Break the Silence of Domestic Violence and Animal Abuse

Good Morning,

October has arrived and with it the Month of Domestic Violence Awareness. This is a topic that is very close to my heart as I am a proud survivor.


I am one of the lucky ones that managed to get away with my little dog, hid at a friend and then moved to a new city where we were both helped.  If I had left her I know my ex would have carried on abusing her so the minute I could run, we ran.

Baby since has passed away, but she was my inspiration, my hero, my trooper and my lifeline through those dark days, and when she passed it was when I was finally in my own home so she knew I was safe, and could then open my doors to a new pup, and Layla arrived to live with me.  Layla and now Nili wears a tag that says : Shelter Survivor

Baby R.I.P. She died of IMHA at the age of 6 and missed daily as she was my hero

Today I am not going to talk about me, but “The Power and Control Wheel” of Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence. This gives us a better understanding as to what happens behind closed doors, and why so many victims stay in the relationships.

An abuser will want to control everything, and if he or she does not have that, we, the humans, kids or pets become the victims of his or her anger, although he/she  will never admit it.

So when people reach out and talk about wanting to leave a Domestic Violence relationship but cannot leave their pets, these are some of the reasons and I from experience would have rather carried on suffering the abuse to make sure Baby was safe, than left her in a house where she would suffer.

Pets do not understand abuse the way we do and they should not have to suffer at the hands of an abuser of any kind as they give us the unconditional love and loyalty that unfortunately humans do not do.

The Domestic Violence Hotline number is : 1 800 799 SAFE (7233)

Website :

October is also the National Month of Adopt a Shelter Dog Month so reach out to a Shelter and give a dog a new home, I am blessed to have been the Mom to Baby, Layla and now Nili.

Nili’s daily routine – never a dull moment LOL

Be safe, have a wonderful week, with a woof of love from





October 2024 Pet Holidays and Observances

October has arrived and winter is around the corner. Below is the list of Holidays and Observances for our Pets.

Month-Long Observances

  • Adopt A Dog Month
  • Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
  • Black Cat Awareness Month.
  • National Animal Safety and Protection Month.
  • National Pet CBD Month.
  • National Pet Obesity Awareness Month.
  • National Pet Wellness Month.
  • National Pit Bull Awareness Month.
  • Small Dog Awareness Month.
  • World Animal Month.
  • National Domestic Violence Month – pets are victims too

Week-Long Observances

  • 6-12: National Walk Your Dog Week.First full week of October.
  • 6-12: Animal Welfare Week. (AVMA). First full week of October.
  • 13-19: National Veterinary Technician Week.

One-Day Pet Holidays 

  • 1: National Fire Pup Day.
  • 1: National Black Dog Day.
  • 2: Canine Companion Day.
  • 4: World Animal Day.
  • 4: Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
  • 4: Kindness to Animals Day.
  • 9: CATober9th®. Universal birthday of shelter cats whose birthdays remain a mystery.
  • 10: World Animal Road Accident Awareness Day.This day to draw awareness to drivers if they hit a dog or other animal on the road.
  • 11: National Pet Obesity Awareness Day.
  • 11: Vet Nurse Day. Known as Veterinary Nurse Day
  • 16: Global Cat Day. To draw our attention to all the homeless cats and find them homes
  • 19: National Fetch Day.
  • 21: National Pets for Veterans Day.
  • 22: National Make a Dog’s Day.
  • 26: National Livestock Guardian Dog Appreciation and Awareness Day.
  • 28: Plush Animal Lovers Day.  A day for all dogs to unstuff their plush squeaky toys
  • 26: Muddy Dog Day.(UK) Last Saturday in October.
  • 26: National Pit Bull Awareness Day.
  • 29: National Cat Day.
  • 30: National Treat Your Pet Day. A day to treat our pets with snacks, extra love and attention.

Have a safe October and a Happy New Year to our Jewish followers who celebrate the New Year on the eve of October 2nd

With a woof and love from Nili