September Pet Holidays and Awareness Month


September has arrived and that means a new list of holidays and awareness for us pets.


  • Animal Pain Awareness Month
  • Happy Cat Month
  • National Service Dog Month
  • National Pet Insurance Month
  • Responsible Dog Ownership Month
  • Pet Sitter Education Month
  • Pet Memorial Month
  • National Disaster Preparedness Month
  • National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
  • National Food Safety Education Month


  • September 8–14 | Suicide Prevention Week
  • September 15–21 | National Farm Health and Safety Week
  • September 16–22 | Adopt-a-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week (third week in September)
  • September 22–28 | National Deaf Pet Awareness Week (last full week in September)
  • September 22–28 | National Dog Week (last full week in September)


  • September 1 | Ginger Cat Appreciation Day
  • September 2 | National Wildlife Day
  • September 5 | National White Cat Day
  • September 8 | National Dog Walker Appreciation Day
  • September 8 | National Iguana Awareness Day
  • September 8 | National Hug Your Hound Day (second Saturday in September)
  • September 8 | National Pet Memorial Day (second Sunday in September)
  • September 10 | World Suicide Prevention Day
  • September 13 | Pet Birth Defect Awareness Day
  • September 15 | National Pet Carbon Monoxide Safety Day
  • September 17 | National Pet Bird Day
  • September 19 | National Meow Like a Pirate Day
  • September 21 | Puppy Mill Awareness Day (third Saturday in September)
  • September 21 | Responsible Dog Ownership Day (third Saturday in September)
  • September 21 | National Cat and Dog Gut Health Awareness Day
  • September 23 | Dogs in Politics Day
  • September 23 | Adopted Dog Day
  • September 26 | Remember Me Thursday® (an international social media awareness day that brings attention to the millions of adoptable pets waiting in shelters and remembers those pets who never got a second chance. Share your rescue pet using #RememberMeThursday)
  • September 28 | World Rabies Day
  • September 28 | International Rabbit Day
  • September 30 | National Puppy Mill Survivor Day

Have a wonderful safe September Everyone,

With a woof and hug from Nili