TGIF! Happy Friday all my friends, can you believe it is the end of October and that means Halloween.
Mom is like a child BOL when it comes to Halloween as she loves all the costumes, the fun in the streets and of course the candies, but at the same time she makes sure I am safe and enjoying myself.
This year we are not going anywhere, Mom feels it is getting too much all the crowds so we decided instead to share with you some photos of our past Halloween including a photo of my sister Baby and what Mom dressed her in which still makes Mom giggle.

I am a little ballerina, Layla

My personality, a princess but I can be a devil also, Layla

Baby as a fire hydrant
We hope you will enjoy the photos as much as I am enjoying sharing then with you.
Please remember to keep us safe as there are Halloween hazards for your fur babies and especially make sure your cats are safe inside especially if they are back.
Happy Halloween Everyone, please do not eat too much candy or your dentist bill will be high oy vey and please keep all chocolates and candies away from us.
Lots of love and hugs from