks are Coming plus Give Away

Good Morning All,
Me the social butterfly has been really busy as always but it is keeping Mom and I young which is what i keep telling her.

I went to the vet last week as my eyes were really red and Mom was concerned, I hate that place. Anyway my favorite vet was there and she checked them and told Mom I have really bad allergies and dry eyes, so she gave Mom some ointment to put in my eyes and I think it is working cos I am less itchy. 

On Saturday we went to the Shih Tzu Meetup which is one of my favorite events as there are lots of dogs my size and they are all fluffy. It was loads of fun, the weather was fantastic and also being in a different park always makes things more interesting.

In the evening we met up with one of my favorite Aunts who was here in the city for 2 days. She is a very special lady as she runs a Fospice for pets by rescuing the seniors that have been dumped in shelters so that they can live the rest of their lives with love. You can read about her Sanctuary on her Facebook page.

This is the link to her Facebook Page :

Sunday we just relaxed, Mom says she had no energy for anything so I took control and made sure we did lots of long walks. I am not interested in her being tired as I do not have a computer and need to check my pmail.

NOW as you all know 4th of July is around the corner, the nightmare for many pets because of the fireworks. It is so important that we, the parents keep our pets safe in the house and this is what I have found works for Layla.

I put a bed in the shower, water and some toys, making it comfortable for her if she needs it. I also keep music on, give her last walk at about 7 before the chaos starts and most important of all is I give her Hemp Oil. I am a firm believer of the Hemp Oil as it keeps her calm, relaxed and less worrying for me. 

The Hemp oil I use is from a company called Restorative Botanicals and swear by it. What I love also is that they have products for us also which makes a difference and when I am stressed out I drink their delicious coffee which keeps me calm. A must for us coffee drinkers.

This weekend we are going to Pride in San Francisco which is exciting although I hate the noise of the motor bikes so Mom will be giving me the Hemp Oil to stay calm, actually with age I am getting scared of many noises so this product is really easing my life in a big way.  

You can read all about them on their website :


So we decided to leave the BEST NEWS for last and that is Mom surprised me this week with some wonderful new treats, chicken jerky yummm and raw turkey necks to chew on especially on 4th of July which will keep me busy as I am inside more than normal plus what could be better than chewing away on something good.

What is the give away ??????? 

Freeze Dried Wild Caught Minnows. They are a single ingredient treat for both cats and dogs. This single source treat is perfect for pets on a limited ingredient diet, who have food allergies or stomach sensitivities. Minnows are easily digestible containing no grain, gluten, artificial flavors, additives, or preservatives. Sourced and packaged in the USA. 
I, Layla personally puts my paw of approval on them, they are delicious and I strongly suggest you enter to win as they are a must for the treat jar. I am also excited as once again I am sharing for both cats and dogs so everyone can enjoy.

You can find them on the link below and remember if you do shop there you have a discount of 15% with the coupon Layla15.

We have been sponsored for this give away by the company. It is not open to Canadian residents only the USA.

All you have to do is enter on the link below :

Before I log off here for the week we must NOT forget that 5th of July is the busiest day in shelters as they are saving and keeping all animals that have run away from the fireworks safe, so to all my fur friends everywhere, both domestic and wild, please be safe, try to stay calm and remember the stupid humans are to blame for us being scared on 4th of July.

Happy Pride to those that are celebrating this week and Happy Safe 4th of July Everyone.

With a woof and love from Layla 

Weekend has arrived and Give Away time

Goood Morning Fur Friends,

The weekend is arriving and I am so excited. 
Weather has warmed up in San Francisco, summer is around the corner and already all the fun weekend events are starting. 

Last weekend the weather was fantastic so on Sunday I took Layla to the 40th anniversary Easter in the Park Event. This event is organized every year at Easter by a non profit organization called The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. They are a non profit organization who have devoted themselves to community service, promoting human rights which includes respect for Diversity. You can read more about them on their website :  http://

Layla with some of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

It was a fun event, lots of music, laughter costumes of course and people and dogs. We sat back on the lawn listening and watching till Madam started to get antsy so after an hour or so we walked home and Madam fell asleep LOL.

So with that event last weekend and DogFest coming up this weekend the weekend outdoors life with events and parks is starting. I am so looking forward to it and I am sure Layla will be too when she see what she gains LOL.

With all this happening I decided to do a review of some new freeze dried treats as they are easy to carry and light and good for the munchies for Madam while we are out and about.  The treats that I have reviewed are from my favorite company Raw Paws Pet Food and the major plus is that they are for CATS also – yup, time to include the cats too. Of course, when we do reviews we do a give away and Layla has given her stamp of approval that these are the best of the best. 

She tasted:
The Free Run Chicken Recipe – I should make her run for these too, The Free Run Turkey Recipe,  The Free Run Duck Recipe, Grass Fed Beef Recipe 

All of them are : Grain Free and Gluten Free with no preservatives, additives or fillers. AND are made in the USA with no hormones or antibiotics.
To read more about their fantastic products here is the link :

Plus don’t forget with the LAYLA15 coupon you get 15% off your order. 

Raw Paws Pet Food also offered to donate the above treats to one of our favorite Rescue Organizations and we chose Muttville Senior Rescue. 

Who is Muttville :

Muttville’s mission is to change the way the world thinks about and treats older dogs and to create better lives for them through rescue, foster, adoption, hospice, education, and advocacy.  The tragic truth is that every day, dogs in good health with wonderful personalities are euthanized. Why? They’re older. And because they’re older, they’re not considered adoptable. Muttville saves senior and special needs rescue dogs; finds suitable homes for those dogs that are adoptable and offers end of life care for those that are not. These are not just shelter dogs; every day, dogs are moved from loving homes to concrete cages because their guardians have died or moved or simply can’t care for them anymore. If we had our way, no dog would spend its last days in a cold, dark shelter. There is so much love and joy in these dogs! Bringing these special dogs into a home is not only good for the dogs, but such loving, mellow dogs transform the quality of life for the people who adopt or foster them.

You can read more about them on the link : :

WOOOF let the give away begin and good luck everyone.

This give away is open for the USA only and persons over 18 years old.  All you have to do is click on the rafflecopter link below and it will take you to entry form.

We were sponsored to do this give away and are so happy to be doing it as Layla woofs these treats are worthy of sharing.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone 

With a big Woof, Love and Licks from Layla

Rafflecopter Widget Link to enter :