Happy Friday Everyone !

Our Thanksgiving tradition is a letter to everyone plus Layla from me for being wonderful with us the past year, so here it goes :
Dear Layla,
2020 has been a hard year for us. The Covid19 arrived and with it meant lockdown which meant no more play dates with all your friends but you have benefitted by having me to yourself all the time and being extra spoiled where possible.
You have been an amazing little girl, I am so proud of you for dealing with it with me, keeping me more on my toes but I must admit I sometimes sound tired I am loving our quality time.
This year has been a trying year in general sweetness, you hurt yourself and was on bed rest for nearly a month with lots of medications but thank goodness with love and perseverance you have healed and back to being piss and vinegar.
You are aging like Mom and with it comes new aches and pains, you now have ulcers on your corneas but like everything else Mom will make sure you heal from them. Between your eyes and mine we are quite a couple LOL.
We lost Uncle Matthew suddenly in September, he was my rock, kept me sane during the trying times, and losing him has made things a bit harder for Mom but she is doing her best to keep herself balanced and not stressed and you are doing an amazing job by helping with your licks and cuddles and of course waggy tail. I am so grateful for that big time.

We thank everyone who has helped us through these trying times, Shanti Project – you are all amazing, Shalom Bayit – all of you are amazing and so many more especially Pets Unlimited who have wonderful vets and have taken such care of you, been patient with me and my emails and helping me in so many ways to keep you healthy. Without all of you I am not sure where I would be.
And last but not least we must thank Aunt Barbara and Uncle David for all the hugs and pets which are treasured by you plus Uncle David thank you for loaning us your garden once a week for fresh air and time for Layla to run off leash.

And of course a special thank you to Aunt Alice for spoiling Mom and taking me one Sunday on an adventure.

We would like to thank all the great companies that have sent us their products for reviews from Hemp Oil, Supplements, Anti Itch shampoos and of course treats – they have all been loved by us in so many ways and we are really grateful.
So through the hardships there have been some treasured moments also.
I love you little Madam, you are my Boss and very Bossy also but would not change it for anything in this world.
Lots of love as always,
Your crazy Jewish Mom
Before we end this blog this week we want to remind everyone to please keep your pets safe over Thanksgiving and I know we all love to spoil them make sure the goodies are safe.

We are including the turkey treat recipe that I make for Layla on Thanksgiving so she is not forgotten LOL. I do not add the rice anymore. I bake it like a meat loaf, then cut into little squares and keep in fridge, freezing some for another day.

AND of course to all our followers thank you for reading our blog, laughing with us, sharing your stories, we have become a family and we appreciate it very much.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, Be safe, don’t overeat LOL.
With a woof and love from Layla