Never a dull moment

TGIF and thank goodness the weekend has arrived, I need to put my feet up and relax and take it easy.

Never a dull moment in our house, Layla has been doing so well since she is on the Lions Mane Mushrooms (read more below) and yesterday she came bouncing out of the house when I got home, ran in the hallway and did not see the stairs, and the next thing I knew she was howling, she had fallen down the stairs.

I immediately ran down the stairs picked up, checked her and then brought her into the house, she was limping with her right paw in the air so I gave her some CBD oil to relax her and put her to bed. She ate well and drank but would not put her paw down so I took her to the vet today and they checked her. She has bruised her paw but otherwise very healthy for her age so am relieved now. She is on bed rest for the next two weeks and if it does not heal to bring her back in. Her walks are now stroller only and to take her out of the stroller to do her business. They also put her on Galliprant to help with the inflammation and pain but otherwise she can get CBD.

Now to Lions Mane Mushrooms from Real Mushrooms.

As you all know Layla is 15 years old, I with research felt she was starting Dementia and wanted to catch it to make her life easier. So, I found that Lions Mane helps so have started her on it, that is where I realized it was working as she had become a shell as such from the blindness and adding the Lions Mane, she is more alert, trotting along a lot better plus so much more. I swear by it and my vet said to me if it works in the East then it should work.

Signs that your dog might be starting CDS.

Below is a very interesting article I read from the company that I am buying the mushrooms from.

If you are interested in buying them for your dog or the other one that Layla is getting which is the 5 Defenders which is a mix of 5 mushrooms and really helping Madam, you have a discount code LaylasWoof for 10% off on all shopping.

The link for Real Mushrooms is :

On this note, Madam is sleeping phew, so please everyone have a safe wonderful weekend,

Sleeping away zzzzzzz


With a woof and love from Layla











Pride weekend has arrived

Pride weekend has arrived, San Francisco is full of Rainbows, in the streets, supermarkets, stores and so much more. It looks so pretty and happy, and I really love this weekend. I am not sure what event we going to do but I am sure we will do one at least, am going with the flow and seeing how the weather will be.

Photo take in 2015 at the Dykes on Bikes

Madam got groomed on Wednesday. They did an amazing job and cleaned her teeth, ears, plus so much more so she is all clean now, and smells of fruit thanks to her shampoo. She was exhausted when we got home and has been sleeping, eating ever since.

Her halo arrived finally and I am so happy because now we can go for proper walks and I do not have to worry about her head. I was trying it on her in the photo and it needs to be adjusted which I will do before a walk.

Layla seems to be feeling so much healthier, eating like a pig oink oink since I have put the mushrooms in her food, I feel like she has more energy which makes me happy although I do say sometimes slow down as I am tired BOL.

If you want to try the mushrooms, especially what I am giving Layla (you can read all about them on last week’s post). The bottle I got for her is 5 Defenders Organic Mushroom Blend for Pets. Please discuss with your vet before you buy.

The link is below and guess what you get a 10% discount when shopping. You might even be surprised to get a bigger discount on some of the products.

Link :

I Layla pawsitively approve them as they have made me, a senior feel better plus all my internal organs are being kept healthy, what a concept!!

Last weekend I took Layla to the park, which was great, she was happy sleeping amongst the daisies and of course begging for treats LOL which of course I gave her.

So, in a nutshell, life is good in the Layla neighborhood, we are both aging gracefully though,

Happy Pride to everyone that celebrates, have a wonderful weekend, and please please stay hydrated.

With a woof and love from Layla















The link is below and guess what you get a 10% discount when shopping. You might even be surprised to get a bigger discount on some of the products.


I Layla pawsitively approve them as they have made me, a senior feel better plus all my internal organs are being kept healthy, what a concept!!


Last weekend I took Layla to the park, which was great, she was happy sleeping amongst the daisies and of course begging for treats LOL which of course I gave her.


So, in a nutshell, life is good in the Layla neighborhood, we are both aging gracefully though,


Happy Pride to everyone that celebrates, have a wonderful weekend, and please please stay hydrated.


With a woof and love from Layla

Keeping Layla Healthy

TGIF !  Good morning all my friends, the weekend has arrived, and Mom is relieved as she says she is exhaustipated. That is her new favorite word and I think it is silly, but if it makes Mom happy, I suppose I should allow it although it is my blog.

Today is a very important day, it is National Rescue Dog Day which brings with it a promise of love, friendship, and kindness. Each year, millions of animals, specifically dogs, are abandoned by their owners and end up on the streets. They are family and should not be dumped like I was but am blessed to have a loving home with Mom.


So, with aging and being a rescue Mom is doing everything to keep me healthy and she is now working on my teeth again, although they are good she wants them double good so she is making my life miserable with cleaning them more often. Mom used to do it at nights only but now she does it in the mornings also, grrrrrrrrrrrr I hate the teeth stuff but if it makes my breath smell good so I can give her lots of licks I suppose I should allow it.

We are using Tropiclean, which Mom has been using for years including their shampoo which smells fruity but if Mom swears their products are good how can I argue with her. She is such a Jewish Mom, or should I say a Yiddishe Mama.

The products Mom is using on my teeth is the Wellness Collection Water Additive and Teeth Gel. Mom got the kit with the toothbrushes but I fought her so she is putting the gel directly into my mouth and I must admit its nice having a clean smelling breath.


There are four different water additives, one with Digestive Support, one which is Dental Health Only, One with Hip and Joint Support and one with Skin Health.

The Water Additive Ingredients per ½ capful (5ml): Cetylpyridinium Chloride (4mg), Green Tea Extract (0.6mg), Zinc Gluconate (0.5mg) Inactive Ingredients: Citric Acid, Glycerin, Sodium Benzoate, Water.

The kit comes with a triplex brush for deeper clean plus the gel. The ingredients are Water, Naturally Derived Alcohol, Glycerin, Mild Cleanser, Carbomer, Sodium Hexametaphosphate (Natural Mineral), Spearmint, Green Tea Leaf Extract, Zinc Chloride (.01g/10ml). They have kits for both small/medium or large dogs.

Since using them I have noticed a difference in Layla’s breath and her teeth seem whiter also, the little bit of plaque on them is slowly disappearing.

So, we decided that because the products are awesome and working, we should share with our friends also and do a giveaway so that one lucky winner can get to use them also.

We were sponsored by Tropiclean and they are offering the giveaway of the Dental Kit and Water Additive Dental Health to the USA and Canada but you must be over 18 years old.

Their link is :   

Below is the Giveaway Link  for you to enter :

Good Luck Everyone

My work is done for the week I am going to do what I am the best at doing, napping.


Have a wonderful weekend, with love from Layla

Poison Prevention Awareness Month

Good morning, everyone,

I cannot believe it is March already, the months seem to be flying by.

March is a very important month as it is Poison Prevention Awareness Month and being Pet Parents, we need to keep our babies safe.

I am aware that before every holiday we remind ourselves how to keep our pets safe, but it is always good to be reminded so that we can keep an eye on our fur kids and keep them safe and avoid vet bills.


Each food can cause a different symptom, and some can cause death so rather be safe than sorry and if your pet digests any of these please call your vet immediately or the ASPCA Poison Hotline: 888 426 4435.

I have not included garlic in the no list as there is so much discussion about it, I decided to leave it out as there are some vets that say in small doses it will not do any harm and I have been putting small amounts of garlic powder on Layla’s home-made chicken jerky with no problems and my vet approved it. Every pet parent must do what they feel comfortable doing with garlic.

We are also going take a moment to pray for all the animals in Ukraine, how amazing it is to see the pet parents taking their pets with them, something so many can learn from and we hope you will join us saying a prayer for Peace and Freedom.

Be safe and have a wonderful week








Gotcha Give Away

Friday has arrived, first week in February and Mom has been celebrating my Gotcha Day the whole week. Some of my friends know my story and how Mom found me but am going to share again.

When my fur sister passed away, Mom was with no fur kid and hated coming home to an empty house so after three months she decided to start looking again for a new rescue fur kid. My Uncle was in Los Angeles on business and his friend who lives there is a rescuer offered to help me, she is now my Aunt Cindy. Mom saw me on PetHarbor, emailed Aunt Cindy who went to the Carson Shelter, met me, called Mom and the rest is history. It was an online love affair.

Every year we celebrate my Gotcha Day with lots of treats and my favorite Costco Chicken, yummm, it is the one day in the year Mom does not watch my weight.

It has been 11 years since Mom rescued me, I am now about 14+ years old and Mom has become really strict with my diet, making sure I eat healthy and as she cooks for me my diet has to be very well balanced.

I have been eating Dr. Harvey’s Holistic Dehydrated food for some time but when Mom read about the Paradigm, a green superfood mix she knew she had to get it for me as it is made with 6 dehydrated vegetables, plus herbs and multi vitamins. It has not starchy vegetables or grains so it helps me keep my weight. It is easy to prepare, you mix the food with hot water, add fish oil, let it stand for about 8 minutes and then add the protein you want to add.

Mom also decided to get me some of Dr Harvey’s treats which I love and will never say no to, she got for me a bag of the dehydrated Wild Alaskan Salmon Bites and because Valentines Day is around the corner what could be better than a bag of dehydrated Chicken Hearts. A great way to show your love for each other.

Layla chomping on her new treats can be seen on this video :   

Dr. Harvey’s link to read more :

There is a coupon for 10% : LaylasWoof10

So, to celebrate my Gotcha Day and Valentines Day we decided to share these goodies with my friends and are having a Giveaway.

The Giveaway is for US residents only, you must be over 18 years old to enter. 

We were given these products to review by Dr. Harvey’s.

Below is the link to enter and we wish everyone good luck.

Now am going to finish my dinner and everyone please be safe and stay warm.

Woof with love from Layla