Why we speak out against Animal Abuse

TGIF! End of week and our weekly blog is here. This week we going to discuss the animal abuse in the world and say a thank you to Betty White for speaking out.

As you all are aware Betty White passed away a week ago, she was an amazing woman, her comedy was brilliant but her legacy for speaking out for animals is something the animal world has lost. The animals have lost an amazing advocate and we all need to speak out for those that don’t have a voice.

There are so many issues when it comes to animals, a circus or zoo which are prisons for those poor animals and have not chosen that kind of life. The circus animals are beaten and mistreated just to entertain humans which is so wrong, each time a circus closes and the animals are set free I celebrate as they should all be free roaming the land where they come from. Animals in zoos should have that same life of freedom, not sitting in cages or enclosures seeing the same thing every day – that is not a life, that is a prison. It is time that zoos close down also.

Breeders are just as bad, they breed animals especially in puppy mills or cat mills, where the dogs and cats do not have lives, they are baby making machines, living in deplorable conditions and when they cannot breed anymore they are dumped like garbage. Puppy or Cat mills should be closed down and made illegal. I here too rejoice everything a law passes forbidding the sale of pets in pet stores as the pets do not have deserve to be there but like every living being, should be free to live their lives as they do not have a say in their lives and therefore it is abuse.

Hybrid cats or dogs that are bred like Cockapoos, etc are all mutts and should not be labelled as a breed, they are mixed breeds.

That is why Spay and Neuter is so important to keep the over population under control, by doing that less animals would land up in shelters or become feral/homeless, but would have homes to live their lives. If everyone spayed or neutered there would be no euthanasia as the shelters would not have all these poor animals hoping for a rescue.

Betty White spoke about all the above, her voice was heard by so many animal advocates and that is why we are all mourning today her loss and the start of the Betty White Challenge is a brilliant idea to remember her as with all the rescues working day and night to save the animals from shelters they will be able to raise more funds to help them carry on their wonderful work.

Will you be donating to a rescue organization in memory of Betty White ? Layla and I will be doing it to one of our favorite rescues who saves the disabled, seniors and sick pets dumped in shelters and is a hospice so they live the rest of their lives in comfort with love.

Pets are family, the reason shelters are overflowing is because of the selfish inconsiderate humans who think that when they do not want to be responsible anymore they dump them in shelters. A pet should live his or her life in comfort as part of your family.

On this note we are praying that 2022 Shelters will be empty, pets will have loving homes and the abuse will stop.

Thank you Betty for all you did, you will be missed by many, hug your pet,

With a woof and love from Layla




600 Million Dogs

TGIF ! Happy Halloween everyone, please keep your pets safe indoors and of course away from the treats, especially your black cats.

This week we going to share with you about my new job. It is my dream job as I am working for an organization that is doing what I believe in, animal rights, spay and neutering your pets to stop the over population in shelters.

Thank you Catherine Hill for helping me put the wording together.

Who is the founder of the 501c3 nonprofit 600 Million Stray Dogs Need You?

600 Million Dogs founder Alex Pacheco has received many awards such as induction into the U.S. Animal Rights Hall of Fame, The Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience Award, Sea Shepherd Crew Member of the Year; he co-founded PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and served as Board Chairman for 20 years.

Alex Pacheco

What motivated him to start 600 Million Dogs? In his words:

One of the experiences that motivated me was meeting Baby Bear — a pup I found on death row, while I was volunteering at a dog pound in Mexico. While in Mexico, I desperately wanted to help the swarms of starving strays who were everywhere.

The first morning, I found Baby Bear, alone and cowering in the back of a filthy cage. Shaking uncontrollably. His body covered with the dreaded skin disease mange. Half starved.

He was gentle and weak, as I lifted him … yet somehow, strong in spirit. He was so pitiful, I spent the entire day holding him, trying to ease his fear and loneliness — even though 50 other innocent dogs and cats were also going to die that same day. 50 whose suffering I would never get to ease.

Later in the day, Baby Bear was licking my face, but he suddenly stopped when he felt the sting of the needle going into his vein. The lethal “sky-blue sodium pent” drug was on its way to his heart, to end his life.

He looked me right in the eye, and his face spoke to me, asking, “Why? Why are you doing this to me? I thought you were my friend.”

Then his face fell heavy into my hand, and his soul was gone. I tried to man-up, but I couldn’t. Instead, I broke down and began to cry, while trying to hide it from the other workers.

As I slowly regained my composure, it sunk in — his suffering was even more heartbreaking simply because it was 100% preventable.

In anger I swore that no matter what it took, I was going to find a way to end this suffering.

What is the mission of 600 Million Dogs?

To permanently end the #1 cause of suffering for dogs and cats globally: overpopulation.

We are on track to accomplish this by developing special food that can spay or neuter dogs or cats without surgery. Super birth control food that can end the overpopulation problem without killing.

Our mission is to also save human lives by ending the world’s #1 cause of human deaths from rabies.  Our mission also includes ending the #1 financial burden of humane societies worldwide. No animals are harmed in our work, and all animals are adopted into caring homes.

More about 600 Million Dogs:

Imagine being able to Spay or Neuter Every Stray Dog in the World … by feeding them a cookie. We are developing super birth control cookies to permanently end the global #1 cause of suffering for dogs: overpopulation. The fastest way to stop the cruelty and end the suffering of stray dogs is to develop a lifetime-lasting, one-dose birth-control cookie that will spay or neuter without surgery. Our immediate goal is to bring our work and clinical trials into the U.S. to speed up our progress.

Unimaginable cruelty is inflicted upon strays in up to 60 nations with virtually no laws against cruelty. They are brutally beaten to death, thrown into garbage trucks to be crushed to death, poisoned, shot, electrocuted, fed rotten meat with broken glass in it (to make them bleed to death), etc. We must find the fastest way to end this: we must finish development of permanent Super Birth Control Cookies.

Our studies use birth control formulas that already exist; we are applying advanced technology to modify and super-charge them and to convert them into permanent-lasting birth control. We produce infertility by safely changing the gonads and causing early menopause. No animals are harmed. Our Pilot Pups are adopted into forever homes. Thus far there are no negative side effects. Help us keep the cookies non-profit and free to the poor of the world.

We believe this single project can prevent more animal suffering than any other single animal project in history. Up to 10 billion strays will be born in the next 10 years worldwide. The majority will suffer and die painful deaths. A global solution is needed. It is within reach. A Spay and Neuter Cookie could prevent the suffering of 10 billion strays every 10 years. We must do the same for cats, horses, etc. The exciting news: the science and technology already exist. Help is needed. Join us!

Please visit :  https://www.600milliondogs.org/

So now you all know what I am up to lately with Layla of course stepping up to the plate and speaking out also,

Have a safe Happy Halloween Everyone

With love as always from Layla






February reminders

Hello Fur friends,

February arrived, we are already into the 5th day and Mom has decided to change our blog day to Wednesdays instead of Thursdays. You might want to know why but she explained that when we started the blog it was our Wednesday Woof and with a new year, new decade we are going to start it again.

My gotcha day was awesome, I was spoiled the whole weekend and now life is back to normal, or as I should ask, what is normal ? Phew the sun was shining so we managed to even spend some time in the park which means lots of treats from all my Uncles and on the way home met a cat going for a walk – oy vey they scare me.

With February comes a lot of Pet Observances which we should remember to keep our pets healthy and happy and am going to list some below :

01. February is Pet Dental Month, ewww I hate the taste of the dental products but as Mom says it is very important to keep my teeth pearly white and healthy, so another thing to suffer about BOL.

02. February is known as Spay/Neuter Awareness Month or Beat the Heat Month. This is very very important to prevent an explosion in kittens and puppies we should all spay or neuter our pets. There are so many pets being dumped / euthanized or strays because of those that do not do this and we need to draw more attention to this problem to prevent it.

03. February is also Unchain Your Dog  Month – No dog should have to live on a chain outdoors, if you have a dog they should be indoors with you off a chain as all dogs are part of your family. If you cannot do that then do not have one as you are abusing your poor dog.

04. February is also Responsible Pet Owner Month. This one is so important as like all the above if you welcome a pet into your family you should take the responsibility of caring for your pet as family like you would do with your children.

Below are some tips on how to take responsibility for your pets so that they are healthy and happy :

So with all the above mentioned please keep your pets safe, happy and most of all healthy and if you cannot then please do not get a pet, it is as simple as that.

Have a great week,  With woof and love from Layla