I have become a Snuffle Ball Addict, Layla

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Woof it is Friday, and this weekend is a long weekend. Do you have anything planned that is special?

Here in the Layla neighborhood, there have been changes as Layla’s sight is just about gone so am learning with her to navigate life without being able to see. It is not easy and learning daily how to make it easy for her plus keep her busy especially her brain. She does not want to walk like she used to, has become afraid plus she is so busy sniffing she knocks her head on trees ouch, which is concerning me so am looking into getting her a halo which hopefully will help. What I have read about them is most dogs regain their confidence so am praying that will happen for her too. Things she used to like to do she does not want to do anymore, plus she is petrified of going downstairs so am carrying her which is not easy, but we are managing. At least she will walk up the stairs phew.

With all this happening I won a couple of weeks ago a $ 25 Amazon gift card so bought her a snuffle ball. Layla has never been a toy lover but this snuffle ball has hit the jackpot. She loves it, wants it all the time and it is keeping her active and busy in the house. Yes, it is stuffed with treats but am putting homemade chicken jerky in, tiny bits and the ball is rolling. She worked it our quickly and she is a happy girl. I do have the snuffle mat also but this ball is so much better for her.

See the video below of her playing with it :


Another thing I have done is put her food on a place mat instead of the bowl which has made her eating a lot easier and not knocking it over.

I knew this would happen because of her cataracts but one thing is knowing and another realizing it has happened. I am not going to let it get us down and try carry on with life as normal.

Our plans this weekend, Saturday is to go to a concert in one of the parks in the city, I will take her carrier instead of backpack so she can lie comfortably in it and feel safe plus this way I can sit back and relax and of course enjoy the concert. It is Indonesian dancers, and I am excited to see them.

On Sunday will be garden time, which she still loves and feels safe roaming around or lying in the sun. I personally need the outdoors as being indoors can be stifling after a long week.


Monday which is a holiday I am just lying low at home with her.

So, these are our plans this weekend, filled with fun and quality time together,

Have a safe wonderful weekend everyone,

With a woof and love from Layla








18 Replies to “I have become a Snuffle Ball Addict, Layla”

  1. I love the idea of that snuffle ball and I am so glad you enjoy it. It looks fun and I am so glad your mum won the gift card – it means the treat is extra special.

    Doing normal is the best way to go. Routine makes a big and reassuring difference to an older pet and being normal, whatever the circumstances, makes them so much happier. We found that with Harvey, he may have been ill but he got his normal and his food and his love like everyone else.

    • Marjorie I love the snuffle ball also as it keeps her busy and awake LOL. I agree we must keep them on their routine as it is the healthiest and you did the right
      thing with Harvey

  2. I’m so sorry about Layla’s vision but I know you’ll keep things as normal as you can for that sweetie. She sure looks happy with her new snuffie ball. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    • Brian thank you for the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop as always. She loves the snuffle ball and playing with it a lot which is great and yes I am doing everything
      to keep life normal with the changes.

  3. Aw I’m sorry about Layla’s eyesight. I grew up with a blind, and deaf, dog. She wasn’t born blind but was a puppy mill rescue and developed glaucoma at a young age. It took some time, but she totally adjusted to being blind and still had a very happy life even after loosing her sight. Hopefully the same is true for sweet Layla!

    My dogs have a snuffle mat that they love, but they’ve never had a snuffle ball. I’m thinking I’ll have to get them one to try! Have a great weekend.

    • Michelle thanks for your kind words as I need the confidence as such at the moment and am doing my best with her. The snuffle ball is must in the house
      and your dogs will love playing with it

  4. I think that products like the snuffle ball are wonderful. They can slow down a dog who gobbles their food and provide mental enrichment. Great stuff. Sadly, I can’t use these things since my dog is on a raw diet.

    • Jana I am putting chicken jerky in it, it is fantastic and keeps her busy, Layla does not get kibbles only home cooked food and the jerky I make also

  5. Layla is very lucky to have you as her mom. I love that you’re keeping her mind active even though her vision is failing. I hope the halo helps. I haven’t heard about them. I had a boss whose dog was blind. The dog had a difficult time getting around but was still very happy as long as he could sniff and identify things. I’m glad you’re encouraging Layla’s other senses.

    It sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. Enjoy!

    • Terri thanks and the halo is amazing, I really want to get one for her as I feel walking her will be so much safer. I am trying to find things that will
      keep her senses alive and the snuffle ball is the beginning. I am sure I will find other things LOL

  6. I’m sorry about Layla’s vision going but happy to hear that the new snuffle ball has her regaining her joy and some confidence. I hope the new halo will work well for you both. Enjoy the weekend and the concert. It sounds like a lovely weekend planned.

    • Kamira it is amazing the toys they are making for dogs and I am looking into other games as such to keep her busy, Where there are treats she will try them LOL.
      The halo is an amazing invention and cannot wait to get one for her. I really think it will help a lot and keep her confident and happy

  7. It sounds like you two had a pretty amazing weekend planned. I like the idea of the halo for Layla. I’ve seen those and they look like they help a lot. It would be very difficult to make such a big life change. The kitties and I are sending lots of hugs to you and Layla as you adjust.

    • Robin thank you and we had a great lazy weekend which is what I needed LOL. I agree with you I think the halo will make a big difference in her life. Have a great week

  8. We introduced Lucifer to snuffle balls while he was on his month-long crate rest and they helped so much! It was something that he could play with in his crate that would keep him entertained (he’s super food-driven) without risking any damage to his legs. Even if he did get his paw involved, it was a soft and cushioned toy. I’m glad that Layla is loving them too!

    • Britt she is addicted to it LOL and I am so relieved I got it for her. I am happy Lucifer had one to play with when he was on crate rest, best medicine LOL

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