July Pet Holidays and Observances


July 2024 Pet Holidays and Observances


WOW June has gone, and July has arrived. That means a new list of pet holidays and observances, Layla’s legacy will carry on speaking out and celebrating every month.

Please remember this is firework month also so make sure your pets are safe, microchipped and tags are all up to date.



  • Dog House Repair Month.
  • National Lost Pet Prevention Month™. You can see how to keep your pet safe on our blog.
  • National Pet Hydration Awareness Month. Please make sure they have enough water all the time.


  • 3rd Week in July: National Feed a Rescue Pet Week:Instead of buying fireworks buy food for the Shelters.



  • July 1: ID Your Pet Day. – very important
  • July 4:Independence Day.  I call this the nightmare day for all animals as the fireworks terrify them.
  • July 10: National Kitten Day. To avoid over population please spay or neuter your cats.
  • July 11: All-American Pet Photo Day.
  • July 14: Dog on a Lead Day. Please keep your pets on a leash when walking them.
  • July 15: National Pet Fire Safety Day. Be prepared with an emergency plan and bag in case of a fire.
  • July 15: Feline Leukemia Day.
  • July 21: National Craft for Your Local Shelters Day.If you are crafty this is a great way to make toys for your shelter pets so that they can have fun while stuck in cages.
  • July 21: No Pet Store Puppies Day. This day is important as it is a day to boycott all stores that sell puppies from Puppy Mills.
  • July 31: National Mutt Day. This day is also celebrated in December but we can never speak out enough for Mutts.


Have a safe July everyone, make memories, enjoy your moments with your pets plus most important please keep them safe.


With a woof and love

From Layla’s Mom




June Pet Holidays and Observance


  • Adopt-a-Cat Month®. From the American Humane Society
  • Adopt-a-Shelter-Cat Month.From all shelters
  • National Foster a Pet Month. Fostering saves lives and less pets would be euthanized
  • National Pet Preparedness Month.
  • National Microchipping Month. Be prepared for the 4th of July and make sure all information is correct
  • Social PETworking Month. Sharing on social media saves lives


  • June 2-8: Pet Appreciation Week. First week in June.
  • June 2-8: National Dog Bite Awareness Week.First week in June.
  • 3rd Week in June: Animal Rights Awareness Week.
  • June 17-21: Take Your Pet to Work Week


  • June 8: Best Friends Day.
  • June 8: Missing Mutts Awareness Day (always the second Saturday in June)
  • June 11: World Pet Memorial Day. Second Tuesday in June.
  • June 12: Peruvian Hairless Dog Day.The nation of Peru celebrates the “perro peruano sin pelo” with their own special day.
  • June 15: National Dog Dad Day. Held the Saturday before Father’s Day, this day celebrates all the dog dads and their special bond with their dogs.
  • June 17: Take Your Cat to Work Day®.
  • June 18: National Internet Cat Day.
  • June 18: Veterinary Appreciation Day
  • June 19: National Garfield the Cat Day.
  • June 19: National Pets in Film Day.
  • June 20: Ugliest Dog Day.Although every dog is a beauty in the eyes of their special person, The World’s Ugliest Dog Contest in Petaluma, California is a longstanding competition. Always held on June 20.
  • June 21: NationalDog Party Day.
  • June 21: Take Your Dog to Work Day®.
  • June 22: National Pet Choking Prevention Day.
  • June 24: Cat World Domination Day.
  • June 29: World Day Against Pet Abandonment.Founded in 2019 by two French rescue groups, this day coincides with the start of summer holidays, a time many pets are abandoned. Always the last Saturday in June.

Have a wonderful June everyone, stay safe and for those celebrating HAPPY PRIDE

Layla’s Mom and Layla in Heaven




May 2024 Pet Awareness and Holidays

May has arrived and that means a new list of awareness and pet holidays, Happy Spring Everyone


  • Chip Your Pet Month.
  • National Pet Month. (US)
  • National Service Animal Eye Exam.
  • Pet Sitter Safety Month.
  • Responsible Animal Guardian Month.



  • May 5-11: American Humane’s Be Kind to Animals Week.
  • May 5-11: Dog Anxiety Awareness Week.
  • May 5-11:National Pet Week.
  • May 5-11: Puppy Mill Action Week.

One Day

  • May 1: InternationalDay of the Podenco. Like February’s World Galgo Day, this awareness day draws attention to the cruel fate that thousands of Podenco face in Spain after hunting season.
  • May 3: National Specially-Abled Pets Day.
  • May 5: Mayday for Mutts.
  • May 8, 2024: National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day.T
  • May 10: German Shepherd Day.
  • May 11: National Dog Mom’s Day.
  • May 14: Pick Up the Poo Day.(UK)
  • May 15: Do Lunch With Your Dog Day.
  • May 20: National Rescue Dog Day.
  • May 29: National Dog Friendly Day. (UK

Have a wonderful safe May

With woof and love from Layla






April Holidays and Observances

April has arrived and with-it new holidays and observances.



  • National Heartworm Awareness Month
  • National Pet First Aid Awareness Month
  • Prevention of Lyme Disease in Dogs Month
  • Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
  • Canine Fitness Month
  • National Adopt a Greyhound Month
  • Celebrate Diversity Month
  • National Frog Month


  • April 1–7 | International Pooper Scooper Week
  • April 1–7 | National Public Health Week
  • April 7–13 | National Dog Bite Prevention Week
  • April 14–20 | Animal Care and Control Appreciation Week (second full week in April)
  • April 15–21 | Animal Cruelty/Human Violence Awareness Week (third week in April)
  • April 17–23 | National Pet ID Week
  • April 23–29 | National Scoop the Poop Week



  • April 2 | National Ferret Day
  • April 4 | World Stray Animal Day
  • April 4 | World Rat Day
  • April 6 | National Siamese Cat Day
  • April 7 | National Pet Health Insurance Day
  • April 7 | World Health Day
  • April 8 | National Dog Fighting Awareness Day
  • April 10 | National Hug Your Dog Day
  • April 10 | National Siblings Day
  • April 11 | National Pet Day
  • April 11 | Dog Therapy Appreciation Day
  • April 12 | World Hamster Day
  • April 18 | Pet Owners Day
  • April 19 | National Cat Lady Day
  • April 19 | Dog Parent Appreciation Day
  • April 22 | Earth Day
  • April 22 | Pet CPR Day
  • April 22  Passover begins
  • April 23 | National Lost Dog Awareness Day
  • April 24 | International Guide Dog Day (last Wednesday in April)
  • April 26 | National Kids and Pets Day
  • April 27 | National Little Pampered Dog Day
  • April 27   Dogfest 2024 in San Francisco and we will be there
  • April 27 | World Veterinary Day
  • April 28 | National Pet Parents Day
  • April 28 | International Search and Rescue Dog Day
  • April 30 | Adopt a Shelter Pet Day
  • April 30 | National Therapy Animal Day
  • April 30 | National Tabby Day


Happy April Everyone and if you are in our neighborhood on April 27, we will have a booth at DogFest 2024 which is lots of fun


With a woof and love from Layla


March has arrived – Pet Holidays

Good Morning Everyone,


March has arrived and here is our monthly March Holidays and Observance for our pets.


March Pet Holidays and Observances

Month-Long Observances

  • Poison Prevention Awareness Month.

Week-Long Holidays

  • March 3-9: Professional Pet Sitters Week.
  • March 14-21: Pet Theft Awareness Week (UK).
  • March 17-23: National Animal Poison Prevention Week:
  • March 17-23: Tick Bite Prevention Week.

One-Day Holidays

  • March 2: International Rescue Cat Day.
  • March 3: International Tripawd Day honoring three-legged pets and the people who care for them.
  • March 3: What if Cats & Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day.
  • March 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day(UK).
  • March 15: National Catio Day.
  • March 17: Saint Gertrude of Nivelles Day— patron saint of cats.
  • March 20: Dogs in Yellow Day.This awareness day shines the light on anxious and reactive dogs, often identified with bright yellow leashes, harnesses and collars.
  • March 23. Cuddly Kitten Day.
  • March 26: Purple Day, K9 and Cat Epilepsy Day
  • March 28: Respect Your Cat Day.
  • March 30: Take a Walk in the Park Day.This is a good reminder for all of us to take our dogs to a park for fun.

Be safe everyone and have a wonderful Month

With a woof and love from Layla



February 2024 Pet Holidays and Observances

February Pets Holidays and Observances


Rolling in my new stroller I got for my birthday



  • Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month
  • National Pet Dental Month
  • Responsible Pet Owners Month
  • Dog Training Education Month
  • National Cat Health Month
  • Spay/Neuter Awareness Month
  • Humpback Whale Awareness Month
  • International Hoof Care Month
  • National Bird Feeding Month
  • National Wild Bird-Feeding Month
  • Responsible Animal Guardian Month
  • Responsible Pet Owner Month


February 7-14: Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week

February 11-17: Home for Birds Week

February 18-24: National Justice for Animals Week

February 18 – 24: Bird Health Awareness Week




February 2: Layla’s 18th birthday party

February 2: National Hedgehog Day; Groundhog Day

February 3: Doggy Date Night

February 3: Feed the Birds Day

February 5: Western Monarch Day

February 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day

February14:  Valentine’s Day

February 17: World Pangolin Day

February 17: World Whale Day

February 20: Love Your Pet Day

February 22: Walking the Dog Day

February 22: National Wildlife Day

February 23: National Dog Biscuit Day

February 27: World Spay Day


Wishing everyone a Happy Valentines Day with woof and love from Layla





January 2024 Pet Holidays and Observances

Welcome 2024, let the pet holidays and observances begin as we all need to remember them so our pets do not feel left out.


  • National Train your Dog Month
  • Unchain a Dog Month.
  • Walk Your Dog Month.
  • Adopt a Rescue Bird Month



  • 2: National Pet Travel Safety Day.
  • 2: Happy Mew Year for Cats Day.
  • 5: National Bird Day
  • 10: Save the Eagles Day
  • 14: National Dress Up Your Pet Day.
  •  18: Winnie the Pooh Day
  • 19: National Conservation Dog Day.
  • 20: Penguin Awareness Day
  • 21: Squirrel Appreciation Day
  • 22: National Answer Your Cat’s Question Day.
  • 24: Change a Pet’s Life Day.
  • 24: Peanut Butter Day. 
  • 29: Seeing Eye Guide Dog Anniversary.
  • 29: Tuxedo Cat Appreciation Day.

May 2024 be a healthy happy safe peaceful New Year for Everyone

Woof with love from Layla







December Pet Holidays and Observances

December has arrived that means hoodie time

December has arrived and with it all the holidays we celebrate so please stay warm and cozy as the cold weather has arrived also, brrrrr


  • National Cat Lover’s Month.

One Day

  • Dec. 1: National Twin With Your Dog Day.
  • Dec. 2: National Mutt Day.
  • Dec. 7: Hanukkah Starts
  • Dec. 9: International Day of Veterinary Medicine.
  • Dec. 10: International Animal Rights Day.
  • Dec. 11: Holiday Food Drive for the Needy Animals Day.
  • Dec. 15: National Cat Herders Day.
  • Dec. 15: Hanukkah Ends
  • Dec. 25: Christmas Day
  • Dec. 26:  Boxing Day

Wishing all our friends Happy Hanukkah חַג חֲנוּכָּה שַׂמֵחַ and a Merry Christmas


Love Layla


November Pet Holidays and Observances

November Pet Holidays and Observances



  • Adopt a Senior Pet Month
  • National Senior Pet Month
  • NationalPet Cancer Awareness Month
  • Epilepsy Awareness Month



  • 3-9: National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week
  • 10-16: Human Animal Appreciation Week


  • Nov 1: National Cook for Your Dog Day
  • 1:  International Pet Groomer Appreciation Day
  • Nov 7: National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day
  • 12: World Animal Enrichment Day
  • 15: National Shop with your dog Day
  • 16: National Slobber Appreciation Day
  • 17: National Black Cat Day
  • 17:  National take a hike day
  • 18: National Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) Awareness, Research and Education Day.
  • 19: National get a pal for your pet day
  • 23: Wolfnoot Celebrating the spirit of the Woolf, originates in New Zealand
  • 23: Thankful for my dog day
  • 30:  World Pet Day

And we must not forget Thanksgiving, have a great month everyone

With a Woof and love from






October Pet Holidays and Observances


Fall has arrived, the weather is cooling down but that does not mean we do not celebrate our pets. October is important to me as it is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Pets are victims too. We must not forget them.


  • Adopt a Dog Month
  • Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
  • Black Cat Awareness Month
  • National Pet CBD Month
  • National Pet Wellness Month
  • National Pit Bull Awareness Month
  • National Service Dog Month
  • National Domestic Violence Month – Pets are victims also


  • National Walk Your Dog Week – October 1-7 (First Week of October)
  •  National Wolf Awareness Week.- October 15 – 21


  • National Black Dog Day – October 1
  • National Fire Pup Day – October 1
  • National Walk Your Dog Day – October 1
  •  Canine Companion Day – October 2
  •  Feast of St Francis of Assisi – October 4
  • World Pet’s Day – October 4
  • Kindness to Animal Day – October 4
  • Catober 9th October 9th – Universal birthday to all shelter cats that birthdays are unknown
  • World Animal Road Accident Awareness Day – October 10
  • Vet Nurse Day – October 13
  • National Pug Day – October 15
  • Global Cat Day – October 16
  • National Feral Cat Day – October 16
  • National Pets for Veterans Day – October 21
  • National Pit Bull Awareness Day – Octobber 22
  • National Make A Dogs Day
  • National Black Cat Day (U.K) – October 27
  • National Fetch Day – October 28
  • National Cat Day – October 29
  • National Treat Your Pet Day – October 30

Have a wonderful October everyone,

Love Layla