Today is Two Months

Today was two months since Layla crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. It was a hard day for me as I sat in my house thinking of her, wanting to hear her bark at me, wag her tail or just sleep relaxed in her bed. Every time I heard the fireworks, I worried about her automatically which did not ease my misery in many ways.

This is what I miss most evenings

I realize there are going to be days when I will miss her more and today was that day, so I went, in the heat, for a long walk and then started doing which she would have wanted me to do, speak out against the fireworks, advise people to keep their pets safe and to not drink and drive while your pets are at home. We need to be responsible parents and to think of everything to keep them safe, like we do for kids.

The fireworks here have been going since 5 this afternoon, each time one goes off I jump in my chair, I have the jazz station on to keep myself calm and feel so sorry for all the animals who are freaking out. I have been seeing on social media posts of lost dogs, ACC calling out with lost dogs, and I am sure by tomorrow the shelters will be overflowing with lost pets, it is just heartbreaking, and I pray all the pets find their families.

As you all know, Layla used to wear these amazing harnesses, custom made by Dachshund Delights, see the link below:

Her favorite harness

Now the reason I am sharing them is April, the owner of the business, surprised me two weeks ago with a small white box which arrived in the mail, with chocolates, rainbow paw stickers AND a mini-Layla, a small, customized toy which looks like Layla. I was totally in awe, cried when I saw her, and I am in love with her. She is hanging on the wall in front of my laptop so I can see her all the time. Plus, the reason I have hung her there is that when I dog sit none of the dogs can get to her and try play with her. I have been doing dog sitting to get my doggy doses which is helping me a lot, as it puts me in a routine with walking the dogs plus gets me out of the house more.

Thank you April for this wonderful gift


I am sure you are wondering if I am going to adopt/rescue a new fur kid and I am putting it here, I have started, watching lots of FB pages and praying I will soon find a new fur kid to share my life with.


So on this note, have a wonderful weekend everyone, please be safe

Hugs from Layla’s Mom

I have been feeling yucky

Good Morning friends,

I have not been feeling well this week so Mom has been taking extra care of me. I decided I did not want to eat my home cooked food so Mom went and bought me my favorite fancy dog food, which is very healthy and comes in a box, which I gobbled up but the one protein gave me an upset tummy and on top of it the one day I did not pee although I was drinking lots of water.

Mom was very concerned about me not peeing and when I finally did she did a pee dance to celebrate but it was at 3 in the morning. You see when I need to go out at night, although I have been out maybe 4 or 5 times that day and last walk at 11 at night so poor Mom lately is a zombie because of lack of sleep and by midday is crashing BOL. But as she says my health comes first so whatever it takes she will do. She is quite smart as she keeps in the house chicken breasts in the freezer for emergencies, pumpkin if I need it plus probiotics so as she says she has everything there if she needs it and does not have to panic. Mom even slept on the floor with me the one night to monitor me that is how worried she was and poor Mom her back was sore in the morning. She is getting old like me BOL.

With all this happening because the weather has been beautiful we have been going to the park each day for a couple of hours, actually it is good for Mom to get out and relax with coffee in the sun. Our outings have made a big difference for her and I love wandering around, looking cute and hoping for treats although Mom watches me like a hawk. She always has lots of water for me, and treats (I actually give her freeze dried kibbles LOL). So the outdoors has been great as I wander around the lawn, getting exercise and Mom kicks back with her coffee and sunshine on her face. It is a win win situation for both of us, plus when we get home I am tired so I take a nap.

Looking cute waiting for a treat

Jasper and I waiting for a treat for Uncle

Although Mom wheels me in my stroller I do walk part of the way so that I can potty so when we get home we stay at home for a couple of hours or till I Bossy Barker barks to go out again. Yes that is my way of telling Mom I need to potty and although she does not like the barking she is relieved I tell her.

This is how I like to nap BOL

That has been our week and Mom is praying my tummy will settle proper soon so she can really relax, I am eating lots of boiled chicken with pumpkin but nothing else.

This is Mom talking, it has been a scary week for me because of her age I panic and have more than once thought of running to the vet but decided not going to upset her and take each day as it comes. Do you think I am going about it the right way, as I would love some input to settle my mind a bit, thanks.

So lets pray all gets back to normal, Layla’s tummy settles and we can go on proper adventures now the weather is changing plus it is light in the evenings which is great as the dog park is two blocks from my house so we can go in the evenings also.

Have a great weekend everyone, we hope the weather is warming up in your areas also,

With love and woof from Layla











Happy Halloween

TGIF! Happy Friday all my friends, can you believe it is the end of October and that means Halloween.

Mom is like a child BOL when it comes to Halloween as she loves all the costumes, the fun in the streets and of course the candies, but at the same time she makes sure I am safe and enjoying myself.

This year we are not going anywhere, Mom feels it is getting too much all the crowds so we decided instead to share with you some photos of our past Halloween including a photo of my sister Baby and what Mom dressed her in which still makes Mom giggle.

I am a little ballerina, Layla

My personality, a princess but I can be a devil also, Layla

Baby as a fire hydrant

We hope you will enjoy the photos as much as I am enjoying sharing then with you.

Please remember to keep us safe as there are Halloween hazards for your fur babies and especially make sure your cats are safe inside especially if they are back.


Happy Halloween Everyone, please do not eat too much candy or your dentist bill will be high oy vey and please keep all chocolates and candies away from us.

Lots of love and hugs from




I might be old but I am healthy

Good Morning Friends,

We hope you are staying cool in the awful hot weather and of course drinking lots of water. Today I am going to share with you my secrets on why I am so healthy for an old girl and am very blessed to have a doting Mom like mine, who makes sure I get all the nutrients I need to stay healthy.

When Mom rescued me, I was living off kibbles yuck, and she immediately changed me over to home cooked food with lots of veggies and fruits. With aging she has added some supplements to my food to help my old body stay well and although it might sound crazy it seems to be working BOL. I also make her walk as much as possible as exercise is very important for her joints plus to keep her brain active I fill snuffle toys and make her work getting them out. It keeps her busy and therefore not sleeping the day away.

You can read more about how bad kibble is on this website and why raw food is healthier for your dogs

park time

Food – In this house we do not believe in kibbles of any kinds, gross, they have fillers and other not good stuff in them. I like my home cooked food although Mom has introduced me to raw food also and we now alternate as changing my diet keeps me interested in food BOL. The company Mom gets my food from is Raw Paws Pet Food, great yum products, and worth checking out. The plus is the raw food has fish in it also, so I am getting the balanced diet I need.  Coupon LaylasWoof15


Mushrooms – Mom has gone crazy about mushrooms but honestly there is a method to her madness. She loves supplements that are powder so she can mix it in with my food and that is what is so great about these. She mixes in the 5 Defenders and Lions Mane Mushroom Powder Extract into my food daily and I feel the difference and Mom sees the difference in my brain functions from the Lions Maane , for an old girl my brain is working well. I also get their calming supplement which relaxes me at night, and I am sleeping through the night which Mom is loving, BOL. The Mushroom company has now started supplements for my cat friends and as Mom says we must not forget to remind our humans that the hot chocolate is so good for us coffee lovers. Real Mushrooms are the best.  Coupon code for 10% off with LaylasWoof

My old joint and muscles – Mom is determined to keep me mobile and walking without pain and thanks to this amazing formula it is working and I am as energetic as a you pup with the Hip and Joint Supplement plus muscle formula, I am a happy camper here.

Senior Supplement – All In from Vetericyn. This is one that keeps my insides healthy, relaxes me during the day and soothes my aches and pains if I have any. Mom started me on this supplement when I refused to take the one for my liver and since on it my liver levels have stabilized so if  Mom is happy I am happy. If you sign up for their emails you automatically get 10% off. They also have fantastic anti Itch products which I keep in the house for emergencies.

My Tushy – after my UTI and discussing with my vet as Mom realized us old ladies do not clean ourselves the way the young ones do so she bought some Tushy wipes and wipes my butt clean after each potty, it is keeping me clean and smelling good, what could be better than that. Plus, she is now using the facial wash on me so my face is nice and clean all the time as she cleans it with a microfiber towel so I am pampered daily. They have amazing other grooming products also, a must have in our house.

Shnoozing on my walk, life is good

Debating whether I want to walk or not

So, to all my friends, we might be aging slowly although Mom says its too fast for her but with all the above which Mom has discussed with her vet before giving to me I am plodding along, doing good, riding in my stroller, so life is good in the Layla neighborhood.  Please discuss with your vet before you change anything.

Have a safe weekend, stay as cool as possible!

With love and hugs









Keeping your dog busy on hot or cold days – Giveaway

Good morning, friends,

Thank you for visiting our blog this week as we love reading your comments and sharing what we have spoken about as sharing is caring.

This week we are going to talk about keeping our dogs busy, especially senior blind dogs so that their brain is still working and they are not sleeping the day away plus it is a great idea to keep your pup busy during the day on hot or cold days.

Layla as you know is blind, a senior like her mom and I try to keep her busy playing with her snuffle ball or doodle bug which is a godsend as she loves them and the challenge of getting the treats out of them keeps her occupied as she is rewarded by finding them.

Come of doodle bug give me my treats, Layla

You can see her doing it on the link below :

I have been researching good healthy treats for her and came across this company which I really liked. So, I would like to introduce you to Farm Hounds, a company that started in 2004 and is focused on dogs. Their goal is to provide the very best nutritional options to us parents of our fur kids. Since they started they have partnered with the local farms to provide us with good top quality treats, chews and other products for our spoiled fur kids that we know what we giving them is only the best.

Website :

So, after contacting them they sent me these treats for Layla that are called trainers, perfect size for the Madam and she is loving them, barking every time we come inside as she wants her stuffed snuffle toy and a happy dog is a happy Mom. You can see on the photograph the flavors she received and if she had her own way LOL she would have eaten them all by know. As a picky eater I cannot believe how much she is enjoying them and me loving watching her busy trying to find them.

Sniffing her packages after they arrived, what I love is that each packet of trainers tells you what farm it is from which I think makes them really special

As I have taught Layla sharing is caring so we are sharing with all of you a chance to win their products but we are doing it with a  $50.00 gift card so that you can shop and get what you want for your pups.

This giveaway is for the USA only, you have to be 18 years old to enter. We were sponsored by Farm Hounds.

Let the fun begin and good luck to all that enter, have a wonderful weekend,

Below is the link to enter :

With a love and woof from


Healing a Senior Dog

TGIF!!!! Good morning friends, it is Friday and raining like crazy in San Francisco, we hope it is warmer and dryer where you are.

The past two weeks I have been dealing with Layla and her UTI, she was on one antibiotic which did not help so we switched to another one, which I am praying will have worked. Madam is very smart because in the beginning I tried giving it in a piece of chicken, it worked first day and since then she refuses to eat the chicken. So, it has become a nightmare trying to get her to take the medication.

My new method is to open her mouth, shove it in, make sure she swallows it and then give her something to eat as it must be taken with food. So there is a  method to my madness LOL. I after giving her the pill I give her some chicken and she eats it but then the rest of the day refuses chicken. The antibiotic suppresses her appetite but she needs to eat so it is finding things she will eat. It is costing me an arm and a leg to get her to eat LOL.

So this is the new routine, she gets raw dehydrated chicken patties as treats in her snuffle ball, I have bought her gizzards which one day she eats and the next day is a no, Ground turkey meat which she gobbled up today but who knows if she will eat it tomorrow, a Costco chicken which she kind of eats and my fridge is slowly filling up with containers of food for her but decided yesterday am going to start freezing some.

It is hard work getting the goodies out of the snuffle ball so am taking a break and sleeping on it like a pillow

Her anxiety is through the roof so am looking into getting her a calming dog bed which my vet suggested and hopefully that will help.

One positive thing has changed with her, she is sleeping in her bed again which I am happy about as she was sleeping on a blanket next to the bed and I was afraid I would stand on her.

Head under the bed on the blankets

All snuggled under the blankets on her bed zzzzzzzz

With all this happening I have learned a lot about a UTI and am slowly figuring out how to prevent them and what I have been doing to prevent it happening again is I bought Pet Wipes and each time we come home from her being outdoors to potty, I wipe her down, so she is clean as senior dogs do not clean themselves the way younger ones do.

I also take her for the last time at midnight and we slowly getting to sleep till the morning phew, as I have not had a full nights sleep in over a month and am exhausted here. I have also put her back on the All In Senior Supplement from Vetracyn which has a calming ingredient in it which is calming her down at nights and honest I need something also LOL.

On top of this we did do two adventures which I am chuckling about still, Last Saturday they had in San Francisco free Tulips Day so we went with a friend to get Tulips but I think half of San Francisco was there and most people must have camped out to get in line because by the time we got there the line was long and it was raining, so my friend and I hopped back in her car and went somewhere for coffee instead, no Tulips though LOL. We really laughed over the whole outing.

On Tuesday I went to meet up with some friends for coffee which was great, Madam was in her stroller of course and it was wonderful to sit with people, laugh so much and one friend did a Tarot reading for each one of us but sorry I cannot remember what she told me, oy vey.

Dozing in my stroller all bundled up

Another thing I learned this week is do not post on FB on your personal page if your dog is sick, one woman told me that she was informing me that the antibiotic Layla is on is dangerous, I told her I trusted my vet when it comes to medications so she went on a rampage posting links about the medication etc. as if I was stupid and had not done my research.  The advice that some gave me for a UTI I researched and spoke to my vet about and she said it is all BS, thank goodness I double check with my vet for everything. I also want to thank Terri for all the information you emailed me, it was really appreciated.

So on this rainy night note, Madam is finally sleeping and I am going to try have an early night tonight, I need it,

Have a safe warm weekend!

With a woof and love from Layla


The weekend has arrived

TGIF!!! It is Friday and my weekly woof so where do I start.


After 4 Halloween events two weeks ago Mom last weekend was exhausted and I am not sure why, we had so much fun although she told me her back was sore from pushing me in the stroller, I told her that is her job, and she should not complain but when you are getting old I suppose you can get a sore back.

I am a Princess in my chariot


So last weekend, it was raining most of the weekend, so we went for walks in the neighborhood, shopping and just a slow weekend, I decided to give her a break but she is not allowed to push her luck and this weekend weather permitting we are going to the park.


Yesterday, finally the sun came out and the weather was chilly but sunny which was nice, we wandered around the neighborhood enjoying the great weather. I made sure that all housework is done so the weekend we are free for some fun.


I need to see my doggy friends in the park as I am tired of Mom and need some new smells to sniff, treats from uncles in the park, and some fresh air, so I have already told Mom she has to take me.

I am grumpy as I want to be outside more but it is drizzling


While we are enjoying life here our thoughts are also with all friends in Florida that are suffering from the Hurricane and hoping everyone is safe and they were prepared for it. Every time there is a natural disaster Mom runs to check our emergency bag to make sure all is good. Are you prepared ?

So, my friends have a wonderful safe weekend, with lots of treats and fun, please share with us your plans,


With a woof and love from






Keeping Your Senior Healthy

TGIF!! The weekend has arrived and never mind Mom I am exhausted and need a rest.

Mom has been running around all week, nonstop, like an energizer bunny and she needs to put her feet up but hey I love keeping her busy.

On Wednesday Mom took me to the Eye Vet to have my eyes checked up.  They have found that I have now an ulcer on my right eye so have doubled my eye drops and hopefully all will be good. We have another appointment in 6 months’ time unless something happens before then.

As you all know I have a Jewish Mom that drives me nuts trying to keep me healthy and happy so she decided that I need a new dog food to add to my homecooked food so it would be very balanced and healthy. I sometimes worry that she will make me chicken soup and matza balls BOL.

So, as we love the Dr Harvey’s Foods Mom got me their new one, The Raw Vibrance as she got excited when she saw it has milk thistle, green lipped mussels and so much more and it takes the worry off her shoulders with me not getting a balanced diet with all the right supplements. The plus with eating Dr Harvey’s food is it Holistic, Chemical Free and made with organic ingredients. What could be healthier than that.

The ingredients in this food are Broccoli, Green Beans, Squash, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots, Crushed Eggshell, Spinach, Beets, Raw Goat’s Milk Powder, Apples, Blueberries, Bone Meal, Sesame Seeds, Chia Seeds, Shiitake Mushrooms, Green Lipped Mussel Powder, Ginger, Kelp, Parsley, Eggshell Memb 

I love this food and it is pink from the beets which is my favorite color so am gulping it down as quickly as possible when it is put in my bowl.  Mom also takes it to the park for me so I can have a picnic.

Mom has also started making me treats with the food which she mixes with my homemade food and bakes it, then cuts it and puts it in my snuffle ball and it is yummy. I am a very lucky old girl here.

Home made dog treats with the dog food

So, because we love this food, and want to help everyone keep their babies healthy and happy, we have decided to do a giveaway for a bag of Raw Vibrance which one lucky winner will win.

We were sponsored by Dr. Harvey’s with a bag of this food. The giveaway is for the USA only and you must be over 18 to enter.

Below is the Rafflecopter link to enter:

And of course, if you want to check out Dr Harvey’s website this is the link – Your code for a discount is: Layla10. The great thing is you can order samples of his food to try on your dog before you buy a big bag.

I solemnly swear with my paws that your dog will be a happy healthy furkid.

Good luck everypawdy, with a woof and love from
