Happy St Patricks Day everyone, TGIF!!!!!
We have had such storms and rain here in San Francisco I thought the sun would never appear but today was surprised with a wonderful sunny day that Mom packed up our park bag and of course me in the stroller and we went on adventure.

Let the adventure in the sun begin
We went to meet up with friends at this park called Sales Force Park which is on the roof of a building, The plus also was today they had a Blue Grass Band called JEE-HEE & JESSE, it was great to hang out and listen to some live music although where the band plays are all tables and chairs so we moved from there to the grass where we sat on a blanket, ate of course, laughed and joked while Layla slept under a tree as it was really warm, The real reason we moved to the grass is Layla being blind she would not be able to wander around as she would hurt herself and I do not want injuries at the moment.

Relaxing on the lawn

These made me homesick. From left to right are Pincushions, Strelitzia and Red Hot Pokers, They are all grow wild all over South Africa
It was great being outdoors in the sun again and this weekend we have another adventure planned weather permitting but am really looking forward to, I have had enough being indoors and I think Layla has also plus I think she is bored with the same walks everyday and needs new places to smell.
Some good news, her UTI has gone phew, she is back to being herself, eating well, barking at me when she wants something which is normally her snuffle ball with treats in, she has me wrapped around her paws LOL. She is also finally sleeping through the night and what I did and spoke to my vet about this, is I am spraying Lavender under her blankets which relaxes her big time, I am doing it in a way that she is not touching it and I hope I have finally found the solution to really calm her.
So that is what is happening in the Layla neighborhood, us seniors are enjoying the sun at long last so life is good here.
I am reminding everyone to please do NOT drink and drive today as your fur kids are waiting at home for you
Have a wonderful weekend
With love from Layla