Happy Pride and 4th of July

Good morning, everyone,

For those celebrating Happy Pride, we hope you have a wonderful safe weekend with lots of fun.

I am slowly getting used to not having Layla by my side to celebrate as she always came to all the events with me, it is not easy, and I am shedding tears here and there, but I know she would want me to go out and enjoy myself. San Francisco is all colorful with the Rainbow Flags everywhere, people are already dressed up in rainbows plus so much more and the atmosphere is wonderful. We are putting it all aside and enjoying this weekend with so much happening.

The Pink Triangle is up in its usual place, and for those that do not know, during the Holocaust the Gays had to wear a pink triangle to show they were gay and many were sent to the gas chambers so this triangle symbolizes the hatred and reminds us that WE MUST NOT FORGET, NEVER AGAIN.


Last week I went to a Pride Party and cried as Layla was with me last year, I called her my mini dyke LOL, and today I am doing a double decker bus tour of the LGBT history of San Francisco which I am really excited to do. It is organized by the Perpetual Sisters of Indulgence which is an amazing non-profit organization that helps LGBT youth and others who are homeless get on their feet, which I think is fantastic.  They are all drag queens.

The Sign announcing the Bus Tour

Sister Roma

I am taking a rest for the rest of the weekend, it is too much for an old lady like me LOL.

Layla sitting on a bike at the Dyke March a couple of years ago

Waiting for the Dyke March to start, another memory of her


With all the events going on we must not forget what is happening next week, as that is so important. The 4th of July is around the corner and that means the nightmare starts for our fur kids. The fireworks grrr. I hate them. Please make sure your fur kids are safe in the house, tags are up to date, microchip is up to date and most of all they are safe inside. Shelters unfortunately will be filling up with strays who have fled from fear and if your pet does not have the correct information on them, they will never be able to get home. I am listing below what I used to do with Layla plus the 4th of July hazards to keep them safe and healthy when you are celebrating.


Please keep them safe

Happy Pride to those that celebrate, and we are blessed we can celebrate in this country and are not persecuted like in some other countries PLUS have a happy safe 4th of July to all and enjoy your long weekend.

One of my favorite memories of Layla


With love from angel Layla and Me







Why we celebrate Pride Month

Woof hello every pawdy, as you know it is Pride Month all over the world which is a month of celebrating so much that I decided to share with you here the history so you understand why it is so important.


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is celebrated each year in June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. The Stonewall Uprising was a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States. It opened the doors to our freedom and being able to live the way we want to live, love who we want to love, and as they say it enabled so many to come out of the closet and be openly freely gay.

This year the theme in San Francisco  is #LookingBackandMovingForward and Washington DC was #peace,love, revolution

The Rainbow flag was created by an artist Gilbert Baker and the colors have a meaning.

Red : Vitality

Orange : Healing

Yellow : Sunlight

Green : Nature

Indigo : Harmony

Violet : Spirit


The Pink or Black Triangle: During the Holocaust the Gays were forced to wear Pink Triangles so that they could be singled out and persecuted, the Black Triangle was for the Lesbians who went through the same and that is why we wear those Triangles to remember the Gays and Lesbians who were killed during the Holocaust. In San Francisco every June they put a large Pink Triangle on Twin Peaks for the month to remember those that were killed.  It is the same reason the Jews were forced to wear a yellow Star of David, so that they would stand out and be alienated by the Third Reich and unfortunately met their fate in gas chambers.


So now you know why it is important to celebrate in June, as we are fortunate but there are so many countries to this day that torture the LGBTQ community and they have so many living in fear for the lives to this day:

Muslim Majority : Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Chad, Comoros, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine/Gaza, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Christian majority : Antigua & Barbuda, Burundi, Cameroon, Cook Islands, Russia, Dominican, Grenada, Guinea, Guyana, Jamaica, Kenya, Kirbati, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Papua & New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sierra Leone, St Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Tanzania, Swaziland, Togo, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uganda, Zimbabwe

Other : Mauritius, Myanmar, Nigeria, Singapore, Sri Lanka

I am aware that there are those in the USA that are against the LGBTQ community, label us and so much more but if we keep quiet, do not talk out against the hatred it will carry on and the sad part is that many LGBTQ more youth will commit suicide because of the pressure from those haters.

The reason I am talking out today is we speak out against animal abuse, protecting our pets, Domestic Violence, this is just as important as there are so many in the world that do not have a voice to speak out from fear so we need to be their voices.

So let us celebrate and this week Layla and I went to two Pride Parties, one had a Drag Queen who looked like Cher and sang her songs which was fantastic, a lot of laughter and fun and the other was a Pride Party at a Diving School, a pool party although Madam did not swim, it was just so much fun to be out and about celebrating this month with others. She is exhausted today from her busy week, I am too from pushing the stroller but it was worth it so this weekend we are taking it easy although she has a doggy birthday party to go to in one of the parks, photos will be shared next week.

Relaxing listening to Cher at the Pride Party

Waiting to go to the pool party

Happy Pride to those that celebrate and have a wonderful safe weekend

With a woof and love from Layla

It is Friday and Pride Month

TGIF!! It is Friday that means this weekend we are going to have some fun.

Last weekend Mom took me to Caturday in the Park and well LOL we did not see one cat, lots of people and dogs but no no cats. There was a woman there handing out information about the park and when Mom asked her about it she said Mom was the third person to ask and she knew nothing. So we came home and Mom was upset as she really wanted to see the cats of San Francisco. It was a funny outing.

I am really excited as today I am having a picnic in the park with my one of my favorite aunties and best of all it is my favorite food from the Syrian restaurant. Mom always shares a bit with me so I cannot wait.

They are expecting a heatwave today so we will sit under a tree and relax while Mom catches up all the news with Aunty. It is going to be fun and the best of all is that there is no electronics.

With summer here Mom has booked a spa day for me to get my haircut, grrrrr I feel good after it but hate going. Mom says there is a price to pay for being beautiful and that is the price I must pay I suppose.

San Francisco is full of rainbows at the moment as it is Pride Month. It makes the city all happy with all the colors and I am loving it, seeing them hanging from homes, on the street poles and everywhere else. We do not know if we will go to Pride this year as I have become afraid of big events, noise and it becomes too much for me plus as Mom says her back cannot hold me for hours anymore in my backpack LOL.

Rainbows in our supermarket

So, with love in air, rainbows flying high, the Pink Triangle on Twin Peaks, (The Pink Triangle is in memory of Gays that were killed during the Holocaust and were made to wear pink triangles), all the stores decked in rainbows we want to wish everyone a wonderful weekend.

Below is the link for the Pink Triangle



With Pride and love, Layla

Are you prepared ?

June has arrived and it is important month for us pet parents. It is the month where we should make sure we are prepared for any disaster that can happen and our bags are packed and ready to go.

Living in San Francisco which is earthquake city I am prepared and check my bag once every six months to make sure all is good. With Layla aging and now on medications I have got extras in the bag, so I do not have to worry if we must run.

In the bag I have food for Madam, I have put freeze dried food as she eats homemade, boxes of water, water bowl, food bowl, leash, poop bags, first aid kit and so much more. I also have a wonderful carrier which expands on all sides to enlarge it so I can put her inside it, and she will be safe plus I will not have to worry about her wandering off especially as she is going blind.  There is also a file with all her important info which includes a document with emergency contact if something happens to me. Her microchip is up to date, like her tags with an emergency phone number in case my phone is not working. My plan is if we must run to put her in her backpack and carry the bag, so she does not fall and hurt herself.


For me LOL, some instant coffee and creamer, crackers, and some cans of food but not much as the bag is so heavy with all her stuff. As I say I can live off bread and water, but she needs proper food. I also have a sleeping bag, flashlight, battery operated radio and I put to protect us from winds which San Francisco does have a beach canopy which will give us some shelter.

Being prepared can be a life saver for our fur family plus being prepared makes my life easier as I do not have to worry If something happens.

Are you prepared? Tell us what you have in your bag as hey maybe I forgot something. Please keep microchip and tags information updated at all times.


So, everyone, get the bags ready, please be safe

Happy Pride everyone, get rainbows flying in the wind,


With a woof and love from Layla


I have become a Social Butterfly

TGIF!! Yes it is Friday and now we open Mom on weekends is taking me places.

Last weekend we went to a Pride Event which was really fun, there were other dogs which was so exciting to meet others wearing rainbow bandannas also just like me. We wandered around the event where there were lots of little food booths which smelled yum. Mom would not let me taste anything as she said it would upset my tummy, something I would be prepared to suffer for BOL.


I was excited as I got spoiled with a box this week, I love when the mailman delivers boxes as they are normally for ME ME ME. This one had delicious lamb lung treats which are so good. I love Mom making my treats but variety is the spice of life and lamb lung I cannot say no to.

What is great about them is that they are in small pieces so Mom does not have to break them up, so she puts her hand in the bag and takes some out for me when I am good.

These lamb treats are full of protein. They also contain vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, selenium and vitamin B12. The combination of these essential nutrients provides your dog with immune support, healthy digestion and a vibrant skin and coat.  They are grain free, no preservatives and best of made in the USA.

I, Layla approve these treats and woof you must have them in your treat jar as they are yummy.

You can find out more about them on this link:


Coupon Code : LAYLA15 for a 15% Discount.

I was sponsored for this review with products.

Now do you know why Mom is calling me a social butterfly BOL. It is because today I am going to a Pride Event and will be seeing some of my favorite people and then woof tomorrow, Saturday I am going to the Shih Tzu Meet Up, the first one in over a year so I will be seeing all my fluffy friends woof.  Then from there we going to a doggy pool birthday party in another park so I will be exhausted by the time I get home. Poor Mom she will be carrying me in my back pack BOL. But I am so excited and it is going to be so much fun, especially as it will be a hot day but as always will have my cooling vest on and will drink lots of water.


I am giving Mom the day off on Sunday to sleep late and put her feet up as a thank you for Saturday although she will have to walk me during the day.

So what are your plans this weekend.Please share with us here we love to hear what our fur friends are doing with their family.

Have a wonderful weekend every one, stay cool

With love and licks from Layla


It is hot !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday has arrived and we are going through a heatwave here, it is hot. I have read that there are heatwaves everywhere and it is so important to keep your dogs inside in the cool house.

I for the life of me cannot understand people that leave their dogs outside with no shade or even worse leave them in hot cars. If I saw a dog in a hot car I would automatically smash the window to save it. I do not care if the a/c is on, it is hot as hell in there.  Those that do it should be jailed or if Karma would work put the humans in the cars for a bit to see what it is like. I actually read an article where a judge ordered a woman to sit in her hot car and boil for a bit after leaving her dog in the car. Love that idea, do you?

I took Layla on an errand today and this is how we went.


We had a wonderful weekend last week and as San Francisco is finally open it is great to get outdoors without a mask and breathe the air. I am still using my mask on public transport and shops but that feeling of freedom is in the air.

Last Saturday I went with a friend and Layla of course to Pride Movie in Oracle Park, it is the park where the Giants play. The Dykes on bikes were there, some drag queens and an amazing movie. It was so great to be outdoors watching a movie. The seating was done very cleverly so there was social distancing and very safe plus those that were vaccinated sat separately from those that are not.

I learned something that night about taking a senior with you and that is Layla was happy in her back pack which expands but the relaxing supplement I gave her did not help much plus she got cold so in the future I will put a t-shirt on her which keeps her calm and give her some CBD oil instead. I put my jacket on her to keep her calm and warm which helped a bit.

We got home really late that night which I am not used to so on Sunday we just slept, walked and ate, what a hard life LOL.


I am not sure what our plans are this weekend but will check out to see what Pride events there are and maybe take her to one.


Stay cool everyone and have a wonderful weekend

With a woof and love from Layla






June has arrived which means Rainbows

First week of June and Pride Month has started. The city is covered with rainbows and of course Layla has her rainbow harness on also, Happy Pride everyone.

There has also been some good news, Layla has been taken off her liver supplements, all I can say is what a relief. This poor little girl is traumatized from them. It has got to the point where we go for walks and she comes home and hides in her box from fear, I now am working on her confidence again to show her that the nightmare is over. The size of the pills are so big I would choke on one LOL so trying to get her to take them is impossible. I spoke to the vet about this and asked him actually if there was another kind of small pill she could take after trying to give them to her with hotdogs, cheese, cream cheese, ground turkey, pill pockets, chicken, you name it we tried. He told me that because she had been on them for nearly 6 months I could stop.

So I am doing a happy dance here.

Memorial weekend I decided to take her for an adventure and get out of the house for a couple of hours. She loves riding the trams and busses so took the tram to an adoption event of Rocket Dog Rescue that was being held outdoors so she could see some other people and a different area. It was hot but really fun to do it and we were both exhausted when we got home. She was a happy girl.

The rest of the weekend we just relaxed, cuddled and spent quality Mom/Layla time which she of course loved. I made her her favorite turkey treats which she is loving.

This weekend our plans are to go for a walk on the Embarkadero which is the promenade next to the sea, go to her Uncle on Saturday to relax in his garden (I need it) and on Sunday we are going to a Chihuahua meet up which is finally happening in one of our favorite parks – Stern Grove, so we are going to be happy busy having fun weekend plus she will be seeing other dogs and me some humans, what a concept LOL.

What are your plans this weekend ? Please share with us, we would love to hear from you.

Have a safe wonderful weekend,

With woof and love from Layla


Its Pride Weekend plus a Give Away

Happy Friday Everyone.

We have cabin fever do you ? 

Update on Layla. After three visits which are hard as you cannot go inside with your dog they have come to the conclusion that she has degenerative arthritis in her spine so is now on a third medication. My goal is to keep her comfortable and not in pain so we are working on it and she is sleeping most of the time.
They wanted to put her also on an opioid patch but I said no as it would mean more medication plus it would mean me taking her every second day to get a new one and they are costly – 64 dollars each.  So during the day or at night if I see she is uncomfortable I am giving her Hemp Oil.

The oil I am giving her is from a company called Blossom and is fantastic, she is alert and like her normal self when she gets it which relaxes me a lot. It is grown in Colorado but made in California and what could be better than supporting a local company. 
What is good about their oil is it is instrumental in building and repairing tissues plus it has the two primary essential fatty acids — Omega 3 and Omega 6. 

Blossom Info: They craft all of their full-spectrum hemp oil using proprietary strains of hemp, thoughtfully grown on our Colorado farms. Each batch is lab-tested on-site to ensure the highest consistency and quality in every bottle.

Pets come in all shapes and sizes, that’s why blossom does too. Their simple and easy to read serving guide takes the stress and guesswork out of administering hemp oil to your furry family member.

Presidio Natural Pet: We love making treats, but its solving problems through better ingredients and recipes is what gets us out of bed in the morning.

Below you can find the links for the Hemp Oil and Treats which is our Give Away this week :



So the gift box will have the following :
Cat sushi (if you have a cat) Tincture of Blossom, Pill Buddy Natural treats, Off Leash Mini Trainers, Off Leash soft Bake treats

I have been sponsored with this giveaway and the age limit to enter is 18 years old. It is for the USA only

To enter click on the link below :


This weekend is Pride weekend, 50th anniversary, but because of the lock downs San Francisco cancelled the entire event which I am sad about as I enjoy it every year so decided to share some old photos of Layla at the Dyke March that we have done. plus one of the Bikes on Dykes videos so we can all enjoy and hopefully next year we will be doing it again. Layla has been doing them with me every year since I got her, my mini dyke I call her LOL so we are going to just have to watch different events on TV this year and enjoy Pride that way.

And last but not least one of my favorite photos of Layla from one of the Dyke Marches we did.

The Dykes on Bikes


So to all our friends out there that celebrate Pride – Happy Pride, have some fun and of course wear a Rainbow which always brings a smile to my face.

Have a wonderful weekend

Layla and Me 

I am a Social Butterfly

Morning All,

Friday has arrived and with it my schedule as always is filling up. Yes I am a very busy little dog but it keeps Mom and I young and healthy although BOL she has to carry me a lot. It is also Pride Month so am now wearing my rainbow harness with Pride.

Last weekend, Saturday we took it easy as Mom was really tired. We just went for long walks and otherwise slept and did nothing.  Mom decided she needed it as it had been a long week for her.

On Sunday to make up for it, we went to the Chihuahua Meet Up where I become an honorary Chihuahua plus it is always held in an amazing park Stern Grove.

Below Facebook link is the video of her running into the park all happy, Miss Wiggly butt with her feather tail flying.


This is one place that Mom calls heaven, as it is so lush, green with lots of place to roam around plus the lake at the end of it makes it really peaceful. There were lots of dogs at the meetup which was fun as I got to smell a lot of them. I like this meet up as it is all small dogs so I feel safe. 

Mom was really proud of me as when we went for our long walk I even went off the path exploring which is something I do not do often but it was so much fun, so many smells to check out and so much space to roam around. Mom of course kept an eye on me as Coyotes have been seen in this park but in the middle of the day they are normally sleeping. 

It was such a pawsome day, we relaxed, ran around, and perfect weather just helped it all. I told Mom I cannot wait for the next one which is in July.
When we got home we were both tired so I was nice to Mom and let her sleep, she does deserve it sometimes.

The rest of the week has been slow as Mom has now finished work for the summer but last night we went to a big fundraising event for the Shanti/PAWS Organization and we will share it with you in our next week’s blog.

This weekend I know we are going to the Tri-Pawed Meet Up which is always held in our dog park so I will get to meet some new dogs which is exciting but other than that we have nothing else planned. 

So as you can see I am a very busy dog with a full schedule and I love it as after being stuck indoors during the winter it is so much fun to be out and about again.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and please share what your plans are.

With a woof and love From Layla, the social butterfly 

It is Woofing Wednesday

Woof everyone,

It is woofing Wednesday and we have been busy which is making me exhausted.

So what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood ? Lots !!!!

On Saturday I went with Mom to volunteer as usual which was lots of fun as I got lots of hugs and pets from everyone, it is the best way to start a day with love. In the afternoon we relaxed and then went for a long walk.

Did you know ! I walk Mom now and she needs a new leash BOL. It goes like this, Mom wants a shortish walk in the afternoons and I decide I want a long one so off we go and when she wants to turn around I just sit down and refuse to move or pull her along in the direction I want. Guess who wins ?? Me of course while Mom is muttering under her breath HA – slaves should not mutter.

On Sunday we had an adventure which was fun although I did not like the drums. Mom and I went on the MUNI (tram) to the Native Contemporary Arts Festival at the Yerba Buena Gardens – it was a beautiful day, cool but sunny. We found a shady spot to sit under a tree and listen to the poetry. music and then dance.

Well when the drums started, I became antsy, did not like it and Mom laid the backpack on the ground open so I could lie in it, but when she saw that I was not relaxing and shhhhh spoiling her relaxing time as she wanted to listen, Mom being the good Mom that she is decided to bring me home.

Phew was I happy to sit in the backpack and get out of there. It was a learning lesson for both of us as Mom says she knows now that when it comes to different events she will have to plan things in a different way.

So this week, excluding walks and park time we are lying low and spending quality time at home. Mom is still teaching but otherwise it is just us.

This coming Saturday is Pride Weekend in San Francisco, loads of chaos so we are not planning any adventure on Sunday but to relax in the dog park. Though on Saturday I become mini Dyke and we are going to the Dyke March. I will allow Mom to do that one plus I have the backpack to sit comfortably and watch it all. Photos of course will be in next weeks blog.

On this note now that I have finished sharing what is happening in our neighborhood, I am off for my afternoon siesta which is needed.

Happy Pride to those celebrating

With a Woof and Love