Hello Fur friends,
February arrived, we are already into the 5th day and Mom has decided to change our blog day to Wednesdays instead of Thursdays. You might want to know why but she explained that when we started the blog it was our Wednesday Woof and with a new year, new decade we are going to start it again.
My gotcha day was awesome, I was spoiled the whole weekend and now life is back to normal, or as I should ask, what is normal ? Phew the sun was shining so we managed to even spend some time in the park which means lots of treats from all my Uncles and on the way home met a cat going for a walk – oy vey they scare me.

With February comes a lot of Pet Observances which we should remember to keep our pets healthy and happy and am going to list some below :
01. February is Pet Dental Month, ewww I hate the taste of the dental products but as Mom says it is very important to keep my teeth pearly white and healthy, so another thing to suffer about BOL.
02. February is known as Spay/Neuter Awareness Month or Beat the Heat Month. This is very very important to prevent an explosion in kittens and puppies we should all spay or neuter our pets. There are so many pets being dumped / euthanized or strays because of those that do not do this and we need to draw more attention to this problem to prevent it.
03. February is also Unchain Your Dog Month – No dog should have to live on a chain outdoors, if you have a dog they should be indoors with you off a chain as all dogs are part of your family. If you cannot do that then do not have one as you are abusing your poor dog.
04. February is also Responsible Pet Owner Month. This one is so important as like all the above if you welcome a pet into your family you should take the responsibility of caring for your pet as family like you would do with your children.
Below are some tips on how to take responsibility for your pets so that they are healthy and happy :

So with all the above mentioned please keep your pets safe, happy and most of all healthy and if you cannot then please do not get a pet, it is as simple as that.
Have a great week, With woof and love from Layla