Living with a younger dog

Woof Everyone, the weekend has arrived, and I am so looking forward to it. I need to charge my batteries as Nili is keeping me on my toes all the time LOL.


After living with a senior dog for more than 3 years (Layla was with me for over 14 years) and now adopting a young pup I am learning a lot and realizing sometimes how Layla spoiled me with her calm personality when she was younger. One of the big differences I have learned is that Layla was dumped in a shelter whereas Nili was a stray and there is a big difference there. They both were the same age when I got them but personality wise very different. Nili is a wild child.

I am learning daily from this and have no regrets as I adore Nili but she is a work in process till we get her trained properly so life will be easier for both of us, and I will be then able to take her on proper adventures.  She is learning fast but there are things that need to be corrected and since her being spayed last week I have put all on hold so that I could focus on her healing with no complications. One of the things the vet made me understand was that she was not to jump on anything and have short walks which was difficult as she is a bundle of energy and unfortunately not burning it all off as she is not allowed to play with toys either. To help with this I decided to sleep on the floor next to her so she would not jump on the bed, it has not been easy for me, and I have not slept properly plus Nili thinks it’s a game and she is wanting cuddles and playtime with me when I am trying to sleep. So, I am functioning on lack of sleep at this moment and slowly collapsing from exhaustion. She is on a sedative to keep her calm, but it is not working as well as I was hoping LOL. Her wound thank goodness is healing well, and hopefully tomorrow, Friday the cone will come off and life will get back to sort of normal. I am giving her CBD oil at night to really get her calm and sleepy and we finally have got to her sleeping till about 6 in the morning but when she is awake that’s it, she is wanting to go out. That is one of the main issues I have with her as she runs out on her leash barking at the world which needs to stop. She has realized that I have treats in my pocket so in the middle of a walk she will sit down and not move till she gets a treat, who is the boss in the family HA.

Moping with her cone on

I have my harness and leash on can we go out please, Nili

She has finally starting to sleep in the bed and loves it

We are meeting with a dog trainer on Monday which hopefully will help me solve all the problems although I know Rome was not built in one day, but praying things will fall into place soon.

On Saturday Gidget is coming to spend the weekend with us, two days only, which is going to be interesting to see how Nili reacts, this was something I had arranged with Gidget’s Mom months ago so chaos will be in the house for two days, but they are so similar in personality it is going to be fun plus good for Nili to have someone to play with. My house I know is going to be a total disaster.

Another thing I have to keep reminding myself is that Layla was a picky eater where as Nili eats anything she can get her mouth on so I am now realizing that shopping for her is actually quite easy and I am relieved. She loves her squeaky toys, bully sticks keep her busy so we are getting there with that. One thing she hates is having her teeth cleaned and hides at the front door every night when I put the teeth gel in her mouth but will not give in as her teeth are perfect at this moment and I want to keep them that way.

We must not forget that August is clear the shelters month, and watching what is going on in this country is breaking my heart daily, and we must spread the word and push for the banning of Puppy Mills and Backyard Breeders plus get all pet stores to stop selling puppies, hopefully that way it will help the problem.

I am open to all ideas for training Nili if you have any,

Have a peaceful fun weekend and don’t forget to hug your pets, I am off to bed,

Her favorite sleeping position BOL

With a woof and love

From Nili and Me




600 Million Dogs

TGIF ! Happy Halloween everyone, please keep your pets safe indoors and of course away from the treats, especially your black cats.

This week we going to share with you about my new job. It is my dream job as I am working for an organization that is doing what I believe in, animal rights, spay and neutering your pets to stop the over population in shelters.

Thank you Catherine Hill for helping me put the wording together.

Who is the founder of the 501c3 nonprofit 600 Million Stray Dogs Need You?

600 Million Dogs founder Alex Pacheco has received many awards such as induction into the U.S. Animal Rights Hall of Fame, The Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience Award, Sea Shepherd Crew Member of the Year; he co-founded PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and served as Board Chairman for 20 years.

Alex Pacheco

What motivated him to start 600 Million Dogs? In his words:

One of the experiences that motivated me was meeting Baby Bear — a pup I found on death row, while I was volunteering at a dog pound in Mexico. While in Mexico, I desperately wanted to help the swarms of starving strays who were everywhere.

The first morning, I found Baby Bear, alone and cowering in the back of a filthy cage. Shaking uncontrollably. His body covered with the dreaded skin disease mange. Half starved.

He was gentle and weak, as I lifted him … yet somehow, strong in spirit. He was so pitiful, I spent the entire day holding him, trying to ease his fear and loneliness — even though 50 other innocent dogs and cats were also going to die that same day. 50 whose suffering I would never get to ease.

Later in the day, Baby Bear was licking my face, but he suddenly stopped when he felt the sting of the needle going into his vein. The lethal “sky-blue sodium pent” drug was on its way to his heart, to end his life.

He looked me right in the eye, and his face spoke to me, asking, “Why? Why are you doing this to me? I thought you were my friend.”

Then his face fell heavy into my hand, and his soul was gone. I tried to man-up, but I couldn’t. Instead, I broke down and began to cry, while trying to hide it from the other workers.

As I slowly regained my composure, it sunk in — his suffering was even more heartbreaking simply because it was 100% preventable.

In anger I swore that no matter what it took, I was going to find a way to end this suffering.

What is the mission of 600 Million Dogs?

To permanently end the #1 cause of suffering for dogs and cats globally: overpopulation.

We are on track to accomplish this by developing special food that can spay or neuter dogs or cats without surgery. Super birth control food that can end the overpopulation problem without killing.

Our mission is to also save human lives by ending the world’s #1 cause of human deaths from rabies.  Our mission also includes ending the #1 financial burden of humane societies worldwide. No animals are harmed in our work, and all animals are adopted into caring homes.

More about 600 Million Dogs:

Imagine being able to Spay or Neuter Every Stray Dog in the World … by feeding them a cookie. We are developing super birth control cookies to permanently end the global #1 cause of suffering for dogs: overpopulation. The fastest way to stop the cruelty and end the suffering of stray dogs is to develop a lifetime-lasting, one-dose birth-control cookie that will spay or neuter without surgery. Our immediate goal is to bring our work and clinical trials into the U.S. to speed up our progress.

Unimaginable cruelty is inflicted upon strays in up to 60 nations with virtually no laws against cruelty. They are brutally beaten to death, thrown into garbage trucks to be crushed to death, poisoned, shot, electrocuted, fed rotten meat with broken glass in it (to make them bleed to death), etc. We must find the fastest way to end this: we must finish development of permanent Super Birth Control Cookies.

Our studies use birth control formulas that already exist; we are applying advanced technology to modify and super-charge them and to convert them into permanent-lasting birth control. We produce infertility by safely changing the gonads and causing early menopause. No animals are harmed. Our Pilot Pups are adopted into forever homes. Thus far there are no negative side effects. Help us keep the cookies non-profit and free to the poor of the world.

We believe this single project can prevent more animal suffering than any other single animal project in history. Up to 10 billion strays will be born in the next 10 years worldwide. The majority will suffer and die painful deaths. A global solution is needed. It is within reach. A Spay and Neuter Cookie could prevent the suffering of 10 billion strays every 10 years. We must do the same for cats, horses, etc. The exciting news: the science and technology already exist. Help is needed. Join us!

Please visit :

So now you all know what I am up to lately with Layla of course stepping up to the plate and speaking out also,

Have a safe Happy Halloween Everyone

With love as always from Layla






September is National Responsible Dog Ownership Month

Good morning everyone,

Friday has finally arrived and not soon enough, I am exhausted as it has been a crazy week.

Last Saturday we went to my favorite park which was such a beautiful day to be out in nature, with friends and just relax. We did not walk down to the lake which I normally do as the coyotes are out and about and was not comfortable. We came home exhausted and just relaxed.


Since Tuesday I have been trying to get hold of my vet office to get an appointment – bi annual senior for Layla and finally today managed to get one with one of my favorite vets. My favorite vet has left the clinic and not sure where he has gone but am going to try find out. So I am finally breathing and relaxed phew plus was told I can go in with her which is even better.


September is National Responsible Dog Ownership Month which is a really important reminder for all of us who are dog parents.

The reason for this is to help us raise healthy happy dogs and it is a good reminder for all of us.

Some of the basics of responsible dog ownership include:

  • Regular vet exams
  • Keeping them up to date on all their vaccinations
  • Keeping them fit and not over weight. Feed them a healthy diet only and if possible no kibbles.
  • Putting dog care in our monthly budget for vet care, grooming, food and treats
  • Making sure their microchip and tags are all up to date
  • Keep your puts inside so that they do not suffer in summer or winter
  • Spay or neuter your dogs as there are so many in shelters looking for homes.
  • Be prepared for Natural Disasters
  • Lots of love and playtime

It is so easy to do the above as they are our fur kids and depend on us to live a healthy happy life.

What do you do to keep your dog happy? Layla would love to hear from you,

These are my plans this weekend, sleep eat, walks and nothing else

Have a safe weekend

With a woof and love from Layla



They just amaze me

Last Saturday we went to the 10th Tripawed Meet Up in our dog park. These dogs just amaze me and I always say we humans can learn from them.

Some of the dogs at the event

Madam watching what is going on

Most of the dogs are rescues and unfortunately have been dumped in shelters because of their disabilities but it does not bother them as they are happy dogs, some hopping on two legs, others with three legs and they just playing around, begging for treats and absolutely adorable.

It was a great day to have a picnic in the park with all dog parents, with lots of laughter and forget all the world problems.

This Saturday, August 21st is International Homeless Animal Day – Every year on the third Saturday of August, International Homeless Animals Day is celebrated to draw attention to the issue of pet overpopulation.

To raise awareness spay and neuter clinics are held, adoption fairs are held, unfortunately because of Covid a lot of these events will not be happening but we can all do something to stop the over population of pets.

We must remember that worldwide there is an over population of pets and if we do what I listed below these poor homeless pets will not face euthanasia and will live happy healthy lives in homes.

How can we help with over population of pets :

  • Spay and Neuter
  • Foster a shelter pet
  • Microchip your pets
  • Become an animal rescue advocate

So Layla is begging everyone to spay and neuter your pets, do not buy from breeders but open your heart to a homeless pet who desperately needs a safe home,

Thinking of all the homeless pets

Be safe everyone, with a woof and love from Layla