February is over WOW. We cannot believe how fast this year is going.
Layla and I have cabin fever. It just does not seem to stop raining here and although she has been very good with walks in the rain, some long, some short we both need some sunny park time to be outdoors relaxing.
Yesterday she was not happy as she got a bath. I am fortunate to be able to get her a free bath once a month through PAWS/Shanti Project which makes life very easy for me as living in a studio when I bathe her the floor becomes a lake LOL, so I take advantage of these free baths. It is also amazing how they always have volunteers from different companies come in to do the bathing so all I have to do is take her there and they do all the work. It is also thanks to Pet Food Express for allowing us to do it there, they are an amazing Pet Food Store and give so much back to the community. If I buy something and Layla does not like it, I can return the open bag and get credit, they have rescued cats up for adoption there, and many rescue organizations do adoption events at their different stores.
Layla of course now loves going there with no arguments like in the past as she knows she gets treats from the employees and what could be better than that.
The past 48 hours have been crazy stormy so yesterday when I was at the store I picked up for her a new chewy which is a turkey tendon and she is in love with them. It keeps her busy during the day and not sleeping that much LOL. Cabin fever can be costly also.
I am working in my new job which is hard but I am enjoying also so am out of the house for about 5 hours each day, I hate leaving Madam but on the other hand it is good for both of us.
So that is what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood, not much excitement but she is being spoiled with lots of Mommy time as I excluding work have no interest in running around in the rain so condense everything into an outing when I leave for work.
Be safe and warm everyone and don’t forget that with all the winds and rain the one thing that is keeping Madam calm is the 4Paws Pet Blend Hemp Oil Supplement. You can read all about it on the below link :
With a woof and love from Layla