Spring has Sprung and out comes the Sun

TGIF !! Good Morning friends, we hope you are enjoying sunshine also the way I am.

Relaxing in the sun

With the sun out, summer on the way, Mom explained to me that the adventures and park time is going to be lots, I am so excited. We this past week have been going to the park at least twice a day, I am running a lot, chasing the dogs and of course have been naughty going on the hill in the park where everyone has picnics which Mom was not happy with me as it is close the trains so that is the reason Mom leaves my leash on me so it is easier to catch me. I am not happy though as all the good food is there and hmm I love food of all kinds, but Mom told me I carry on doing it no more treats of free fun, so I suppose I will have to listen to her as I do not want to lose those.

Oy am I thirsty

What mischief can I get into now


Yesterday, I also did not want to eat my food, Mom, was concerned so she boiled me some chicken to tempt me and I ate it all, what a slave she is BOL, but she stopped worrying and realized I am just being naughty. So this morning I got my breakfast and she said you eat it or starve, I ate most of it BOL. While Mom is typing I am chewing on a bone yum, and the smell of salmon treats is in the air as Mom is busy making them for me. Those are my favorite as they fill in a Kong and my Yomp Ball so it keeps me busy and my tummy full.

The recipe is easy: 2 cans of salmon with no oil, 2 eggs, half a cup of Oat flour, spinach, green beans, blueberries, I also mix YummWoof Perfect Dog Food Mix which is full of nutrients and makes the treats really healthy.  I put on parchment paper on a baking sheet and bake at 350 till done. Let cool and then break into pieces.

Yum they are cooling

See link below :


You have 5% Discount with coupon YumNili

Tomorrow, I am so excited, I am going to my first Shi Tzu Meet Up, that means me going on the bus there so it is going to be a real adventure for me plus lots of fluffs to play with in a new park, I cannot wait and hope the weather will be good also. I will share the photos with you next week.

So as you can see, we are busy here in the Nili Neighborhood and I am understanding more and more daily that Mom is a busy bee, cannot sit still for long although she is aging and I am so blessed my sister Layla let me share her also as my life is so much fun.

Have a wonderful weekend all my friends, be safe and chat next week




Today is Shop with your Dog Day

TGIF, Good Morning Friends, Friday has arrived, and I am not sure about you but I need to put my feet up and relax, I am exhausted although Nili is always ready to go out, her batteries are always ready and do not need to be recharged.

Winter has arrived, it has been cold and raining here and I have learned something new about Nili, she does not like the rain BOL but is very good when I put the raincoat on so am relieved that she will wear it and stay dry.

This raincoat belonged to Layla, it is made from a broken umbrella (a friend made for her) and I just love it and so happy it fits Nili as I love recycling


The holidays are around the corner and did you know today is Shop with your Dog Day. Like we need to be reminded LOL but it is a good excuse to go shopping with your dog and of course spoil him or her at the same time. I am sure we all have a list of what we need plus the extra list of what we want, especially for our dogs so let’s go shopping

It will be Nili’s first holiday with me, and I celebrate Hanukkah so am going to spoil her rotten, although she is not spoilt enough already. I was looking at her pile of toys that she has accumulated in less than 4 months and the toy basket is overflowing already plus her can where I store treats if full to the top also but hmmm, I know me I will buy more cos of my guilty conscience.

Mom I want some more toys, Nili


Are you going shopping today or this week? We cannot wait to hear what you bought for your dog or cat. You can look at this link to get an idea of what you can buy plus there are coupons so you can save some money also. Plus don’t forget the shelters who are always needing something, thank you.


Happy Shopping and have a wonderful weekend




Coconut Oil Part Two – Approved by Bossy Barker, Nili

Hello friends,

This is Nili here, the new official reviewer for the blog which was started by my sister who went over the Rainbow Bridge, and I am really working hard to be as good as she was although I have a long way to go.

Last week we discussed all the benefits of Coconut Oil which is yum, you can read all about it on our blog link : https://laylaswoof.com/?p=3143

As Mom was checking out the Coco-Therapy Website she came across these products which looked good and decided to get for me also as I want her to eat well treat wise also.

Raw food and these looked great for treats as they are healthy and I am sure you could feed them as food also.

Coco-Carnivore Meatballs – 100% Raw Freeze-Dried Beef, Oranges and Coconut

Open the bag I am the official taster

Coco-Carnivore Meatballs – 100% Raw Freeze-Dried Turkey, Spinach and Coconut

These smell so so good hmmmm

Organ Bites – 100% Freeze-Dried Turkey Organ Meats plus Pumpkin and Coconut

Stop teasing me with the goodies Mom

Organ Bites – 100% Freeze-Dried Chicken Organ Meats with Beets and Coconut

And we cannot forget the chicken hmmmmm

What I love about the above is that they have very few ingredients, all organic and filling so I can fill the Kong with them which keeps her busy but when she gets them she gets less food at meals.  Nili of course approves of them.

Since Nili has been on the coconut diet she has lost weight, her fur is shining, and her skin seems to have improved itchiness wise plus she just in general seems healthier so I am hoping we can carry on this way. I would rather start at a younger age, so her immune system is ready for aging.

Website : https://www.cocotherapy.com/

A very special thank you to Coco-Therapy for sponsoring this post.

Nili also got her first groom last week, yes she had her hair cut and this really concerned me as she has become a nipper and you should see my hands, covered in band aids I am so ready for Halloween LOL. The groomers said she was really good, sat and let them do what was needed plus for safety sake they put her in a crate when finished so she could run away which is one of her traits which I am working on. She got as a gift from the groomers a new squeaky toy so she was one happy little girl and I think she looks adorable.

I do not like baths, Nili


walking home from the groomers all pretty

On this note we are going for a walk to burn off energy, and then it will be play time for Madam.

Have a safe weekend and don’t forget to make memories,

With a woof and love from





Coconut Oil for Dogs with Nili approval

Good Morning Friends, this is Nili here as I am learning to review for Mom like my sister Layla the expert did, I hope she approves.

I recently took Nili for a checkup at the vet as she has been scratching badly and the vet suggested I give her coconut oil. This intrigued me as my one vet had told me negative things about coconut oil and this vet is saying the opposite. So, I decided to do some research and as to why one vet said one thing and another the opposite and came up with some interesting facts which made me realize how important coconut oil can be for pets. Before trying  please ask your vet as rather be safe than sorry as some supplements might have the opposite affect on your dog.

I want to thank Charisa from CocoTherapy for helping me with all the information that I am sharing plus the products that I am trying with Nili.

The benefits:

  1. In small quantities it is good for the pet as it is good fat which is important to remember when we worry about cholesterol in our pets. Coconut oil is considered a low cholesterol fat and does not increase cholesterol levels.
  2. You can read more about it on this link : A Beginner’s Guide to Cholesterol
  3. Coconut oil has lauric acid which has antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.  which is good for the fur and skin. When applied to the skin it can help soothe the inflamed area.
  4. Coconut oil is lower in calories than many other cooking oils, and it’s actually an effective weight loss aid. The MCTs in coconut oil are metabolized quickly and used for energy, rather than being stored as fat. This helps boost metabolism and aids in weight management. What’s more, coconut oil can help suppress appetite. All fats slow down the emptying of the stomach, helping you feel full for longer, but studies have shown that MCTs have a greater satiating effect than LCTs. This means that coconut oil can help your pet feel fuller for longer and prevent them from overeating.
  5. It helps fight bad breath, mouth and gum health.
  6. It also helps digestions but like any supplement ask your vet first.
  7. Here is some more information: Coconut Oil Myths and Facts

I am doing this coconut oil blog in two episodes as I am reviewing different products from them but what I have tried with Nili at this moment I have seen a big difference in her, she is scratching less so her skin issues seem to be clearing up, she is eating less which is great as she needs to lose 2 lbs plus I love their treat gems which are kibble size so she is getting one each time she is good and gobbles them up plus they fit in here kong which she is addicted to. She also got a coconut squeaky toy which she loves squeaking nonstop BOL.

It is always fun to get a coconut squeaky toy squeak squeak squeak

The products Nili has tried and approved are :

Coconut Chips – Dehydrated Organic Coconut – No added preservatives, dyes, bleaches sugar or salt. Rich in Fibre, Supports Digestive System (I am sprinkling it on her food, and she loves it)

These are yummy sprinkled on my food

Coco-Gems – Peppermint, Parsley and Coconut – Supports Fresh Breath and Oral Health – Nili approves

My breath smells good when I eat these

Coco-Gems – Cranberry and Coconut – Supports Urinary Tract Health – Nili approves

I will keep pawing the package till I get more

Coco Charms – Blueberry Cobbler – Nili approves

These are so so yummm

Gems and Charms are all Gluten Free and Grain Free, made with 100% USDA certified organic, human-grade ingredients too.

You can read more about their products on this link : https://www.cocotherapy.com/

So now that Nili is getting coconut, she wants to go to Hawaii BOL. Thank you Coco Therapy for sponsoring this review and sharing your products as I am so happy with them I am smiling.

To all our friends in Florida, we hope you are safe as we are thinking of you

Have a safe weekend, with love and woof from Nili



It is Give Away Time

Good morning Friends,

We have had a crazy week. Layla has been sick with a Colon infection poor old baby. I took her to the vet, and she is on antibiotics and seems to be slowly getting better, I am just relieved she ate today for the first time in two days which for me is a good sign. So, we have been taking it slow. Of course, Madam embarrassed me by pooping all over the vets office LOL, they put pee pads down but she would walk around and do it on the floor. Thank goodness the vet understands and said to me at least she did not have to do a stool sample as she saw her poop all over the floor. The good news is for her age her heart and lungs are good so am relieved. The antibiotics are making her sleep, which is all she is doing unless she needs to go out to potty. On the way home from the vet Madam started howling in her stroller and I learnt when she does that she needs to potty, I kept apologizing to the driver but she laughed and said it was better than listening to a baby cry nonstop. I suppose I need to see the funny side to it all and just breathe a sigh of relief that she is going to be ok. So, no park this week for her.

This Saturday we are doing DogFest in the park, which is a fund raiser for an elementary school in my area, it is an annual event with lots of booths of dog’s thing, fun children’s activities and so much more. I will have a booth there for Real Mushrooms and will be handing out samples of the mushroom relaxing chews plus. Am immune system chew for your pets. I have managed to get a pen for Layla so she will sleep under the table safely on a blanket and I will be able to work. I am looking forward to this event as it is so much fun, noisy but its also great to see if there is anything new on the market. The weather is going to be cool which will also make it easier to work and overheat, this is San Francisco. So, if you are in the Bay Area come visit and meet us.  We will have all the photos in next week’s blog to share with you.

For those that are interested this is the Real Mushrooms link, letting you into one of my secrets, I love love their Hot Chocolate with mushrooms, it is so good and chocolaty you cannot even taste the mushrooms.


Now, let’s have some fun with a new give away as our dogs or cats always need quality treats to keep them happy. I am doing this giveaway for one of my favorite companies, a small family-owned business called Raw Paws Pet Food. (I love supporting small family businesses) Their products are fantastic, they have great raw food, supplements and so much more and what I love is their treats are for both dogs and cats so everyone can enter.  This give away is for Freeze Dried Smelt Minnows which Layla cannot get enough of Freeze-Dried Chicken Breast Which Bossy Barker barks for all the time, now finally Freeze-Dried Chicken Hearts which she gobbles down so fast am scared she will choke. I think they are all moreish and a must have in the Treat Jar for our dogs or cats as they are fantastic plus healthy. They all have only one ingredient, which is something I love about them.

Hmm they smell good which one first


Mom makes me work for them grrrr

Yes my nose is working and I can smell them yum

You can read more about them on their website :


As Layla barks, she approves of them and wishes everyone who enters good luck.

I was sponsored by Raw Paws Pet Food for this giveaway, and it is for the USA only.

The link for the entry form is below.



Have a wonderful weekend everyone, please be safe as always with a woof and love from Layla



November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month

TGIF!!!   Woof, hello my friends and how are you?

November has arrived, which is an important month for me as a senior as it is Adopt A Senior Pet Month and there are so many that have been dumped in shelters by selfish humans and are suffering now. Let us open our hearts and homes to a senior so that they can live happily and loved for the rest of their lives. It means so much to me and I cry when I read the stories. Watch the rescuers trying to save them all, find fosters and work relentlessly to make sure all shelter pets have homes especially the seniors.

The excuses that the humans give for dumping is all lies and as I woofed to Mom those humans should not be allowed pets in the future, there is no excuse to do what they are doing and I often woof to Mom may Karma get them.

This is my video I woofed on asking everyone to adopt a senior pet.


Now another topic we must not forget is on November 1 was Cook for your pet day, yup we need to stay healthy and home cooked food is the best and healthier than the kibbles and cans as your Mom knows exactly what you are eating and there are no preservatives. So I asked Mom to share with you my favorite home cooked food so you can all make it at home, cos sharing is caring.

My bowl of home cooked breakfast



Pieces of Chicken and if you allergic to chicken you can use beef.

Filet of Tilapia as fish is very good for the brain.

Chicken Gizzards as they are yum and crunchy.

Veggies: Carrots and pumpkin for fiber which is important for me as I am a senior, if Mom has other veggies like zucchini, cauliflower, peas or green beans she adds them also.

She puts it all in the Instapot, adds apple cider vinegar: Why Apple Cider Vinegar, here are the benefits :

It is a  digestive aid to regulate digestion and relieve digestive upset.

Works as a natural supplement for the urinary tract system to prevent urinary tract infections, bladder, and kidney stones.

Mom steams it all till ready, then she lets it cool down. Blend the veggies into a smoothie with the chicken broth. Mix all together and my food is ready.  When cool she puts in plastic containers and freezes.

When Mom puts in my plate, she adds the following supplements: Lions Mane and 5 Defenders from this company https://shop.realmushrooms.com/?ref=488 You have 10% off with LaylasWoof coupon. Oops did I forget to tell you I get their calming supplement also and it so yummy plus Mom drinks their Hot Chocolate with Mushrooms which she says is the best.


Muscle Formula from this company https://myospet.com/?aff=852  and finally the All In Senior Supplement from this company https://vetericyn.com/

So, in a nutshell I am eating a very balanced healthy diet and not overweight either.

Another thing Mom does to prevent UTIS or any other infections she wipes my Tush each time I potty with Tushy Wipes from this company so am clean all the time. They have great grooming products and all healthy and safe.  https://www.earthbath.com/collections/all/  You have a coupon for 10% off with LaylasWoof15.

The most important thing of all is of course my candy in my snuffle ball, oops did I say candy, I meant treats and they are so good and crunchy from this company and I am telling you it is a must have. https://farmhounds.com/ and you have a 10% discount with this coupon YumTreats0311.

It is now my bedtime and I need my beauty sleep as I am a senior and sleep is very important to me,

My new favorite place to sleep cos I am guarding the door

Have a safe weekend everyone with lots of fun,

Love Layla












Keeping your dog busy on hot or cold days – Giveaway

Good morning, friends,

Thank you for visiting our blog this week as we love reading your comments and sharing what we have spoken about as sharing is caring.

This week we are going to talk about keeping our dogs busy, especially senior blind dogs so that their brain is still working and they are not sleeping the day away plus it is a great idea to keep your pup busy during the day on hot or cold days.

Layla as you know is blind, a senior like her mom and I try to keep her busy playing with her snuffle ball or doodle bug which is a godsend as she loves them and the challenge of getting the treats out of them keeps her occupied as she is rewarded by finding them.

Come of doodle bug give me my treats, Layla

You can see her doing it on the link below :


I have been researching good healthy treats for her and came across this company which I really liked. So, I would like to introduce you to Farm Hounds, a company that started in 2004 and is focused on dogs. Their goal is to provide the very best nutritional options to us parents of our fur kids. Since they started they have partnered with the local farms to provide us with good top quality treats, chews and other products for our spoiled fur kids that we know what we giving them is only the best.

Website : https://farmhounds.com/

So, after contacting them they sent me these treats for Layla that are called trainers, perfect size for the Madam and she is loving them, barking every time we come inside as she wants her stuffed snuffle toy and a happy dog is a happy Mom. You can see on the photograph the flavors she received and if she had her own way LOL she would have eaten them all by know. As a picky eater I cannot believe how much she is enjoying them and me loving watching her busy trying to find them.

Sniffing her packages after they arrived, what I love is that each packet of trainers tells you what farm it is from which I think makes them really special

As I have taught Layla sharing is caring so we are sharing with all of you a chance to win their products but we are doing it with a  $50.00 gift card so that you can shop and get what you want for your pups.

This giveaway is for the USA only, you have to be 18 years old to enter. We were sponsored by Farm Hounds.

Let the fun begin and good luck to all that enter, have a wonderful weekend,

Below is the link to enter :


With a love and woof from


Keeping Your Senior Healthy

TGIF!! The weekend has arrived and never mind Mom I am exhausted and need a rest.

Mom has been running around all week, nonstop, like an energizer bunny and she needs to put her feet up but hey I love keeping her busy.

On Wednesday Mom took me to the Eye Vet to have my eyes checked up.  They have found that I have now an ulcer on my right eye so have doubled my eye drops and hopefully all will be good. We have another appointment in 6 months’ time unless something happens before then.

As you all know I have a Jewish Mom that drives me nuts trying to keep me healthy and happy so she decided that I need a new dog food to add to my homecooked food so it would be very balanced and healthy. I sometimes worry that she will make me chicken soup and matza balls BOL.

So, as we love the Dr Harvey’s Foods Mom got me their new one, The Raw Vibrance as she got excited when she saw it has milk thistle, green lipped mussels and so much more and it takes the worry off her shoulders with me not getting a balanced diet with all the right supplements. The plus with eating Dr Harvey’s food is it Holistic, Chemical Free and made with organic ingredients. What could be healthier than that.

The ingredients in this food are Broccoli, Green Beans, Squash, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots, Crushed Eggshell, Spinach, Beets, Raw Goat’s Milk Powder, Apples, Blueberries, Bone Meal, Sesame Seeds, Chia Seeds, Shiitake Mushrooms, Green Lipped Mussel Powder, Ginger, Kelp, Parsley, Eggshell Memb 

I love this food and it is pink from the beets which is my favorite color so am gulping it down as quickly as possible when it is put in my bowl.  Mom also takes it to the park for me so I can have a picnic.


Mom has also started making me treats with the food which she mixes with my homemade food and bakes it, then cuts it and puts it in my snuffle ball and it is yummy. I am a very lucky old girl here.

Home made dog treats with the dog food

So, because we love this food, and want to help everyone keep their babies healthy and happy, we have decided to do a giveaway for a bag of Raw Vibrance which one lucky winner will win.

We were sponsored by Dr. Harvey’s with a bag of this food. The giveaway is for the USA only and you must be over 18 to enter.

Below is the Rafflecopter link to enter:


And of course, if you want to check out Dr Harvey’s website this is the link – Your code for a discount is: Layla10. The great thing is you can order samples of his food to try on your dog before you buy a big bag.


I solemnly swear with my paws that your dog will be a happy healthy furkid.

Good luck everypawdy, with a woof and love from



I have become a Snuffle Ball Addict, Layla

Woof it is Friday, and this weekend is a long weekend. Do you have anything planned that is special?

Here in the Layla neighborhood, there have been changes as Layla’s sight is just about gone so am learning with her to navigate life without being able to see. It is not easy and learning daily how to make it easy for her plus keep her busy especially her brain. She does not want to walk like she used to, has become afraid plus she is so busy sniffing she knocks her head on trees ouch, which is concerning me so am looking into getting her a halo which hopefully will help. What I have read about them is most dogs regain their confidence so am praying that will happen for her too. Things she used to like to do she does not want to do anymore, plus she is petrified of going downstairs so am carrying her which is not easy, but we are managing. At least she will walk up the stairs phew.

With all this happening I won a couple of weeks ago a $ 25 Amazon gift card so bought her a snuffle ball. Layla has never been a toy lover but this snuffle ball has hit the jackpot. She loves it, wants it all the time and it is keeping her active and busy in the house. Yes, it is stuffed with treats but am putting homemade chicken jerky in, tiny bits and the ball is rolling. She worked it our quickly and she is a happy girl. I do have the snuffle mat also but this ball is so much better for her.

See the video below of her playing with it :


Another thing I have done is put her food on a place mat instead of the bowl which has made her eating a lot easier and not knocking it over.

I knew this would happen because of her cataracts but one thing is knowing and another realizing it has happened. I am not going to let it get us down and try carry on with life as normal.

Our plans this weekend, Saturday is to go to a concert in one of the parks in the city, I will take her carrier instead of backpack so she can lie comfortably in it and feel safe plus this way I can sit back and relax and of course enjoy the concert. It is Indonesian dancers, and I am excited to see them.

On Sunday will be garden time, which she still loves and feels safe roaming around or lying in the sun. I personally need the outdoors as being indoors can be stifling after a long week.


Monday which is a holiday I am just lying low at home with her.

So, these are our plans this weekend, filled with fun and quality time together,

Have a safe wonderful weekend everyone,

With a woof and love from Layla








Valentines Day is here

Hello fur friends,

It is 4 days away from Valentines Day or as Mom calls it chocolate day, and she told me she is going to spoil herself with a chocolate. I think I should be spoiled and not her but hey she does deserve it sometimes.

Mom and I had a long chat this week about Valentines Day and how I do not need anything as I am a spoiled brat but how the animals in shelters need to be loved also so we decided to put a package together of goodies and we going to drop it off at one of the shelters.

Those animals do not deserve to be in shelters but in warm homes with lots of love but we humans are to blame for that so as Mom says those caring humans who are speaking out for them must make sure also that they are spoiled on Valentine’s Day with love.

We are asking all our fur friends to please go to a shelter and donate food, treats or toys so that the animals can feel special love also. What could be better than seeing the smile of a dog or cat being spoiled like we are, it is a blessing.

I have a question? Who wants to be my Valentine?


Happy Valentines Day everyone, make sure you spoil your Mom or Dad with lots of licks and being good,

With woofs and love from Layla