Friday has arrived, and July is nearly over, time goes fast is all I can say.
Layla has been busy as always, last weekend was fun and included her favorite – a train ride.

I love visiting different pet stores in the city to see what everyone has and if there is anything interesting that I have not seen LOL. So on Saturday we hopped on the train and went off to see a Pet Store that I know but decided to turn it into an adventure for her.
The Animal Connection is a unique store as they strive to find the perfect fit of a pet with your family, none come from breeders as they work with rescue organizations to save as many animals as possible.
They have a wide variety of animals which really makes it special from bunnies, birds, turtles and others.
She was in her element and when we go there she was very happy to roam around, lots to sniff, and for the first time she came face to face with an aquarium with a turtle in. I was quite fascinated at how she stuck her nose against the cold glass, it was adorable.
She of course got lots of treats and I picked up while there a freeze dried chicken neck to try with her and this is the verdict – Layla does not like them. How do I know this, she has a new thing when she does not like something she buries it, moves it around and then finds another place to bury it. I can pick it up, put it with the rest of her stash, and she starts all over again. So those are off the treat list.
On the way home we stopped off in the park and here I am having problems with her at the moment. With age she suddenly does not like clapping, whistling and so she does not want to go into the park. I have to take her in through a different entrance and I keep her leash on so she cannot bolt. I am not giving into this fear but working on it slowly and we now sit far from everyone to keep her calm.
Another reason I think she is afraid of the park is one of our regulars has recently adopted a young dog who is not yet trained and we one day walked into the park and the dog ran up to us jumping on me nearly knocking me over and then jumping on and off Layla which she did not like at all. So this has put the fear in her as she just sees the man in the street without the dog she hides behind me.
With age there are new triggers and it is an ongoing process of working through them with her which is a work in progress.
On Wednesday was torture day, Madam got a bath, one of her biggest pet peeves LOL but she smells so good now LOL.

This weekend our plan is to go to another park for the monthly Shi Tzu meet up so she can have some fun with some fluffies like her, be off leash and relax a bit.
What are your plans this weekend ?
Stay hydrated in the heat, stay cool too and have a wonderful weekend,
With a woof and love from Layla