Nili’s Journey Home

Good Morning friends,

While I type this Nili is on her way home and should be arriving in about 3 hours. I decided to write the blog before she arrives so I can focus on her only and no social media till tomorrow.

I have been very blessed by my friends for stepping in and fostering her the last two weeks, it is hard on them as I think they have fallen in love with her plus Winnie their rescue had to say goodbye to her playmate this morning. I feel bad for Winnie at this moment because she has no one to play with and Nili will have the same problem although I am fixing play dates in my house for her.

As you all know Nili, was rescued from the L.A. Animal control where they put all her details down and I have subsequently learned they are not correct. A friend of mine who does animal rescue explained to me they cannot always do it as they do not have the funding for DNA tests. Avi, my friend took her to the vet for a check up and told me that she was not afraid at all WOW, and the vet told him the following:

She was sure Nili is about 2-2.5 years at most based upon her teeth and the brightness in her eyes. She has been through one or two heat cycles but does not think she has given birth. She is very healthy. No Upper respiratory infection at all and she can be spayed when I want. she heard no wheezing or crackling in her lungs. She weighs 16.4 lbs. She has a cutaneous histiocytoma on her head. but it appears to be healing on its own and is nothing to worry about. The scab came off in the doctors hand. She said is it doesn’t heal up completely in a month get it checked out. but she did not think it was anything to worry about.  She said Nili is a very healthy, alert pup, and a great rescue.

One of my favorite photos of Nili

I have already made an appointment for her to be spayed, first one I could get was 24th August but will phone and keep checking to see if there is any cancellations so park days will not start till she is fixed but will take her for walks, other adventures where there are no dogs. I also have to train her with recall although she knows the words Treats and Sit which is a good beginning. I am getting her a 14ft leash for the park when we do start so she can wander around and not get away.

This morning I drove myself nuts and child proofed the house, have everything ready for her and now sitting and waiting which is not easy LOL. Matt who is bringing her to me is every couple of hours texting Avi and then Avi texts me, it is a long ride from Palm Springs to San Francisco, about 8 hours and he will be stopping so she can potty along the way  but she is sleeping peacefully in her expandable pet carrier that the company Mr Peanuts gave her. They are such a fantastic small family business and so quick to help where possible. They sent for her a large expandable carrier, medium sized one and a pink regular carrier so Nili was spoiled. The medium sized I left with Avi to give to whoever he would like to as sharing is caring and that is so important.

Being bribed this morning to get in the carrier


Here is their link and I strongly suggest you look at all their amazing reasonable products.

Nili has a lot to learn so her schooling is beginning here and the sooner I start the better as her life will be so much easier. I have to stop her naughtiness of barking at bicycles, noise, running out of the door when it opens and so much more but she is a smart little girl and will learn. (Her Mom is an ex teacher LOL)

Treat time, Quasi, Nili and Winnie


So plans this weekend are to let her sleep, get into a routine, play with snuffle toys which I have got treats for, chew on bully sticks which I bought her and just relax together spending lots of cuddle time.

Before I log off to get ready to meet her I want to say from the bottom of my heart thank you thank you thank you to Jonathan, Avi, Will, Shai, Boaz, Quasi, Winnie and Matt for helping me with everything, keeping Nili safe and amused and most of all getting her home to me, I am so blessed to have you all in my life.

Have a wonderful weekend, we hope you have loads of fun and relax also,

With a woof and love


Nili and Mom

Welcoming a new Rescue into my life

TGIF!!! Friday has arrived and I need to put my feet up and relax a bit, I am exhausted from a crazy hectic week that thank goodness turned out well in the end. This blog is going to be in two parts, the first one is today.


Since Layla passed, my home has been empty and cold, and I realized two weeks ago the time had come for me to rescue a new fur kid, to speak out Layla’s legacy in so many ways. So, I started searching for a new fur kid. I will not buy as you all know and love black mutts so that was my goal to find another black mutt. Why black? Because they are the hardest to get adopted.

Nili in the shelter


The past two weeks I have spent hours searching on every FB page, website plus so much more and it horrified me to see the number of dogs sitting in shelters, owner surrenders, lost dogs that had not been claimed and so much more. What upset me most was seeing how many seniors have been dumped, poor babies, what a way to spend their golden years. I did not want a senior but middle aged to grow old with and then, one morning, while perusing one of the FB pages, I saw my new fur kid.

She was in the Los Angeles Animal Control, a stray that had been picked up and not claimed, about 4 years old and immediately asked this friend, a rescuer if she could get her for me. It is impossible to get anyone on the phone to put a hold on the dog, you must go there when they open and adopt the dog if it is still there, a Catch 22 situation and I hit the jackpot and got her.

My nightmare with all this started when my friend last minute could not go so through the help of my ex-Boss, he introduced me to a good friend of his, and I was very blessed as Jonathan went there and adopted her.  So now we had her, we had no one to foster her as I am in San Francisco and my friend could not, so Jonathan took her to groom her and get her food and although he could not do this he agreed for one night, took her to his house. (he has two dogs) The following day, Friday, a week ago, Shai, one of my boys that I used to tutor, drove from Palm Springs to Los Angeles to fetch her and take her home to Palm Springs to his home, (my ex-bosses moved there from San Francisco a couple of years ago) and that is where she has been since. Nili is house trained, walks well on a leash so I think she was very well cared for in her past home but not being microchipped and having a collar they had no way of finding her owners.


Her name in the shelter was Gladys, oy vey, but I have renamed her a Hebrew name Nili. She has settled in there, happy, playing with their dogs and we now have finally arranged for her to come home on July 25th, which I cannot wait.

Nili is not spayed as the shelter said she had a chest infection, so Avi is taking her to his vet to have her checked up and I plan to have her spayed here in San Francisco, I am blessed that the SPCA has free spay and neuter clinics.  She is now microchipped so I am at ease also.



So, friends I would love for you to welcome Nili and there will be many adventures and fun time to share with you once she has been spayed and settled proper in her home with me.

The second chapter of her rescue you will be able to read next week, but before I go a special thanks to everyone who were my rocks, my glue who kept me together mentally and came together to get her and keep her safe, I owe you all big time and so blessed to have you in my life.

Have a wonderful safe weekend and please hug your pets


Layla’s and Nili’s Mom




Happy Pride and 4th of July

Good morning, everyone,

For those celebrating Happy Pride, we hope you have a wonderful safe weekend with lots of fun.

I am slowly getting used to not having Layla by my side to celebrate as she always came to all the events with me, it is not easy, and I am shedding tears here and there, but I know she would want me to go out and enjoy myself. San Francisco is all colorful with the Rainbow Flags everywhere, people are already dressed up in rainbows plus so much more and the atmosphere is wonderful. We are putting it all aside and enjoying this weekend with so much happening.

The Pink Triangle is up in its usual place, and for those that do not know, during the Holocaust the Gays had to wear a pink triangle to show they were gay and many were sent to the gas chambers so this triangle symbolizes the hatred and reminds us that WE MUST NOT FORGET, NEVER AGAIN.


Last week I went to a Pride Party and cried as Layla was with me last year, I called her my mini dyke LOL, and today I am doing a double decker bus tour of the LGBT history of San Francisco which I am really excited to do. It is organized by the Perpetual Sisters of Indulgence which is an amazing non-profit organization that helps LGBT youth and others who are homeless get on their feet, which I think is fantastic.  They are all drag queens.

The Sign announcing the Bus Tour

Sister Roma

I am taking a rest for the rest of the weekend, it is too much for an old lady like me LOL.

Layla sitting on a bike at the Dyke March a couple of years ago

Waiting for the Dyke March to start, another memory of her


With all the events going on we must not forget what is happening next week, as that is so important. The 4th of July is around the corner and that means the nightmare starts for our fur kids. The fireworks grrr. I hate them. Please make sure your fur kids are safe in the house, tags are up to date, microchip is up to date and most of all they are safe inside. Shelters unfortunately will be filling up with strays who have fled from fear and if your pet does not have the correct information on them, they will never be able to get home. I am listing below what I used to do with Layla plus the 4th of July hazards to keep them safe and healthy when you are celebrating.


Please keep them safe

Happy Pride to those that celebrate, and we are blessed we can celebrate in this country and are not persecuted like in some other countries PLUS have a happy safe 4th of July to all and enjoy your long weekend.

One of my favorite memories of Layla


With love from angel Layla and Me







Preparing for goodbye

Good morning friends,

It has been 13 days since Layla crossed the Rainbow Bridge, the house is empty and cold without her, she was so part of my life. I keep looking at her bed to see if she is sleeping peacefully.

I miss seeing this daily when she was asleep under her blankie

I am going to today share with you how I was preparing for that awful day as I thought I was prepared but am realizing now you are never prepared although I am at peace that she is not suffering anymore.

About two plus years ago I realized that Layla, with going blind was aging quickly and I so wanted to make it as easy as possible for her, a stress-free life especially when she started with Dementia. She became more withdrawn, sleeping more but although blind I was determined to have fun, keep her nose going instead of her eyes and keep the routine we had been in for all these years.  While preparing mentally for the awful day I started researching, finding ideas, and praying each time I found something it would keep her happy. It is a catch 22 as such but I did not give up. I started giving her new supplements, got her a stroller to ease her walking, especially on adventures and then got her the stroller that she was in towards the end. You can see on the below link the supplements I gave her plus the treats I used for her snuffle toys which she loved and kept her busy. I am listing the link to the list of what she got. th

The stroller was and is in my eyes the best invention ever and I highly recommend senior dog parents to get one, your life is so much easier and your pet can enjoy being outdoors sniffing the air and all the new smells. I got it from a company called Mr. Peanuts it was light weight, roomy for her to sleep in, a big basket underneath for shopping plus I kept a water bowl there all the time for water and would put a bottle there every time we went out. Another thing I loved about it was it has two straps to clip them in on either side so that she was safe, and I had no worries. That was the stroller I rocked her in on her last night, walked her to calm her down covered in a blanket and although it did not help much it eased it a bit for her while she was fighting her last breath.

Sleeping in her stroller comfortably

This is the link from where I got it :

Another thing I did was got in contact with an animal communicator as I wanted to know what was going through her mind so that I could work with that, I know it sounds crazy, but I was reaching out for every answer as it mattered to me as a Dog Mom.

I am sharing the session I had with Cherokee Billie so you can hear how helpful it was as I want others to know that it eases your life also in many ways.

I am also going to share with you how bossy she was in the good old days, and she knew how to work me for treats, and this is something I really miss in the house now, I keep imagining I am hearing her bark ☹

On Saturday the 4th of May the awful day arrived, it was a day etched in my memory like it was yesterday but I am at peace as she is not suffering anymore and I know in my heart that I did everything I could to make her life as happy as possible but when the quality of life is not there it best to release them to cross over to the Rainbow Bridge. It is traumatic to hold them when they pass, a nightmare in some ways BUT it is important to be with them and show them your unconditional love the way they have given you all their life. I was blessed to do it at home, but it was my choice to keep her as relaxed and comfortable as possible with all the familiar smells she knew.

I cannot and will not accept people that dump their seniors at shelters to die in a cold cage because they do not want to deal with their senior passing or at a vet telling the vet to euthanize their pet and leaving. That is cold disrespectful and unimaginable what the pet must be feeling as they pass. A pet has a soul, has feeling and emotions and to put them through that is unforgivable. Your pet is scared, frightened and if they were part of your family, they should be honored by you being with them when they pass. I often feel people that do this would do it to other family members also. They should not be allowed to have pets again.

I was surprised last week as I received an email from a friend who had had a tree planted in her name in Israel through the JNF Memorial fund This is an non profit organization that plants trees in Israel in a human or pets memory which I was so thankful for as being Israeli she is now part of me in my country plus a tree is a symbol of life and what could be a better memory than a tree growing with your name on, her name/legacy will carry on forever.

Her Memorial in Israel


Please hug your fur kids as much as possible, life is precious, we are blessed to have fur kids in our lives and we must treasure that daily, make memories that will make you laugh and cry but those memories are in your heart forever

With love from

Layla’s Mom





Dogfest is over and it was fun

TGIF!!! Good morning friends, wow what a weekend last weekend and thank goodness we had a sort of quiet week.


Layla is still not well, we have a good day and then a bad day so we taking each day as it comes and as my vet said to me she is over 18 years old so it takes time to heal from infections but what is worrying me is she is not eating the way she did in the past. I have been giving her Entyce which stimulates an appetite but it is not working so she is now on Nutrical which is a gel full of nutrients so am hoping it will build up her immune system again. Time will tell.

So, let’s get on with some fun, DogFest. As I told you in my last blog this is an annual fundraiser for an Elementary School, it is a day full of fun, dog costume shows, Lots of booths with dog food, treats, accessories and then so much more. As you all know I ran the booth for Real Mushrooms and yes Layla was with me. I had borrowed a pen from a friend and put a blanket in it so she was comfortable, able to move around plus have her water and food there. She munched on  lots of treats instead of her food but I decided as long as she is eating that is all that matters. I had big baskets of the table with Relax Chews and Immune System Chews for your pets. Bless San Francisco you always have the weirdos also like some that asked me if the mushroom chews were psychedelic mushrooms LOL or the best of the best was a woman walking around with a shopping cart, stopping at my table, picking up the basket to put all the samples in her basket, and when I stopped her and told her she could only have on of each she cursed me and on top of it does not even have pets. In a nutshell it was an exhausting day and by the time I got home I needed to take my shoes off and put my feet up. Layla and I slept all Sunday to recharge our batteries.

Layla in her pen, I put my jacket over to give her some shade as it was warm

THe red carpet for the dog events

Even a cat came

The food truck with treats and other goodies for the dogs

Love this hat

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence always volunteer

Fun in the park this week

So that has been our week, taking it slow, going to the dog park to enjoy the sun and of course all the every day things also.

And before we go to bed we must not forget this Sunday is Mayday for Mutts – Mayday for Mutts is a special holiday celebrated on the first Sunday of May to spread love and acceptance for mixed-breed dogs.

My beautiful happy Mutt, Layla

We hope you have a wonderful week, be safe as always


With woof and love from



It is Give Away Time

Good morning Friends,

We have had a crazy week. Layla has been sick with a Colon infection poor old baby. I took her to the vet, and she is on antibiotics and seems to be slowly getting better, I am just relieved she ate today for the first time in two days which for me is a good sign. So, we have been taking it slow. Of course, Madam embarrassed me by pooping all over the vets office LOL, they put pee pads down but she would walk around and do it on the floor. Thank goodness the vet understands and said to me at least she did not have to do a stool sample as she saw her poop all over the floor. The good news is for her age her heart and lungs are good so am relieved. The antibiotics are making her sleep, which is all she is doing unless she needs to go out to potty. On the way home from the vet Madam started howling in her stroller and I learnt when she does that she needs to potty, I kept apologizing to the driver but she laughed and said it was better than listening to a baby cry nonstop. I suppose I need to see the funny side to it all and just breathe a sigh of relief that she is going to be ok. So, no park this week for her.

This Saturday we are doing DogFest in the park, which is a fund raiser for an elementary school in my area, it is an annual event with lots of booths of dog’s thing, fun children’s activities and so much more. I will have a booth there for Real Mushrooms and will be handing out samples of the mushroom relaxing chews plus. Am immune system chew for your pets. I have managed to get a pen for Layla so she will sleep under the table safely on a blanket and I will be able to work. I am looking forward to this event as it is so much fun, noisy but its also great to see if there is anything new on the market. The weather is going to be cool which will also make it easier to work and overheat, this is San Francisco. So, if you are in the Bay Area come visit and meet us.  We will have all the photos in next week’s blog to share with you.

For those that are interested this is the Real Mushrooms link, letting you into one of my secrets, I love love their Hot Chocolate with mushrooms, it is so good and chocolaty you cannot even taste the mushrooms.

Now, let’s have some fun with a new give away as our dogs or cats always need quality treats to keep them happy. I am doing this giveaway for one of my favorite companies, a small family-owned business called Raw Paws Pet Food. (I love supporting small family businesses) Their products are fantastic, they have great raw food, supplements and so much more and what I love is their treats are for both dogs and cats so everyone can enter.  This give away is for Freeze Dried Smelt Minnows which Layla cannot get enough of Freeze-Dried Chicken Breast Which Bossy Barker barks for all the time, now finally Freeze-Dried Chicken Hearts which she gobbles down so fast am scared she will choke. I think they are all moreish and a must have in the Treat Jar for our dogs or cats as they are fantastic plus healthy. They all have only one ingredient, which is something I love about them.

Hmm they smell good which one first


Mom makes me work for them grrrr

Yes my nose is working and I can smell them yum

You can read more about them on their website :

As Layla barks, she approves of them and wishes everyone who enters good luck.

I was sponsored by Raw Paws Pet Food for this giveaway, and it is for the USA only.

The link for the entry form is below.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone, please be safe as always with a woof and love from Layla



I got an ice cream

Good morning, Friends,

This is me Layla dictating to Mom what to write as today I feel like the Boss and she, my slave. So today we are going to discuss me aging as I am now over 18 years old and that means in human years, I am older than Mom and therefore I have the final word in everything.

This past week has been great, we have been going to the park daily and the minute the idiot arrives we pack up and go home but at least we are getting at least two hours there if not more. Today we sat in a different area which was so good as I had so many new smells I did not sit or stand for a minute but walked about happily doing my thing and of course barking at my slave to be served water when I was thirsty. It was really warm there and my favorite Aunt joined us so Mom was chatting away while I was sniffing. We both had a fun relaxing time but Mom for once forgot the camera at home so no pics sorry, bad Mom.

Aunt was saying to Mom how she could not believe my age and how good I am looking but the main issue Mom has at the moment with me is my back legs are slowly giving In so I sloop when I potty and have problems getting up but thank goodness my slave, she helps me plus having the stroller helps on long walks.

The one exciting adventure we had this week was to get ice cream from Ben & Jerrys as they had their annual free scoop day which was so good. Mom got of course for herself a coffee ice cream and she got for me a cup with vanilla ice cream in, I could not eat it fast enough before it melted and it was so yum, I wanted another, but Mom said no more sugar for me, I thought then she was horrible although I know she is keeping me healthy. After eating the ice cream, we went to the park to hang out for a bit and that was fun as my tummy was full and the weather was perfect but when the wind started we packed up and came home.

Waiting for the bus

I am smiling cos it was so so good, Layla

Park time on the way home

So, my friends, as you can see, I am aging gracefully but enjoying life to its fullest as we must take each day as it comes and treasure the memories.

This weekend starts the Jewish Holiday Passover, the story of the book of Exodus when Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, it is an important story as means freedom for those that were slaves in those days plus today and we must pray for freedom for all animals or people that are being abused as everyone deserves love.

As we say before the Holiday Chag Sameach, which Is Hebrew for Happy Holiday,

Stay safe and have a wonderful week

Love from Layla





Hoppy Happy Easter

When Spring arrives, Easter arrives, and everyone is hopping for chocolates plus some parents are busy buying bunnies for their kids. This is a sore subject for me as so many bunnies, like other pets, are bought for a holiday and then dumped in a shelter or as some do which is so stupid is let them loose in the fields where they cannot survive.  So if you want a bunny for your child get them a toy, one that does not need care and will not be thrown out as such when your child is bored with it. Bunnies, like so many pets are family, and you do not want to be dumped by a family member then please do not do the same to your bunny.

Layla at a pet event a couple of years ago


Easter can also be hazardous to your pets; I am listing below the hazards to keep your pets safe especially when it comes to chocolate or candies with Xylitol.


Happy Easter to everyone, we hope you have a wonderful fun weekend with your family, please be safe


With a woof and love from




Spring has arrived

TGiF! Woof hello friends, we hope you are all excited that Spring has arrived as I am. This week has been sunny and warm here so Mom has been trying to get me out to the park for a few hours each day. I am loving it, the sun on my fur makes me feel really cosy and sleepy BOL.

Enjoying the sun on my face

So each day when Mom is finished her important stuff she packs me up and off we go, so this week am going to share the photos Mom has been snapping of me of course and one or two of wall art oh the way home. We decided to do a photo blog this week with happy photos as that is what Spring is doing for us.

I still remember to go under the chains from the lawn to the pathway

Wandering around enjoying the sun

The mural on the petstore not far from our house

A garage door on the way home, all bright and cheery

And then as Mom says this was the highlight of her week, me snoring and sleeping in the dark so you cannot see me but BOL you can hear me – I was so tired from the sunshine and the park.

What are your plans this weekend, the first weekend of Spring, here grr they expecting rain so am not sure what we gonna do but Mom has promised me some fun phew.


Have a wonderful weekend,

With a woof and love from Layla



March is here and we have had some sun

Woof to all my friends,

March has arrived and we have had some sun, phew. A break from the rain which is driving Mom crazy BOL. She wants to sit outside and get fresh air plus I want time to wander around and smell all the new smells.

We have had a slow week this week because of the rain, but Mom took me to the park near our home and it was pawsome to see my friends and of course get lots of treats from everyone, that is the best part BOL.

Today, Thursday, Mom cancelled all appointments to be with me and we went to the park. The sun was shining, it was a bit chilly but everyone was there and it was great just to hang out, wander around, beg for treats BOL and of course after all that I took a nap on the cool damp grass which was muddy. It was the best medicine for both of us as Mom was off all electronics, just chilling and drinking her favorite drink, coffee of course. We came home relaxed, which was really great as being outdoors does so much for us.

The lawn feels so so good on my paws

Wandering around

With age, I am becoming a very picky eater, and it does not matter what Mom makes me I always want something else and it is worrying Mom big time, that is the Jewish side of her. Like today I did not want to eat my dinner so she boiled up some chicken for me which I ate part of and snacked on some freeze dried kibbles which as Mom says it is not real food but at least I got something in my tummy. She warned me if I do it again no treats in the park as I need to eat properly. I think that is unfair but sometimes I let her be the Boss BOL.

Our weekend plans are going to depend on the weather plus Mom’s Dentist appointment in the morning so we are going with the flow as she says. I will just have to do the same although she does take me out to potty so I should not complain, and I bark when I want to go and she jumps to attention.

Today is a very important day, Happy International Women’s Day to all the fantastic women out there that speak out against abuse, violence, equal rights and so much more, you are all amazing and please carry on the good work you are doing.

Have a wonderful weekend, be safe with a woof and love from Layla