We have had a busy week

Woof hello friends,


The week is over, and it is cold and rainy here. We have had a busy week, or should I say Mom has been crazy busy here while I eat, sleep and bark boss her around. My sister Layla told me that I must bark at Mom to get her going so I am following my sister’s advice, and it works. I bark to wake her up in the morning, then jump on her to make sure she gets moving so I can go for my morning walk and have breakfast and then I normally nap while Mom has her coffee and gets her business done.

When I arrived at home Mom had done some organizing in our home, which is a small studio but cozy and comfy. Over the past months Mom realized one of my favorites is to look out of the window and I would jump on her to get to the window BOL and stand on the edge of the bed. So, Mom this week did some rearranging of the little bit of furniture we have so that I could sit comfortably and look out of the other window and not bother her. WOW did she make some changes which really look nice, and I have more space to play plus she put my bed next to the cane box so she is not tripping on it all the time, and yes she did fall more than once but thank goodness did not hurt herself, phew.

My new place to sit or lie and look out of the window and my bed is here right next to Mom’s desk so I can nap comfy next to her


She also did a big clean while moving things around so for two days she was crazy busy and now we are all happy and getting back to normal whatever that is in our house. I also have all my toys in two baskets, not one and that collection seems to be growing and really fun as I love squeaking my toys and playing. I love playing fetch with Mom whenever I can so I cannot complain life is good here.

Last Sunday I went to the park. It was chilly but great to be out and I made a new friend, she is also a rescue and her name is Tess. I was on a long leash this time so had more freedom although I was tied to the bench as always but having that freedom made the park even more fun. I am really trying to be a good girl although I forget sometimes and nip Mom for attention or play tug of war with my leash and I tangle Mom with she nearly falls down, she keeps explaining to me that that has to stop before she really hurts herself and her wrist is already black and blue, but what can I say it is fun. When we get home now, as our building is secure, she lets me run around the corridors to burn off energy and when she says inside, I run to our door which she opens and I run inside, this part of our walk is really fun.

My new friend Tess

Watching the stairs to see who is coming

Mom I am watching you, Nili

So that has been our week, of course Mom has been doing other errands and this week she even took me with her to the supermarket where there were lots of yum smells but I was not allowed to touch anything, that is not fair, but I must admit it is fun just to be with Mom.


This weekend we are going to hibernate as the weather is going to be cold and rainy and I do not like the rain, but the best thing is I have the window to people watch and bark orders when I think necessary plus my bed to nap in.

Life is good when you have a comfy cosy bed to nap in, Nili


Stay warm everyone, be safe and make lots of memories

Love and woof from Nili

National Disaster Preparedness Month

Woof hello Everyone,


This is Nili here telling Mom what to write as I am carrying on my sisters Laylas Legacy.


September is National Disaster Preparedness Month; it is very important as we must be prepared for any type of Disaster especially with climate change happening all over the world and not knowing what can happen.


Because we live in San Francisco where earthquakes happen, we have a bag ready for emergencies with everything Mom can think of so that we do not have that worry if we must run out of the house. Since I have come to live with Mom, and having been a stray in my past life, Mom has added to the list a carrier for me so she can put me in it and not have to worry about me trying to run away or hurt myself walking on the debris in the streets. The plus with this carrier is that expands so that I will have room to stretch out plus Mom can put a water bowl or food in it. She would keep it closed for carrying but once in a safe place she would expand the sides and front. It also has a strap in it so she can strap me in, and I cannot run. It would give her peace of mind.

The expandable bag which is amazing

Thank you Mr Peanuts for this amazing carrier, you can see their fantastic products on their website :



This is what is in our bag which Mom has and it on wheels so it is easier for her to pull as it is heavy: Boxes of Water, Food for both of us, Treats, Flashlights with batteries, sleeping bag for Mom, toys for me of course, Leash and harness with ID tags on,  and BOL some coffee for Mom, and most important a first aid kit for both of us. We also have a wallet with cash in just in case ATMs are not working so I feel Mom has covered everything.  If you think she has forgotten something, please tell Mom so she can add it to our bag.  I also keep my phone charged so that it will be charged if I must grab it and go out.


Now for something different, Mom surprised me last Friday and took me to meet a friend of hers who has a beautiful garden and two dogs, Dash and Storm and I had so much fun. They did not want to play with me, but it is ok as I ran around the garden playing with a ball and as Mom said burnt off lots of energy, it was so much fun to be able to run around and she told me that because I was so good she is taking me today also. WOW life is getting to be fun although as she says I must behave myself when walking there and listen to her BOL. I am trying though and slowly doing what she wants.

WOW sniffing with no leash

Nili and Storm

Guess what I am running

Yes am smiling but tired it has been so much fun, Nili

So that is what is happening here, Mom is trying to get me out more plus meet other dogs, the more I behave the more I will have adventures. Have a wonderful weekend everyone, with lots of hugs and woofs, Nili






Spring has arrived

TGiF! Woof hello friends, we hope you are all excited that Spring has arrived as I am. This week has been sunny and warm here so Mom has been trying to get me out to the park for a few hours each day. I am loving it, the sun on my fur makes me feel really cosy and sleepy BOL.

Enjoying the sun on my face

So each day when Mom is finished her important stuff she packs me up and off we go, so this week am going to share the photos Mom has been snapping of me of course and one or two of wall art oh the way home. We decided to do a photo blog this week with happy photos as that is what Spring is doing for us.

I still remember to go under the chains from the lawn to the pathway

Wandering around enjoying the sun

The mural on the petstore not far from our house

A garage door on the way home, all bright and cheery

And then as Mom says this was the highlight of her week, me snoring and sleeping in the dark so you cannot see me but BOL you can hear me – I was so tired from the sunshine and the park.


What are your plans this weekend, the first weekend of Spring, here grr they expecting rain so am not sure what we gonna do but Mom has promised me some fun phew.


Have a wonderful weekend,

With a woof and love from Layla



I have been feeling yucky

Good Morning friends,

I have not been feeling well this week so Mom has been taking extra care of me. I decided I did not want to eat my home cooked food so Mom went and bought me my favorite fancy dog food, which is very healthy and comes in a box, which I gobbled up but the one protein gave me an upset tummy and on top of it the one day I did not pee although I was drinking lots of water.

Mom was very concerned about me not peeing and when I finally did she did a pee dance to celebrate but it was at 3 in the morning. You see when I need to go out at night, although I have been out maybe 4 or 5 times that day and last walk at 11 at night so poor Mom lately is a zombie because of lack of sleep and by midday is crashing BOL. But as she says my health comes first so whatever it takes she will do. She is quite smart as she keeps in the house chicken breasts in the freezer for emergencies, pumpkin if I need it plus probiotics so as she says she has everything there if she needs it and does not have to panic. Mom even slept on the floor with me the one night to monitor me that is how worried she was and poor Mom her back was sore in the morning. She is getting old like me BOL.

With all this happening because the weather has been beautiful we have been going to the park each day for a couple of hours, actually it is good for Mom to get out and relax with coffee in the sun. Our outings have made a big difference for her and I love wandering around, looking cute and hoping for treats although Mom watches me like a hawk. She always has lots of water for me, and treats (I actually give her freeze dried kibbles LOL). So the outdoors has been great as I wander around the lawn, getting exercise and Mom kicks back with her coffee and sunshine on her face. It is a win win situation for both of us, plus when we get home I am tired so I take a nap.

Looking cute waiting for a treat

Jasper and I waiting for a treat for Uncle

Although Mom wheels me in my stroller I do walk part of the way so that I can potty so when we get home we stay at home for a couple of hours or till I Bossy Barker barks to go out again. Yes that is my way of telling Mom I need to potty and although she does not like the barking she is relieved I tell her.

This is how I like to nap BOL

That has been our week and Mom is praying my tummy will settle proper soon so she can really relax, I am eating lots of boiled chicken with pumpkin but nothing else.

This is Mom talking, it has been a scary week for me because of her age I panic and have more than once thought of running to the vet but decided not going to upset her and take each day as it comes. Do you think I am going about it the right way, as I would love some input to settle my mind a bit, thanks.

So lets pray all gets back to normal, Layla’s tummy settles and we can go on proper adventures now the weather is changing plus it is light in the evenings which is great as the dog park is two blocks from my house so we can go in the evenings also.

Have a great weekend everyone, we hope the weather is warming up in your areas also,

With love and woof from Layla











Happy Holidays Everyone

Good morning Friends,

Can you believe it is nearly the end of 2023 WOW, this year has gone too fast or is Mom getting old too quickly BOL.

I was not well last week and Mom was very worried about me. I kept pooping, not diarrhea though but could not hold my poops so Mom was cleaning all weekend after me and she was exhausted. Because of it Mom could not go to her Hanukkah party on Sunday and I feel bad. She phoned our vet and spoke to a tech about it and he suggested that Mom speak to a vet and gave us a phone number of an emergency clinic which answers questions over the phone. So Mom called them and spoke to a really sweet vet who calmed Mom down and since then Mom has relaxed and my problem has been solved. Mom emailed my vet on Monday telling her what had been happening and my vet told Mom to give me some medications. But because my tummy had settled we decided not to give me the medications but as my vet is going on holiday this week for two weeks she has left the medication on my name for an emergency but thank goodness we have no need at this moment.

My vet did tell Mom that pumpkin could have been part of the problem as I am a senior and sometimes pumpkin does not work on us, so no more pumpkin for me.

We have done something new, changed my diet which my vet thinks is a good idea. I now eat ground lamb with brown rice for fiber and my tummy is working perfectly and the lamb is so so good, although as Mom says it is not cheap either. But I am a princess and deserve the best.

Another thing we have done is because my back legs are not that stable anymore and I fall into my food or knock it over, I cannot eat out of bowls anymore as I do not see and knock them over, so Mom now feeds me on my own little table with a flat porcelain dish which is heavy and hard to push over. See the photo below and my video where you can hear me slurping away.

Yum the lamb is so good

Video :  https://youtube.com/shorts/jU5zZTVBM9g?si=j5cuqtISkBsmLCO5

Because of the rain all week we have not really gone out that much as Mom does not like swimming in the rain and neither do I so Christmas events we did now do this week but I have been spoiled and we are sharing some old photos from Christmas events in San Francisco. Memories cannot be erased.

From one of the Christmas events in San Francisco a couple of years ago

Video :  https://youtube.com/shorts/J8BUP0UMGyQ?si=04dl6CPv7-wwN35n


Please keep your fur family safe this Christmas, do not drink and drive and most of all adopt don’t shop if you are getting a new fur baby.

Merry Christmas Everyone,


Enjoy your time with your family and make lots of memories

With love from Layla



I have had a barking busy week.

Woof hello all my friends,

I have had a barking busy week with lots of barking. Mom is not impressed but I feel I have the right to give my input.

On Saturday Mom took me to the vet for a senior checkup. The vet was very impressed with Mom for keeping me so healthy and Mom asked her a favor which she was happy to help with. My back leg muscles are slowing giving in, no arthritis phew, but because of it I am falling into my food, so I had some matts. So, the vet tech was kind enough to shave me (Mom says rather I am bare in parts than have matts) which was going well until I got fed up and oy vey snapped at the vet. Mom was in shock as she has never seen me do that but thank goodness the vet was not upset. Can you believe they put a muzzle on me and that is when Mom started to giggle as she told the vet I looked like a duck gone wrong. I was not impressed but at least I am matt free now phew and happy. I got lots of treats from the vet, so it was worth it.

Do I really look like a duck ?


On Sunday Mom took me to my favorite park to get some fresh air, or should I say Mom wanted fresh air but it was great to be outdoors as the weather is changing and getting cold and rainy. Of course, I did my barking in the park as that has become my ritual and if I do not do it I will not be happy. Poor Mom gets a headache but too bad I need to tell the world I have arrived. It was a wonderful couple of hours outdoors, Mom watching the boats on the bay and me wandering around sniffing all the new smells so in a nutshell we were both relaxed and happy.


Then the highlight of my week was Wednesday, we went to a Thanksgiving event where there was lots of food, yes Mom shared some with me, I was the only dog there so I got lots of love from everyone, but the best BOL was when they started the Karaoke singing, I did not like the music and voices so I sat in the stroller barking away. I would not keep quiet even when Mom offered me treats to keep quiet, but it did not work. The minute it all stopped I lay back down in my stroller and went back to sleep. Mom won some smelly shower products on the raffle so she was a happy Mom who will now smell fruity BOL.

Do I have a turkey on my back ?


So, as you read, I have been busy barking and Mom is not talking about my barking orders in the house when I want or should I say demand something from her and one of my newest quirks is to stand on the corner and bark for no reason, Mom is not happy with that BOL but I am the Boss.

I am laughing at this post as I think barking is fun BOL


Have a wonderful safe weekend everyone,

With a woof and love from Layla, the Bossy Barker



I have been busy.

TGIF!!!! Another week gone in July and I seem to be getting busier each week, I might be old but keeping busy keeps me young, that is what Mom says.

Last Sunday we went to the Annual TriPawd picnic which was so much fun. Lots of people and dogs, and of course lots of treats. They had a band playing music which was pawsome while everyone ate their food, Mom’s friend Melissa came also to hang out with us so while they were chatting I was of course napping as that is what I love to do in the park. The grass was cold and damp so we were not hot at all plus I must not forget

It was National Ice Cream Day, so Mom had surprised me by buying me some ice cream which was yum. I shared it with my friend Grumble so we both had some. It was perfect for a hot day and Mom of course had her cold brew coffee which she is addicted to BOL. She adds Chocolate Mix with mushrooms so she claims it is healthy for her, giggling as she tries to convince herself all the time. You can read more about the mushrooms on the below link and it is worth getting.



Stealing the treats from Auntie

On Sunday night I cannot believe it, Mom left me at home alone grr as she went to see a Broadway Musical with Aunty, she got home late and I was not impressed, I had to pee so bad I had an accident on the carpet, Mom was not upset, took me out immediately and then cleaned the carpet and I got some treats and went back to sleep. Mom explained to me that sometimes she needs to go out and will always come home to me but as I have aged my anxiety has gone through the roof and do not like being alone anymore although in my younger years I loved my alone time.

On Tuesday I was spoiled and went with Mom and my favorite Uncle to my favorite restaurant, Palmyra for lunch. It is a Syrian restaurant where the food is so good especially my favorite, the chicken of course. There Mom has an addiction also, their garlic sauce which she sits and licks till everything is clean BOL, she is a funny Mom.  On the way home we went and sat in the park for a couple of hours, which was great as I wandered around sniffing everything, and of course I got treats from the treat people. It was such a fun day especially as I got to do what I love doing so when I got home my tummy was full and I was sleepy, so I took a nap.

Smile, I got chicken

Relaxing with a full tummy of chicken


Yesterday and today, we took it slow although Mom had errands to go to I stayed at home and relaxed, I was good and did not pee in the house so Mom gave me some extra treats as a thank you.  I don’t mind during the day but not at nights as it scares me.

Mom has decided that this weekend we are doing park time and relaxing only, she says she needs some downtime and fresh air although BOL when we in the park I love wandering around and Mom comes after me so I will not go far so she does not relax as such, it is the price she pays for taking me to the park but still does it, she is a glutton for punishment.

What are your plans this weekend? Please stay cool and hydrated as the heat can be dangerous.

With love and woofs

From Layla

The sun was here for a few days

Woof Hi everyone, we have had a busy fun week although grrr the rain has come back, not fair at all, as I was starting to enjoy the sun again which is good for my old bones.

Last Saturday we went on an adventure to Balboa Nature Reserve to see all the flowers. Mom being Jewish worried I would be cold so put a jacket on me and wow was it hot, she took it off and let me go in the nude, best way to go.

We walked along this pathway to Mom and Aunt Laura found a bench to sit on and they sat back and relaxed while I wandered around and guess what did not sit for nearly 3 hours and of course I made Mom get up and down to catch me, it was so much fun.

Mom it is hot take my jacket off please

Thomas, Coco and I had so much fun and I love spending time with them, they are my favorite friends.

Coco, me and Thomas relaxing, we are all rescues which is the best of the best

Smelling, my nose is working overtime

I came home exhausted but BOL not as tired as Mom from running after me, it was pawsome to be outdoors in the sun.

On Monday it was free ice cream at Ben & Jerry’s so Mom and I went there to get ice cream. Mom got her favorite coffee ice cream of course and they gave me a cup with a small spoonful of vanilla which was so so good and I gobbled it up very quickly and wanted more but Mom would not let me, she is horrible sometimes. She made me sit on my plastic cover as she did not feel doing washing if I spilled on my pillow in the stroller, but shhhh dont tell her I licked all the spilled ice cream off the plastic, you see I help her keep things clean BOL.

Gobbling up my ice cream

So that has been our week, busy enjoying the sun but the rain has come again so we are once again stuck inside grrr.

So before I go back to nap as I need my naps so that I can bark at Mom more BOL, we would like to wish all our friends a Happy Easter and please keep us safe from all the Easter Hazards.

Enjoy your Easter Weekend, have fun and do not overdose on Chocolates,

With woof and love from






Fun times



Woof, the weekend has arrived and hopefully this weekend there will be sun and we will be able to go somewhere to enjoy the outdoors.

They said Spring has arrived but it has been storming like crazy here in San Francisco and it was not spring showers but buckets of water and lots of snow in the mountains. Mom says they better not talk about drought this year as she thinks we have caught up with the water and praying so also.

Last Saturday we went to sit on the Bay, it was a small place to sit with a comfy bench for all of us, Mom kept me on my leash so I would not fall into the water but it was so nice being out with Aunty, smelling lots of new smells and relaxing. It was what Mom needed and so did I to get out of the house for a bit, although I cannot complain as Mom takes me for lots of walks in different directions all the time but when it is raining they are short walks so to spend a couple of hours outdoors is just pawsome.

The Goose swimming happily

Smelling the sea air

Smelling the flowers

Having a quick nap while Mom and Aunty chat and drink coffee

Best photo of all, Layla smiling with happiness, first time in months I have seen a smile on her face

So this has been our week, swimming in the rain BOL and otherwise staying indoors and me of course playing with my snuffle ball filled with treats, yummm. Life is good


Be warm and safe all my friends.

With love from Layla


Let the adventures begim

Happy St Patricks Day everyone, TGIF!!!!!

We have had such storms and rain here in San Francisco I thought the sun would never appear but today was surprised with a wonderful sunny day that Mom packed up our park bag and of course me in the stroller and we went on adventure.

Let the adventure in the sun begin


We went to meet up with friends at this park called Sales Force Park which is on the roof of a building, The plus also was today they had a Blue Grass Band called JEE-HEE & JESSE, it was great to hang out and listen to some live music although where the band plays are all tables and chairs so we moved from there to the grass where we sat on a blanket, ate of course, laughed and joked while Layla slept under a tree as it was really warm, The real reason we moved to the grass is Layla being blind she would not be able to wander around as she would hurt herself and I do not want injuries at the moment.

Relaxing on the lawn

These made me homesick. From left to right are Pincushions, Strelitzia and Red Hot Pokers, They are all grow wild all over South Africa

It was great being outdoors in the sun again and this weekend we have another adventure planned weather permitting but am really looking forward to, I have had enough being indoors and I think Layla has also plus I think she is bored with the same walks everyday and needs new places to smell.

Some good news, her UTI has gone phew, she is back to being herself, eating well, barking at me when she wants something which is normally her snuffle ball with treats in, she has me wrapped around her paws LOL. She is also finally sleeping through the night and what I did and spoke to my vet about this, is I am spraying Lavender under her blankets which relaxes her big time, I am doing it in a way that she is not touching it and I hope I have finally found the solution to really calm her.

So that is what is happening in the Layla neighborhood, us seniors are enjoying the sun at long last so life is good here.

I am reminding everyone to please do NOT drink and drive today as your fur kids are waiting at home for you

Have a wonderful weekend

With love from Layla