It is my birthday next week.

TGIF!!! Friday has arrived and I hope it does not rain so I can go somewhere as I am tired of being stuck in the house and Mom feels the same. I know I should not complain as so many of my friends are stuck with snow but enough is enough.

When it rains you snuffle for treats BOL



So weather permitting Mom is taking me to the Shi Tzu Meet Up tomorrow morning, it is a fantastic park and I am really excited. I cannot wait to wander around, bark of course BOL and embarrass Mom like I like doing, eat lots of treats and have some fresh air plus spend time with other fluffies like me. I am really excited and it better not rain.


On the 31st of January 2011 I was rescued from the Carson Shelter in Los Angeles. The story of how it was an online affair I love sharing to prove to people it can happen and it does work out. Mommy saw me sitting in a cage, emailed a friend of a friend who is a rescuer, Cindy went to the shelter and pulled me out, then Uncle Michael drove to me San Francisco.


Because they do not know my exact birth date, and have worked out I am 18 years old, Mom is working hard organizing a birthday party for me for next Friday afternoon, not sure who is going to be there, dogs and humans, but she says she will have a lot of surprises for me, my one gift arrived today but she would not me smell it and hid it in the closet immediately. She promised she would let me sniff it tomorrow when it assembled. I am so excited and cannot wait.

So I am getting really excited for next week, it is going to be so much fun I cannot wait. I might be old but you are never too old to have fun.

I am off to bed now as I am exhausted from dictating to Mom,


Have a safe warm weekend everyone, I wish you all could come to celebrate with me,

Lots of love as always with a woof

Layla xxx






Are Mushrooms Magic?

TGIF !! Another week over and the weekend is starting. I cannot believe how fast this year is going it is scary in a way or maybe I am just aging LOL.

Last Friday we had a picnic in the park with one of my closest friends, it was the first time Layla was in the park in months as she has become afraid of them, but she surprised me and was totally relaxed, wandered around a bit, and then went to sleep. It was relaxing for me to see her that way and not worry so have decided that am going to try it again today for a couple of hours. I think it was because the park was not full.

As you all know Layla is aging, it worries me big time and having lost her sight has made walking hard as I am so scared of her bumping her head, so I got her a halo which is arriving today. I am praying it will make outings less stressful for me as she will be able to walk on a longer leash and I will not have to keep pulling her in before she hurts herself. I think the pulling on the harness is hurting her back poor baby.

I have also been doing research on mushroom supplements for her and now am trying one on her.  She seems to be more energetic with it which is fantastic. What it is a capsule with 5 different mushrooms in.

A breakdown of the mushrooms and benefits below :

Reishi : have antioxidant properties to nourish, detoxify and protect the liver. It can also renew liver cells, strengthen the liver and improve the detox process.

  • Shiitake :
  • High Fiber Content Supports Digestion
  • High in B Vitamins. …
  • Contain Vitamin D. …
  • Protect Oral Health. …
  • Help Immune Function. …
  • Contain Cancer-Fighting Compounds. …
  • Good For Heart Health. …
  • Promote Healthy Coat And Skin.
  • Turkey Tail Mushrooms: Boost The Immune System.
  • Support The Digestive, Urinary And Respiratory Tracts.
  • Provide Phytonutrients.
  • Protect The Liver.
  • Increase Longevity In Dogs With Hemangiosarcoma.
  • Fight Other Forms Of Cancer.
  • Reduce Side Effects of Chemotherapy.

Maitake means “dancing mushroom” in Japanese.

  • Preventing cancer.
  • Supporting the body during chemotherapy and other cancer treatment.
  • Helping manage diabetes.
  • Supporting dogs with liver problems.

Chaga Mushrooms

Some of the earliest uses of chaga mushrooms were for ulcers, stomach pain, and inflammatory bowel disease. It’s believed that the immune-stimulating traits of chaga help balance the gut bacteria and ease ulcers and gastritis. Chaga mushrooms can help regulate blood sugar levels for animals with diabetes

I approached an Organic Mushroom Company – to get a bottle for a review as they have one capsule with all 5 in and I can open the capsule and mix in her food.

I am giving her their 5 Defenders Organic Mushroom Blend Capsules for Pets.



Their customer service has been fantastic, they have answered all my questions and I would recommend them to any other dog blogger who is interested.

I have not changed Layla’s diet or other supplements but adding the mushrooms have given me peace of mind that I am controlling her body health wise inside and out.

If you are interested in learning more about them this is their website :

So, on this note as I pack to go to the park to relax a bit which I need, I want to wish everyone a wonderful safe weekend with lots of fun, stay cool and hydrated,

With a woof and love from Layla


I have become a Snuffle Ball Addict, Layla

Woof it is Friday, and this weekend is a long weekend. Do you have anything planned that is special?

Here in the Layla neighborhood, there have been changes as Layla’s sight is just about gone so am learning with her to navigate life without being able to see. It is not easy and learning daily how to make it easy for her plus keep her busy especially her brain. She does not want to walk like she used to, has become afraid plus she is so busy sniffing she knocks her head on trees ouch, which is concerning me so am looking into getting her a halo which hopefully will help. What I have read about them is most dogs regain their confidence so am praying that will happen for her too. Things she used to like to do she does not want to do anymore, plus she is petrified of going downstairs so am carrying her which is not easy, but we are managing. At least she will walk up the stairs phew.

With all this happening I won a couple of weeks ago a $ 25 Amazon gift card so bought her a snuffle ball. Layla has never been a toy lover but this snuffle ball has hit the jackpot. She loves it, wants it all the time and it is keeping her active and busy in the house. Yes, it is stuffed with treats but am putting homemade chicken jerky in, tiny bits and the ball is rolling. She worked it our quickly and she is a happy girl. I do have the snuffle mat also but this ball is so much better for her.

See the video below of her playing with it :

Another thing I have done is put her food on a place mat instead of the bowl which has made her eating a lot easier and not knocking it over.

I knew this would happen because of her cataracts but one thing is knowing and another realizing it has happened. I am not going to let it get us down and try carry on with life as normal.

Our plans this weekend, Saturday is to go to a concert in one of the parks in the city, I will take her carrier instead of backpack so she can lie comfortably in it and feel safe plus this way I can sit back and relax and of course enjoy the concert. It is Indonesian dancers, and I am excited to see them.

On Sunday will be garden time, which she still loves and feels safe roaming around or lying in the sun. I personally need the outdoors as being indoors can be stifling after a long week.


Monday which is a holiday I am just lying low at home with her.

So, these are our plans this weekend, filled with fun and quality time together,

Have a safe wonderful weekend everyone,

With a woof and love from Layla








August 26 is National Dog Day

What is National Dog Day ?

National Dog Day is celebrated anually on August 26th. It was founded in 2004 by Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert and Animal Advocate, Colleen Paige, also the founder of National Puppy Day.

National Mutt Day and National Cat Day and many more philanthropic days are celebrated to draw attention to the plight of animals and encourage adoption. The date of August 26th is symbolic, as it’s the date that Colleen’s family adopted her first dog “Sheltie” when Colleen was 10 years old. National Dog Day is the only dog holiday that celebrates ALL DOGS, mixed and purebred.

National Dog Day celebrates all dogs, mixed breed and pure. The mission is to help the public recognize the number of dogs that need to be rescued each year.

National Dog Day is against any kind of breed ban. Dogs should not have to lose their lives because of the atrocities they have been forced to endure at the hands of man. Although American’s have the constitutional right to purchase a pure breed dog, I personally strongly discourage buying dogs from pet stores supplied by puppy mills, backyard breeders, the internet and newspaper ads. I would rather encourage people looking for a new canine companions, to choose adoption first. If you want a pure breed dog there are so many pure breed rescues with dogs waiting for homes.

Another place to adopt a dog is to go to adoption events which some pet stores hold to help rescuers find homes for those that have been rescued.

So as Layla woofs, she is a happy mutt please do not Shop but Adopt and save a dogs’ life.

Be safe everyone and have a wonderful weekend






It is hot !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday has arrived and we are going through a heatwave here, it is hot. I have read that there are heatwaves everywhere and it is so important to keep your dogs inside in the cool house.

I for the life of me cannot understand people that leave their dogs outside with no shade or even worse leave them in hot cars. If I saw a dog in a hot car I would automatically smash the window to save it. I do not care if the a/c is on, it is hot as hell in there.  Those that do it should be jailed or if Karma would work put the humans in the cars for a bit to see what it is like. I actually read an article where a judge ordered a woman to sit in her hot car and boil for a bit after leaving her dog in the car. Love that idea, do you?

I took Layla on an errand today and this is how we went.

We had a wonderful weekend last week and as San Francisco is finally open it is great to get outdoors without a mask and breathe the air. I am still using my mask on public transport and shops but that feeling of freedom is in the air.

Last Saturday I went with a friend and Layla of course to Pride Movie in Oracle Park, it is the park where the Giants play. The Dykes on bikes were there, some drag queens and an amazing movie. It was so great to be outdoors watching a movie. The seating was done very cleverly so there was social distancing and very safe plus those that were vaccinated sat separately from those that are not.

I learned something that night about taking a senior with you and that is Layla was happy in her back pack which expands but the relaxing supplement I gave her did not help much plus she got cold so in the future I will put a t-shirt on her which keeps her calm and give her some CBD oil instead. I put my jacket on her to keep her calm and warm which helped a bit.

We got home really late that night which I am not used to so on Sunday we just slept, walked and ate, what a hard life LOL.


I am not sure what our plans are this weekend but will check out to see what Pride events there are and maybe take her to one.


Stay cool everyone and have a wonderful weekend

With a woof and love from Layla






Today is National Lost Dog Awareness Day

TGIF !!!!!!!!!! We cannot believe it is Friday and April is nearly over.

We have had a busy week with the fluffs staying with us for 5 days, Layla is exhausted poor thing as they want to play and she does not want to, LOL.

It is amazing to see the dynamics between the dogs but am loving it also, they are really cute.

Pierre the Tripawd is just so funny, an energizer bunny who is not a big eater but when Layla tries eating he barks at her to get her food, although he has just finished his plate. I laugh at it as Layla ignores him but am sure she is getting a head ache from it. Leopold who is normally the food addict has no way of getting to her food because she growls at him. I feed all of them at the same time but Layla being a slow eater and used to eating when she wants I am having to pick her bowl up if she does not eat when they are eating and then put it back down when she moans for some food. It has become a restaurant here.

Otherwise they play with the toys in the house, Leopold loves pulling the bed apart and growls at the pillows whereas Pierre just lies on a pillow on the bed watching.

So that has been the five days in our house and today, Thursday they are going home, I think Layla is happy LOL.

Today, 23rd April, is National Lost Dog Awareness Day increases awareness concerning missing dogs. Through networks of shelters, veterinaries, social media, and other media sources, many lost canines and families reunite.

This is my biggest fear and that is why I make sure all Layla’s information is up to date on her collars and Microchip. I also have put an emergency number so if I cannot be found a friend will be called. I am fortunate that Layla is Velcro and won’t go far but would rather be safe than sorry.

What to do if your dog gets lost, below is my infograph with information on what to do plus of course to post on and any other local websites in your area.

So all our furfriends, please be safe and stay at home or with your parents, do not run as you can get lost and it is scary.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone

With love from Layla


It is Passover and I am on Diet


Good morning fur friends,

Happy Passover to those that are celebrating, it is a time when families get together to celebrate freedom, the story we read is from the Haggadah and tells the story of how Moses led the Jews out of Egypt from slavery.

This year it is especially special as we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, freedom for us with the vaccines. We hopefully will be able to go back to a normal life, what a great feeling to be able to hug our friends, see our family and celebrate the holidays together. I am getting my first vaccine today and I am really relieved.

There are many customs and foods we eat on this holiday plus for one week we do not eat bread, cookies or anything that rises when baking. It depends also on what country you come from as to what you can eat or cannot eat which is a long list and can be complicated sometimes.

In the very religious homes the women clean out the kitchen of all non Passover foods which they sell to their neighbors or burn, they have cutlery, crockery and cooking utensils for the Passover only, and before Passover starts they go around the house with a feather to make sure there are no breadcrumbs anywhere. Passover starts at sunset and all cooking is done before then and kept warm, there is no cooking done on Passover evening so that means loads of cooking and preparations beforehand.

The reading of the Haggadah can take up to 4 hours during which you drink 4 glasses of wine, and then when it is over you stuff yourself with food as you are starved.

My favorite food of course is the chicken soup with matzo balls yummm

It is a wonderful holiday as there is a lot of singing also and I remember growing up when my grandfather read the whole Haggadah in Yiddish not Hebrew which was very special.

So it is not easy to be on a diet LOL and I have put Layla on a diet as she is a couple of ounces overweight which I want her to lose. She is not a happy girl at all and stands at her plate moaning for food. Being a Jewish Mom it breaks my heart but her health comes first so have now divided her meals into three tiny ones to keep her happy. Treats have been halved also so the Brat as I call her now makes me feel guilty all the time with her moans LOL.

So Layla and I would love to wish all our friends Chag Sameach (חג שמח) which is Hebrew for Happy Holiday,

Be safe and take care

With a woof and love
from Layla

February is here

January is over and February is here. I cannot believe how fast the months are going that I am slowly getting mixed up with days, weeks and months and thank goodness I have a monthly planner next to my laptop as I would be getting everything mixed up LOL. Anyone having the same problem ?

On Sunday we celebrated Layla’s Gotcha Day in my friends’ garden which was awesome. Just sitting outdoors, she wandering around like she loves doing and us humans drinking tea and chatting. Layla also got spoiled and came home with a bag of beef and beef bones. She was in her element. On Monday her new blanket arrived which she loves so the brat was totally spoiled as always. (I had also made her some beef jerky)

Otherwise we have been lying low as such, going for lots of walks, she comes with me to the supermarket which she loves as everyone pets her, and this weekend with the weather warming up I am planning to do something, I need to get out also LOL.

February is also Responsible Pet Owner Month – did you know that ?
What are our responsibilities :

Today Thursday, I took her to an Eye Specialist as she has had red eyes for months now, we thought it was allergies, then they found ulcers which cleared up but the redness is not going away. The eye specialist checked her, complimented me on how healthy she is but I learned something also. Layla has cataracts  (for some time now, nothing new) which we are not going to operate on because of her age, but what is causing the redness  is her lenses are hardening and thus becoming inflamed. We are going to try a new type of drops and see how it goes. 

I personally would like to try something homeopathic for once but the vets are stubborn and will not listen. So I am hoping the inflammation will go away because otherwise she is acting like normal, eating well and in a nutshell I cannot complain.

So like everyone in the country or all over the world, our lives are very quiet most of the time, staying safe and healthy and praying life will get back to normal soon.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, be safe Layla 

Happy Gotcha Day 01.31.21

January is nearly over and that means it will be Layla’s Gotcha Day !

I cannot believe it is 10 years since I adopted her from the Carson Shelter.
I so remember looking at all the photos on Petfinder and Petharbor, seeing this matted mess and knew in my heart she was the one.

The 10 years have been wonderful, she is an amazing little dog, full of energy at the age of 14 and excluding her eyes which we are having problems with and she will be seeing a Eye Specialist next week, I cannot complain.

Layla, we have Aunt Cindy to thank for pulling you from the shelter, Uncle Mike for bringing you to San Francisco, Uncle David for allowing us to have outdoor time during the lockdown in his garden, Aunt Alice for taking us on adventures during the lockdown where we can get out of the city and everyone else that is part of our life.

And Layla a big big thank you for keeping me sane through the hard times, making me walk a lot as you love your sniffs when we walking and thanks to those sniffs a two block walk becomes six and what would be a half hour becomes 2 plus hours, but would not change it for anything. If your tail is wagging and you happy then so am i, never mind my morning coffee is always cold.

I pray to have many more years with you and as I always joke we are growing old together, we both have eye problems so we are two peas in a pod.

January is freedom month for both of us, it is the month I ran from Domestic Violence and the month you were freed from the shelter. So each January I reflect on what has happened since, count my blessings and look forward to what the New Year will bring us.

Happy Gotcha Day !!!!!!!!!

Love from Mom

The New Year has arrived

TGIF !!! 

We took a break from blogging as I wanted a bit of a break from social media and now the New Year has arrived it is the start hopefully of new adventures.

Being on lockdown is getting harder as I think poor Layla is bored walking the same directions every day and desperately needs a change and so do I.

In the past month we have managed to do one really great adventure and that is spend a day at Lake Alpine which is about 3 hours from here. It was heaven and wish I could do it daily but unfortunately cannot. I went with a friend and took a picnic including a picnic for Madam, found a place to park and sat on a ledge off the road. Layla could not venture too far as it was dangerous but she was happy just to be outdoors and be spoiled with some of my sandwich LOL.

Other than that we are once a week going to sit in a friends garden, social distance and drink tea and chat while she wanders around.

Every January I also celebrate my freedom from my ex and the abuse and am saying daily thank goodness I am not with her during the lockdown, it would be hell.  

So I am looking for easy fun things to do with Layla where possible and one she loves LOL is going to the supermarket with me, it is the highlight of her day and thank goodness it is across from where we live. Her favorite pet store is not far from me also so I try to go once a week with her there and she gets totally spoiled with treats. 

I was saying to a friend the other day now I know why I hate zoos as sitting in lockdown is like being in a cage and it can be monotonous and I am sure animals in cages feel the same way.
So let us all pray that 2021 will be a good healthy New Year, with lots of new adventures, fun and just being able to see friends and chat without worrying so much about the virus although wearing a mask is a must.

We want to wish everyone a safe Happy 2021

with love and hugs Layla