Good morning Friends,
It is me Nili here as I am celebrating three months with Mom, learning a lot and I hope my Angel sister Layla is proud of me as I am trying to be as good as she was and it is not easy cos I have a mischievous side to me which Mom laughs at BOL.
I am sure you have been waiting to see if I have been on adventures but I have been so busy trying all the goodies for reviews I have not shared with you my adventures so today as a three month celebration I am going to.
My first adventure was on Mom’s birthday when Aunty Alysha took Mom to one of her favorite places in Golden Gate Park with a picnic. It was a beautiful day and they found a bench to sit on next to Heron Lake and the ducks. Mom cannot let me off leash yet so she tied leashes together so I would have a long enough one to wander around and then tied it to the bench so she could relax and watch me. It was so much fun, I barked at the ducks who did not care about me, can you believe that? I then climbed the rocks to see what else I could see, sniffed a lot and of course barked at the dogs that were walking on the path as I was protecting the humans. Mom had her favorite lunch; Syrian food and she gave me a little piece of chicken. It was a fun time, and I cannot wait to do it again.

Look am on a rock Nili

Can you believe the ducks ignored me, Nili

If I look cute I get treats, Nili
Another new routine we have is every day we walk about 6 blocks up the road to a tiny park that Mom loves, lots of flowers and very peaceful, very few dogs also so Mom can relax, she makes my leash long so I can wander but am tied to the bench so I cannot go too far. I cannot wait for one day to be able to get off leash but as Mom says it is my fault as I do not want to listen to her. The walk there and back tires me out so by the time we get home I am sleepy and need a nap. It is good exercise for both of us plus the fresh air is very healthy.

Watching what is going on

Where the treats Mom
Nili Barking like a lunatic in the park :
So my three months with Mom have been great, I do not try to run out of the apartment anymore which has made Moms life a lot easier, I still have quirks we working on like me nipping Mom when she puts the harness on, her hands are covered in band aids BOL, playing tug of war with the harness when we leave the apartment which Mom has fallen once cos I got her tangled, and the worst of all lunging at big dogs mainly when I am in the street walking although that I am slowly stopping to do plus when it is little dogs if ok Mom lets me say hello to them which is fun.
I love my life here, am very happy, hog the bed, kill the squeakers and bark at everyone through the window so cannot complain, life is good.
This is my best video of her this week ROFL :
Have a wonderful week and thank you for reading about my life
With love and woof from Nili