2025 is here but we must not be quiet as so many animals need our help.

Layla the first spokesdog on this blog
There are so many issues when it comes to animals, a circus or zoo which are prisons for those poor animals and have not chosen that kind of life. The circus animals are beaten and mistreated just to entertain humans, which is so wrong, each time a circus closes, and the animals are set free I celebrate as they should all be free roaming the land where they come from. Animals in zoos should have that same life of freedom, not sitting in cages or enclosures seeing the same thing every day – that is not a life, that is a prison. It is time that zoos close also.
Breeders are just as bad, they breed animals especially in puppy mills or cat mills, where the dogs and cats do not have lives, they are baby making machines, living in deplorable conditions and when they cannot breed anymore, they are dumped like garbage. Puppy or Cat mills should be closed and made illegal. I here too rejoice everything a law passes forbidding the sale of pets in pet stores as the pets do not deserve to be there but like every living being, should be free to live their lives as they do not have a say in their lives and therefore it is abuse.
Hybrid cats or dogs that are bred like Cockapoos, etc are all mutts and should not be labelled as a breed, they are mixed breeds.

Mutts are the best an I love mine to the moon and back
That is why Spay and Neuter is so important to keep overpopulation under control, by doing that less animals would land up in shelters or become feral/homeless, but would have homes to live their lives. If everyone spayed or neutered there would be no euthanasia as the shelters would not have all these poor animals hoping for a rescue.
Pets are family, the reason shelters are overflowing is because of the selfish inconsiderate humans who think that when they do not want to be responsible anymore they dump them in shelters. A pet should live his or her life comfortably as part of your family and not get the death sentence as they have been dumped in a shelter, That is the stark reality of what happens and it is sickening.

This is Layla in the shelter before she came home to me

Nili leaving the shelter
On this note we are praying that 2025 Shelters will be empty, pets will have loving homes and the abuse will stop.
Please hug your pets as they are blessed to have you in their lives,
With a woof and love from Nili