The week is over.

Woof hello my friends,

The week is over, and the weekend has arrived.  I told Mom it is not allowed to rain as I need my weekly bark in the park.

This week has been crazy in my house. Gidget has been coming daily to spend the days with me, so I am not alone when Mom runs around doing shopping and errands, so we have been very busy. Poor Mom is so tired, but I must admit she does not forget me however tired she is.

Last Saturday the sun came out for some hours, it was chilly, but we bundled up and Mom took me to my favorite lawn, which was very muddy that the chair sunk into the ground BOL, but was great to be out, smell the bay air and of course I barked, sniffed and wandered around like I enjoy doing. It is good exercise for me and when we came home, I crawled into my bed and slept, which made Mom happy as she managed to take an afternoon nap till I woke her up to potty.

A quick bark was necessary as without it I do not feel I have been down to the Bay. See the video below.

On Valentines Day we went to a Valentines Party, it was lots of fun for Mom and I am happy she enjoyed herself as I just slept BOL in my stroller comfortably although I did not get lots of treats as always. Mom won a Trivia game and came home with a 2lb bag of her favorite coffee so she is really happy. There was lots of food, candies and people and of course lots of laughter, which Mom says is important as it is the best medicine as we forget our worries when laughing. It was pouring when we left but I wanted to walk or, as Mom says swim, so we took the bus home, got off one stop after ours and swam home. We got really wet but it was great walking although I do not like the rain that much. When we got home Mom walked Gidget, then dried us all off and we all relaxed happily.

I got two roses at the party, aren’t they pretty

So as you can all read, life is busy in our neighborhood, never a dull moment and although we are tired this weekend and relieved it is weekend, I am hoping I can go to my lawn for a bark, although Mom has already told me they are expecting major storms and lots of rain so I think we are going to be stuck inside. To keep me happy Mom has made me my favorite dehydrated fish treats for my snuffle toys so I will be occupied. You can see videos of me playing with them. The caterpillar one is hard but hey it keeps me busy and finding the treats is the best.

Stay warm and safe everyone, I need my beauty sleep now so am barking to Mom to stop typing, I am the Boss.

With a woof and love from Layla


We had an adventure

Woof everyone and how are you?  Friday has arrived and that means weekend, and woof weekend means adventures weather permitting cos as Mom says if it is raining we are staying home and hibernating. She will even give me extra treats if I let her do that, so the question is should I? BOL.

Last week it had stopped raining, the sun was out but chilly so we bundled up and took the train to my favorite park, it is a lawn on the promenade which has a dog park on one side but we sit on the opposite lawn, Mom gets her chair and coffee, and I wander around smelling and then normally lie down especially if there is sun and just chill next to the Bay, clean air and pawsome to be outside. Plus I get lots of treats from Mom, it is our quality time and we do not look at phones or any other electronics but enjoy the nature although Mom uses her camera to take photos of me of course, I am her model for all the shots.


I got very angry as there was garbage on the lawn which makes me angry as I wish people would respect nature and put the garbage in the bin and there are two right there, it shows how lazy people are, so I did what I do well, barked and barked but Mom was good and picked it all up and put in the garbage so we left the place clean. (see video below)

The rain came back so that was the end of our adventures this week so we have been stuck indoors, Mom I must admit is good and takes me with her to the stores when she goes shopping so I do get out in my stroller and stay dry while Mom gets soaked BOL, poor Mom.

I have a new quirk which comes with age and that is I now stand if I am not in the stroller although it is with us and bark for nothing, Mom stands there looking like a fool while I bark away and the empty stroller is held by Mom, I love doing it although Mom is not pleased especially if it is late at night but hey I am allowed to talk aren’t I?

We go for our last walk at about midnight cos Mom figured out the later I go the later I sleep in the morning so she is finally having 6 hours sleep a night and feeling more relaxed in the morning, so I can be nice to her if I want to.

It is my Gotcha Day at the end of the month and I am wondering what Mom is going to do for me, she cannot believe I have been with her 13 years and we are now growing old together. Does anyone have ideas for my Gotcha Day?

I am off to bed now it is past my bedtime and old ladies need their sleep,

Stay warm everyone, be safe and have a wonderful weekend!

With woof and love from Layla





We did a walkabout in our Neighborhood

TGIF, Good Morning all my furfriends, phew it is Friday and I am tired.


Mom has been very busy this week so we did not go to the park although Mom explained to me the grass is really wet and she does not want me to get a cold although I think she is thinking of herself BOL.

On Tuesday Mom’s best friend and my favorite Auntie surprised us with a visit and we went to our favorite place for lunch, I call it the chicken place but it is actually Syrian food, a Mom and Pop place and everything is delicious. Mom’s favorite is their garlic sauce which is called Toum (Lebanese) and Mom says it is so yum she could eat it all day BOL. Of course I got some chicken from Mom so I had a full tummy when we left there, if you ever in San Francisco you must go eat there, it is called Palmyra and it is in the lower Haight, down the road from where the Hippy Movement started on Haight Ashbury. And most of all they are pet friendly so you can take your dog inside with you, Woof.

Checking the store window

So after lunch Mom and I decided to walk home and look at some of the street murals and those are the photos we going to share today on my blog. Is our walkabout window shopping and enjoying the cold sunny day. I was exhausted when I got home but it was lots of fun.

Outside a Barber Shop

Smelling the air with the beautiful mural behind me, Layla

Exhausted after my day out which was fun

I am going to sleep now as I am tired but cannot wait to see what Mom has planned for us this weekend,

Have a wonderful weekend everyone

With a woof and love from





What you do for love for your Senior Dog

TGIF!!! The weekend has arrived, which means we can all recharge our batteries and get ready for the new week.

Day light savings has messed with our lives and I am sure you all feel the same. I personally hate it as I am getting less sleep and Layla’s routine has gone upside down which is taking its toll on me. Layla now wakes me up at 5 in the morning to go potty and her routine is to potty, I then put her back in the stroller to come home but Madam stands up in the stroller which means she wants to go again so I take her out and all she does is stand and stare into space till I get fed up and put her back in the stroller and bring her in. She then will bark at me for her snuffle ball with treats, I will crawl back into bed and once she is finished with her treats and then goes back to sleep. Thank you, daylight savings.

Being a Senior Dog Mom is trial and error, adapting your life to theirs and all of a sudden, your life revolves around theirs and you lose a lot of freedom. I am not complaining as Layla is my child, I love her to the moon and back, but I am exhausted 24/7 also and I feel sharing with you will prepare you for the future.

She has a new quirk of sleeping on the floor in front of the front door, which is fine when I am home but when I go out I have become afraid I will squash her when I come back in so I got a baby gate which I put up at the end of the corridor and put her there before I go out so I have no more worries about her now. She has freedom in the entire apartment, so she is perfectly safe.

One of my worries at the moment is when the rain starts what am I going to do to keep her busy, so she does not sleep all day so although she has her snuffle balls I need to find other activities for her to keep her brain active. So, over the next couple of weeks, I will google searching for ideas LOL.  Madam does not like plastic, rubber or wood so I cannot get her a puzzle as from experience she will not touch them. She has me trained well LOL.

She has become a picky eater when it comes to treats and I am very fortunate that my pet store allows me to exchange open packets and get credit because I have bought her three different packages of treats this week with fish which she loves and all of a sudden not interested so we have been back and forth to the store to exchange them, thank goodness they know me so they are laughing with me.

As you all know Layla has been having kidney infection and a UTI which are all healed but I have been looking into supplement to help them stay healthy and found one with Cranberry and Blueberries. One of the things I have noticed since she is on it is she more aware and energetic so today when I decided to take her to her favorite park with a train ride I asked her if she wants to go Bye Bye she jumped up wagging her tail like she did in the past and I just grabbed the camera to film it as it made me so happy. For that she could bark as much as she wanted. See the video below.

The weather was gloomy and chilly, but we hopped on the train, both of us bundled up and off we went. She was so happy to be outdoors and wandered around happily keeping me on my toes, but it was worth it. There is nothing like sitting on the lawn on a chair watching the boats on the bay, it is relaxing and helps me recharge my batteries. It was a wonderful 3 hours of no electronics just the outdoors and the birds and the bay and of course Layla.

They grey skies

Wearing my fancy jacket made from an umbrella

To bark or not to bark today that is the question ?

I am taking each day as it comes this weekend as they are talking rain, and I am praying there will be a break so we can get out.


So now you know what is happening in the senior Layla Neighborhood

Have a wonderful weekend with a woof and love from


We have been busy

TGIF !!! Good morning all my friends, we hope you are all well and safe.

I have been debating whether to write this week about what is happening in Israel but as an Israeli I cannot keep quiet so all I am asking from my friends is that they say a prayer for all the pets that through the massacres have lost their families, are now orphaned and I pray they all find new safe homes.

I am attaching a link from a newspaper that broke my heart and made me really think about all of them : This is what is said in English as the article is in Hebrew “We just left the slaughter area at the party. We cleared the bodies. The horrors that we saw will never get out of our heads. The only thing that came out of this life is one cute little dog ”   Tomer Peretz

We have been very busy the last two weekends so will now share our adventures as life needs to carry on and Layla loves going out so this is what we have been doing :

Two weeks ago we went to a dog event, a place I have never been to which was fun and visited a friend of mine who had a booth there and she has the cutest most well mannered dog so Layla said hi and I sat and chatted with her for a bit. We then wandered around checking the booths and from there walked to our favorite park where Layla was happy to sniff a lot, bark of course and then nap LOL. Her favorite past time.  From there we came home as I needed a nap also so we just chilled and relaxed at home the rest of the weekend.

Phew thank goodness my butt is not that fat, Layla

Layla and Musk

Wandering around the cool damp grass


Last weekend was Fleet week in San Francisco. There was a lot going on in our park next to our house but because of her in the stroller and always wanting to jump out I decided not to go but instead took the train to our favorite park on the Bay where we chilled, she wandered and barked of course and after an hour or so fell asleep. I sat a bit longer but when the Blue Angels started (I don’t like) she woke up, seemed to be a bit anxious so I packed up and came home to relax.

Cool as a cucumber in my cooling vest

Me and the sailors

Being on the Bay is the best for me as I totally relax plus do not have to worry about her as there are no dogs so she is safe wandering around sniffing and napping which makes my life more relaxing.

I love this view

On top of all this we did her senior blood panel this week, she has no liver problems, phew but does have a kidney infection and it does not matter how much water she drinks she seems to be dehydrated to am making sure she drinks a lot and I wake her up in the middle of the night to drink more.  She is on antibiotics for two weeks and hopefully they will clear it up.

So never a dull moment in our house, but cannot complain because as long as she is a happy healthy 17 year old I am happy.

On this note we are sending prayers to all our family and friends in Israel, please be safe everyone and have a wonderful weekend,

With love and hugs from



Our New Year is starting

Good morning Everyone,

Friday has arrived and with it today we celebrate the Jewish New Year. Our New Year is based on the Hebrew Calendar, and we are celebrating the year 5784. It starts at sunset this evening and ends on Sunday evening as in the Jewish Religion our day starts at sunset and ends at sunset.

We wish everyone a Sweet New Year and  we celebrate with the following :

Apples and Honey for a Sweet New Year

Pomegranate seeds which symbolize plentiful for the New Year

A round Challah (special bread) which symbolizes a reflection of the continuing cycle of years and seasons

Another symbol is the blowing of the Rams Horn, Shofar which symbolizes continuity and a hopeful future. The Shofar is blown in Temple during the service.

Below is a video of what we say to everyone !

To start the New Year I decided to take Layla for her senior check up at the vet today. I am blessed to have a wonderful vet who understands all my quirks as a Jewish Dog Mom. We discussed her health over all which she is happy with but wants to do a Senior Panel of blood tests to check her liver and kidneys which costs a fortune so am waiting to hear from my insurance if they will cover it. I am just relieved that for her age, nearly 17 she is healthy, not over weight, heart is good and she is walking great for her age. So will be praying I get the okay for the tests so that I can get them done and relax totally. We also discussed her grooming as she needs a haircut but because of her age and anxiety I am scared to take her as it normally a 3 hour ordeal for her and my vet said to step back from that at the moment.

Smiling in the park this week

Napping in the park this week

On behalf of Layla and Me we are wishing everyone a safe happy healthy New Year and may it be prosperous,

With a woof and love from


September is National Disaster Preparedness Month

Woof Hello all my friends.

Did you know September is National Disaster Preparedness Month. Are you prepared?

We are family so we all must be prepared, humans and we pets so if something happens we can just leave the house safely. With climate change and weather conditions changing all over the world we must be prepared just in case we are caught off guard. It is a worry and I worry especially since Layla has aged and become blind what would happen if I am not home so I have come to an agreement with my neighbors that when I go out for a couple of hours they are warned just in case and I leave a pet carrier out with her harness inside so that they can grab her safely and leave the building.  It might sound crazy but for me I feel more relaxed knowing she is safe plus I have a sticker on my door saying blind dog inside with instructions that the pet carrier is there for her to go out in as she cannot walk fast.

Being prepared with a disaster bag is so important also. I have one prepared with items for Layla and me, including food and water. Living in San Francisco where earthquakes can happen without a warning, I would rather be safe than sorry.

So who is prepared and what do you have to grab to get out safely ?

Last weekend being a long weekend and the weather being perfect I decided to take Layla down to the Embarcadero or Promenade, it is easy to get there on train ride each way and they have a wonderful lawn there where I sat back and relaxed while Layla ran around tail wagging and happy. Umm did I say sit back and relax LOL I was chasing after her to make sure she did not leave the lawn and land up on the promenade which was full of people, dogs, bikers plus so much more. She had so much fun and actually at one point lay down and fell asleep. It was a great couple of hours, relaxing and there is nothing like smelling the sea air of the bay, watching the yachts sailing by, the seagulls flying around and the calm blue waters was so calming.

Lots of new smells

Smelling the flowers

Am thirsty

You can see on the video below how happy she was running like there were no problems in the world, a happy Layla is a happy Me.

This weekend I have not thought what to do am going with the flow but am sure we will do something fun together, make memories and be outdoors enjoying the weather while it lasts.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Stay safe,

With a woof and love from Layla






Strolling with a Stroller

Woof hello Everypawdy,

The weekend has arrived and this week we celebrated my year with a stroller. I love it and Mom is going to share with you today what she has learned when walking me with it. I can be Bossy.

I need a haircut which Mom is planning to arrange this week

Riding in the stroller is fun, relaxing as I enjoy the outdoors and although I cannot see there are lots of smells to keep me awake and alert. When I stand up in the stroller Mom knows I need to do my business which is my way of telling her, so we have no accidents in it, and I get to walk as much as I want. Mom does not stop me from walking as she says I need exercise plus I love to sniff all the pmail that other dogs have left me. I can also now travel safely on the bus or train as no one will step on me and the nice thing is the public transport can lower the step which makes it easier for Mom to get on or off. Using public transport instead of taking a taxi has made it so much easier as I do not have to fold the stroller each time which is back breaking for me, so it is a win win situation for all of us.

Another plus with having the stroller is being able to take Layla everywhere with me as she lies in the stroller when I am in meetings, so I am totally relaxed chatting and that includes coffee shops and restaurants, so she is less at home alone plus when we do get home she is tired from being outdoors. It has become my other arm as such, and I feel lost without it and her LOL so it is working wonders for both of us.

The only thing that really upsets me and gets me angry is when people on the street make rude comments about her in the stroller but am learning slowly to ignore as I say, “Small things amuse small minds” That is my motto at the moment.

Otherwise, our life is busy as always, we went to a pool party on Tuesday evening which she loved as she was petted and spoiled by everyone but we got home late and I was so ready for bed but Madam was ready for snuffle ball and playtime LOL. Park time with her friends and in a nutshell a slowish but busy week as we always have as I believe keeping both of us busy means keeping us young LOL.

Standing under a tree in the park

Walking home from the park

I must admit although we have the stroller, which eases the lives of both of us, she especially being nearly 17 years old and blind, she does love to walk and I allow her to as much as possible also, I am thankful to Myos for their amazing muscle formula mixed with green lipped mussels as they are keeping her joints really healthy and her being able to walk sometimes even two blocks is fantastic, you should check out their products on this link.

So on this note we hope everyone has a wonderful weekend with out plans strolling with the stroller not sure where yet.

And out we go again

Woof and love, Layla







I am running like crazy

TGIF!!!  The weekend has arrived, so many of you are complaining about the heat and here in San Francisco it is cool, overcast and gloomy. We need some sun.

I have been researching supplements for Layla to keep her muscles and joints in as best condition as possible with her aging, as she loves to walk but noticed.

That she would sit down in the middle of a walk and although she has the stroller, she needs exercise also. With my research I came across this company

Myos which have a fantastic muscle formula with green lipped mussels and decided to give it a try. What a difference since she is getting it. The plus is it is powder form so easy to put in her food and she does not know she is eating it, LOL.

The supplement she is getting is the Myos Muscle Formula with Green Lipped Mussels:


Fortetropin® Plus Green Lipped Mussel Powder

  • IMPROVED STRENGTH: Fortetropin provides nutrients from a patented process using fertilized egg yolks and is a powerful muscle building supplement perfect for improving leg strength and reducing pain and inflammation in dogs with muscle loss from aging, injury or surgery.
  • INCREASED MOBILITY: Green Lipped Mussel supports joint health, movement and flexibility, offering natural anti-inflammatory properties that helps rebuild lost cartilage and tendons, reducing associated joint pain.
  • ALL-NATURAL SENIOR SUPPORT: Containing just 2 natural ingredients, our canine muscle and joint health supplement helps to reduce muscle loss and boost daily movement and activity in older dogs.

We went to the dog park the other day and she was running in the park, something she has not done in months, I was chasing after her as her being blind  I was

afraid she would bump into a big dog or the poles around the park but if she had her own way she would have been going nonstop. I was totally amazed and happy to see her move that way, tail wagging and all happy.  See the video I have put here.

As our pups age, we are always looking for a supplement plus good food to keep them comfortable, happy, and healthy and this is one I strongly suggest you look into for your pups as their mobility is so important. I am so pleased I have started adding it to her food as she is one energizer bunny again, keeping me on my toes but I would not change it for anything in this world.

I was sponsored by Myos and thank them so much from the bottom of my heart.

Now we must remind everyone that July is Pet Hydration Awareness Month, We must make sure our pets have enough clean water to drink all the time, if we are out on an adventure we have enough water for them as we do not want out pet to get dehydration because of lack of water.

Stay safe everyone, have a wonderful weekend,

With a woof and love from Layla


The Sun has been Shining

Good morning Everyone,

Friday has arrived and I am so looking forward to park time this weekend, eat lots of treats and make Mom run after me when I go to far, it is the best and lots of fun. Layla knows where the people sit on the benches and the treat Uncles are so she will walk there to get treats and I have to run after her as I do not want her to get lost or hurt herself being old and blind.

This past week with the sun shining we spent quite a bit of time in the park which was really great just to be outdoors, me drinking my coffee with hot chocolate which I am not addicted to LOL and Layla wandering, sleeping and just like me enjoying life.

Waiting for Uncle with my treats

I am reminding everyone about this amazing chocolate mix with mushrooms as it is so so so tasty and of course makes the coffee so chocolaty.

On Monday we met up with a good friend of mine, Troy, Layla adores him as he always spoils her but this time she got into mischief LOL and found the bag of treats in his pocket, slyly pulled it out, with a big smile on her face, bag in her mouth, tail wagging, she was chomping away like a little pig LOL. I of course took it away from her as I was afraid of her choking on the plastic, but I laughed so much over the entire thing as she in the 12 + years I have her she has never done something like that.  Sorry for no photo as I was just laughing and could not get the camera fast enough.

So where is he ?


So mischief maker is keeping me on my toes, she is quite a clown but I adore her and would not change anything plus it makes me realize how aware she is with age, and wanting to go out and wander around the park. I am very blessed.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, what are your plans ?

With woof and love from
