Nili has been home two weeks today

Nili has been home two weeks today and for those that say rescues take time to settle in, this Madam has taken over the house LOL.

She is going to get spayed tomorrow, (Friday) which I am relieved that I got an earlier appointment which means we must be at the SPCA at 7.15 am to do check in and will be there till about 4 pm. Yes, I am worried but also have all the faith in the vets. Once that is done, and she has healed, we can get on with our lives with lots of training and adventures. She must fast from 11 pm tonight but will survive with no food or treats till after the surgery. She is allowed to drink water though. I do not have any regrets spaying her as there are so many unwanted puppies and mature dogs in the shelters that are desperate for homes, and I do not want an accident and then be part of the problem. Spaying or Neutering is a must for all our pets.  People can argue with me about this issue, but I stand firmly on this subject and nothing will make me change my mind.

This month is clear the shelters month, which is so important as they are over flowing and the more shelter dogs or cats that get adopted the less in the shelters and then less pets will be euthanized which breaks my heart, as innocent animals are being killed to make room for more and none have any say in it and that is why we need to speak out for the voiceless so their voices can be heard.

Layla in the shelter – Empty the shelters please

Nili in the shelter – Empty the Shelters please

Now that I have spoken out for the voiceless which is Layla’s legacy, I am going to share what has been happening here. Nili went on first adventure last Saturday to visit a friend of mine in his garden which gave her some outdoor time and freedom off leash. I took her on public transport in the backpack which she did not like but with patience and love she will get used to it. It is much safer than her being in my life especially if the train or bus is full. I strapped her into the backpack, but Madam managed to get out and a passenger caught her as she was dangling from it. She could not go far phew and I put her back in with some firm words and then she sat in in the rest of the way but was very happy to get out of it when we got to our destination. She is very devious and smart, knows what she wants and will do anything to get her own way, but it is not working as I do not give in.

I do not like this contraption

It was hot but we moved into the shade

She wakes up at 6 each morning and does not stop till about 9 at night after last walk. Her appetite is great, and she loves treats. Now talking about treats, she has a secret admirer as she got a parcel this week of Bully Sticks and Biscuits from not sure who as there was no sender address or name on the envelope, I have asked everyone, and no one has an answer for me. So, am stuck with the question who sent it?

Otherwise, she loves her squeaky toys and plays with them nonstop, keeps herself occupied which is awesome and she is okay with me leaving her at home for a couple of hours when I need to, so I am very blessed to have her share my life.

One of my favorite photos LOL


So life in this neighborhood is going great, I have no complaints and cannot wait to start enjoying outdoors again, have a wonderful weekend everyone, please be safe and hug your pets tightly making memories


With a woof and love

From Nili

November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month

TGIF!!!   Woof, hello my friends and how are you?

November has arrived, which is an important month for me as a senior as it is Adopt A Senior Pet Month and there are so many that have been dumped in shelters by selfish humans and are suffering now. Let us open our hearts and homes to a senior so that they can live happily and loved for the rest of their lives. It means so much to me and I cry when I read the stories. Watch the rescuers trying to save them all, find fosters and work relentlessly to make sure all shelter pets have homes especially the seniors.

The excuses that the humans give for dumping is all lies and as I woofed to Mom those humans should not be allowed pets in the future, there is no excuse to do what they are doing and I often woof to Mom may Karma get them.

This is my video I woofed on asking everyone to adopt a senior pet.

Now another topic we must not forget is on November 1 was Cook for your pet day, yup we need to stay healthy and home cooked food is the best and healthier than the kibbles and cans as your Mom knows exactly what you are eating and there are no preservatives. So I asked Mom to share with you my favorite home cooked food so you can all make it at home, cos sharing is caring.

My bowl of home cooked breakfast



Pieces of Chicken and if you allergic to chicken you can use beef.

Filet of Tilapia as fish is very good for the brain.

Chicken Gizzards as they are yum and crunchy.

Veggies: Carrots and pumpkin for fiber which is important for me as I am a senior, if Mom has other veggies like zucchini, cauliflower, peas or green beans she adds them also.

She puts it all in the Instapot, adds apple cider vinegar: Why Apple Cider Vinegar, here are the benefits :

It is a  digestive aid to regulate digestion and relieve digestive upset.

Works as a natural supplement for the urinary tract system to prevent urinary tract infections, bladder, and kidney stones.

Mom steams it all till ready, then she lets it cool down. Blend the veggies into a smoothie with the chicken broth. Mix all together and my food is ready.  When cool she puts in plastic containers and freezes.

When Mom puts in my plate, she adds the following supplements: Lions Mane and 5 Defenders from this company You have 10% off with LaylasWoof coupon. Oops did I forget to tell you I get their calming supplement also and it so yummy plus Mom drinks their Hot Chocolate with Mushrooms which she says is the best.


Muscle Formula from this company  and finally the All In Senior Supplement from this company

So, in a nutshell I am eating a very balanced healthy diet and not overweight either.

Another thing Mom does to prevent UTIS or any other infections she wipes my Tush each time I potty with Tushy Wipes from this company so am clean all the time. They have great grooming products and all healthy and safe.  You have a coupon for 10% off with LaylasWoof15.

The most important thing of all is of course my candy in my snuffle ball, oops did I say candy, I meant treats and they are so good and crunchy from this company and I am telling you it is a must have. and you have a 10% discount with this coupon YumTreats0311.

It is now my bedtime and I need my beauty sleep as I am a senior and sleep is very important to me,

My new favorite place to sleep cos I am guarding the door

Have a safe weekend everyone with lots of fun,

Love Layla












Clear the Shelters

August is a very important month in the lives of dogs, we celebrate many holidays for them but today I am going to highlight one of them that are very important to me.

As you all know Layla is a rescue, she came straight from the shelter to my home and is now living the life of luxury. Unfortunately, the shelters are over flowing

Layla in the shelter

with dogs at the moment as people are so quick to get one, then for some reason or another dump them back at the shelter which is no life for a poor dog, if anything it is traumatic and worse of all some of them land up in High Kill Shelters which means a death sentence for them, which is not their fault but the humans fault and they pay the price with their lives. We need to put a stop to this, have a list of people that dump dogs so that they are blacklisted and cannot get another and most of all put an end to this cruelty.

Another issue we must deal with is putting a stop to Backyard Breeders and Puppy Mills as those poor dogs are like machines churning out puppies for lazy people who do not want to work but the opposite make money off their poor dogs and then when the dog cannot give birth anymore dump them in shelters. We must also put a stop to Pet Stores selling puppies and instead make them get shelter dogs adopted and find homes which will help the overcrowding at the shelters.

Most rescue organizations are working 24/7 to save these poor dogs, have to find fosters to rehabilitate them and the work is never ending and it the human race that is causing these problems not the dogs, a dog is part of your family and if you cannot keep him or her then do not get one to start with.

If you want to adopt a dog, whether pure bred or a mutt which I love, go to a shelter to see what they have, yes it costs money, but you would be paying a breeder a lot more if you got from them, plus your dog is spayed or neutered, up to date with vaccinations and healthy but most of all desperate for a warm bed and place to call home.  We must all do our part by saving them the misery of a shelter cage because of some awful person not thinking of the consequences this poor dog will go through because it was dumped. We need to clear the shelters especially the High Kill ones where the poor dogs are killed to make space for new ones.

I hate being blunt talking about this and it hurts me but this is the reality of shelter dogs and it is time to clear the shelters and get the High Kill ones closed down also as the innocent should not be paying the price with their lives. Let us all spread the word and Clear the Shelters. 

Below are the links of Petfinder and 24PetConnect where you can find listings of shelters/dogs in your areas, this is how I found Layla.

Now to something funny, Madam Layla LOL.

Layla has become a treat thief, I cannot leave treats anywhere in the house or park and she finds them, digging through my bag for them and I am very amused with this change in her behavior.  I have started dehydrating fish for her as treats and she is addicted, cannot get enough of them LOL, so when in the park the other day I had a bag with me and she went for the bag, pulling everything out till she got what she wanted. It was cute and funny to watch as it made me realize that at her age 16+ years old she still has it in her to get what she wants, and her nose is going a mile a minute.

Layla in the park sniffing the air for treats

So we are wishing everyone a safe weekend, stay cool and please lets spread the word and clear the shelters,

Thank you with love from







Christmas is here

TGIF!!!  Christmas has arrived WOW, can you believe we nearly at the end of the year, it seems like yesterday the year started.

I do not celebrate Christmas although I love seeing all the lights, trees, and decorations all over the place, it brings happiness.

With all the gifts and fun with family we also must remember something dear to my heart, which many do, and it is so wrong.

Pets are not gifts and when the excitement is over, they will be dumped in shelters, pets are family and for life, and if you cannot commit or a family member cannot commit then please do not get them one, it is not fair to the pet, plus it is one of the reasons shelters are overflowing with unwanted gifts in January.


Another reason shelters are overflowing is those wannabe pet lovers are dumping their senior pets in the shelters so that they can get a new puppy, and those people should not be allowed to own pets and put on a registry. Those dumped seniors do not have a chance of getting out alive which is horrific and breaks my heart.

So although Christmas is a happy family holiday, don’t forget to include your fur kids as they are part of the family and have every right to be there with you.

Merry Christmas to all, be safe, stay warm and enjoy

Am ending with Layla’s wish which we hope you will watch :

Merry Christmas, be safe and enjoy

Love Layla









October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month


This month is one of the most important months of the year. You might wonder why but it is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month.

The benefits are endless but most important it is an incredible rewarding experience to get the unconditional love and companionship from a loving dog.

I am aware of those that only one pure bred dog but there are so many dogs sitting in cold shelters waiting for homes including pure breeds that I strongly advise everyone to go to a shelter and open your heart to a dog sitting there. We, humans are to blame for the over crowding of shelters as people are so quick to dump their dogs at a shelter for ridiculous lies and excuses like we are moving, we having a family, the dog causes allergies, and the list can go on and on but instead of thinking of the poor dogs life they are selfish and think of themselves only.

Unfortunately, because of this so many dogs die each day in shelters while those snobs want a pure breed and instead of thinking of those dying, they pay some breeder for a dog, which absolutely makes me sick inside. Some of you might disagree with me on this point but this is my opinion and each to his own. I could not live knowing I paid for a dog from some puppy maker who keeps dogs like machines just to produce and when they cannot produce anymore dump them in shelters.  Dogs have feelings, souls and emotions and should not be treated like garbage.

Layla’s wise words :

So on this note I am asking everyone to go to a Shelter, open up your heart and home and give a shelter dog a place they can call home.

Have a safe weekend and lets be the voice for the voiceless and spread the word to empty the shelters.

With a woof and love from
