Why i speak out against Animal Abuse

2025 is here but we must not be quiet as so many animals need our help.

Layla the first spokesdog on this blog

There are so many issues when it comes to animals, a circus or zoo which are prisons for those poor animals and have not chosen that kind of life. The circus animals are beaten and mistreated just to entertain humans, which is so wrong, each time a circus closes, and the animals are set free I celebrate as they should all be free roaming the land where they come from. Animals in zoos should have that same life of freedom, not sitting in cages or enclosures seeing the same thing every day – that is not a life, that is a prison. It is time that zoos close also.

Breeders are just as bad, they breed animals especially in puppy mills or cat mills, where the dogs and cats do not have lives, they are baby making machines, living in deplorable conditions and when they cannot breed anymore, they are dumped like garbage. Puppy or Cat mills should be closed and made illegal. I here too rejoice everything a law passes forbidding the sale of pets in pet stores as the pets do not deserve to be there but like every living being, should be free to live their lives as they do not have a say in their lives and therefore it is abuse.

Hybrid cats or dogs that are bred like Cockapoos, etc are all mutts and should not be labelled as a breed, they are mixed breeds.

Mutts are the best an I love mine to the moon and back

That is why Spay and Neuter is so important to keep overpopulation under control, by doing that less animals would land up in shelters or become feral/homeless, but would have homes to live their lives. If everyone spayed or neutered there would be no euthanasia as the shelters would not have all these poor animals hoping for a rescue.

Pets are family, the reason shelters are overflowing is because of the selfish inconsiderate humans who think that when they do not want to be responsible anymore they dump them in shelters. A pet should live his or her life comfortably as part of your family and not get the death sentence as they have been dumped in a shelter, That is the stark reality of what happens and it is sickening.

This is Layla in the shelter before she came home to me

Nili leaving the shelter

On this note we are praying that 2025 Shelters will be empty, pets will have loving homes and the abuse will stop.

Please hug your pets as they are blessed to have you in their lives,

With a woof and love from Nili






July 21st is No to Pet Store Puppies Day


TGIF!!! Friday has arrived, that means Mom will be less on the computer and more with me, woof.

Last weekend we went to the TriPawd Meet Up, it was so much fun, lots of amazing dogs, their parents and of course lots of treats. I also got blessed by one of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence which made Mom very happy.


Thank you Mark Swanson for letting me share some of your photos

Thank you Mark Swanson for sharing some of your photos

Today, 21st of July is No to Pet Store Puppies Day, a very important day as need to draw the public awareness of puppy mills and their connections to pet stores that sell puppies, kittens, and rabbits.

This is a National Problem and Abusive as thousands of dogs spend their lives in Puppy Mills with no medical attention or proper care of any kind. Female dogs are bred like machines with no break in between each litter and when they cannot breed anymore, they are dumped.

This is not a life it is abuse

Puppies from Puppy Mills or backyard breeders may suffer from behavior, congenital and hereditary problems as a result of irresponsible breeding practices.

How you can help stop this practice and reasons why NOT to buy from a Pet Store:

  1. Do not shop at a Pet Store that sells puppies
  2. Check out this website http://NoPetStorePuppies.com see if your State regulates commercial breeders.
  3. Convince your family and friends not to shop at Pet Stores that sell puppies.
  4. If you want a puppy, go to a Rescue Organization to adopt a puppy as there are many that need homes.
  5. Some Pet Stores have Rescued Puppies so shop at that store and adopt a pup from them.
  6. Puppies from Pet Stores have health problems as they are not bred carefully.
  7. Behavioral Issues as the staff at a Pet Store is not trained and therefore will not see those problems.
  8. They are not socialized as puppies at Pet Stores are taken away from their litters too you and therefore are not developed socially.
  9. Puppies from Puppy Mills or backyard breeders may suffer from behavior, congenital and hereditary problems as a result of irresponsible breeding practices.
  10. Lack of Information – Pet store staff will not have all the correct information for you about the puppy.
  11. Housetraining, pups from Pet Stores do not have the correct instinct from doing their business next to the food and water as they have lived in cages all their lives.
  12. If you are looking for a pure bred puppy, the Pet Store might not have the documentation to prove it is pure bred and therefore you have spend hundreds of dollars on a puppy which is not what you wanted in the end.

So, let’s all take the pledge and adopt don’t shop and open our home to a pup that has been dumped in a Shelter.

Have a safe weekend and please stay indoors from the heat,

With a woof and love from Layla



April is over and May is arriving

Woof all my friends,

Can you believe it is the end of April, this year is going so quickly. We had a busy last weekend which was pawsome but tiring.

On Saturday we went to DogFest. It is an annual Dog and Kid event held in the park not far from where we live. It is an annual fund raiser for one of the Elementary Schools in our area. A fun filled day, chaotic with lots of booths selling dog products and other items.

Layla with age is not doing well at events anymore, she has become afraid of all the chaos plus her sight is going so with all the people and dogs I carried her on my back in her backpack. She is happy sitting in it and very relaxed They were handing out samples of different treats which she was very happy to snack on especially the different jerkies LOL.

I was very surprised that there was only one Rescue Organization there this year as there is normally all of the Bay Area Rescues, but I think a lot of people are still getting back to normal lives.

On Sunday we went to chill in my friends’ garden which was great. Layla loves going there as she is alone wandering around, sniffing, and exploring plus she feels safe as there is no one else there. It was wonderful sitting outside in the sun, drinking tea and chatting. It was a fantastic morning and just what I needed.

Saturday is a very important day in the National Pet Holidays, it is National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day. I have always adopted from shelters as they need homes and will not support Puppy Mills or Breeders. I am aware that people will argue that there are some very responsible breeders, but you cannot change my mind as too many pets are dying in shelters because of the over population.

So, Layla is woofing to everyone please #adoptdontshop and open your home to a shelter pet. They have been let down by humans and deserve a second chance. Share this with your friends, family or co-workers to go to a shelter on Saturday and adopt a new fur kid.

Have a wonderful weekend, be safe

With a Woof and Love

From Layla








Why we speak out against Animal Abuse

TGIF! End of week and our weekly blog is here. This week we going to discuss the animal abuse in the world and say a thank you to Betty White for speaking out.

As you all are aware Betty White passed away a week ago, she was an amazing woman, her comedy was brilliant but her legacy for speaking out for animals is something the animal world has lost. The animals have lost an amazing advocate and we all need to speak out for those that don’t have a voice.

There are so many issues when it comes to animals, a circus or zoo which are prisons for those poor animals and have not chosen that kind of life. The circus animals are beaten and mistreated just to entertain humans which is so wrong, each time a circus closes and the animals are set free I celebrate as they should all be free roaming the land where they come from. Animals in zoos should have that same life of freedom, not sitting in cages or enclosures seeing the same thing every day – that is not a life, that is a prison. It is time that zoos close down also.

Breeders are just as bad, they breed animals especially in puppy mills or cat mills, where the dogs and cats do not have lives, they are baby making machines, living in deplorable conditions and when they cannot breed anymore they are dumped like garbage. Puppy or Cat mills should be closed down and made illegal. I here too rejoice everything a law passes forbidding the sale of pets in pet stores as the pets do not have deserve to be there but like every living being, should be free to live their lives as they do not have a say in their lives and therefore it is abuse.

Hybrid cats or dogs that are bred like Cockapoos, etc are all mutts and should not be labelled as a breed, they are mixed breeds.

That is why Spay and Neuter is so important to keep the over population under control, by doing that less animals would land up in shelters or become feral/homeless, but would have homes to live their lives. If everyone spayed or neutered there would be no euthanasia as the shelters would not have all these poor animals hoping for a rescue.

Betty White spoke about all the above, her voice was heard by so many animal advocates and that is why we are all mourning today her loss and the start of the Betty White Challenge is a brilliant idea to remember her as with all the rescues working day and night to save the animals from shelters they will be able to raise more funds to help them carry on their wonderful work.

Will you be donating to a rescue organization in memory of Betty White ? Layla and I will be doing it to one of our favorite rescues who saves the disabled, seniors and sick pets dumped in shelters and is a hospice so they live the rest of their lives in comfort with love.

Pets are family, the reason shelters are overflowing is because of the selfish inconsiderate humans who think that when they do not want to be responsible anymore they dump them in shelters. A pet should live his or her life in comfort as part of your family.

On this note we are praying that 2022 Shelters will be empty, pets will have loving homes and the abuse will stop.

Thank you Betty for all you did, you will be missed by many, hug your pet,

With a woof and love from Layla




Puppy Mill Awareness Day

TGIF phew the weekend has arrived.

Tomorrow is a very important date in our calendar, Puppy Mill Awareness Day.

It is held on the third Saturday in September to encourage those looking for a new dog, to adopt, not shop. An observance dedicated to improving the lives of dogs, the day spreads the word about the poor conditions of puppy mills.

We need to educate people so that they will realize where their puppies come from and the life the mothers of the puppies have.

What is a puppy mill?

It is a place where dogs are kept in cages in the dark, with no medical care, not enough food or water and are treated like baby making machines with no life.

Missouri is considered the leading puppy mill state in the country. Over time, puppy mills have spread to other states, the highest concentration is in the Midwest, but there are also high concentrations in other areas, including Pennsylvania, Ohio and upstate New York.

Dog farming is a large part of the economy for many Amish communities. Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Holmes County, Ohio, and Shipshewana, Indiana are home to thousands of breeding dogs that will spend their lives in puppy mills. This might surprise you given the reputation of the Amish, and is a side of the Amish community of which most people are not aware of and would never knowingly support.

What is a dog auction?

Not many people have heard of a dog auction. Dog auctions are common in the puppy mill industry, and are particularly common in Amish communities. A dog auction is the same as a livestock auction; it is simply limited to selling dogs as well as housing and breeding equipment.

The dogs sold most of them suffer from chronic untreated painful conditions such as ear infections, rotten teeth, urinary tract infections, sores on their feet, mastitis, and more.

Layla speaking out for all those suffering

These dogs have never felt the warmth or love from a human in their lives and need a lot of patience once adopted to adjust to their new lives.

One of the important reasons for speaking out about Puppy Mills is because of the lives the poor dogs live, but also to stop pet stores for selling puppies which most of the time come from Puppy Mills.

So we are speaking against Puppy Mills or any breeder as there are so many dogs waiting in shelters to be adopted and being euthanized because of lack of space. Enough is enough.

To all our readers please do not shop but adopt, save a life as they save ours, and a dog does not have to be pure bred to be perfect, mutts rock and in my house mutts are what I rescue.

Be safe and please spread the word

With a woof and love from Layla


August 26 is National Dog Day

What is National Dog Day ?

National Dog Day is celebrated anually on August 26th. It was founded in 2004 by Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert and Animal Advocate, Colleen Paige, also the founder of National Puppy Day.

National Mutt Day and National Cat Day and many more philanthropic days are celebrated to draw attention to the plight of animals and encourage adoption. The date of August 26th is symbolic, as it’s the date that Colleen’s family adopted her first dog “Sheltie” when Colleen was 10 years old. National Dog Day is the only dog holiday that celebrates ALL DOGS, mixed and purebred.

National Dog Day celebrates all dogs, mixed breed and pure. The mission is to help the public recognize the number of dogs that need to be rescued each year.

National Dog Day is against any kind of breed ban. Dogs should not have to lose their lives because of the atrocities they have been forced to endure at the hands of man. Although American’s have the constitutional right to purchase a pure breed dog, I personally strongly discourage buying dogs from pet stores supplied by puppy mills, backyard breeders, the internet and newspaper ads. I would rather encourage people looking for a new canine companions, to choose adoption first. If you want a pure breed dog there are so many pure breed rescues with dogs waiting for homes.

Another place to adopt a dog is to go to adoption events which some pet stores hold to help rescuers find homes for those that have been rescued.

So as Layla woofs, she is a happy mutt please do not Shop but Adopt and save a dogs’ life.

Be safe everyone and have a wonderful weekend






They just amaze me

Last Saturday we went to the 10th Tripawed Meet Up in our dog park. These dogs just amaze me and I always say we humans can learn from them.

Some of the dogs at the event

Madam watching what is going on

Most of the dogs are rescues and unfortunately have been dumped in shelters because of their disabilities but it does not bother them as they are happy dogs, some hopping on two legs, others with three legs and they just playing around, begging for treats and absolutely adorable.

It was a great day to have a picnic in the park with all dog parents, with lots of laughter and forget all the world problems.

This Saturday, August 21st is International Homeless Animal Day – Every year on the third Saturday of August, International Homeless Animals Day is celebrated to draw attention to the issue of pet overpopulation.

To raise awareness spay and neuter clinics are held, adoption fairs are held, unfortunately because of Covid a lot of these events will not be happening but we can all do something to stop the over population of pets.

We must remember that worldwide there is an over population of pets and if we do what I listed below these poor homeless pets will not face euthanasia and will live happy healthy lives in homes.

How can we help with over population of pets :

  • Spay and Neuter
  • Foster a shelter pet
  • Microchip your pets
  • Become an animal rescue advocate

So Layla is begging everyone to spay and neuter your pets, do not buy from breeders but open your heart to a homeless pet who desperately needs a safe home,

Thinking of all the homeless pets

Be safe everyone, with a woof and love from Layla