TGIF !!!!!!!
It is a week before Christmas and I have been watching cars go by with trees on their roofs, people carrying them, on bicycles and it is such a great feeling to see some happiness in the city the past weeks with all the gloom around.
Unfortunately this year there are no events like in the past years and as I am not going out much because we are on strict lockdown again I decided to share photos of past events that we attended and had fun.
The first is a very special memory where in the dog park I would go to with Baby and they every year dressed up a tree and hung photos of all the dogs in the dog park which was so much fun, as the lights would sparkle with all the photos and we would stand around, drink something and celebrate. I hope one day to be able to do it with Layla.

Another memory is the Santathon which they have every year in San Francisco when everyone dresses up as Santas, the town goes red LOL and you see many drunk Santas pub crawling and having fun. It is also very special as one of the pubs does a toy drive for those that need toys.

The other event not happening this year is the Skivvie run which is a fundraiser for the AIDS Foundation where in the Castro Area everyone runs in skivvies and have fun, it is a great event and wonderful fundraiser.

So we are stuck in the house this year but Layla was spoiled and got a $ 50 gift card for Hanukkah for our favorite Pet Store so am going to spoil her with something this week although the brat is not short of anything.
I have been really spoiled also with Hanukkah gift cards to different stores and I plan to for once spend on myself not the brat LOL plus I got an Emeril Lagase Air fryer Pro which has a dehydrator so in the New Year am going to be trying different meats to dehydrate for the Madam. Am really excited over this gift.
As we sit here, see the Christmas lights in different houses, lighted up Christmas trees and people laughing and smiling, I am happy to see that everyone is making the best of the worst and that is fantastic as life is too short to sit and moan.
Please keep your pets safe this Christmas,

Merry Christmas Everyone, may you have a wonderful one with your family, make memories and enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!
With a woof and love from