Christmas is here

TGIF!!!  Christmas has arrived WOW, can you believe we nearly at the end of the year, it seems like yesterday the year started.

I do not celebrate Christmas although I love seeing all the lights, trees, and decorations all over the place, it brings happiness.

With all the gifts and fun with family we also must remember something dear to my heart, which many do, and it is so wrong.

Pets are not gifts and when the excitement is over, they will be dumped in shelters, pets are family and for life, and if you cannot commit or a family member cannot commit then please do not get them one, it is not fair to the pet, plus it is one of the reasons shelters are overflowing with unwanted gifts in January.


Another reason shelters are overflowing is those wannabe pet lovers are dumping their senior pets in the shelters so that they can get a new puppy, and those people should not be allowed to own pets and put on a registry. Those dumped seniors do not have a chance of getting out alive which is horrific and breaks my heart.

So although Christmas is a happy family holiday, don’t forget to include your fur kids as they are part of the family and have every right to be there with you.

Merry Christmas to all, be safe, stay warm and enjoy

Am ending with Layla’s wish which we hope you will watch :

Merry Christmas, be safe and enjoy

Love Layla









Layla’s Wish for Christmas

Hi everyone, are you getting ready for Christmas ?  What is on your wish list.

Mom and I discussed Christmas, the gifts people give and so much more but this year because of all the pets being dumped in shelters, abandoned on streets, I decided that my wish for Christmas would not be gifts but something more important. So I wrote a letter to Santa saying:#dont


I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, with lots of laughter, food and family but am begging not for treats but that everyone thinks of all the poor homeless and shelter pets that are needing a home.

Please remember to keep us safe from all the not good stuff for pets :

With woof and love from
