Woof hello friends,
The week is over, and it is cold and rainy here. We have had a busy week, or should I say Mom has been crazy busy here while I eat, sleep and bark boss her around. My sister Layla told me that I must bark at Mom to get her going so I am following my sister’s advice, and it works. I bark to wake her up in the morning, then jump on her to make sure she gets moving so I can go for my morning walk and have breakfast and then I normally nap while Mom has her coffee and gets her business done.
When I arrived at home Mom had done some organizing in our home, which is a small studio but cozy and comfy. Over the past months Mom realized one of my favorites is to look out of the window and I would jump on her to get to the window BOL and stand on the edge of the bed. So, Mom this week did some rearranging of the little bit of furniture we have so that I could sit comfortably and look out of the other window and not bother her. WOW did she make some changes which really look nice, and I have more space to play plus she put my bed next to the cane box so she is not tripping on it all the time, and yes she did fall more than once but thank goodness did not hurt herself, phew.

My new place to sit or lie and look out of the window and my bed is here right next to Mom’s desk so I can nap comfy next to her
She also did a big clean while moving things around so for two days she was crazy busy and now we are all happy and getting back to normal whatever that is in our house. I also have all my toys in two baskets, not one and that collection seems to be growing and really fun as I love squeaking my toys and playing. I love playing fetch with Mom whenever I can so I cannot complain life is good here.
Last Sunday I went to the park. It was chilly but great to be out and I made a new friend, she is also a rescue and her name is Tess. I was on a long leash this time so had more freedom although I was tied to the bench as always but having that freedom made the park even more fun. I am really trying to be a good girl although I forget sometimes and nip Mom for attention or play tug of war with my leash and I tangle Mom with she nearly falls down, she keeps explaining to me that that has to stop before she really hurts herself and her wrist is already black and blue, but what can I say it is fun. When we get home now, as our building is secure, she lets me run around the corridors to burn off energy and when she says inside, I run to our door which she opens and I run inside, this part of our walk is really fun.

My new friend Tess

Watching the stairs to see who is coming

Mom I am watching you, Nili
So that has been our week, of course Mom has been doing other errands and this week she even took me with her to the supermarket where there were lots of yum smells but I was not allowed to touch anything, that is not fair, but I must admit it is fun just to be with Mom.
This weekend we are going to hibernate as the weather is going to be cold and rainy and I do not like the rain, but the best thing is I have the window to people watch and bark orders when I think necessary plus my bed to nap in.

Life is good when you have a comfy cosy bed to nap in, Nili
Stay warm everyone, be safe and make lots of memories
Love and woof from Nili