The week is over.

Woof hello my friends,

The week is over, and the weekend has arrived.  I told Mom it is not allowed to rain as I need my weekly bark in the park.

This week has been crazy in my house. Gidget has been coming daily to spend the days with me, so I am not alone when Mom runs around doing shopping and errands, so we have been very busy. Poor Mom is so tired, but I must admit she does not forget me however tired she is.

Last Saturday the sun came out for some hours, it was chilly, but we bundled up and Mom took me to my favorite lawn, which was very muddy that the chair sunk into the ground BOL, but was great to be out, smell the bay air and of course I barked, sniffed and wandered around like I enjoy doing. It is good exercise for me and when we came home, I crawled into my bed and slept, which made Mom happy as she managed to take an afternoon nap till I woke her up to potty.

A quick bark was necessary as without it I do not feel I have been down to the Bay. See the video below.

On Valentines Day we went to a Valentines Party, it was lots of fun for Mom and I am happy she enjoyed herself as I just slept BOL in my stroller comfortably although I did not get lots of treats as always. Mom won a Trivia game and came home with a 2lb bag of her favorite coffee so she is really happy. There was lots of food, candies and people and of course lots of laughter, which Mom says is important as it is the best medicine as we forget our worries when laughing. It was pouring when we left but I wanted to walk or, as Mom says swim, so we took the bus home, got off one stop after ours and swam home. We got really wet but it was great walking although I do not like the rain that much. When we got home Mom walked Gidget, then dried us all off and we all relaxed happily.

I got two roses at the party, aren’t they pretty

So as you can all read, life is busy in our neighborhood, never a dull moment and although we are tired this weekend and relieved it is weekend, I am hoping I can go to my lawn for a bark, although Mom has already told me they are expecting major storms and lots of rain so I think we are going to be stuck inside. To keep me happy Mom has made me my favorite dehydrated fish treats for my snuffle toys so I will be occupied. You can see videos of me playing with them. The caterpillar one is hard but hey it keeps me busy and finding the treats is the best.

Stay warm and safe everyone, I need my beauty sleep now so am barking to Mom to stop typing, I am the Boss.

With a woof and love from Layla


Valentines Day is here

Hello fur friends,

It is 4 days away from Valentines Day or as Mom calls it chocolate day, and she told me she is going to spoil herself with a chocolate. I think I should be spoiled and not her but hey she does deserve it sometimes.

Mom and I had a long chat this week about Valentines Day and how I do not need anything as I am a spoiled brat but how the animals in shelters need to be loved also so we decided to put a package together of goodies and we going to drop it off at one of the shelters.

Those animals do not deserve to be in shelters but in warm homes with lots of love but we humans are to blame for that so as Mom says those caring humans who are speaking out for them must make sure also that they are spoiled on Valentine’s Day with love.

We are asking all our fur friends to please go to a shelter and donate food, treats or toys so that the animals can feel special love also. What could be better than seeing the smile of a dog or cat being spoiled like we are, it is a blessing.

I have a question? Who wants to be my Valentine?


Happy Valentines Day everyone, make sure you spoil your Mom or Dad with lots of licks and being good,

With woofs and love from Layla

Pet Theft Awareness Day

Good Morning Everypawdy and TGIF !

Another week in February is over and it has brought us a very important day and that is Valentines Day.

It is a day that we spread love all over the world, spoil ourselves or our partners or pets with love and special gifts, so what are you going to spoil your pet with ?

My Valentine

February 14th is also Pet Theft Awareness Day which is meant to call attention to the importance of pet identification methods. It is a day to show how much the presence of an animal can enrich a family and also the responsibility that goes with it. It encourages those with pets to take steps to ensure the animal’s security and their own peace of mind.

In 1988 it was started by the Last Chance for Animals organisation, Pet Theft Awareness Day is aimed at educating animal owners to keep their pets safe from thieves. With almost 2 million pets being stolen annually in America the threat is real. That is why it is so important to have pets microchipped,  wear a tag with all your information as it will be easier to find your pet if G-d forbid it is stolen.

Below is a list of tips on how to keep your pet safe.

Tips on what to do if your pet is stolen.

Other important tips 

  • Keep your dog indoors when you’re not home. Outdoor dogs should be kept safely behind a locked gate. It only takes a couple of seconds for a thief to steal your pet from your yard.
  • Walk your dog on a leash.
  • Keep cats indoors. Indoor cats live safer, longer, healthier lives.
  • Make sure  your pets has a collar with an I.D. tags, and licenses. Microchips are also very important also.
  • Report suspicious neighborhood activities and/or missing companion animals to the police and animal control. 
  • Keep recent photos of your pets.
  • Spay and neuter your companion animals. Fixed animals are less likely to stray.
  • Please do NOT tie your dog up outside of restaurants, coffee shops or stores, and never leave any animal unattended in a car.
  • Please do NOT use “free to good home” ads to rehome your pet, they can fall into the wrong hands, if you cannot care for your pet anymore contact rescue organizations in your area.

PREVENT PET THEFT BEFORE IT HAPPENS!  Report any suspicious activity, or animal cruelty and neglect to your local police department and animal control office.

On this note we would like to wish all our friends Happy Valentines Day, we hope you have a wonderful day filled with love BUT also please keep us pets safe,

With a woof and love from Layla

Loving us is keeping us safe

Good morning friends,
Love is in the air, can you smell it. Yes that smell of flowers, chocolates for Mom and treats for me, it is Valentines Day.

Valentines Day is a special day as we shower our Mom or Dad with extra love as they are the best and love us all the time.

February the 14th is also Pet Theft Awareness Day. 
Statistics tell us that up to 2 million pets are stolen each year and that 1 in 3 pets will go missing at some point in their lives. What we may not realize is that less than 20% of dogs and 2% of cats are ever returned home. Where do these dogs end up? In unimaginable places, from research laboratories to puppy mills, todog fighting rings as bait dogs. 
Pure dog breeds are the most likely to be stolen. Toy breeds are the most vulnerable like a Maltese, Yorkshire Terrier or Chihuahua and designer breeds are also common targets. The more expensive the breed the more likely it can be stolen but mutts are also at risk so we must keep the below tips in mind at all times.

How to keep us safe :
01. Keep your dog indoors when you are not home especially, and if you have an outdoor dog make sure the gates are locked so that no one can access them.

02.  Do NOT tie your dog outside a store or restaurant as you are looking for trouble. An unattended dog is easy target for thieves.

03. Walk your dog with a leash only, a dog without a leash walking with you is also an easy target for theft.

04. Make sure all information on tags and microchip are up to date and that your pets are wearing collars at all times. Remember a thief can remove the collar and tags but not the microchip.

05. Keep your cats indoors as they are safer.

06.  If you think your dog is stolen, report the theft to police right away. Next, let your neighborhood know also.

07. Never leave your pet unattended in a car.

Important Tips to help get your pet home :
01. File a police report so there is a record of theft.

02. Contact your Animal Control, Shelter, Groomers, Pet Stores and file a report with each shelter.

03. Put up flyers around your neighborhood with contact information and a recent photograph.04.  Post on Social Media 

Most Important beware of scams – people will call you to say they have your pet to get the reward BUT do not give them anything till you have your pet in your possession.

So I am woofing please keep us safe and happy as we do not want to go to anyone else as you are our parents.

Have a wonderful weekend

With woof and love from Layla