TGIF !!!!!!!!!
I do not know why I say this lately as every day seems to be Friday and cannot wait to get back to working / dog sitting which hopefully will happen soon.
Thank goodness the 4th of July is over, the fireworks were like a war zone here and I cannot believe how people went crazy, from 7 in the evening till 3 in the morning my studio was shaking from all the booms. It was totally insane and what a waste of money. Thank goodness Layla was on her meds as she slept through them all but on Sunday morning she did not want to go out I think from fear. They are still setting them off in my area but not as bad but still just insane.
Layla is off her meds, second day now, doing really well and back to being Miss Piss and Vinegar, bossing me around and keeping me on my toes. It is great and I cannot believe how she has healed although I do have meds in the house for an emergency and the hemp oil of course. I am not allowing her to jump on or off anything although have caught her here and there jumping on the bed. She is eating really well which is good and drinking too. So I am totally relaxing here now. It was a month of hell but I can put it behind me now.
On Monday I took her to the park which is good for both of us. She had a great time and even made a new friend, they followed each other all over the place and it was really cute. I am doing things slowly now she is off her meds plus carrying her backpack just in case I need to use it although she hopes she will be carried all the time LOL.

Our weekend plans are to spend outdoors as much as possible, just relaxing safe distancing in the park with mask on of course plus I go to the park at odd hours when I know there are less people.
So that is what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood at the moment , be safe everyone and have a wonderful quiet weekend,
With a woof and love from Layla