Woof everyone and how are you? Friday has arrived and that means weekend, and woof weekend means adventures weather permitting cos as Mom says if it is raining we are staying home and hibernating. She will even give me extra treats if I let her do that, so the question is should I? BOL.
Last week it had stopped raining, the sun was out but chilly so we bundled up and took the train to my favorite park, it is a lawn on the promenade which has a dog park on one side but we sit on the opposite lawn, Mom gets her chair and coffee, and I wander around smelling and then normally lie down especially if there is sun and just chill next to the Bay, clean air and pawsome to be outside. Plus I get lots of treats from Mom, it is our quality time and we do not look at phones or any other electronics but enjoy the nature although Mom uses her camera to take photos of me of course, I am her model for all the shots.
I got very angry as there was garbage on the lawn which makes me angry as I wish people would respect nature and put the garbage in the bin and there are two right there, it shows how lazy people are, so I did what I do well, barked and barked but Mom was good and picked it all up and put in the garbage so we left the place clean. (see video below)
The rain came back so that was the end of our adventures this week so we have been stuck indoors, Mom I must admit is good and takes me with her to the stores when she goes shopping so I do get out in my stroller and stay dry while Mom gets soaked BOL, poor Mom.
I have a new quirk which comes with age and that is I now stand if I am not in the stroller although it is with us and bark for nothing, Mom stands there looking like a fool while I bark away and the empty stroller is held by Mom, I love doing it although Mom is not pleased especially if it is late at night but hey I am allowed to talk aren’t I?
We go for our last walk at about midnight cos Mom figured out the later I go the later I sleep in the morning so she is finally having 6 hours sleep a night and feeling more relaxed in the morning, so I can be nice to her if I want to.
It is my Gotcha Day at the end of the month and I am wondering what Mom is going to do for me, she cannot believe I have been with her 13 years and we are now growing old together. Does anyone have ideas for my Gotcha Day?
I am off to bed now it is past my bedtime and old ladies need their sleep,
Stay warm everyone, be safe and have a wonderful weekend!
With woof and love from Layla