May 2024 Pet Awareness and Holidays

May has arrived and that means a new list of awareness and pet holidays, Happy Spring Everyone


  • Chip Your Pet Month.
  • National Pet Month. (US)
  • National Service Animal Eye Exam.
  • Pet Sitter Safety Month.
  • Responsible Animal Guardian Month.



  • May 5-11: American Humane’s Be Kind to Animals Week.
  • May 5-11: Dog Anxiety Awareness Week.
  • May 5-11:National Pet Week.
  • May 5-11: Puppy Mill Action Week.

One Day

  • May 1: InternationalDay of the Podenco. Like February’s World Galgo Day, this awareness day draws attention to the cruel fate that thousands of Podenco face in Spain after hunting season.
  • May 3: National Specially-Abled Pets Day.
  • May 5: Mayday for Mutts.
  • May 8, 2024: National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day.T
  • May 10: German Shepherd Day.
  • May 11: National Dog Mom’s Day.
  • May 14: Pick Up the Poo Day.(UK)
  • May 15: Do Lunch With Your Dog Day.
  • May 20: National Rescue Dog Day.
  • May 29: National Dog Friendly Day. (UK

Have a wonderful safe May

With woof and love from Layla