What happens to Pets on 4th of July weekend.

Good morning Everyone,

With the beginning of July comes 4th of July which might be a holiday for fun BUT for us pets is it a scary time also. So today we going to discuss this matter and would love input.

I have been reading different articles about many things that are connected with 4th of July and the one that stands out is the amount of animals that get lost, shelters are already overflowing and will be really full after this weekend.

It is so sad that before the weekend even starts, people are dumping pets at Shelters with a million and one reason why they cannot keep them but the bottom line is it is the 4th of July weekend and they are going away. These people do not even think of the damage they are doing, some lucky pets will be fortunate to get out of there alive, others won’t. I cannot understand why and how people can do that, they are inconsiderate, not compassionate and should not be allowed to have pets again.  This weekend is one of the hardest for Rescue Organizations as they will be over flowing with wonderful warm fuzzy pets looking for new home because of the selfishness of their past owners.

Having a pet is in my eyes having a kid, and many people would not dump their kids at a shelter just because the holiday is more tempting, actually I wonder how they are with their kids? If they act this way. Yes, I will judge them, as people that have no respect for other species, and only themselves are people I do not want in my life or surroundings.

So let us pray that those unfortunate pets find new happy homes to live out the rest of their lives, like Layla.

I also hate fireworks, they are a waste of money that can be used for so much more, rescue organizations are desperate for money and so are many other charities. I also hate them because of the fear they cause to all pets plus the wild animals outside, why should they be traumatized.


How to keep us safe on 4th of July :

Be prepared in the event that your pet does escape – make sure your pet is wearing a collar with an updated tag, microchip is updated and BEST of all just keep your pet inside in a safe place where it cannot escape.



How I keep Layla safe – I take her in her stroller in the evening for a long walk and then we settle in for the night. I keep the Jazz music on the TV, she sleeps wherever she is comfortable,  I put a t-shirt on her which keeps her snuggly and helps her relax Since she has started Sundowners Syndrome she gets her Relax Supplement from Real Mushrooms which works wonders and normally asleep by 8 pm.  If she needs to go out late at night and she tells me, I will take her out, I do not force her. Her safety and wellbeing is my top priority.


One of the most important things we also need to remind everyone is :


Have a wonderful weekend, be safe, enjoy your two legged and four legged family and please remember to keep us safe.

With a Woof



The Social Butterfly

TGIF !!! The weekend has arrived and San Francisco is having Pride Weekend, lots of parades and parties and the city is going to be chaotic. I am not sure if

I will go to any of the events this weekend as little Miss Social Butterfly is exhausted from last weekend including a birthday park for her friends in one of the dog parks.

Plus we have Gidget staying with us this weekend so it is one happy doggy home this weekend.

Last Saturday we went to a birthday party in the Alamo Square dog park for Dash and Storm, both seniors now and it was lots of fun. It was great seeing all our friends, hanging out in the park although it was very windy LOL but worth the windy weather.  Troy their father did a fantastic job organizing it all, lots of human snacks, yumm and of course lots of goodies for the pups including little swag bags for them to take home with amazing treats inside. They were all totally spoiled as usual and Storm and Dash were very spoiled.

waiting for the goodies at the party

Kissing Uncle thank you for the fun party

The goodie bags for the pups to take home

So now you understand why we lying low this weekend although we will do some regular dog park time for fresh air but we will avoid all the chaos.

As you all know Layla is aging and with age she is becoming a puppy again and starting to do things she has never done, stealing treats from her Uncle’s pocket and this week I caught her sticking her nose in the recycle bin trying to get to the aluminum foil that I had used for cooking. I now must hide things from Madam to keep her safe and healthy. She is becoming a little mischief maker LOL.

That is what is happening here, please be safe everyone and have a safe wonderful weekend,

Happy Pride to those that are celebrating

With a woof and love from







Why we celebrate Pride Month

Woof hello every pawdy, as you know it is Pride Month all over the world which is a month of celebrating so much that I decided to share with you here the history so you understand why it is so important.


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is celebrated each year in June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. The Stonewall Uprising was a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States. It opened the doors to our freedom and being able to live the way we want to live, love who we want to love, and as they say it enabled so many to come out of the closet and be openly freely gay.

This year the theme in San Francisco  is #LookingBackandMovingForward and Washington DC was #peace,love, revolution

The Rainbow flag was created by an artist Gilbert Baker and the colors have a meaning.

Red : Vitality

Orange : Healing

Yellow : Sunlight

Green : Nature

Indigo : Harmony

Violet : Spirit


The Pink or Black Triangle: During the Holocaust the Gays were forced to wear Pink Triangles so that they could be singled out and persecuted, the Black Triangle was for the Lesbians who went through the same and that is why we wear those Triangles to remember the Gays and Lesbians who were killed during the Holocaust. In San Francisco every June they put a large Pink Triangle on Twin Peaks for the month to remember those that were killed.  It is the same reason the Jews were forced to wear a yellow Star of David, so that they would stand out and be alienated by the Third Reich and unfortunately met their fate in gas chambers.


So now you know why it is important to celebrate in June, as we are fortunate but there are so many countries to this day that torture the LGBTQ community and they have so many living in fear for the lives to this day:

Muslim Majority : Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Chad, Comoros, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine/Gaza, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Christian majority : Antigua & Barbuda, Burundi, Cameroon, Cook Islands, Russia, Dominican, Grenada, Guinea, Guyana, Jamaica, Kenya, Kirbati, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Papua & New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sierra Leone, St Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Tanzania, Swaziland, Togo, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uganda, Zimbabwe

Other : Mauritius, Myanmar, Nigeria, Singapore, Sri Lanka

I am aware that there are those in the USA that are against the LGBTQ community, label us and so much more but if we keep quiet, do not talk out against the hatred it will carry on and the sad part is that many LGBTQ more youth will commit suicide because of the pressure from those haters.

The reason I am talking out today is we speak out against animal abuse, protecting our pets, Domestic Violence, this is just as important as there are so many in the world that do not have a voice to speak out from fear so we need to be their voices.

So let us celebrate and this week Layla and I went to two Pride Parties, one had a Drag Queen who looked like Cher and sang her songs which was fantastic, a lot of laughter and fun and the other was a Pride Party at a Diving School, a pool party although Madam did not swim, it was just so much fun to be out and about celebrating this month with others. She is exhausted today from her busy week, I am too from pushing the stroller but it was worth it so this weekend we are taking it easy although she has a doggy birthday party to go to in one of the parks, photos will be shared next week.

Relaxing listening to Cher at the Pride Party

Waiting to go to the pool party

Happy Pride to those that celebrate and have a wonderful safe weekend

With a woof and love from Layla

The Sun has been Shining

Good morning Everyone,

Friday has arrived and I am so looking forward to park time this weekend, eat lots of treats and make Mom run after me when I go to far, it is the best and lots of fun. Layla knows where the people sit on the benches and the treat Uncles are so she will walk there to get treats and I have to run after her as I do not want her to get lost or hurt herself being old and blind.

This past week with the sun shining we spent quite a bit of time in the park which was really great just to be outdoors, me drinking my coffee with hot chocolate which I am not addicted to LOL and Layla wandering, sleeping and just like me enjoying life.

Waiting for Uncle with my treats

I am reminding everyone about this amazing chocolate mix with mushrooms as it is so so so tasty and of course makes the coffee so chocolaty.


On Monday we met up with a good friend of mine, Troy, Layla adores him as he always spoils her but this time she got into mischief LOL and found the bag of treats in his pocket, slyly pulled it out, with a big smile on her face, bag in her mouth, tail wagging, she was chomping away like a little pig LOL. I of course took it away from her as I was afraid of her choking on the plastic, but I laughed so much over the entire thing as she in the 12 + years I have her she has never done something like that.  Sorry for no photo as I was just laughing and could not get the camera fast enough.

So where is he ?


So mischief maker is keeping me on my toes, she is quite a clown but I adore her and would not change anything plus it makes me realize how aware she is with age, and wanting to go out and wander around the park. I am very blessed.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, what are your plans ?

With woof and love from






June has arrived woof woof

June has arrived which is exciting as although it means the middle of the year it also means more time outdoors and enjoying the fresh air, the smells, the sun, and we must not forget it is Pride Month so all the Rainbows are flying and the city is getting geared up for all the Pride events.

Which of course means more adventures. I am so excited.

Now as you all know I am aging, yup, nearly 17 years old but I have the energy of a puppy although the one problem I am having is Sundowners. That is when

It comes to 4 o’clock in the afternoon I start barking, and barking, and although I have been outdoors, played with snuffle ball, eaten my food, I bark. This is really hard on Mom as she gets a headache and stresses about me which does not help that much. She takes me out about every hour to relax a bit but when we come in I start all over again, so Mom is eating cold dinners, the jazz music is blaring to help me calm down and Mom worries about the neighbors, oy vey.

What is it ? By “sundowning” sleep more during the day and remain awake, disoriented, and agitated throughout the night. This is another reason Mom is relieved thee weather is warming up cos we can be outdoors more although I shnooze a lot in the park.

So Mom has been looking for a solution to keep me calm in the evenings, not too sleepy, as she worries about my heart when I am anxious. We have tried different supplements but have found the perfect one for me and it tastes like chicken livers yumm. It is from my magic mushroom company Real Mushrooms and is amazing as it is really helping me over here. They call it Mushroom Relax Pet Chews and are fantastic. The ingredients in them are :

On top of looking for something to help me relax Mom has been trying to find something that will keep her calm through these stressful times and being a coffee drinker was trying to find something to put in her coffee and this is what she has found and it is really helping her, I can see the difference in her in so many ways plus her brain BOL is working better again.  The verdict is Lions Mane Mushrooms, the powder form that she puts in her coffee and everyone is happy.  On top of that Mom decided to try out the Mushroom Hot Chocolate Mix  with 5 Defenders™ which is a unique blend of the top immune boosting mushrooms: Turkey Tail, Reishi, Maitake, Shiitake and wild harvested Chaga.

Mom told me to tell you she makes cold brew coffee and adds the chocolate mix to it and it is delicious, best coffee to drink in the dog park.

In a nutshell we have both gone on a Mushroom binge and everyone in this house is happy as the products are keeping us healthy, yes just to remind you I am on the Lions Mane supplement also and 5 Defenders supplement too.

You can read more on their website which is easy to navigate and has so many ideas plus recipes WOW


This review was sponsored by Real Mushrooms.


Now I need to stop telling Mom what to write, as I want to go outdoors and enjoy some sunshine, have a wonderful weekend everyone, have fun and make memories

With love from Layla and Mom



June 2023 Pet Holidays

June 2023 Pet Holidays


Wow we are in the middle of the year already, it is going fast. Below is our  monthly list of pet holidays and observances :



  • Adopt a Shelter Cat Month
  • National Microchipping Month
  • National Pet Preparedness Month
  • Social Petworking Month
  • National Foster a Pet Month
  • Adopt a Cat Month



  • June 1–7: Pet Appreciation Week
  • Third Week of June – Animal Rights Awareness Week
  • June 22–28: Take Your Pet to Work Week



  • June 4: Hug your Cat Day
  • June 8 : National Best Friends Day
  • June 9 : World Pet Memorial Day
  • June 12: Jerky Day
    June 17: Take Your Cat to Work Day
  • June 17: National Dog Dad Day
  • June 18: Veterinary Appreciation Day
    June 19: National Garfield the Cat Day
    • June 26: Take Your Dog to Work Day
    • June 21: Dog Party Day
    • June 24: Cat World Domination Day
  • June 24: World Day Against Pet Abandonment.

Have a wonderful June Everyone,


Hugs from Layla and Me