Five months home

TGIF!!  Good morning all my friends,


It has been five months since Nili arrived home,  my life has changed in so many ways, from living with Layla R.I.P. who towards the end slept and went for rides in her stroller which I miss big time, to a new rescued pup who is young and full of energy, keeping me moving all the time.

Nili is a handful, a bundle of energy, full of quirks, loves saying hello to everyone in the street or park but I would not change it for anything. She eats well, not picky at all, takes her supplements with no problems and is one happy girl, more and more relaxed on a daily basis and a bed hog big time LOL.

So today as it is five months since she came home, I decided to share with you some of our fun times in the park, her playing and killing her toys and how she keeps me amused daily. Her new quirk is trying to take a toy with her when she goes for a walk, which is cute but I do not let her especially with the rain and mud in the park. She loves balls and fetch them with all her toys, she barks for attention or when she wants to go out and loves looking through the window and barking at everyone.

Here we go with some of my funny times with her.


I am ready with my toy to go for a walk Nili

If I lick my lips that means treats in the park, Nili

I love when she sleep like this

Which toy should I play with, Nili

On this note we would love to wish everyone a Happy New Year, may 2025 be full of health, happiness and memories and most of all please keep them safe on New Years Eve.


Love and woofs from Nili




Nili has been home two weeks today

Nili has been home two weeks today and for those that say rescues take time to settle in, this Madam has taken over the house LOL.

She is going to get spayed tomorrow, (Friday) which I am relieved that I got an earlier appointment which means we must be at the SPCA at 7.15 am to do check in and will be there till about 4 pm. Yes, I am worried but also have all the faith in the vets. Once that is done, and she has healed, we can get on with our lives with lots of training and adventures. She must fast from 11 pm tonight but will survive with no food or treats till after the surgery. She is allowed to drink water though. I do not have any regrets spaying her as there are so many unwanted puppies and mature dogs in the shelters that are desperate for homes, and I do not want an accident and then be part of the problem. Spaying or Neutering is a must for all our pets.  People can argue with me about this issue, but I stand firmly on this subject and nothing will make me change my mind.

This month is clear the shelters month, which is so important as they are over flowing and the more shelter dogs or cats that get adopted the less in the shelters and then less pets will be euthanized which breaks my heart, as innocent animals are being killed to make room for more and none have any say in it and that is why we need to speak out for the voiceless so their voices can be heard.

Layla in the shelter – Empty the shelters please

Nili in the shelter – Empty the Shelters please

Now that I have spoken out for the voiceless which is Layla’s legacy, I am going to share what has been happening here. Nili went on first adventure last Saturday to visit a friend of mine in his garden which gave her some outdoor time and freedom off leash. I took her on public transport in the backpack which she did not like but with patience and love she will get used to it. It is much safer than her being in my life especially if the train or bus is full. I strapped her into the backpack, but Madam managed to get out and a passenger caught her as she was dangling from it. She could not go far phew and I put her back in with some firm words and then she sat in in the rest of the way but was very happy to get out of it when we got to our destination. She is very devious and smart, knows what she wants and will do anything to get her own way, but it is not working as I do not give in.

I do not like this contraption

It was hot but we moved into the shade

She wakes up at 6 each morning and does not stop till about 9 at night after last walk. Her appetite is great, and she loves treats. Now talking about treats, she has a secret admirer as she got a parcel this week of Bully Sticks and Biscuits from not sure who as there was no sender address or name on the envelope, I have asked everyone, and no one has an answer for me. So, am stuck with the question who sent it?

Otherwise, she loves her squeaky toys and plays with them nonstop, keeps herself occupied which is awesome and she is okay with me leaving her at home for a couple of hours when I need to, so I am very blessed to have her share my life.

One of my favorite photos LOL


So life in this neighborhood is going great, I have no complaints and cannot wait to start enjoying outdoors again, have a wonderful weekend everyone, please be safe and hug your pets tightly making memories


With a woof and love

From Nili

First week with Nili

Good morning, friends, we hope you have had a wonderful week and like us looking forward to the weekend.

Yesterday was National Mutt Day

As you all know I arrived home last week, wow a week at home already and I have become the official spokesperson for Layla speaking out and keeping Layla’s legacy going. It is very important as we must not be silent.

Today, the first of August was Dogust Day, it is the Universal Birthdays for Shelter Dogs as many do not know when their actual birthday is, so we celebrate ii on the first of August so that they know they are loved plus of course we want to fulfil their dreams of having a home for themselves with love, a comfy bed and so much more. A place they can live with happiness and a family, so I, Nili who is one of the lucky ones, prays that their dreams come true also.

My first week home with Mom has been exciting, fun, lots of food and toys to play with, lots of cuddles from Mom which I love but Mom has also come to the conclusion that I have lot to learn.

  1. Pulling on my leash – Mom is training me at this moment as best as she can before she says she falls and hurts herself, oy vey.
  2. Eating off the sidewalks – yumm although Mom is not impressed and she is taking things out of my mouth all the time, I need to stop that, but it is so yumm I do not want to, BOL.
  3. Trying to jump on the kitchen counter, it is too high but I try although Mom keeps everything on top of the fridge.
  4. Barking, I love barking and if I could stop but am starting to listen to Mom and slowly giving up on that although I told her I am guarding the house she is not impressed.

I am trying to be a good girl, listening to Mom but she says the sooner I learn the happier our walks will be, so I think I need to try more but it is not easy when the temptation is there although I should remember that Mom has food and treats at home for me always.

My favorite past time is looking out the window of our home and barking at all the people going by but even Mom is proud of me as I am not barking at them that much and the best of all is squeaking my toys and playing with them. Mom bought me my first own toy this week as I have not had one accident in the house phew and I got a lamb chop squeaky which I love.

The video shows how busy she is and the constant toy mess on my bed, she was looking for one of her toys in the video below LOL.

So, friends, I am a young pup, maybe 3 years old that got lost in a big city as I was not microchipped which I am now, and I need to learn to live in a home with lots of love, cuddles, Moms bed which I hog and so much more I am very blessed. But being young I need to learn also and am going to try harder now as I am safe. Please make sure your pups are microchipped and the information is up to date so it will not happen to your pets the way it happened to me.

Mom took me for a bath today, I do not like them ewwww but she says I smell clean and fruity now so she is happy. She was not impressed with me though cos as we left the pet store after my bath, I grabbed a packet of treats and tried walking out with them, Mom took them from my mouth and gave to the cashier apologizing but everyone in the store thought it was hilarious BOL.

This weekend, if I am good, I am going on my first adventure. Because I do not get spayed till the 9th I cannot go to dog parks yet to play so Mom is going to take me to Layla’s Uncle David so we can sit in his garden and I can wander around. I am really excited as it will mean me going on a train also in the backpack which I will have to be strapped into so I do not try and run.

Have a happy weekend everyone, take care and hug your pets

With love and woof


Happy Pride and 4th of July

Good morning, everyone,

For those celebrating Happy Pride, we hope you have a wonderful safe weekend with lots of fun.

I am slowly getting used to not having Layla by my side to celebrate as she always came to all the events with me, it is not easy, and I am shedding tears here and there, but I know she would want me to go out and enjoy myself. San Francisco is all colorful with the Rainbow Flags everywhere, people are already dressed up in rainbows plus so much more and the atmosphere is wonderful. We are putting it all aside and enjoying this weekend with so much happening.

The Pink Triangle is up in its usual place, and for those that do not know, during the Holocaust the Gays had to wear a pink triangle to show they were gay and many were sent to the gas chambers so this triangle symbolizes the hatred and reminds us that WE MUST NOT FORGET, NEVER AGAIN.


Last week I went to a Pride Party and cried as Layla was with me last year, I called her my mini dyke LOL, and today I am doing a double decker bus tour of the LGBT history of San Francisco which I am really excited to do. It is organized by the Perpetual Sisters of Indulgence which is an amazing non-profit organization that helps LGBT youth and others who are homeless get on their feet, which I think is fantastic.  They are all drag queens.

The Sign announcing the Bus Tour

Sister Roma

I am taking a rest for the rest of the weekend, it is too much for an old lady like me LOL.

Layla sitting on a bike at the Dyke March a couple of years ago

Waiting for the Dyke March to start, another memory of her


With all the events going on we must not forget what is happening next week, as that is so important. The 4th of July is around the corner and that means the nightmare starts for our fur kids. The fireworks grrr. I hate them. Please make sure your fur kids are safe in the house, tags are up to date, microchip is up to date and most of all they are safe inside. Shelters unfortunately will be filling up with strays who have fled from fear and if your pet does not have the correct information on them, they will never be able to get home. I am listing below what I used to do with Layla plus the 4th of July hazards to keep them safe and healthy when you are celebrating.


Please keep them safe

Happy Pride to those that celebrate, and we are blessed we can celebrate in this country and are not persecuted like in some other countries PLUS have a happy safe 4th of July to all and enjoy your long weekend.

One of my favorite memories of Layla


With love from angel Layla and Me







It is Give Away Time

Good morning Friends,

We have had a crazy week. Layla has been sick with a Colon infection poor old baby. I took her to the vet, and she is on antibiotics and seems to be slowly getting better, I am just relieved she ate today for the first time in two days which for me is a good sign. So, we have been taking it slow. Of course, Madam embarrassed me by pooping all over the vets office LOL, they put pee pads down but she would walk around and do it on the floor. Thank goodness the vet understands and said to me at least she did not have to do a stool sample as she saw her poop all over the floor. The good news is for her age her heart and lungs are good so am relieved. The antibiotics are making her sleep, which is all she is doing unless she needs to go out to potty. On the way home from the vet Madam started howling in her stroller and I learnt when she does that she needs to potty, I kept apologizing to the driver but she laughed and said it was better than listening to a baby cry nonstop. I suppose I need to see the funny side to it all and just breathe a sigh of relief that she is going to be ok. So, no park this week for her.

This Saturday we are doing DogFest in the park, which is a fund raiser for an elementary school in my area, it is an annual event with lots of booths of dog’s thing, fun children’s activities and so much more. I will have a booth there for Real Mushrooms and will be handing out samples of the mushroom relaxing chews plus. Am immune system chew for your pets. I have managed to get a pen for Layla so she will sleep under the table safely on a blanket and I will be able to work. I am looking forward to this event as it is so much fun, noisy but its also great to see if there is anything new on the market. The weather is going to be cool which will also make it easier to work and overheat, this is San Francisco. So, if you are in the Bay Area come visit and meet us.  We will have all the photos in next week’s blog to share with you.

For those that are interested this is the Real Mushrooms link, letting you into one of my secrets, I love love their Hot Chocolate with mushrooms, it is so good and chocolaty you cannot even taste the mushrooms.

Now, let’s have some fun with a new give away as our dogs or cats always need quality treats to keep them happy. I am doing this giveaway for one of my favorite companies, a small family-owned business called Raw Paws Pet Food. (I love supporting small family businesses) Their products are fantastic, they have great raw food, supplements and so much more and what I love is their treats are for both dogs and cats so everyone can enter.  This give away is for Freeze Dried Smelt Minnows which Layla cannot get enough of Freeze-Dried Chicken Breast Which Bossy Barker barks for all the time, now finally Freeze-Dried Chicken Hearts which she gobbles down so fast am scared she will choke. I think they are all moreish and a must have in the Treat Jar for our dogs or cats as they are fantastic plus healthy. They all have only one ingredient, which is something I love about them.

Hmm they smell good which one first


Mom makes me work for them grrrr

Yes my nose is working and I can smell them yum

You can read more about them on their website :

As Layla barks, she approves of them and wishes everyone who enters good luck.

I was sponsored by Raw Paws Pet Food for this giveaway, and it is for the USA only.

The link for the entry form is below.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone, please be safe as always with a woof and love from Layla



I got an ice cream

Good morning, Friends,

This is me Layla dictating to Mom what to write as today I feel like the Boss and she, my slave. So today we are going to discuss me aging as I am now over 18 years old and that means in human years, I am older than Mom and therefore I have the final word in everything.

This past week has been great, we have been going to the park daily and the minute the idiot arrives we pack up and go home but at least we are getting at least two hours there if not more. Today we sat in a different area which was so good as I had so many new smells I did not sit or stand for a minute but walked about happily doing my thing and of course barking at my slave to be served water when I was thirsty. It was really warm there and my favorite Aunt joined us so Mom was chatting away while I was sniffing. We both had a fun relaxing time but Mom for once forgot the camera at home so no pics sorry, bad Mom.

Aunt was saying to Mom how she could not believe my age and how good I am looking but the main issue Mom has at the moment with me is my back legs are slowly giving In so I sloop when I potty and have problems getting up but thank goodness my slave, she helps me plus having the stroller helps on long walks.

The one exciting adventure we had this week was to get ice cream from Ben & Jerrys as they had their annual free scoop day which was so good. Mom got of course for herself a coffee ice cream and she got for me a cup with vanilla ice cream in, I could not eat it fast enough before it melted and it was so yum, I wanted another, but Mom said no more sugar for me, I thought then she was horrible although I know she is keeping me healthy. After eating the ice cream, we went to the park to hang out for a bit and that was fun as my tummy was full and the weather was perfect but when the wind started we packed up and came home.

Waiting for the bus

I am smiling cos it was so so good, Layla

Park time on the way home

So, my friends, as you can see, I am aging gracefully but enjoying life to its fullest as we must take each day as it comes and treasure the memories.

This weekend starts the Jewish Holiday Passover, the story of the book of Exodus when Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, it is an important story as means freedom for those that were slaves in those days plus today and we must pray for freedom for all animals or people that are being abused as everyone deserves love.

As we say before the Holiday Chag Sameach, which Is Hebrew for Happy Holiday,

Stay safe and have a wonderful week

Love from Layla





Easter Sunday Fun Event

TGIF!!!! Woof hello friends,

It was sunny but the sun has gone and now it’s cold and rainy. I am not happy as I was enjoying the fun in the park in the sun and now we cannot go as it is too cold and rainy and guess what, today Mom decided to take me to the park as the sun had come out but as we got to the park it started to rain heavy with hail, wow, hail was falling like little stones on my plastic cover which kept me safe and dry but we turned around and came home, shame BOL Mom was soaked but I was all toasty and dry so I ate my dinner, played with my snuffle toy and then went to bed and that is where I am staying.

Saturday was Mrs Ropers Day, they were in our dog park and wanted a photo with me 🙂

Last Sunday was one of Moms favorite events in Dolores Park, it is called Hunky Jesus and Foxy Mary and it is a fundraiser organized by an amazing non-profit organization called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, they do fantastic work helping the LGBTQ homeless youth get their lives together. This organization is world wide today so many young people are being helped.

Bunny ears on, I am ready for the fun,Layla

Getting cuddles from some of the Sisters

Nadav my friend took this photo of me taking the photo of Layla

You can read more about them on the link below:

Mom took lots and lots of photos, her camera is her best friend, and she loves making memories with it so we have shared with you some of the photos from last week’s event so you can see how much fun it is. The weather was warm, and it was perfect day to be outdoors, relax, see all the costumes, listen to the entertainment and just relax. A perfect Sunday with Mom and Moms friend.

Me with one of the Jesus contestants

I can smell the hotdogs where are they ?

Part of the jam packed park

The rest of the week has been busy with Mom nonstop doing things including housework BOL and I have just relaxed and recharged my batteries. I am not sure what we have planned for this weekend, but it depends on the weather also. I really hope it clears up so we can go on an adventure somewhere.

So that is what has been happening in the Layla neighborhood,

Have a wonderful weekend and please be safe

With a woof and love from


Spring has arrived

TGiF! Woof hello friends, we hope you are all excited that Spring has arrived as I am. This week has been sunny and warm here so Mom has been trying to get me out to the park for a few hours each day. I am loving it, the sun on my fur makes me feel really cosy and sleepy BOL.

Enjoying the sun on my face

So each day when Mom is finished her important stuff she packs me up and off we go, so this week am going to share the photos Mom has been snapping of me of course and one or two of wall art oh the way home. We decided to do a photo blog this week with happy photos as that is what Spring is doing for us.

I still remember to go under the chains from the lawn to the pathway

Wandering around enjoying the sun

The mural on the petstore not far from our house

A garage door on the way home, all bright and cheery

And then as Mom says this was the highlight of her week, me snoring and sleeping in the dark so you cannot see me but BOL you can hear me – I was so tired from the sunshine and the park.

What are your plans this weekend, the first weekend of Spring, here grr they expecting rain so am not sure what we gonna do but Mom has promised me some fun phew.


Have a wonderful weekend,

With a woof and love from Layla



It is always good to get a second opinion

TGIF! Friday has arrived and that means weekend and fun. Mom took a break from social media last week so we could spend some quality time together and it was pawsome.

On Presidents Day I had an eye appointment at the eye dogtor, she was very nice to me and told Mom my eyes are the same although I can see shadows which made Mom excited that not all my vision has gone. It was a crazy morning cos all public transport was on Sunday schedule, so it took more busses and time to get there and home and we were both exhausted when we got home. Mom fed me, then crawled into bed and took a nap and I joined her on my giraffe bed, so Presidents Day was sleeping and eating and of course walks.

Napping on my giraffe

What you did not know was the day before my birthday I went to the Dogtor for my annual check up and when we got home Mom was not happy with the checkup  because she put in my chart that I have a serious illness with no explanation, that I have a mass on my side with no explanation, and the vet tech told Mom I had lost 5 lbs which was a mistake.  The Dogtor told Mom to give me this awful Purina stuff for dehydration which made me really sick.  So, for a couple of days Mom was cleaning all the time although she stopped it the minute I got sick from it. The Dogtor told Mom to give me less which did not help, my tummy was a mess from it. Mpm, blessher even cancelled her Dentist appointment for me. So, with a lot of thought, Mom decided to take me to another Dogtor at another clinic which my friends rave about, and wow was he a nice man. He checked me, told Mom not to worry about the mass phew, my dehydration is not serious and discussed  all with respect and Mom walked out of there relieved and happy as she finally had all her answers to her questions and a happy Mom is a happy me.

So, on the way home Mom bought me a Puppacino to celebrate, ewww I do not like them and told Mom she never has to get me another BOL.

Yuck this stuff is awful


On Saturday we had a fun adventure. It was the monthly Shi Tzu meet up, so we went to this great park to have some fluffy fun. Mom was really tired, but it was great to be out in the sun, perfect day, and we walked around the park and enjoyed the fresh air, views and of course all the dogs. I really enjoyed myself, got lots of treats and we both came home exhausted and ready for a nap.

Meeting a new friend

Playing with my snuffle after the meet up

So, as you can see it is so important to get a second opinion when you are not getting the correct answers from your vet, it makes a big difference as Mom is now relaxed and I am a happy camper again. The Dogtor also told Mom I do not need a Rabies vaccine anymore as I am too old for it. Mom hates vaccines so she was happy to hear that as she does not want poisons in my body.


As you can see, we have been busy, it has been raining here also so we have not been out that much although Mom does take me with her when she goes on errands in my stroller which makes me happy as I am not home alone but napping away while my chauffer pushes the stroller, it is a good life and I am very blessed.

Rolling in my stroller


Have a wonderful weekend everyone, stay safe and warm

With a woof and love from Layla


We did a walkabout in our Neighborhood

TGIF, Good Morning all my furfriends, phew it is Friday and I am tired.


Mom has been very busy this week so we did not go to the park although Mom explained to me the grass is really wet and she does not want me to get a cold although I think she is thinking of herself BOL.

On Tuesday Mom’s best friend and my favorite Auntie surprised us with a visit and we went to our favorite place for lunch, I call it the chicken place but it is actually Syrian food, a Mom and Pop place and everything is delicious. Mom’s favorite is their garlic sauce which is called Toum (Lebanese) and Mom says it is so yum she could eat it all day BOL. Of course I got some chicken from Mom so I had a full tummy when we left there, if you ever in San Francisco you must go eat there, it is called Palmyra and it is in the lower Haight, down the road from where the Hippy Movement started on Haight Ashbury. And most of all they are pet friendly so you can take your dog inside with you, Woof.

Checking the store window

So after lunch Mom and I decided to walk home and look at some of the street murals and those are the photos we going to share today on my blog. Is our walkabout window shopping and enjoying the cold sunny day. I was exhausted when I got home but it was lots of fun.

Outside a Barber Shop

Smelling the air with the beautiful mural behind me, Layla

Exhausted after my day out which was fun

I am going to sleep now as I am tired but cannot wait to see what Mom has planned for us this weekend,

Have a wonderful weekend everyone

With a woof and love from
