Nili has been home two weeks today

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Nili has been home two weeks today and for those that say rescues take time to settle in, this Madam has taken over the house LOL.

She is going to get spayed tomorrow, (Friday) which I am relieved that I got an earlier appointment which means we must be at the SPCA at 7.15 am to do check in and will be there till about 4 pm. Yes, I am worried but also have all the faith in the vets. Once that is done, and she has healed, we can get on with our lives with lots of training and adventures. She must fast from 11 pm tonight but will survive with no food or treats till after the surgery. She is allowed to drink water though. I do not have any regrets spaying her as there are so many unwanted puppies and mature dogs in the shelters that are desperate for homes, and I do not want an accident and then be part of the problem. Spaying or Neutering is a must for all our pets.  People can argue with me about this issue, but I stand firmly on this subject and nothing will make me change my mind.

This month is clear the shelters month, which is so important as they are over flowing and the more shelter dogs or cats that get adopted the less in the shelters and then less pets will be euthanized which breaks my heart, as innocent animals are being killed to make room for more and none have any say in it and that is why we need to speak out for the voiceless so their voices can be heard.

Layla in the shelter – Empty the shelters please

Nili in the shelter – Empty the Shelters please

Now that I have spoken out for the voiceless which is Layla’s legacy, I am going to share what has been happening here. Nili went on first adventure last Saturday to visit a friend of mine in his garden which gave her some outdoor time and freedom off leash. I took her on public transport in the backpack which she did not like but with patience and love she will get used to it. It is much safer than her being in my life especially if the train or bus is full. I strapped her into the backpack, but Madam managed to get out and a passenger caught her as she was dangling from it. She could not go far phew and I put her back in with some firm words and then she sat in in the rest of the way but was very happy to get out of it when we got to our destination. She is very devious and smart, knows what she wants and will do anything to get her own way, but it is not working as I do not give in.

I do not like this contraption

It was hot but we moved into the shade

She wakes up at 6 each morning and does not stop till about 9 at night after last walk. Her appetite is great, and she loves treats. Now talking about treats, she has a secret admirer as she got a parcel this week of Bully Sticks and Biscuits from not sure who as there was no sender address or name on the envelope, I have asked everyone, and no one has an answer for me. So, am stuck with the question who sent it?

Otherwise, she loves her squeaky toys and plays with them nonstop, keeps herself occupied which is awesome and she is okay with me leaving her at home for a couple of hours when I need to, so I am very blessed to have her share my life.

One of my favorite photos LOL


So life in this neighborhood is going great, I have no complaints and cannot wait to start enjoying outdoors again, have a wonderful weekend everyone, please be safe and hug your pets tightly making memories


With a woof and love

From Nili

12 Replies to “Nili has been home two weeks today”

  1. I’m sending ton of good thought for the Nili spay day and quick healing. I’m happy to hear that she has settled in so quickly. Hey, I totally agree with the spay and neuter thing, it’s always the right thing to do. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    • Thanks Terry, she seems to be healing quickly and just wants the cone off LOL but it will not come off till the vet says ok. It is so important to spay or neuter our pets and firmly believe in it, stay safe and have a wonderful week

  2. I hope Nili’s spaying went well. I agree, it’s definitely a good thing, even though it makes the humans nervous. I bet she got a treat for clearing that major hurdle. I LOVE the video of her playing with her bowl. Henry used to do the same thing when I first adopted him. Then he stopped about a month or two later. I guess he realized there would be more, but not for a bit. They are smart and pull on the heartstrings. I admit, I often give in to Henry (but nothing bad…maybe extra walks or another game). I’m so glad that someone caught Nili as she was trying to escape the backpack. What an escape artist! Enjoy the bully sticks. If someone wanted you to know who sent them, they’d tell you. I think it’s a lovely gesture for the new fur kid. Sounds like Layla did a great job finding Nili. Have a great week as Nili recovers and you look forward to your future adventures. Here’s to clearing the shelters. My dream is that one day they will be a thing of the past because everyone loves all the pets and cares for them properly. It’s nice to dream. 😉

    • Terri her spay went well, she is recovering very quickly although hates the cone but am not giving in. I still do not know who sent the treats but thank goodness for the bully sticks they are keeping her busy at the moment LOL. She is an escape artist and it worries me but with practise she will learn too. The bowl game is something new for me and I am loving it but she does not get more than she is allowed as I do not want her to get over weight. Henry is smart that he did that to you too as they know how to work on us LOL.
      Have a wonderful week to you and Henry

  3. LOL She has a mystery admirer already!?!?!? Oh wow what a girl. I hope the surgery goes well and YES it is 100% the right thing to do There are so many unwanted puppies so good for you.

    • Thanks Marjorie and there is no question when it comes to spaying, I firmly believe in it. As for her mystery admirer I would love to know who it is LOL. One day will find out. Have a wonderful week

  4. Hoping all goes well with Nili’s spay…and oh, the adventures you will go on! I love what you said, “I looked at the picture and said to myself she needs a home, I then reached for the phone and adopted her.” ❤️ Oh, that just warms my heart. I hope many others feel the same way and adopt more pups! Hugs to Miss Nili! xo

    • Hi Dorothy, her spay went well thank goodness, she is bouncing back to her normal self LOL, but the cone is still on for about couple of days. I cannot wait for the adventures also as I need to get out of the house more. Layla and Nili are both online love affairs and I wish more people would do it too so the shelters would empty and all pets would have loving homes. Hugs to you from Miss Nili xxxx

  5. Sounds like Nili will keep you on your toes! I hope she bounces back from her spay quickly so you can get back to new adventures together!!

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